Saturday 27 October 2012


Moving forward, the attraction of money is without doubt based on you mental attitude towards attracting it into your life as well as how you handle it as an energy. You need to value it.. not love it, you need to approach it as you would breath air, you can't take it for granted or expect it to be there but like breathing you develop your subconscious  to naturally attract it into your life and develop it. When I say develop I mean change it's form into something that attracts more money. You have to have purpose, a goal to build towards otherwise the money will just flow through your hands like the sands of time, amounting to a forgotten array of purchases for the moment. I'm not a saver by nature, more a gambler as all my spare cash has gone into businesses. This project was set up from £100 with the mind to break the underfunded rule so many businesses fail from. It is possible to take a small amount of money and make more with it, but when your bills outweigh your income it's a treading water situation not just in the physical sense of how much cash you have but also the mental sense of expectation..we expect to tread water and so that's all we ever do. It's an interesting challenge. How to get out of the lack mentality..the subsistence mind set that is all too easy to fall into. The prison of your comfort zone defines your reality, how much you can make in a week is defined by how much time or and potential you confine your abilities to. Every minute is important but so easily spent in a vain understanding of what can and might be...expectation is the key to all wealth and happiness and the lack of it is rewarded by loss of potential and your true rewards.

Wednesday 17 October 2012


Could you train to become a millionaire? We would all like to be wealthy, but what skills do you have to achieve this goal? How  inspirational, motivational or entrepreneurial are you? Can you influence, manage or lead? Do you think you could learn these skills and become a millionaire by applying them? How determined are you?

These are the questions you will need to ask yourself and find the answers to, for your success will be based on how convincing you are not only to yourself but to everyone you meet. To become a millionaire people will need to believe in you, so if your not 100% committed they will sense your weakness.

Whilst you might be a very nice person, it doesn't take a genius to understand you can do more for yourself, your family and society if you have money in your pocket. Its obvious the more you have the more you can do in life, and the more value you become as a person in society. Thats our interest in you. If you have a million you voice is far more valued by other people than if you don''s a fact of life. So we are interested in training people who want more out of life and would like to make a difference rather than be an average statistic.

So can you learn to make a million? The answer is a resounding YES  it's all down to having the right mindset as well as the right people to work with. If you are willing to learn and share knowledge then you will make a million guaranteed. Not on your own but with other's the first lesson you will need to learn; you can only become wealthy by working with other like- minded people unless of course your Mark Zukeburger, Bill Gates or can invent the next Apple, and then you won't need me and I won't be needing you.

So am I a is the answer otherwise I wouldn't be bothering with this would would I..just like you I'd be on a beach earning 10-20% on my money. Do I want to make a million, of course just like you I do, but the difference between us is I know how to achieve the goal, so whilst I'm  a few steps ahead, I know to get there I have to share that knowledge to get where I need to with you.

So let's look at your alternatives... Keep doing what you've been doing all this time hoping for the best and getting the same that really what you want? Or maybe try something new, learn how to be a millionaire and you will stand far more chance of being one than staying  as you are. One million would change your life unrecognisably, trust me... I know I've had that amount of money in cash  but I simply didn't know how to keep it at the time...I blew the lot on expensive cars, holidays and great times. I don't regret it as I had a wonderful time, but in order to keep it the next time round, I knew I had to change my mindset. Making large amounts of money is not difficult people do it all the time....  keeping it is the secret you really have to learn. So if I can change my mind set to keep the money this time and make more... then all I'm going to ask you to do is change yours and believe you can have a million too.

I've spent days  hours and weeks using my knowledge of business and money making programs to  develop a way for anyone what ever their background to make a million. It doesn't take education, it doesn't take contacts, and it doesn't take money, but what it does take is the desire and dedication to want a million and learn how. There's no shares, horse racing or pyramid scheme involved, it's just simply based on learning how to think like your a millionaire..and take the actions all millionaires take to make money.. It's simple, it's easy and it's very, very fast. So fast we could both be sipping cocktails in the Caribbean in a matter of weeks, but I can't do this on my own..I need people like you who want a lot more out of life.

So the choice is simple. Do you want to remain the way you are living the best way you can, convincing yourself this is as good as it gets or take a giant life changing step forward. So what's it going to cost to learn to become a millionaire. Well.. how much does it cost right now for you to sit at home or go to work. Time.. it's the most priceless gift you will ever have...and for the most part you will be squandering it. Two whole weeks of our lives on average are spent waiting for traffic lights to turn green, so tell me that's not a waste of time. Watching TV, reading the paper, going to the loo, sleeping, eating, daydreaming, the list goes on.  Everything you do costs something, it doesn't matter what it is, but the biggest cost is in time ...the most valuable asset you will every have. You just never know when it will run out. So not being wealthy is already costing you a fortune in lost interest in the money you haven't got. If you had a million in the bank right now...the few minutes you have spent reading this would have made a pound or dollar in interest, by the end of today that would amount to about 288 dollars or pounds you haven't made simply because you didn't have the knowledge of  how to get the million in the bank already. That's the cost to you right now for not knowing how to make a million. They say you can't miss what you never had, but one fundamental difference between people who become wealthy and those who don't is the basic understanding of how much it costs every minute you waste not bothering with this very simple equation.

So the answer to cost is.... today it will cost you 288 dollars or pounds  whatever you do. Tomorrow will be more because of compound interest on what you didn't earn yesterday and so on ...the clock ticks and your wealth increases or decreases in line with your desires to achieve. That's not the cost of course, how could you find out all the secrets and the method of how to become a millionaire for such a small figure. Well the point of this is not how much it costs to learn... it's the cost to you of not having the knowledge and the people to work with right now to help you... that's priceless... I'm sure you will agree. So there's absolutely no point in charging for it as no one has  priceless amount of money anyway.

What I'm looking for are people who have the sense to be able to add this equation up for themselves and come out with the right that has value both in the bank and in the individuals ability to help themselves, their family and society as a whole, rather than letting the sand of time slip through their fingers just like I let the million slip through mine. Together we can make a difference  ..there's the's up to you now as it's always been.

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Following on from my last post, it's time to step back in time and tell you a story.

About 15 years ago now I was living and working in Beirut. I had a great time with some wonderful people who worked for me in a variety of capacities during a period in Lebanon where the effect of the war on the mentality of the population was still very evident. Rather than failing to trust others they failed o trust themselves in their behaviour which was a little sad at the time. Between having my staff arrested, spending nights on the run from the security forces and playing financial cat and mouse with the local mafia, I developed some strong relationships with the individuals I came into contact with as I was to all intents and purposes on my own as an Englishman abroad. One key individual who I relied on heavily while I was there and I liked an awful lot, unfortunately

From the posts you will know I'm trying to stay as true to the original concept as possible of using the law of attraction to guide my steps in this enterprise. This is hard for a variety of reasons. Firstly the financial implications of stepping out of the money go round 'society' spends it's time riding, and secondly my on personal conditioning and ability to let go. The latter subject has as the year has passed been by far the hardest to reconcile. It's caused me  to suffer illness and depression as well as a multitude of problems I have to date never experienced before. However, I still feel a guiding hand behind this endeavour and one that has at times forced me along even though I was reluctant to continue. As I mentioned on the financial front we all have bills to pay and recently I had a commitment I knew I would need to cover that ran into a number of thousands of pounds. The amount is significant only in figurative terms,  in that I felt I should leave it to the powers of the universe to provide me with the said sum. This was hard to do as a considerable amount of loss was on the line should my beliefs be ill founded. This is the true test of faith, you need to be prepared to put it all on the line safety net. It's a life choice or no choice.I was worried from time to time but I consistently reminded myself to relax and think of the amount I required, a difficult ask as I still suffer the symptoms of my illness walker in the year especially in times of increased stress. The deadline passed, so with a little duking and diving I managed to placate the debt for a little longer. Then I received an email via the Meet Up site I joined you may remember. Someone who I knew fifteen years ago in Lebanon, a friend who I parted company with under unsettling financial circumstances had traced me via the site with a view to remedying the financial breech in our friendship long since passed. The sum I received today was the exact amount I required to settle my pressing debt. Now let's look at this objectively. He said he had been searching for me for many many years, but only by chance last week did he find me on the 'Meet Up' site. Fifteen years of no luck as he did not know my surname and then ...well you draw your own conclusions. The universe possibly acted on my need and facilitated the contact. Coincidence in timing and amount, maybe...maybe my arse. This really is the underling truth behind this year, there is undoubtedly a force at work that provides what is needed so long as it is congruent with the ultimate course and life path you are meant to be taking. What I mean by that is balance, not I want a Rolls Royce or a big house for their own sake  but it is the method that takes you to those goals that is the most important aspect. Wealth gained through love, honour and truth is really where the pleasure of life exists. This is what OHM needed to teach, to provide the structure for people to hang not only their own hopes and dreams on but also facilitate their life path, help them manifest a future with wealth and abundance that comes from the source of all life.. not just the commercial rat race we are signed up for without choice from the start. This is the key to the success of OHM, to teach people how to become a millionaire by learning the right state of mind and skills necessary to inspire, motivate and lead others to the same goal. I tend to feel a person with a million in their pocket is far more likely to be able to help their own lives as well the lives of their families and humanity with the financial  clout to do it, the two are not mutually exclusive. Money is an energy, its just how you use is that moves towards negative or positive states of reality.


Visionary. It's been a week since my last post and for a very good reason. For those who have been following this blog you will be under no illusions that this is a very personal journey. I have mentioned that some people go and climb Everest or sail the world to make a stament to themselves about life. For me I'm aware there is an Everest, or a journey of discovery inside all of us, it's just having the courage to lay it on the line and go for it.  All very motivational, but that's not what I'm looking for. Personally I'm testing the beliefs I hold and what I'm told. What is conditioning and what is truth? Not so much how does the universe work.. but can I get it to work for me as it's always been anyway, but a little more with me at least directing my steps in reality not in my ego. I'm not a scientist looking to take things apart to discover how things work. I know a table exists out of atoms and molecules, we exist out of atoms and molecules...although I've never actually seen either..and the knowledge doesn't actually help me on a dally basis. Still I am interested in the unseen workings of the universe we live in and ultimately it's purpose, but not for the benefit of theological discussion or just knowing a bit more than the other fellow, I want a practical understanding and the ability to see with open unencumbered eyes that are almost at times impossible to see through as the glasses of 20/20 vision have been so scratched and scraped by society and conditioning, it's barely possible to make out what's right in front of you all of the time. Over the last month the financial ramifications of pursuing this goal began to build. My ability to attract wealth as part of this project is ultimately geared to my mental state..anxiety, stress, panic or relaxed. All I will say is I'm testing my beliefs to the core and will most certainly reveal over the next few days the results. Whilst it's difficult to stay on this path as the cost is considerable, I believe the pay off will ultimately be worth the effort. As you know this is not just about money, in fact in many ways it could be seen as the very reverse. I could spend my time like the rest of humanity with my nose firmly embedded into the work grindstone of subsistence survival sanitised with a few materialistic trappings from time to time to make the whole affair palatable... I've been trying this out for a couple of weeks to see just how much people suffer, and I have to say I cannot for the life of me understand how people not only live this way but also identify and defend their choice to do so. I guess it all started way back when as youngsters people had dreams long since forgotten or beaten out of them, only to be replaced by the routine of 'normal' daily life. I like the idea if a better way, not the way it's aways been. Yes life evolves or seems to with every new gadget or I Phone that is released, but are we truly any better off. Listening to recent events of the Lance and Jimmy kind I can't help wondering what individuals in society can people actually have faith in. What is true, and what are the conspiracies that hide beneath the surface of our sanitised world. When I mention conspiracy, that's not a theory by the way,  it would be a very naive individual who considered these people as lone operatives in society. To survive and prosper the support of people of influence is essential. So what of this project how can people believe in its purity. That's been the question I've been trying to find the answer to and one that has perplexed me for most of the year. The key has always been to create a facility anyone could adopt to make the same goal, to work with others to achieve individual and group goals as one, and to date it's been rejected on many fronts. But as the days pass new ideas form and new events conspire to develop alternative insights into how I can resolve these issues. Ultimately its about packaging and sales because although the product's getting people to buy into it that matters the most.

Thursday 4 October 2012


One of the primary keys to success is the ability to develop a mind set that cherishes life. However you start out ...with good or bad intentions, you will find that life has a way of taking you on a journey in which your primary goal is to stay the course with true values and worth while goals. Sometimes this can be hard, truth be told it's always hard when life isn't as easy as it could be, but life as a struggle is just as addictive as life running as smooth as cream. Don't feel guilty life doesn't go your way, don't think you don't deserve success and maybe you're being paid back for a previous life's misdeeds or being a 'bad person' whatever determines that or whoever determined the perimeters of what a good person really is. Let's take squirrels for example. I was in Hyde park the other day with Asta watching squirrels, one of which decided to climb up her leg all the way to her shoulder and then down the other side. Beautiful little creatures, but some people regard them as tree rats. Now I don't actually know what's wrong with a rat anyway as I've known a few very friendly pet one's in my time, but people do have the habit of deciding something is good or bad with a compass that's really very damaged. Everything in this world we live in is connected, the trees the flowers and the animals all have a hidden connection we don't understand, yet we humans have just the same connection but try to separate ourselves from it, from each other...from the squirrels. It's a strange behaviour but one that is fostered by nationalism , belief , race politics  and sex. With all the division between people its easy to understand why their is so much discord  in the world. Squirrels don't actually have wars, they don't murder or abuse, but like all animals they are territorial and get ratty with each other. These are basic instincts...and the more you succumb to your basic instincts the more you will be just like a squirrel..except not so furry. Instincts like hate, jealousy, envy, greed amongst others pull you down, if you value life and the connection between all things you will find these instincts loose their power, it's only when faced with someone else who may not have the good values you aspire to in mind, that you can be dragged back down the evolutionary step ladder again. Life is like a game of snakes and ladders, and just like on the board the closer you get to the finishing point of true understanding the bigger the snake becomes to make you fall the furthest back to the beginning. So take heart, we are all on the same page going in the same direction one way or another, so try to look at your fellow man as either in front of you or behind you on the journey of life, but always one way or another in exactly the same place of equality. 

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Looking at belief, it's surprising how close many people's attitude to making a million is to believing in God.  Let's take the big man for a moment. Putting religion asside and going for the core creator as a concept, on the scale of fundamentalist beliefs at one end you have got the complete believer in the man, and on the other end of the scale you have the complete believer in nothing but the here and now. Right in the middle you have a fence to straddle as neither proof or disproof are available as a definitive answer. But having said that there is a considerable amount more to gain by edging towards the full believer in the omnipotent one than the other alternative has to offer, so in the absence of any other alternative it would seem logical to move in the holy direction especially in those last days when you're facing eternity and signing up for the God club seems a very good idea in those last moments. Coming back to money the word faith comes to mind and this is where the link can be found. Faith in the un seen, the yet to be proved and the the creative instinct. Some people are sceptics, but is this because they lack the creative flair to manifest something from nothing. Without visionaries we would not have the modern sophistication we take for granted. They all had faith in themselves and an idea. A faith so powerful they were prepared to devote their lives to their belief. It's just the same with God, you have to have faith in the unseen, blind faith you could say, but the feeling comes from deep within that not only justifies your belief, but also drives it forward, like it or not there is no choice. Making a million in this program has got absolutely nothing to do with the method itself, that will always be common sense and maths, what really makes the whole thing work is the belief, the faith in ones self to actually achieve. By abstaining for the race you negate the possibility of loosing and therefore facing disappointment, by choosing to want, desire and do something about changing your life you do risk failure and ridicule, but who from? Only the people who never had the strengeth to enter the race in the first place, it's not the winning that counts it's the taking part that matters, and funnily enough if you take part in this equation there's not much possibility of failure. For if you were only five percent successful, you would still make 50k in 21 weeks, learn alot and meet some great people who might just be able to make a difference in the world with a bit of extra cash. It just takes a little faith not in anyone else but yourself ..and that's exactly where you will find the omnipotent one ...

Tuesday 2 October 2012


So following on from yesterday, the flip side of fantasy is very important, for whilst we may be confined to our sometimes perfectly ordinary lives it's always nice to go on a safe journey into another world. Films and books give us the facility to experience excitement from the safety of behind the popcorn or the sofa for that matter. It's not real but the emotional kick is as close as we might like to go. In regard to our sex minded couple in fifty shades what woman really wants to be tied to a bed and dominated in a variety of invasive ways...? If you're out there would you kindly drop me a line. You can do what you like in a fantasy, even feel guilty about it if you want, it's yours do what you will with. But returning to the million...I was having a conversation today with a very adept salesperson about why people reject making money, even when the method and route is there before them. It's belief that is really lacking in society, not just in becoming wealthy but also people's faith in themselves. If I ask someone would they like a million, they say yes, and if I propose that if there was a way they could make a million in 21 weeks would they do that they say immediately yes, but straight away the scepticism the self doubt and the conditioning immediately hits their face, they start to wrestle with the prospect ..a real prospect, but rapidly reject it's potential an become distracted. It's a strange reaction to watch, and one I have to find the key to overcoming.

Monday 1 October 2012


Learning is a simple process, it  involves four distinct stages that can scare the hell of a grown man and make him cry. First comes the period of unconscious incompetence otherwise known as the period you know fuck all about the subject or skill in question. Next comes conscious incompetence where you know you're bad. Followed by conscious competence where you know your not that bad at all, and finally moving to unconscious competence where you're that confident you can multi task like the best of them while you're being dam good at the task in hand. When it comes to making money, having a relationship or playing a sport the four stages apply...even having sex. With regard to this last subject I noticed Fifty Shades was on offer at Sainsbury's for 3.99 and decided to take a peak....not part with the cash though. My interest is in the method to make money ...not the sex side as to be honest it's really a bit lame. I don't know what the majority of women get up to in the bedroom but if this is the length and the breadth of their fantasies ...reality has got to be a sorry old show for them. Maybe it's their expectations that fall short of the mark, maybe their choice of partner is shall we say a little on the weak side. The female in love mode or on the security search  is not all-together a rational being and from the the amount of women who find this book on the side of entertaining, the proof is they must be surely represed in their sexual experiences.  Expectations, now there's a thing. Of you don't expect to get what you would like don't expect the universe to give it to you, and if you have to go looking in a book to find your thrills maybe life is not quite as good as it could be. Start by taking a look in the mirror, there's the reality and in the book is the fantasy, and in the massive void between the two lies all the reasons for why life is oh so terribly boring. So what's the answer, well a good start would be to change not only the image you see in the mirror but also whats behind the image. Create what you want in your imagination and then go manifest it, otherwise it's going to be down to a wank over some pages of what someone else is wishing for and certainly not getting so you can join the club.  Mummy porn is not exactly what this project is about... as that's about as inept  as a peep show. No, we are not looking to peep at the goodies from behind glass or though another's imagination, but to take up the challenge of success and beat the shit out of failure. The real world is where the real goodies are for those who want to suck the juice out of what this world has to offer rather than find a third rate way of getting your rocks off.  Mind you, entertainment and the expansion of the mind are very good reasons to read a book...but if you get some inspiration for the good life don't let it stop there..bring your dreams into reality by changing yours. As for Mr Grey...well I have to say he is a bit of a light weight when it comes to S&M, but I'm sure Miss Steele will manage to domesticate him and then accuse him of not being the man she met very quickly. Unfortunately our basic programming takes all the fun out of life.