Wednesday 9 May 2012


Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with a lovely lady about coming onto the project. It's great to talk thinks through with people as it actually gets you to think out details and answer questions to yourself that you never thought of asking before. Probably why Americans need a Psychiatrist, and the English need a best friend.

Here is a reply I wrote to one of her emails that you may find interesting

I do so hate networking ... events and the like..  So no this isn't like networking, I would say it's actually about helping people through training, learning, practicing and earning , as well as seminars and workshops, to help themselves and others. We do have to talk to people that's true, but all this building your network stuff really isn't my thing. I like having a conversation and moving on, ( it's possibly my sales background) so that's what the whole idea is based on come to think of it.

If I sell/tell someone about what I call The Game of Life, (that they can compete in) and they choose to play, that's it. The rest is up to them. They replicate the's a bit like joining a badminton club.. I suppose, the better you get the more advanced games you can play, and the more prize money you make if you get more players in the club and it all gets more interesting, but even that isn't the same, as it's very much a team effort with all people sharing in the returns as a group. But the point is the learning about influence and the creative subconscious.

I would say the method is a simple vehicle to get to a higher purpose and that is one of dragging people , bribing people , influencing people to not accept negative conditioning and the structure of society which makes getting ahead very difficult for the majority.

Beneath the surface I have created a mechanism for a coaching / mentoring academy which allows people to teach each other the skills they already  have and the ones they learn. As I mentioned,  life is very much about what you give out, to receive, but there has to be a viable commercial structure or you just keep giving....and people keep taking. Hence The Game. 

The 'ultimate goal' of the project is what I focus on i.e change, rather than the method, but if someone can come up with a better one that would be great, but till then you still have to sell change to people as they are conditioned to fear and resist anything that challenges that conditioning.

For example we all know what we read in the papers and see in the news on TV isn't necessarily the truth. The camera takes and angle to impresses viewers, the reporter writes an article that impresses readers, the editor edits with a view to gaining more readers and viewers within the guidelines of there paymasters ...we all know this happens, but when we see the news or read a paper we believe what it says even so, it's had to fight against conditioning.

Let's take the police for example..we are conditioned to respect the law and the officers who administer it. Therefor if someone is arrested, our minds naturally look at those enforcing the law as more credible than those in the jail...but unfortunately that's not always true...but our conditioning allows them to actually commit unspeakable crimes with our silent the name of society...just think of the holocaust.

One of the aspects most people lack in life is a commercial understanding, and it holds them back, however it's always been my background, so that's why everything works the way it does to educate people first hand while actually having fun selling success.

The method to do this is a competition with ones self, but a transaction has to take place with other people for money to be made, a sale. As there is no reliance on building a network, even liking people for that matter, but just developing your communication skills, that's where the strength lies. 

Rewards are spread through individual levels of influence, motivation, and leadership, however not everybody is good at any or all, but they can at least have a stab at learning how to help other people to their dreams.

Many people have said over the months since the beginning of this project "it's like this or that", which is funny as up until only a couple of weeks ago I hadn't decided on the final format which is actually a first in itself as a structure, but the same as any normal business. But, none the less people will keep having to label things like a pilchard is a shark because it lives in water.

This is purely a game of skill. Networking isn't, MLM isn't, pyramid selling isn't ...and why I've never actually wanted to go into those areas, as I personally don't find them rewarding unless you link the concept to some kind of creative and noble challenge saving the world for example..I wrote just such a concept in my book MY EPITAPH, although I'm never actually sure who we are saving the world from...and who for? Are they one and the same or is that my conditioning speaking?

The greatest thing about this is it's selling change, and that's got to be the most rewarding thing you can do, when you see how just some simple words at the right time changes someones life for the better. I am a salesperson, and that's why I'm good at selling people their own subconscious mind, but none the less it is a sale, everything has to be, it doesn't matter how good the proposition is...even someone buying access to their own redundant mind.

The project is simply designed so you can take out of it what you want and create what you want, and get paid for doing so. As I said if you have an idea let's have some fun and see if it works, if people come along to seminars on one subject, they get introduced to the overall program anyway, so it makes the ideal opportunity for green housing ideas to see if they float..or sink.

Hopefully this will give you a better understanding of the fluid potential, riding on a very firm commercial structure, based on development of the mind in all it's potential. But ultimately everything has to be fun.

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