Wednesday 17 October 2012


Could you train to become a millionaire? We would all like to be wealthy, but what skills do you have to achieve this goal? How  inspirational, motivational or entrepreneurial are you? Can you influence, manage or lead? Do you think you could learn these skills and become a millionaire by applying them? How determined are you?

These are the questions you will need to ask yourself and find the answers to, for your success will be based on how convincing you are not only to yourself but to everyone you meet. To become a millionaire people will need to believe in you, so if your not 100% committed they will sense your weakness.

Whilst you might be a very nice person, it doesn't take a genius to understand you can do more for yourself, your family and society if you have money in your pocket. Its obvious the more you have the more you can do in life, and the more value you become as a person in society. Thats our interest in you. If you have a million you voice is far more valued by other people than if you don''s a fact of life. So we are interested in training people who want more out of life and would like to make a difference rather than be an average statistic.

So can you learn to make a million? The answer is a resounding YES  it's all down to having the right mindset as well as the right people to work with. If you are willing to learn and share knowledge then you will make a million guaranteed. Not on your own but with other's the first lesson you will need to learn; you can only become wealthy by working with other like- minded people unless of course your Mark Zukeburger, Bill Gates or can invent the next Apple, and then you won't need me and I won't be needing you.

So am I a is the answer otherwise I wouldn't be bothering with this would would I..just like you I'd be on a beach earning 10-20% on my money. Do I want to make a million, of course just like you I do, but the difference between us is I know how to achieve the goal, so whilst I'm  a few steps ahead, I know to get there I have to share that knowledge to get where I need to with you.

So let's look at your alternatives... Keep doing what you've been doing all this time hoping for the best and getting the same that really what you want? Or maybe try something new, learn how to be a millionaire and you will stand far more chance of being one than staying  as you are. One million would change your life unrecognisably, trust me... I know I've had that amount of money in cash  but I simply didn't know how to keep it at the time...I blew the lot on expensive cars, holidays and great times. I don't regret it as I had a wonderful time, but in order to keep it the next time round, I knew I had to change my mindset. Making large amounts of money is not difficult people do it all the time....  keeping it is the secret you really have to learn. So if I can change my mind set to keep the money this time and make more... then all I'm going to ask you to do is change yours and believe you can have a million too.

I've spent days  hours and weeks using my knowledge of business and money making programs to  develop a way for anyone what ever their background to make a million. It doesn't take education, it doesn't take contacts, and it doesn't take money, but what it does take is the desire and dedication to want a million and learn how. There's no shares, horse racing or pyramid scheme involved, it's just simply based on learning how to think like your a millionaire..and take the actions all millionaires take to make money.. It's simple, it's easy and it's very, very fast. So fast we could both be sipping cocktails in the Caribbean in a matter of weeks, but I can't do this on my own..I need people like you who want a lot more out of life.

So the choice is simple. Do you want to remain the way you are living the best way you can, convincing yourself this is as good as it gets or take a giant life changing step forward. So what's it going to cost to learn to become a millionaire. Well.. how much does it cost right now for you to sit at home or go to work. Time.. it's the most priceless gift you will ever have...and for the most part you will be squandering it. Two whole weeks of our lives on average are spent waiting for traffic lights to turn green, so tell me that's not a waste of time. Watching TV, reading the paper, going to the loo, sleeping, eating, daydreaming, the list goes on.  Everything you do costs something, it doesn't matter what it is, but the biggest cost is in time ...the most valuable asset you will every have. You just never know when it will run out. So not being wealthy is already costing you a fortune in lost interest in the money you haven't got. If you had a million in the bank right now...the few minutes you have spent reading this would have made a pound or dollar in interest, by the end of today that would amount to about 288 dollars or pounds you haven't made simply because you didn't have the knowledge of  how to get the million in the bank already. That's the cost to you right now for not knowing how to make a million. They say you can't miss what you never had, but one fundamental difference between people who become wealthy and those who don't is the basic understanding of how much it costs every minute you waste not bothering with this very simple equation.

So the answer to cost is.... today it will cost you 288 dollars or pounds  whatever you do. Tomorrow will be more because of compound interest on what you didn't earn yesterday and so on ...the clock ticks and your wealth increases or decreases in line with your desires to achieve. That's not the cost of course, how could you find out all the secrets and the method of how to become a millionaire for such a small figure. Well the point of this is not how much it costs to learn... it's the cost to you of not having the knowledge and the people to work with right now to help you... that's priceless... I'm sure you will agree. So there's absolutely no point in charging for it as no one has  priceless amount of money anyway.

What I'm looking for are people who have the sense to be able to add this equation up for themselves and come out with the right that has value both in the bank and in the individuals ability to help themselves, their family and society as a whole, rather than letting the sand of time slip through their fingers just like I let the million slip through mine. Together we can make a difference  ..there's the's up to you now as it's always been.

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