Tuesday 16 October 2012


Following on from my last post, it's time to step back in time and tell you a story.

About 15 years ago now I was living and working in Beirut. I had a great time with some wonderful people who worked for me in a variety of capacities during a period in Lebanon where the effect of the war on the mentality of the population was still very evident. Rather than failing to trust others they failed o trust themselves in their behaviour which was a little sad at the time. Between having my staff arrested, spending nights on the run from the security forces and playing financial cat and mouse with the local mafia, I developed some strong relationships with the individuals I came into contact with as I was to all intents and purposes on my own as an Englishman abroad. One key individual who I relied on heavily while I was there and I liked an awful lot, unfortunately

From the posts you will know I'm trying to stay as true to the original concept as possible of using the law of attraction to guide my steps in this enterprise. This is hard for a variety of reasons. Firstly the financial implications of stepping out of the money go round 'society' spends it's time riding, and secondly my on personal conditioning and ability to let go. The latter subject has as the year has passed been by far the hardest to reconcile. It's caused me  to suffer illness and depression as well as a multitude of problems I have to date never experienced before. However, I still feel a guiding hand behind this endeavour and one that has at times forced me along even though I was reluctant to continue. As I mentioned on the financial front we all have bills to pay and recently I had a commitment I knew I would need to cover that ran into a number of thousands of pounds. The amount is significant only in figurative terms,  in that I felt I should leave it to the powers of the universe to provide me with the said sum. This was hard to do as a considerable amount of loss was on the line should my beliefs be ill founded. This is the true test of faith, you need to be prepared to put it all on the line ...no safety net. It's a life choice or no choice.I was worried from time to time but I consistently reminded myself to relax and think of the amount I required, a difficult ask as I still suffer the symptoms of my illness walker in the year especially in times of increased stress. The deadline passed, so with a little duking and diving I managed to placate the debt for a little longer. Then I received an email via the Meet Up site I joined you may remember. Someone who I knew fifteen years ago in Lebanon, a friend who I parted company with under unsettling financial circumstances had traced me via the site with a view to remedying the financial breech in our friendship long since passed. The sum I received today was the exact amount I required to settle my pressing debt. Now let's look at this objectively. He said he had been searching for me for many many years, but only by chance last week did he find me on the 'Meet Up' site. Fifteen years of no luck as he did not know my surname and then ...well you draw your own conclusions. The universe possibly acted on my need and facilitated the contact. Coincidence in timing and amount, maybe...maybe my arse. This really is the underling truth behind this year, there is undoubtedly a force at work that provides what is needed so long as it is congruent with the ultimate course and life path you are meant to be taking. What I mean by that is balance, not I want a Rolls Royce or a big house for their own sake  but it is the method that takes you to those goals that is the most important aspect. Wealth gained through love, honour and truth is really where the pleasure of life exists. This is what OHM needed to teach, to provide the structure for people to hang not only their own hopes and dreams on but also facilitate their life path, help them manifest a future with wealth and abundance that comes from the source of all life.. not just the commercial rat race we are signed up for without choice from the start. This is the key to the success of OHM, to teach people how to become a millionaire by learning the right state of mind and skills necessary to inspire, motivate and lead others to the same goal. I tend to feel a person with a million in their pocket is far more likely to be able to help their own lives as well the lives of their families and humanity with the financial  clout to do it, the two are not mutually exclusive. Money is an energy, its just how you use is that moves towards negative or positive states of reality.

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