Tuesday 22 May 2012


The Fact is People Don't Want to Know.

If you were told the pyramids were built out of concrete and have probably been around for 1000 years would you care.

If you were told Christ lived about 1000 years ago would that matter, 

If you were told that the roman empire existed about 1000 years ago would that make a difference to you

If the history that you have been taught was chronologically wrong with considerable number of altered facts would that bother you.

Well your going to fall into one of two distinct camps.
 1. Your going to say well what does it matter, or
 2. Your going to feel duped.

The fact is it's not the difference in the facts that make a difference or any factual answers to any of the questions,  it's the difference in our attitudes that makes the real difference. Conditioning is so strong in the majority of us to believe and accept in such a powerful way that we just don't care . If you don't care about the truth yesterday, what difference does the truth make today or in the future, it really is that simple. We each have to ask ourselves when does the truth matter, and when are lies acceptable.

 I asked two people about the pyramid revelations. One said there was no money in it, which is exactly right, if information doesn't benefit you personally why should the accuracy bother you, and in today's society we are all very focused on the troubles of our day rather than the inaccuracies from the past or history. The second one was of denial to the degree that if you start up-setting the apple cart, you never know where it will end, Pandoras Box. It's better to believe the comic we have been sold, at least that's certain and people know where they are.

The fact is people don't want to know, and why should they. Existence for many is secure, it has structure, and as such gives us a place and a time to live within. But is this truth, it's like living in a box, a form of cupboard which is the best place for a good crop of mushrooms. There are boxes that we spend our days in and spend out days protecting. The house, office, desk,TV, newspapers, they are all made up of rectangles, all giving defined parameters to our understanding of what life is, who we are, or what we have come to accept as being real, everything is neatly and securely framed.

 Science on the whole lacks a sense of spirituality, faith, or sensitivity, it focuses for the most part on the aspect of our brains that we are currently credited with using, 10,15 or 20% I never can remember, but it's in that other 90% where all the true power lies. And why don't we use it? Well we do but just not in the constructive way that it was designed for. Maybe because it's not a square or a rectangle, and in truth as we don't know the limits to our minds we hang on to the bits we do understand. Parts that are reinforced in their security, by a daily dose of secure conditioning, which ends up with us not really ever wanting to know more. What difference would it make if the people you respected right now were treating you like a mushroom, telling you what they thought you needed to know, because if you knew the truth you'd be upset, and your have every right to be, because no one likes to be duped, made into a puppet to do someone else's bidding do they. Or do they?

The fact is people don't want to know. We are all conditioned to be sceptical and rightly so as we are being lied to all the time, but why are we lied to? Why do we accept established doctrines, defend the boarders of our understanding however fictitious, and  reject the outside real world to it's demise.

Well it's to do with security. National security. As individuals within nations we like to feel secure, and as nations like to keep us secure that is a fine balanced relationship going on there, we may just like to have the feeling that we can close the borders and keep those others out. But who exactly do we want to be secure from?  The borders are coming down all over the world, not because we wanted them to, but because technology is driving us forward with commercial zeal. One key to control, to making  war, is dividing and conquering. 

In the First World War few people in England had met a German, so they were different to us, and you could kill them, the dreaded Hun. Now we are all so much closer, how can we make war on the very people we chat too on the Internet and do business with in a global economy. We share information across borders so quickly that overt dictators and corrupt leaders can no longer survive. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, those exposed to view.  These are dangerous times. The old order, the established order is being confronted on so many fronts of it's conventional control methods, it's existence is challenged, and a cornered beast will fight tooth and nail for its survival. 

Control of the masses has come through propaganda, mis information, lies, nationalism, religion, and government, but for who's good, those in control or this who died for the values of those in control. Talking with an old solider, he said he fought for his mate at his side, not his country, was that the same for the soldier he fought on the other side, because if it was then they were fighting for the same cause, they were on the same side, they were just directed to fight with each other for someone else's gain. Which side is the side of right for you, nationalism, race or humanity?

So ask yourself the question, would you fight for your country, or for your fellow human being? It may very well be that you have to reach for an answer in the not too distant future. So then we will come back to the question, what does the truth matter? What is the reality of history which after all starts with yesterday and works is way back across the years. At what point do you draw a line in the sand and say no more, I want the truth, I want to know so I can do the right thing for myself and my fellow man.

For the overwhelming majority, sadly it won't ever matter because they don't want to know, but for the minority who have the capacity to influence the majority in either the right or wrong way, it will be of the most profound importance.          

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