Thursday 30 August 2012


The facility to creating our own reality is a very powerful tool, but none the less one that has important far reaching questions. Nearly thirty years ago I bought a book on Nostradamus's predictions which is now interesting to look back on and see how things have panned out. One prediction that affected us all was the twin towers ....

But this information was available to all, so were those who conceived the plot influenced by the predictions or were the predictions correct....self for filling prophecies. But setting down a prediction of the future, wether we like it or not our subconscious minds will take the steps necessary to realise that prediction, either as  individuals or as a group. Subconscious behaviour is the unconscious mind influencing, and as a race we do this all the time. Our thoughts and emotions connect just like a shoal of fish or a flock of starlings we move not only as individuals but as one, but so far this has always been a covert connection  not an overt one, therefore it's power is mitigated but still a very strong global conection for not altogether obvious good and bad motives.

Asking questions, the right questions of yourself and of others is essential to  understand life...very, very few people ask questions inspired by free thought, it's far easier to humour ourselves and go along with the consensus rather  than really dig a little deeper. You only have to ask someone to contemplate death for a moment and see the reaction...the mind switches off as the subject is beyond comprehension for many..this is where the opportunity for influence steps in ...religion supplies the answers to the eternal questions...and whatever the foundation of those answers, whatever the truth, for the majority it is much easier to stick their head in a bucket and go along with the superficial answers of the group rather than face the questions alone and unanswered.

As we have seen, people will put their own lives as well as others happily forward as the price of defence in a belief however twisted or manipulated. So ask yourself who benefits from your thoughts.... Is it you, is it your ego, is it your fraternity, is it your race it just a sense of belonging you seek at the cost of rational question and thought. 

Don't be afraid to ask questions.. You might not get the right answers, you might not get any answers...but at least you started the journey to free thought.

Tuesday 28 August 2012


Long experience of the August effect still doesn't stop me feeling just a little frustrated at the absence of business in this period. Many go away for the break, whilst those who stay behind are either on a go slow or too overworked to really focus. Things tend to pick up from the beginning of September, maybe even stretching into the second week. 

Even so, time waits for no man, and in this regard I have spent the last few days laying out FatMan...well not in reality ...more of a metaphorical sense.
I've sent the final copy to a number of individuals to read and a number of agents to review..but the August thing is making this a slow time for responses to anything. 

Unlike any other book I've written, The Curse Of Le Cuirf is the first I'm actually keen to hear a review, mainly because it's the first full novel I've written as opposed to a self help, entrepreneurial, coaching book or novelette. There is undoubtedly something quite liberating in making it up as you go along, having the latitude to control both sides of the conversation, or so it seems. The truth is each character is reactionary to the ultimate plan of the bad guy, so conversations have their own flow, their own course when you are writing them. There's a beginning, a middle and an end. The craft of writing, especially comedy is feeling the pace of the text so it takes it's own course like an unhindered river.. it cannot wax lyrical in the descriptive text of Hardy, but has to retain the consistent attention of the reader so each sentence moves into the next, in a relentless story that when you are writing it comes to it's own natural conclusion. It's rather strange that I set out with a total number of words in mind, 90k...the book finished on 90,800 with not another word to say.

It just goes to show that if you set a goal in mind the subconscious sets about creating your goal, or as close too it as it can

Sunday 26 August 2012


kiss ...Keep it simple stupid... This means... don't over complicate simple stuff for simple people .... Which is the overwhelming majority of the planet. Over complication is a fault of us all ...including yours truly. 

When you write a book you really need to leave it for a while once you've finished, let it sit and have a look after a few  weeks or even months, you tend to see the glitches a little better as well as the over complicated bits.

Looking at the success game after a short August break, a simplification is undoubtedly in order. The ultimate success of all players is based around introducing seven other people who would like to make a million. Cost to play £100...worse case scenario, a 21 week course in influence, motivation and leadership. Thats it.So with this in mind it's just a numbers game to find seven people who want success enough to get off their arses to go find it.

 With four months to go I have a number of plans in place to achieve the total, so we will have to see, however I'm  still drawn to an old favourite which involves controversial book publishing. Basically within the price of a book you have an agents fee and a marketing budget to reward those who refer books they like. It's a simple idea..not sure if it's ever been done before but worth a go.

I'm interested to see the ideas other people will come up with for the reality Tv program,...maybe there will be a good  one in the bunch ...who  knows

Friday 24 August 2012


Do you deserve success?

Well ask yourself the question...what have you done so far in your life that warrants yuo being picked out from seven billion people and given a break.

The guy who won 148 million on a lucky dip got a break..a rather large one, but why him? What was so special about this individual to tempt lady luck, fate to touch him on the shoulder, ask someone else to step out of line and dish out what has to be the luckiest numbers I've ever seen. 

Firstly, success doesn't come down to what you think you deserve. The point of existence is not about wealth or material gains, it's about purpose.. destiny if you like, and whatever you do so long as it's congruent with the ultimate purpose it will happen. So long as the cogs of the universe can turn to their ultimate conclusion... then you can influence your future.

Personally I don't know the lucky winner, but one thing I do know, everything works to a plan. Think snooker. The ball that gets hit isn't the one that goes in the pocket, it's the one that sent the right ball in the right pocket. So like it or not your ultimate purpose is to move balls in pockets, which whilst being rude and simplistic is potentially an over simplification of what actually does happen. Think multiple possibilities all at the same time, multiple reasons multiple purposes. The 148 million is irrelevant ( that hurts to say but it is) it's the possibilities of movement for the universe that is the ultimate gain...the size is not important..well at least my other half tells me... It's the knock on effect that has the real ramifications. Think it only takes one sperm to make a life but as a race we combine millions of shags and unfortunate  poor dead little swimmers to get one goal for the team. So it seems you did not only  deserve a high level of success but actually received a massive amount to be what's changed?

Thursday 23 August 2012


I'm currently looking to invite a few people of differing ages and backgrounds  to review the second in the FatMan series  I've just competed.  The book is not a self development book in the convetional sense, more a satirical black comedy, with a few undercover messages on life and meaning, lying somewhere between Satanic Verses, Fifty Shades, and ReleaseThe Giant Within.  It's called "FatMan Two-The Curse of Le Cuirf"  and from the title as you will appreciate it is very  politically incorrect in nature. I do hope it will ruffle a few feathers in the right places as well as bring a little levity to my readers days.

If you are interested in providing a review before release, let me know and I will send you a PDF copy.

Tuesday 21 August 2012


Seeing opportunity is one of the absolute necessities to find success, combined with the ability to take it. In the well known book the 'luck factor' one of the exercises they conducted was about two individuals walking into a coffee shop at different times.. The one who considered himself  unlucky  failed to see a £5 note on the floor as he went in, as well as neglecting to talk to the other individual in the cafe. The person who had described himself as lucky saw the money spoke to the person and exchanged contact details.

So this is an exercise, but which one do you relate to. The reason I bring this up today is as I was going into my local Tesco I saw a  £50 note on the pavement other people weren't seeing, I picked it up and noticed the owner was the Queen who has got far too much of the stuff anyway, and obviously had left it there for me. Now the question is should I have taken the money into the shop and given it to the cashier, so should someone come in and say 'I've lost a fifty pound note' they would be able to return it to the rightful owner. Alternatively I could have yelled at the top of my voice "has anyone lost a fifty pound note?" What would you do?

Well it just goes to show in the middle of a lunch time at a local supermarket entrance there's money to be seen on the floor if you care to look which as I'm always saying 95% of people don't. When was the last time lady luck treated you so nicely or is it back to the old seeing opportunity that's right in front of you. It's a skill takes practice and if your don't use it you will most definitely loose it. So keep looking for opportunity ... Expect it... And yours will be whatever you desire...but do pick it up!

Monday 20 August 2012


Currently I'm focused on taking an August break and working my socks off selling FatMan to literary agents. To promote a book you have to retain more dedication that writing it... But hopefully the big fella will take someone's fancy in due course. August is not the best time to find people at home but when it comes to getting published any time is as good as another.

Saturday 18 August 2012


Consistency is a characteristic of success you will hear me harp on about periodically, it goes hand in hand with a few other C's like commitment, confidence, and contacts. But sticking with consistency for a moment, in success terms it's a fundamental requirement. It is essentially to set a goal and remain focused on the task, this means training your mind to think in a certain way, a way that leads towards your goal day in day out. This means you will always be taking steps in the right direction, and in law of attraction terms your thoughts will influence the universe to give you the opportunities you need to manifest your goal.

Thinking consistently is not so easy especially over days weeks and even years. There are many choices to make and paths to take which will make sticking to your resolve harder the longer you go. Let's take book writing for example. To write a decent piece takes a considerable commitment in terms of hours and focused thought, hours that could be equally spent on an alternative pursuit. There are no guarantees of publication, or even a sale of your book, but you have to take a leap of faith, a leap into the unknown to write a book well as a challenge to ones own confidence in writing, it's a kind of blind belief, unless that is you are a published author with money already on the table as an advance.

The ghost writing services I provide for companies or individuals allows my clients to express their thoughts and experiences in the most enduring form of art, the art of words. Writing a book about your life or your business is an opportunity to express your beliefs and thoughts, as well as provide some semblance of advice to those unknown book purchasers who may read your work. In terms of a business, having a book to your name makes you considerably more expert than your competition, however a piece written from your own experience can if it's well written, and structured to be commercial, increase your social standing considerably...if that appeals. Alternatively, it can provide a small step to immortality ..a record for your descendants to look into to find the value of your life, combined with the thoughts, wisdom and inspirations you might like to be remembered for. Just think if you had a window into the minds of your relatives from the past... the value would be considerable. 

Thursday 16 August 2012


In life we are all faced with choices, some seem so momentous, others seem so small, but whatever decisions you make add up over time to the person you become. You could say success is the sum of all your failures, or success comes from the courage to make mistakes. Fear of failure is the biggest reason for inactivity in all our lives, however the skill to make rapid, decisive choices is very rare. 

Many people kid themselves they have this ability, but in truth they only take the route of making no decisions, simply never taking the appropriate actions to succeed. The inability to do nothing some call patience, a great virtue in many situations, but patience isn't waiting till you die or waiting for someone else to take action to solve any responsibility on your part for doing nothing, patience is the skill of timing, knowing when the right time is to move. 

So many people I meet put every reason forward to themselves and others not to do anything that really makes a difference, they just go with the herd, go with the flow, but the sadness is they never really know freedom. The freedom to really be themselves, let the conditioning  go and loose the expectations of others to take their own course. Many people are lost in a world that really is full of contradictions from all sides with few role models to emulate other than fictional characters played by actors as well as people picked out by the media circus that pervades in modern society, providing such low grade mental stimulation for a population who seeps further back down the evolutionary path to the single cell organism that started the whole thing off ... The ameba. 

This may seem at first sight harsh, but ask yourself the purpose of an ameba, and then contrast it with the purpose of the average humans existence. Ok, so they don't have a flat screen TV and a flushing toilet, but out side of this what is the sum of an existence..more importantly your existence. 

Money is not the purpose behind this project, whilst it is nice,  and when can all do with some retail therapy from time to time,  the more important aspects are written between the lines, in the spaces that an only be filled with actions taken by people like you. It's about meaning, and meaning something.

Wednesday 15 August 2012


So there's a bit of FatMan..the name  of Jerry Missile is of course a take on a Hollywood actor which isn't too difficult to fathom if you take a famous cartoon and a type of missile. The whole book is a surreal story of sex, relationships, religion and the meaning if life, reflecting our world in rather weird and strange ways. It's humorous and  gross, as well as deeply meaningful and debauched, which makes it a unique mix.

Creativity is a wonderful thing, and like any art it requires constant practice to perfect. For my own part when I want to find inspiration I just ask the old creative subconscious to come up with the next word that leads into a sentence and then into a page, that takes the form of a story. It's exactly the same with this post, I don't actually know where this is going till I get to the end...just like life. The real difficulty ..and it is a difficult or easy as you make it, is giving into the flow of the world and not trying to force the issue. It's a knack, and for me as easy to loose as it is to use. 

Over the recent weeks I've found myself living mentally the 'real' world, and as a result the coincidences have stopped as well as seeing the opportunities. Only over the last few days have they started to appear again, funnily enough since the end of the Olympics. Now was that because my focus was on events taking place and I failed to see the signs, or was that because there were no signs...I think the former rather than the latter. Undoubtedly the more we become embroiled in the moments of distraction the more we loose sight of the creative substance which can help us to our goals. It's a game, nothing more, but one there are only so many days within to have an opportunity to master. In truth I'm going to have to go a fair old pace to master this in one lifetime and there certainly is less left time now than there  used to be. But whatever happens I cannot deny the feeling everything was always meant to happen a certain way anyway, a forgone conclusion in a pre written story which plays out like it's a random event that whilst seems to be within my power to grasp the ability to determine by relaxing and letting the opportunity flow my way, still gives the feeling of destiny. There is no winning or loosing in the success game of life, it's just the way you get to learn the most important lesson for you... And that's the trick ...knowing what it was and when you've finally learnt it.

Tuesday 14 August 2012


As I keep getting asked what FatMan is about I thought it might be an opportune time to run an extract of the text. As you may know FatMan is a Super Hero who lives In a parallel universe to our own with very similar characters. It is a romantic adventure as well as being a satirical piece. During the following excerpt FatMan gets to meet a top Hollywood film star.. Guess who..

What was your big break into the movies?" FatMan asked.
"Oh, that was my first porn movie called 'Top Bum'. Dorl suggested I change my name to something with a bit more power so I chose Jerry Missile. Dorl liked it, he said it retained the 'Porn King' feeling about it, but sometimes I also used my birth name 'Rusty Star' when I was playing straight. While I'm very short, I am extremely well endowed, which was fundamentally all that was required to make it big on the big screen, combined with my cute little bum of course. The film was about a group of gay navy guys banging to become the top bum in the American Navy. I played a rebel who lost his boyfriend in a freak swimming accident, suffered a loss of confidence and then banged his way to the top."
"I didn't know you were gay." FatMan said with surprise at Jerry's insider, behind closed back door revelations.
"I'm not, it's only make believe in the films you know, it's not like I had a relationship for real, it was only acting, and I had my mind on making it to the big time, after taking it big time."
"So you used a stunt double for all the hard core banging scenes?" FatMan asked intrigued at Rusty Star's candour.
"Sometimes, only when there was potentially too much for me to handle with the breadth of my experience, but I like to do all my own stunts, it adds to the authenticity of the whole film I feel."
"Yeah, I've always admired you for your action scenes." FatMan said feeling very fortunate to be sharing the front seat with such a great icon of the 35 millimetre. "But I guess you must have had some close shaves in your time?"
"Usually we get waxed to give a clear crack and ball look to the shots, but there was a hairy moment once when I got my rip cord stuck just as I was trying to eject, but other than that I really enjoyed making the film. We played beach ball and did a lot of shower scenes which were great fun, the experience really laid the path to my next film, 'Legs Wide Open', a film about gang banging and wife swapping which was panned by the critics mainly for a lack of realism. I had my ex-wife in it at the time so I couldn't see the problem, but looking back I realise we were acting in the relationship and that part of me came onto the camera sometimes."
"I guess it can really mess up a film."
"Yes and no, sometimes it adds to the authenticity, but with modern cleaning fluids you can still get the best out of camera after the money shot has been taken."
"What was your real key to success?"
"Well, I think I got into the grove of playing different characters who were basically all the same. Usually at the top of their game, meeting a girl having loads of sex, having a crisis of confidence, not being able to have sex and then finding a way to get back in the seat so to speak. I did that as a gay lawyer in 'Taking A Few Good Men', and a stud racing driver called 'Nights of Wonder'. I've had my share of howlers like the one about a long haired veterinary surgeon in a wheel chair, who wanted to be a girl, called 'The Fucking of Julie', not to mention 'Clitoral Damage' which was a snuff movie. I got a stand in to go down for the final scene on that one. Unfortunately the critics all said I shouldn't have copped out and done the final death scene myself as I'd been killing the film all through. Far and away the best early movie I made was the 'Colour of Honey', which was about a rent boy running tricks on the pool circuit. It called for some really athletic work for all the positions I had to get into bending over pool tables, fondling cues and playing with balls, often all at the same time. My character had a really big mouth which was wonderful for a young actor to get really into the scenes that required my oral skills and not just body shots."
"Wow, you really are dedicated to your work aren't you, it's not surprising you hit the big time, even for such a short fellow."
"Well I was just lucky I guess, as well as lots of strategically placed boxes" Copyright FATMAN TWO 'THE CURSE OF LE CUIRF'.

Monday 13 August 2012


As the Olympics ends it's back to normality, with the prospect of an economy going nowhere, with just a few problems on the horizon. The last fifteen days have been a good time to evaluate opportunities and view progress relating to making the million. 

So far we have the success game as well as the tv reality show on the cards, and not forgetting FatMan being published. This was written in the year so it qualifies as being part of the project, anyone can pick up a pen and start writing, and using the creative subconscious it's pretty easy to achieve pretty well anything you want.

 One thing that does actually confound me is the 99% reluctance of anyone to take any steps whatsoever to develop this part of their mind. It's stange to think the one biggest muscle lying between a persons ears is the one they spend the most time ignoring. We have the Olympics to celebrate physical achievement of a few, which is great, but the facility for everyone to use the old grey matter to elevate their lives is just a step away. A simple step to take to learn to think in a more expansive way, but does anyone actually want to.. The answer so far is no. Is it any wonder the man up stairs decided to take a break from humanity, and his son felt it was less painful to have nails stuck in your limbs to avoid having to watch his fellow man evolve, it's a bit like watching paint dry it's so slow.

FatMan steps in here, not as a real super hero but the most powerful way for me to illustrate the irony of humanity though the comic story of a man who's relative stupidity and ignorance is pitted agains the greatest mind the world has ever seen. As the story is set in a parallel universe allowing the latitude to parody  real life society, this  is where both  the true power of comedy and satire exists. Covering religion, sex, relationships and the meaning of life in a way I think is probably going to turn a few heads. If you know me then you will know my sense of humour knows no bounds, so if you would  like to go on an adventure that guarantees to open your mind, then this is for you. Think Satanic Verses on acid.

Between The Success Game and FatMan, lies the secret of making a million.

Saturday 11 August 2012


It's amazing how England have done so well at the Olympics over the other European countries, only that is if you see England as part of the European group.

The swimmers however didn't live up to expectations, more drowning than treasure hunting for gold, which unfortunately means a cut in funding to that area. If you don't come up with the metal, you don't seem to get the mint, which is rather odd as it really doesn't take a lot to fund a few pairs of trunks and a bikini. The reason we seem to have medals is because we've been looking for young prospective medal hopes when the olympics was a twinkle in Lord Sebs eye. I suppose someone realised it would be a bit if a damp squib if we didn't chuck some money in Team GB's pocket in the form of finding some athletes to compete in our own Olympics  to get some medals. But you have to look to the old lottery funding to see where a considerable amount of change has occurred in our fortunes over recent years. Once you've got motivation and money, well success is just a heart beat away.

The Olympics has been a great boost for the old British ego, even with a reserve Wimbledon replay final that I have to say was a little oddly one sided, or was I the only one to see that. But our success as a nation is a wonderful thing, it's now just where to take that feeling to, nurture it, feed it and make some more. Or was it all just a nice diversion from reality. The Olympic spirit, everyone loves a success and doesn't it make you want to brush the cobwebs off the old bike and pedal your way round the block to your own gold medal in Rio in four years, well maybe not. I like the idea of the sailing, as of all the sports  it seems to take the least amount of effort other than knocking about in a boat on the water all day with a box of sandwiches and a bottle of Pims. Beach volley ball on the other hand looked promising and easy to get involved in, just find a beach and a ball with a couple of blonde beauties and  you've got my vote there straight away. 

So with the games all but over, what's the prognosis for the next big British event...oh it's the x factor again for series four hundred and twenty three. Even Simon has got bored of that one, although not of getting a nice wedge in the pocket for the whole deal. Its back to normality with a few kids thinking they will be the next Daley Thompson or Seb Coe.. Maybe I've got my decades muddled up, but I'm sure you get the message... Since these two turned up we havent exactly excelled in these sports since, and hopefully it's not going to be the same again. It would be nice to think our world domination second to China and the USA will stretch on for years ahead, but your can't help wondering how a little island can compete with such huge nations of people. Maybe it's because in recant years we adopted the winning game plan of inviting most of the world to come and live on our little green patch of land so in reality we are probably a bigger nation than either of them anyway. As I always say, to succeed you need a great team, so invite everyone on to yours and you will have the best, and that's exactly what the success game aims to do, no single winner but make everyone succeed... Now that's a game worth playing.

Friday 10 August 2012



Having worked with many young offenders who have for one reason or another taken a short cut to or a quick route out, only to find that breaking the rules  is not necessarily  going to achieve the result they desired, it begs the question, do these people deserve a second chance for trying to cheat the system? Or was the ultimate crime getting caught. Unfortunately we live in a society of double standards where those who run big business and banks can for the most part write their own ticket as money talks when it comes to buying your way in our commercial world's legal and political arena.

But when we talk sports, the purity of the human spirit is paramount in a world set above all others as a showcase for humanities better self. But don't be fooled, the worse side still exists with bribes and drugs. But in sports does it really mean there are no second chances for those who fall from the higher plane of expectation to taking a more distasteful route to success. Tonight on the Olympics, the presenters rallied to condemn the ladies winner of the 1500 meters, who, having served a 2 year ban for the use of a banned substance finds herself with not just the European Gold medal, but also the Olympic gold as well. Given the lady in question passes the drugs test, then despite falling from grace through temptation, she has now climbed probably the biggest hurdle in anyone's life, back from the abyss to make good. She paid her dues according to the rules, but condemned by those who commented on her as an unworthy winner and not the sort athletics wants to see winning a medal. So what was their suggestion.. Maybe she could run the race but never hope to win? If I was running to beat the world I would want the best in the world to compete against, otherwise victory is an empty cup... drugs offences or not, so long as they were clean when they raced, and thats an admin problem not mine.

Humanity fails in it's quest for perfection on a daily basis. Taking drugs in sports is just one of those failings. But if you set the rules out, and someone plays by those rules to regain their lost reputation and succeeds, then honour that person as just as much if not more of an achiever, abide by the rules of the moment if you want to have rules, don't moan when the rules don't actually live up to your hypocrisy and ask yourself if your thoughts would be the same if she'd been bringing home a British medal.


Thursday 9 August 2012


So what's the next step with the success game as we wait for the Olympics to reach it's climax. Well in marketing terms we need to make alliances with strategic marketing partners, this is not so easy to do in any business as typically the old comments of 'what's in it for me' and 'it's my cake and I will eat it all' comes to mind. This is more of an English negative trait, you won't find so much in other countries, it's always been far easier to enter into productive relationships abroad rather than in the UK, it's one of those cultural things that keeps the English football team from gaining any real success, we are not bred to be team players instead we have a national love of the underdog, who makes good so we can turn our backs on them and revel in their subsequent demise. It's rather sad but that's the British spirit.

The Olympic tally is an example of how we can achieve as a nation, but whatever happens you know as eggs are eggs it will take only a moment for the press to pull it all to pieces and find something to blame somebody about. It's sad how we love to see success  just as much as failure, one kind of cancels  the other out.

As far as strategic marketing partners the book will be sent to a number of choice individuals in the personal and business development world, who if they can put aside the reactions I have mentioned would make a massive contribution to the whole project. One aspect that seems to confuse people is the parity aspect I have built in, how all people involved have an equal opportunity so there is no one at the top of the tree creaming it. A key to hte game is the fact the whole program is simply administered by the players for the players, therefor no one actually owns it, it has it's own life to grow. This aspect few people see the purpose of as their focus is some much on their own benefit, but as I always say once you start to see how the universe works, you will realise you have to give to get and the inherent problem with society is the balance is very much in favour of those people who want all the pies.

Wednesday 8 August 2012


August in business is always a period you might just as well take the time off for all the returns it yields, unless that is you are involved in the tourist trade. Commercially the world takes the month off so decisions from those in a place to make the key choices are generally lacking in their absence.

Business is all about making choices, important choices which occur on a daily basis with the potential to either run your enterprise onto the rocks or stick on the road to success. Making decisions is a skill, you have to practice both quality and speed as the faster you make key choices the more you will achieve, however experience gives you the insight and confidence to make the right choices at the right time. Experience can be an expensive exercise, hence why a good coach or mentor is essential in cutting down the wrong moves, the cost of a good guide  is priceless in money saved and advantage gained.

So how do you choose a good coach, well that's a good question. It's personal choice, and like all choices we are back to the ability to analyse and make the right ones. A good coach can have a considerable background in business or be a considerable creative talent, maybe both, but as with all things you get what you pay for, so invest wisely.

Ultimately the success game is about choices, taking affirmative action to create the future lifestyle you would like. Within the game you have the facility to be coached and mentored in the right direction by people who have travelled the road to success before you. You have the skills and knowledge laid out in front of you to accept or reject as you wish, as it is after all your future to decide what happens to you, how much wealth you attract or people of true value you work with. Either way the future is going to be the way of the past or a new page to be written...the choice is yours.

Tuesday 7 August 2012


What is the secret of success. As CHRIS Hoy says it's not one thing, it's an amalgamation of everything you do and think into an optimised situation. Behind success is years of blood, sweat and tears, skills and technique,  the ability to face success and failure and meet those two impostors just the same, but retain the strength to stay the course.

People who decry those who strive for more, those who cry wolf at the success of others are the ones who should take a long hard look in the mirror, for it is far easier to sit back rather than  never put it on the line.

Negativity is a sickness we all suffer, for the quick slippery slope down is far easier to slide  on, than the steady progressive climb out from the masses into the light of achievement. The fight is an internal one, as the doubters don't actually even figure in the equation of success, the struggle is more about consistency and commitment to your cause, seeing the future as something more than the present, not the same old same old for each and every day, week and year.

We all have to face the ultimate judge of our lives sooner or later, and at that point it doesn't much matter how long the journey was, more the manner and the way you got there that counts. So when all is said and done, what would stand the test of time for you right now, what would be your legacy. A loving family, a wonderful career or the amassing of money, whatever floats your boat it doesn't really matter, it's only what you find in your heart that is the real gold you take with you, as everything else including your gold teeth you leave behind. 

So take a moment to find the most potent and powerful part of you, the value you would like to be your eternal spirit. Start with loving yourself for who you are, what you represent, and what you would like to be remembered for, as it will be these things that add up to your true worth in the end.

Monday 6 August 2012


It's all too easy to loose the thread of the law of attraction. The way we live in our modern society does not lend well to retaining the constant focus and belief in the power of the unseen. The more you engage in the world of the moment, the demands of the day the further away form the true source you become. It's a balancing act, and one that never stops. But you need to be aware of how much energy is either coming your way or being extracted from you. You have to give to get without doubt, but again you need to have a balance of energy exchange, otherwise you will be be overcome gradually by the drain on your mind, body and spirit. Energy drains come in two forms, the massive drain of the moment, and the deadly drain of the slow drip. The massive instantaneous drain can be recovered from simply because you feel the hit and it hurts, but the long drawn out ageing subversive drain that goes on year in year out is the one to be aware of, to guard against.

We all need to build our resources, this means taking time out to meditate, to find nature and restock your energy. It is essential to build positive resources in your life, places you go in your mind filled with all the good memoirs you can think of. An absolute treasure trove of your own personal energy brought together as a power base you can tap into anytime anywhere. Set up a kinaesthetic anchor, maybe touching two fingers together as you visualise the memories and events, magnifying the emotions  at their peak. You can set up a series of anchors of confidence, relaxation, happiness, joy, whatever you want to use to change your state to a positive frame of mind whenever you want to.

Remember the world we live in of concrete forms and buildings is the lowest form of vibrating energy, and as such can literally drain the life from you if you don't take the steps to change your physical environment as well as your mental state.

Sunday 5 August 2012



We all face choices all of the time. The most significant choices we make are how we spend our time and the behavioural choices we make. We can all say 'this is the way I am' when we choose to follow our emotional head, but the realisation of responsibility to ourselves and those we engage with is the first step of evolution.

One of the most common choices I watch people face is to either stay in the 'comfort rut' or step out of the crowd to achieve. The problem of a rut is simply it is a comfortable place to spend your time because you're on automatic program following the well trodden path. The reason it is called a rut is because a countless number of people have passed the same route and it's  not necessarily one that actually is to anyone's benefit. There's no creativity in a rut,  no flair or prospect of wealth, fame or the ideal lifestyle, just a future leading into the deepest rut of all six feet under for an eternity. How people choose this as a future I will never know, and whatever the excuse it is a personal choice.

Usually there are two choices available to all of us. On one hand you will find fear and inactivity, on the other courage and achievement. There isn't much in-between to find attractive although many people like to feel safe in the middle ground of ineffective non decision making, for here in the no mans land of observation, critic, devils advocate, scepticism, and all the other pursuits of the inactive individual, the listener who analysis everything but never actually applies anything. Achievement takes guts and determination to step out from the crowd to make a difference and inspire others to more.

The Olympics is there to inspire future generations to achievement, but as an individual what have you done in the last week to inspire anyone, what will you be doing over the coming weeks to inspire others. Only though stepping up to the plate, putting your neck on the block do you really make the ultimate choice, being a member of the human race demands of you. Try not to wimp out, too many people take the automated route, take the path less travelled, it's where all the true rewards are found.

Friday 3 August 2012


Continuing a hectic two weeks on FatMan if you will forgive the pun going cross eyed with proof reading 90,000 words, the success game is taking a little bit of a back seat hence a few days missed on posts.August is notoriously a poor time in business unless you're in the tourist trade so it's a good time to consolidate ready four the last four months of the year.

With regard to making the million there are three projects in play including the success game and a TV show we are now moving forward with, but FatMan is also a contender for the title as recent interest has moved me to seek an agent over the next few weeks whilst people's interest is focused on a few people digging for gold. The Game will now only be promoted via regional partners as follows.

Success Game Regional Player


Fundamentals of the game
Resources and rewards


We are currently looking to expand the success game only through regional players and partners. This provides ambitious individuals with a unique opportunity to develop and administer their own regional game providing a range of resources to their players and taking the larger proportion of the returns.

The Success Game was formulated from modelling successful entrepreneurs in order to provide ambitious individuals regardless of their age, background or financial status with the opportunity to develop success based skills though a unique earn and learn structure. The Game format is designed to be self administering, providing players with the tools and the path to achieve, but as with any game success is purely based on how dedicated and focused players are to maximise their opportunity. Just like a game of tennis, players receive the structure and the method, the rest is up to the individual to either have a knock about or win Wimbledon. Here the court is life, and the path to success is laid out through the skills of influence, motivation, leadership and team work.

Fundamentals Of The Success Game

The fundamentals of the game are based over 21 weeks supported by a home study course with weekly modules on personal and business development. There are three seven week sections covering firstly influence, then motivation and finally leadership. The structure allows for an optimum theoretical target return of one million pounds if all choices are made over the period perfectly by all players as a team. The level of application is down to each individual as with any game, and the returns are dependant on the ability of each player to influence and motivate themselves as well as others. The game is very simple in that it replicates the three basic levels of any company from sales, to middle management and finally leading the enterprise.

Game rewards are derived from 'selling' participation in the game to other suitable players who will be able to advance the games progress (and not hinder it) in the first seven week period of influence only. As with any successful business the ability to select the right people to work with is an essential skill to develop. Therefore the success of each Game player is based on personal motivation as well as the ability to choose the right team to play the game with.. preferably ambitious success minded people. Ultimately the game is a training program in essential success skills, but unlike other training and educational courses, the Success Game is unique in that it allows the player to make financial gains based on making successful decisions from day one. There is no minimum or maximum level of achievement required other than by one's own personal levels of expectation as well as those of co-players, as such results are purely down to the level of action players take.

Resources & Rewards

Educational resources

2/3 day boot camp.
21 week home study success course: 21 weekly modules
21 day audio course: 21 daily 30-45 minute audios
Support literature: books and news letters
Seminars/ meetings breakfast, evening and weekend
Coaching blog


21 day Foundation program 70% of enrolment 
21 week program rising across the three seven week periods 70/80/90% of enrolments 
50% of net book sales
Seminar event management fees dependant on numbers. 

Regional players are required to form and administer a group of a minimum of five players to begin a game. 

Regional players will receive a 2/3 day training either on a one to one basis from a regional partner or in a group boot camp depending on numbers.

Regional players will be required to administer their regional game under the guidance of the games masters, however whilst the games purpose is to optimise the path to success at all times it is left to the players to make the choices necessary.

Regional partners will receive their own web site and the facility to run multiple games.

The Success Game purely provides the format and educational resources for players to learn and earn to their advantage, it takes no responsibility for any players financial or personal levels of success achieved.

Thursday 2 August 2012


It's always great to see someone succeed. In England we rather favour the underdog and in many cases resent another's success which is a terrible state of affairs. Unlike the USA many people actually resent another persons achievement, possibly asking the question ... Do they think they are better than me... What an absolutely stupid way of thinking. Of course someone else is better than you, everyone is always the absolute best at being themselves, there are no second places in individuality. 

Wherever you are on the journey of life there will aways be someone ahead or behind you, this doesn't mean they are any better than you which is the most negative and self defeating way of approaching life. The Olympics is about competition, and however good the competitors are today, the point of all events is finding success for one moment in time. Life is exactly the same, it's just the moment is a little bit longer, but none the less so much more important. 

Focusing your life on a goal, a purpose to achieve and achieving that goal is a wonderful thing, it's what makes us special, but always remember there is an ultimate purpose to life that is not based in the acquisition of materialistic goals, it's the spirit that really counts. But and as usual it is a big but we live in a very competitive world which has both good and bad connotations. Competition allows us to strive for something more than we would ever be able to achieve playing solitaire, achievement that sets the bar and places another rung on the ladder for others to climb on. Over time you can see this progressing with people achieving greater things possible than they ever thought would be.

But competition at the detriment of others, means the winning and trampling of others takes over from the noble  growth  purpose, then you can see the problem humanity faces in every day life. The Olympics has strict rules of play to ensure competitors don't resort to behaviour of a less than decent nature. Through the success game we seek to foster this exact same mentality for the players, so when you achieve your ultimate goal, you know you've done it through helping others and competing with yourself. When it comes to cheating many people play a game that only serves to cheat themselves out of the true happiness they deserve.

So when you seek to play the game of life, try to focus on the purpose of your life for the long haul not simply the sprint. How you play the game is truly the most important aspect to keep in mind, so when someone succeeds never be jealous of their success but celebrate it, learn from it and apply that knowledge to your own life.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


 The Olympics is undoubtedly a success fest, where the difference between winning and loosing is undoubtedly a fine one. It takes self-belief, perseverance, consistency, dedication, commitment and skill, but even so luck still plays a major part to who makes it to number one on the day.

Behind the competitors are years and years of training with one purpose in mind, winning a lump of gold, all be it the gold medal is more silver than gold in content. Practice practice practice, this is how you become a success in any aspect of your life so it begs the question just how much time do you put in learning the skills of success and how much time do you put in practicing. It's a question we can only answer as individuals in the game of life, as there are no medals just a daily reward. It's not about winning it's about being happy in life and developing a fulfilling lifestyle.

To be a top sportsman it takes considerable sacrifice and support, it's exactly the same if you truly want to pursue success in any discipline. Bradley Higgins wins a Gold and congratulations to him, but sadness for the cyclist who lost his life this evening after being hit by an Olympic bus. Fate has a hand in all our lives, and only by the grace of God go I comes to mind.

Seize the day is all you can do, you never really know when your time is up but living with the ultimate exit strategy in mind is very difficult to do, for whilst it focuses the mind and galvanises people into action when  life is on the line metaphorically or in reality, to live life with the pace you would if you knew your final check out date, is either the optimised peak of how to live life for some  or a debilitating piece of knowledge for others. 

During the men's gymnastics an American made a little bit of mess of an early exercise basically negating any chances of a medal. He still however had to continue with all the exercises with the certain knowledge he would not be able to achieve his hopes. How you play the game comes in here, for when all said and done it is not essentially a competition in any  pursuit with others, it will always be with yourself. There are others to compete against, but ultimately they are there for the ride to inspire and drag you onto your personal destiny .