Wednesday 30 May 2012


This particular enterprise is as much a journey for me as anyone else, and thankfully getting really sick has finally opened my eyes to whats missing in my life. You know when I first started off in business I wanted to take a short cut to wealth, so I did, I took every short cut to wealth that presented itself to me. This attitude took me from starting with a company as a salesperson  and being sacked in two weeks because of my attitude, to manipulating my way to running the same company within two months. This attitude enabled me to get a senior position at 21 with a company interviewing candidates double my age. The industries I was in were basically boring though and I wanted bigger money.  I went to work in a business that was  full of pirates, and I loved it. The money, the excitement, the freedom that all comes from legalised piracy of get rich quick, and there's nothing wrong with that if you do and you develop the skill to be able to. I trained thousands of people to use the skills not of the sword but of the mind, to influence their way in life, to never settle for second best because once you've tasted freedom and ridden the money train there really is no other alternative.

I was the true pirate entrepreneur, that means I was looking for the good life, living the good life, chasing the money train all over the world, and if you read my next book Good Business, bad Company you will realise just how addicted I was to this. But my primary driver wasn't the money or the existence, it was the opportunity to challenge the way people thought, to open their minds from convention, ignorance and indoctrination to an alternative view point. Showing them maybe all that they were being told wasn't true and just maybe they were being conditioned to think a certain way ultimately for someone else's benefit. This was the true challenge and one I'v subconsciously followed ever since. 

But life has a way of leading you in a different course sometimes,away from your true motivation, packaged in cloths that are the right shape but don't actually fit all that well. Fate, your subconscious, whatever you want to put it down to always has a habit of bringing you back to the source of you, and that's why I started on this journey a few months ago. I didn't know it at the time, but I was about to go through a very painful exercise to get rid of some really unhealthy conditioning that had built up over the years, like a cancer in the mind, which finally had to be rejected by me, a very painful exercise I might tell you, that has finally bought me back to me ... A pirate entrepreneur so far against convention and the negative  conditioning we receive on a daily basis that you wouldn't believe. You have to be yourself, you have to be congruent with your true beliefs, otherwise you are living a self defeating life of hell.

I'm really not interested in the fluffy self help coaching ideas to make people feel better for a moment, I'm really not interested in helping people to join the second biggest jail in life to working for someone else, that's working for the business you create that drags all your energy out of you and puts you in an early grave through stress. What I am interested in is getting rich quick and quick means a 21 week program. What I am interested in is people who want more out of life and say "I can" rather than "you can't". Those people who are the true pirate entrepreneurs, the people who are the go getters who are fed up with conventional thinking and want to simply just go for it without all the SWOT analysis and bullshit that goes into business these days. Forget sweating for days over a business plan, Corp ID, website and the like, just get on board the entrepreneurial pirate ship and make some serious money.

The world has gone very mad and sad over the last ten years with everyone becoming a lazy property millionaire with a big debt (without any ability other than to get a mortgage) and stuffing up society, now most people are lost because they wouldn't know a how to really seize opportunity until there's a bloody great big sign saying GET ON HERE.

Now that paragraph is sure to wake a few people with a finer disposition up. Words like 'get rich quick' are the naughty ones in today's society. But, I like fun, and putting the fun back into business and lives rather than just going along with the crowd. The drain of energy through inactivity and soft values will get you absolutely no where. You have to take action if you want a reaction.

So personally I think it's time to just look for people who have had enough of the slow coach and want to ride the money train. Tickets are £100 and the future orange.


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