Sunday 29 April 2012



The world is a game of risk and chance, this doesn't mean you don't have some control over the outcome, this comes down to confidence and skill to influence the course of your life. 

When I lived in the Middle East, some individuals would walk straight out in front of my car relying on 'inshallah' ( if God wills it) to determine their fate, not so much the speed of my reflexes to stick my foot on the brake as hard as I could, to save an unsightly dent in the bonnet. When I  worked in Egypt, on my first day in Cairo I was taken by taxi through a district called Shubra, a very densely populated area, full of people everywhere, and I mean everywhere. The taxi's in Cairo are not exactly known for their mechanical upkeep, so when we hit the crowd as the breaks failed, bodies went everywhere and a young lad went over the roof. Roadside first aid was administered in the form of a bottle of water tipped over his head by passers bye, and a slap or two round the face which will always beat a paramedic.

The attitude really was if God wills it be it. However, rather than applying this thought when you are walking down the central lane of the southbound carriageway of the M1, and hoping an HGV doesn't make mincemeat of you, most of us take care not to put ourselves in harms way. But on occasion, circumstances may force you to a point, where there is nothing you can do to affect your fate it seems but say ' inshallah'. Personally I've been through a few motor accidents in an airborne situation,  where really this was all I could actually think of.

Fortunately the man upstairs looked down and thought ..'not to day thank you.'

Life for me has always been a game, one I could for the most part analyse the effect of causality, and  influence the result of a particular situation of my making, or someone else's. I'm no great chess player, but in the game of life it does help if you can think at least a little strategically, as for sure, someone else is.

We don't all think the same, but we do all have similar needs and reactions that may be predicted based on our personality traits. When it comes to marketing, figuring out the primary motivators of the group you are attempting to sell to is a must. For example, if you take the law of attraction, it appeals to some as a way to feel more empowered, and part of ' life'. In my world I use it for more mercenary means in business, rather than the fluffier end of the spectrum.

 For entrepreneurs focused on making money through the four pillars of business, the law of attraction is for the most part a world away from their endeavours, so to think their thoughts can  actually have a demonstrable affect on their business profits is a possibly a little away with the fairies for them. But then again, 95% of all businesses go out of business in the first five years, so they must be all attracting something... No customers.. Loss.. The list is endless when there is a lack of responsibility for thought or the absence of it.

Business is one of those things that people fit into two camps. The, I'm a little afraid to be in business, and the I'm in business so I know all the answers but not why I'm failing. Ego is what gets you into business, and ego will surely drive you out of it without rapidly getting a handle on your limitations.

Business is fundamentally about people, and if your not so good with people ie. accessing the Market, managing them, and making the most of them, best off getting some hired help in who is. 

Making the most out of people, brings me to an interesting question on the morality of making your fortune out of helping other people. It's not a difficult equation for me and I hope not for anyone else. The more money you make the more power you have to help and influence others to achieve, it's a commercial world and it is I'm afraid that simple. For some however oils and waters don't mix, so they go towards helping and  alienate money from their lives as the ROAE (route of all evil) whilst others go in the selfish direction and focus on helping themselves, which probably is.

To become successful and retain your wealth, you have to give out  value to get back reward, it isn't a selfish equation, nor is it a holier than thou statement, it's just balance. 

Within the project last week we had some moves forward, with filming and the development of the marketing strategy, however as usual, what would be a very simple exercise in making a million in seven weeks, gets made hard work by humanity. The bomber on Tottenham court road would choose the day I'm holding a seminar 10 doors down wouldn't he, I'm sure his cause was pressing as was his desire to be detained at her Majesties pleasure, but timing can sometimes be priceless. None the less it was an opportunity to evolve, and assess where the weak points on the project are, not in the million making, that is a given, just simply getting people through the door to chat to.

Marketing is not an exact science, other than Google Adwords, but in this regard, one has to go through some tests to see what floats the boat of your intended audience. It's a bit like prospecting for gold, trying to find nice rich vein to mine, and that is the Game. 

Saturday 28 April 2012


Marketing is the key to success, however with this project there are limitations on how it may be accomplished.

One aspect is the financial rule on investment from £100, and use of the money generated by the project only to be employed into the marketing. In all businesses, it is turning the flow of clients on from a trickle, to a stream, to a flood that makes the real difference in your level of success. In normal circumstances, dumping down a good few thousand on direct marketing or Google will just about do it, but the cost of client acquisition has to be equitable to the price of your product.

What I mean by this is, if the membership/course costs 100, and it costs for example 300 to actually generate a member, then you are in a loss situation. This however, can be borne initially to get the ball rolling, if you have the budget to do so, as the hope is this disparity will even  itself out in time, as clients become aware of your service and you move into profit, with your cost of client acquisition dropping below 100 to a satisfactory level of about 30%.  

Many businesses fail to understand this from one of two directions. Firstly, they spend considerable sums on a ball that will never move, secondly they don't spend anything and the ball never moves enough to generate the gains it could.

The equation is a simple one, if you spend £10 to make £1, is that a good's is if you can do it in an automated way where then £1 is pure profit. Therefor we have to look at the risk of events that may threaten that profit. This is another necessary equation to analyse, otherwise gains can be swept away rendering hard work and effort a waste of time, better employed in stacking shelves in Sainsbury's.

Business is not necessarily a gamble, it's analysing factors, maximising efficiency to achieve maximum  gains. Then it's weighing up your time versus effort, and could it be better employed in a 'proper job'.

With this project in the initial stages, I am prepared to invest all the returns into marking now the product/24 week course  has been developed. As far as value, what amounts to nearly a quarter of a million words on personal and business development including NLP hypnosis, LOA, Business, sales, coaching,   influence etc, plus audio resources, as well as access to the seminars/workshops,  makes this the most cost effective/ powerful  personal and business resource available at £100 to anybody,  plus the facility to become a great coach on the subjects learned. This, understandably is ruffling a few feathers in an industry taking  many  thousands of pounds from  to individuals wishing to learn just one if these  subjects NLP, or coaching.

None the less, whatever the business, no one is going to beat a path to your door, however good the product maybe, so we have to build the cost of client acquisition into the price. 

 Until we get the full 100 dedicated participants who are ready to move forward to the second stage of making a million in a year, by potentially earning £5000 each in seven weeks, 50% of the Course fee/ membership of £100 will be paid to those who bring on board ..driven, entrepreneurial, ambitious go getter types, and failing those, anyone who would aspire to be one.

To get the 100 partners who will all get a share of the project and the facility to make a million, we will be engaging in a number of initiatives and sub projects to find these individuals. As we now have a producer, director and cameramen to film the development of the documentary and the individual entrepreneurial ventures, we can move forward through these to creat or initial marketing / search for candidates.

Friday 27 April 2012


The creation of the Lifestyle Academy was ultimately a natural extension of this project. Why lifestyle...simply success is different for all of us, happiness is the same emotion not necessarily the same source, and a lifestyle congruent with your beliefs and values will be the most fulfilling.

So to create an entity that focused not on 'everybody of a similar disposition club', but united in that 'we would like more and to find the best lives for our own needs', seems a much more appropriate idea. Bearing in mind whilst our needs wants and desires may  change at different stages of our lives, we all retain the archetypal values of self worth, contentment and happiness.

One of the foundations of the Academy is based in the concept of coaching and mentoring. We are all both students and teachers of life, sheep and shepherds, we wear both hats with equal measure, only at different stages of the same journey.

As every minute of our lives to date is recorded in the subconscious mind, it is only learning to access it's wisdom that is the real basis for success. Just think  we process over 3000 thoughts a day, and what you had then was just another one, 5000 visual images are seen, all of which gets shoved into your subconscious library to go dusty. All the emotions you've experienced, the events, the films, the TV, the books, it's all in there, and if it is, what's the point of having it if you can't make any use of it? 

Well you can. It's strength is in the whole as a creative resource that has all the answers to all the problems you will ever face, the only trick is in accessing this fantastic creative organ we all possess. Every time you access it,  it will become easier and easier, your influence becomes greater as you train your mind in success based thought, relying on this huge recourse of thoughts and images to give you guidance and  give others guidance, rather than stressing out with your conscious mind.

Money is energy, and to gain more you have to have something to trade of equal value. What's between your ears should be priceless to you, so trading a bit off to help other people on their journey will be rewarded in like value.  What ever you may receive in life by chance or manipulative means will either be rendered valueless or taken from you, if it's not part of a fair trade. It's the universe balancing itself out. Hence why money in itself will not make you happy, it'll make life easier, but value is based on the source of acquisition and the traded value you gave for it.

This project is about empowerment, combined with a mechanism to help all involved achieve health, wealth and happiness... the lifestyle they all would like to manifest and the option to change their minds if they find the first idea changes in the process. That's it. What's the cost...£100 plus the value of your mind equitable to what you would like to receive

Thursday 26 April 2012


Following on from my last post relating to the latent potential within us all. As I mentioned I am absolutely no different to anyone else regardless of education or background when it comes to the power of the creative subconscious, the only aspect that is relevant is how well attuned to it's power we all are and that thankfully is a situation you  are only one thought away to change.

Earlier in the week I mentioned a gentleman I stopped to look at some art work he was drawing in the street the other day. A very pleasant fellow, who coincidence would have it said hello again last night on a train  in West London. Now as you will be aware I have a high regard for coincidence in either providing doors or messages, opportunities for us to recognise and evaluate. 

He explained to me how since our conversation on developing the power of the subconscious creative mind, he had taken my lead with regard to writing and had a go himself, just let the words flow, and in a short space of time had dispensed over 5000 words having never written before.

 There are three things to be aware of here.   One, the message for me from the coincidence, that tells me I'm going in the right direction just as the lady on the plane coincidence from Dubai, the letter from Australia and so much more. Next is yet another example of the power we all have to inspire or infect another persons creative connection with a few words out of the blue....and most importantly the effect of the creative subconscious on our lives if we tap into it.

However, that said, I am mindful of the negative energy that abounds and surrounds us, it's destructive power routes itself in the power of ignorance. Ignorance breeds fear, jealously , hate, a host of negative emotions, and it is at it's worst when it comes to the negative conditioning, that will take hold of any of our minds given half the chance. It is not the people in their hearts that is the problem, it is the conditioning in people's minds that is the true evil if you want to give it a name. It lurks way back in our formative years reaching out to direct up into a self defeating spiral of behaviour, as well as being reinforced by society.

But that said, it's only a choice to even pay any attention to it whatsoever, because the more mind you give it, the more of your mind it will take.

None the less, it would be unwise not to be aware that the overwhelming majority of people will be immersed in their negative behavioural conditioning, whilst you are expanding your creative subconscious,  and walking away from the herd makes the herd nervous. Safety in numbers and if the majority are going one way, why upset the apple cart? What's so wrong with the society we live in, why do we need change?? Can't you just conform as it makes us feel better?

Actually no, I can't, nor will I, as there is a considerably better world to build with a pure heart and a creative mind than the one we currently live in, immersed in ignorance

Wednesday 25 April 2012


One of the most important aspects of our lives is to recognise our worth in the greater scheme of things. Everything we do, every action we take, every word we speak,  however small and insignificant in our conscious  thoughts,  has a profound effect on the world we live in, most importantly the world we share with others.

 We all have the ability and the opportunity to effect change each and every day, not just in our own mind but others to. This is not getting your point across because it makes you feel good, or empowering your ego with the need to be right, this is just wanting the best for your fellow humans and suggesting ways they could, developed their lives and their lifestyle by thinking in a certain way.

Why I pick the word lifestyle, is because words are interpreted by each of us in different ways, we don't just think words... we feel them, we are after all emotional beings. So when we use language a word may feel one way to us, but it's meaning may be interpreted and felt in a completely different way by others. Conversation is not only generalised, deleted, and distorted by the conditioned filters of understanding that separate us from others, but we also feel everything, we have a physiological reaction to everything we hear.On the 24 week course you will learn to be aware of how you language affects people and how to confirm the messages you are sending are the ones you would like to be received.

Your power to make a difference in someone else's life for the short term or a life time, please do not underestimate. One of your purposes as an integral part of the universe is to facilitate events that without your participation would never come about. Small events lost in your memory, but instrumental in a kaleidoscope of lives we are all part of.

For my own part, I am absolutely no different to anyone else in what I can achieve through the creative subconcious, I suffer the same low days, lack of energy, hope, faith and doubt as everyone else. I suffer the same conditioning that leads me away from the source of power that is within us all and binds us all, the conditioning that makes people hate,fear, hurt and sometimes kill in the name of greed, envy, freedom, culture, national pride, religion and society..but mostly ignorance about the truth of life twisted by the media, the governments, the banks, and their followers for not exactly the benefit of mankind as a whole. 

There is only one truth, and that is simply the power you have within you is infinite, your are connected to the source as we are all equally connected to each other and the source, evolving. There is no difference between us, just we are all at different stages of the same journey, and all of us are ahead and behind someone else. Therefore we all have something to teach and something to learn, whoever we are. This is the greatest gift we all carry, the gift that will lead to the lifestyle we desire and deserve, a wealth of experience that has a tangible value, and one you can immediately derive an income and a personal power from by giving and receiving knowledge and wisdom.

This is the ultimate goal of this project. To develop people as both teachers and students, providing a path to a great lifestyle whatever picture you have in your mind for that.

Over the years, I have held many trainings, workshops, seminars on personal and business development. My background in international business and high risk ventures has given me knowledge I can interest others in, especially when it comes to developing the creative subconscious and concentrating on what really matters, not what takes or demands your attention. Every day I am rewarded by events that provide messages and doors, but also I am inspired by how others achieve, and if I have played some small part in the path to their happiness then that really is the cherry on the  icing on the cake.

The following email  is from a very nice guy I met around a year ago, who took the time to write to me yesterday.. It sums up what this project is all about.


During one of the seminars early last year in which you had me stood
up in front of those who attended and asked where I want to be in 12
months. I said I want to be living in my house in Melbourne which at
that time, I hadn't yet lived in and the idea of doing so looked
to be an impossibility.

I'm now living in the house in Melbourne.
The journey to getting to where I am now has been a bizarre experience
to say the least.

You may be interested to know you sparked an interest in all you talk
about, which lead me to devour books on various related subjects,
including the Master Key System (which i've read three times) and try
to put things into practice.

The events that have gone on in the past year or so could all be
deemed pure coincidence, or as the result of my concentrated thought.
Whichever way you look at them, they're all quite bizarre and
certainly unique, and the timing of them could be described as
amazing - also i'm the happiest I've been for many, many years!

Says it all really. Whatever you want is there, you just have to have a little faith.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Conditioning is great for the mind, so is habit, but both are potentially regarded with a similar negative feeling as the word manipulation. All three can be for used for selfish reasons, however, there are two faces to a coin.

We are subjected to these influences relentlessly by people and organisations from the moment we come defencelessly into this world, so is it any wonder we only really know them with a negative feel of external control.

But reframe the thought, take control and master them for your own purpose, you'll be amazed at how your life changes when you command the flow into, and out of your mind. How much of 'your' time is spent in 'your' day with you being conditioned by others wants and needs...adverts, tv, newspapers, magazines, relatives, friends, employers ...information from every quarter telling you must behave 'this way' to conform into a happy society (mmm), and buy our product(s) to make you feel better about conforming into something you know in your heart fits like the wrong pair of shoes I was on about in my previous post.

Go into a supermarket and tell me how much of what you buy, is not influenced by the conditioning you receive from advertising to believe in certain products, and your perception of those products is 'they do what they say on the tin' because supermarkets and governments wouldn't allow them to be sold to you if they weren't ok?? ...Now there's some real conditioning going on. 'What you are is what you eat', so why do you think there are so many people with allergies, intolerance's, cancers these days, but remember what's the ultimate goal of conditioning in a consumer led society .. To get you to be a consumer, it doesn't really matter what gets sold, so long as it makes money, and your habit increases.

Habits... smoking, chewing, scratching your bottom, the mind loves habit, just like you hear a tune you can't get of your head, the brain loves repetition. As good consumers our behaviour is conditioned to be habitual. I eat M&Ms all the time, it's a consumer habit that takes money out of my pocket and puts it in someone else's..although I really do like M&M's so there's absolutely nothing wrong with this is there? Habits formed by conditioning the mind in a certain direction, to want, need and desire a behavioural repetition, is really very powerful in all aspects of our lives, the consumer world exists on forming habitual behaviour.

Manipulation...don't you just love it, but not when it's done at your detriment; conditioning and habit are manipulations to consumer & social conformity, which unfortunately is not necessarily to your or my benefit from a creative, freedom of the mind point of view.

So whats the alternative.. Well it's to take charge of your own conditioning. Feed your mind with thoughts that benefit you. Develop habits that create the life you deserve, use all the power that has controlled your life so far to control yourself. Manipulate your own mind, your own life or someone will surely be manipulating you for their own ends just as I am doing here.

I'm seeking to condition you, manipulate you towards whatever you want, and if you take up the reins for yourself, start lifestyle building thought habits you'll have the success you deserve in getting what you want. But remember, you need to give to get and that means manipulating other people to manipulate themselves towards the lifestyle of their dreams as well. It's a cycle of energy, life is not just about what you can get out of it, it's what you can trade to get what you want. You can sell time for a salary, expertise for a fee, and you can also create a great lifestyle for yourself by helping others to create their own too. It's a great deal more rewarding helping people in the same direction you are going towards a great lifestyle, than always doing it on your own.

If you trade, motivation, enthusiasm, freedom of thought, creativity, even a little love.. then that's what will be returned to you. If you trade good intentions, that will be what you receive, but trade good actions and you will start to be on the right page. What you think is undoubtedly the food of the mind, and you are ..what you eat... Just count up how many calorie thoughts are being fed to you for your benefit, or someone else's. It's an easy equation.

It's an exiting world, so get your hands on a huge slice of the metaphorical chocolate cake, gorge your mind and create an expansive imagination too big for a waistline, food for thought has never tasted so good.


Unfortunately creative thought doesn't get much of a look in if you're working 45 hours a week in an environment, that is let's say far from creative, getting home may mean the family, or the tv and a glass of wine. 

If you're lucky enough to be in a career that does require your creative sense, and that doesn't mean you play at painting with half a potato,(although teaching is creative and actually I have made some interesting creations with potatoes) it can mean problem solving, management,  It , sales,  business, negotiation, not least all the design professions, as well as good old banking ...everything we do requires our creative mind, and the more expansively we think the more our careers will take off, it's all a matter of perspective, your either sucked into daily drudgery, or see every day hour and minute as an adventure of opportunity. 

If you only see other people as intrusions into your life, getting in your way at work, on the street, calling you on the phone to sell you something, that's all they will ever be. But if you start to look at life as a meaningful  interaction, and stop cutting yourself off from the messages, the direction, and the guidance, your life will instantly transformed into an exciting place of infinite possibilities and creativity.

I'm always reminded of a film called the Island with Ewan Mcgregor or Logan's run with Michael York for the older individuals amongst us. People hoping to get out the drudgery and pain of life for a better beginning or ending as the case may be. This story is told again and again in many ways across society, and in religion with your 72 virgins or heaven depending on the meet up group you sign up for. 

The world and universe is structured in a very simple way each of us is integral within, all part of the same balanced eco system of humanity, where unfortunately, currently we do not evolve other than to make ever more mind addictive and finally numbing gadgets to keep us amused. Life on it's own would be so boring without gadgets and what would I do without my phone to text my mates, or face book to send them a picture of my head in a bucket, metaphorically speaking... and in some cases for real.

There's nothing wrong with this other than looking at it as a diversion from the real you, and the price will be the real lifestyle you can manifest. When your lying on a beach earning 2o% in the sun looking at a beautiful view, do you really want to get on face book ...and if you do it would only brag to make your followers jealous..rightly so if you can create a life to get you there for more than two weeks a year.

There are many computer games that are based on the idea of a journey, meetings that send you in you directions, give you energy and resources, as well as fill you with a sense of achievement. The irony is, that life is exactly like this with immediate gains of energy and status as you move through each level. Even if you are locked behind a desk 40 hours a week there's opportunity all around you right now, you just have to idealise the lifestyle you want, visualise it in your mind, give it personal value, voice it to the world, make it at the forefront of your mind, and start to look for the opportunity that will be all around you to create that dream life you want, the career , the relationship .. The freedom. 

The more you believe in the power of your creative mind the more power you give to yourself to create the dream lifestyle you've always start believing by giving value to your dreams rather than making them a mental that is all they will ever be...because that's how you perceive them.

As the interaction between humans is the way the universe makes it's moves ( you can hug a tree and talk to a cow for considerable lengths of time without much coming back, although I did hug a young beech last weekend and I must say I think the attraction was mutual) you have to interact to uncover the doors and the messages.

Networking events have the potential of being very good for this if you can develop the mindset of those who are there to sell their own wares. Last week I attended one with the express purpose of connecting with these people, for most of my time is spent with thoseof a mind to be looking for opportunity.

So I requested to the host that I might say a few words at which he gave me the opportunity. So I said ' I'm here because I'm in the Market for anything and everything so come and talk to me

Monday 23 April 2012


Picking up on a particular theme, giving to gain. There is no such thing as a free lunch. always have to give a little even if it's time. To look for something in the way of riches without having something to give is a waste of energy, you have to build value into both what you want and what you have to give. 

To define the lifestyle you want you will have to put a value on that life and exchange enough value in life to receive. Let's take Tony Robbins for a moment the American Success coach, he has been giving since the beginning of his career , he gives to the poor through his own initiatives, he gives to people through his own creative mind to develop not only his own life but those he works with. His rewards have been as big as he is ..huge.

Personally, whatever way I cut it, that's not been me for the first part of my life, I sought adventure ...and that came in many forms, I trained and influenced a considerable in sales, business ...but like that pair of wrong shoes I mentioned they never really fitted. So I looked at what people, what I was telling me I couldn't do..that was to conform to to the social norm. It was just something that feels like you've got not only the wrong pair of shoes on, you've got them on the wrong feet to.

So if you reject normal careers, you reject the world of take... then you are left with two options...a lazy life and what's wrong with that...or work your own way and learn  to be you. Now this is not an easy choice... that lazy life is certainly appealing, but I get bored lying on a beach all day, I'm always thinking about developing my creativity.

And thats the key to the lifestyle you want, develop your creative subconscious mind, and  the power is astounding, help to develop someonelses and the power goes on many and your going to have a dream lifestyle.

  Over the weekend I calculated how many words I'm now pumping out as a writer constantly since Christmas, with little real effort except a couple of near focussing eyes, bearing in mind I might have written only the odd passage here and there before for work  .... 122,000 words and most of that was between 11 and 2 at night. That's a constant output of 11,000 per week making the equivalent of three novels (a novel is deemed 40,000 words plus.).  Now I have to ask myself.. is that my conscious  mind banging out consistently ?  I know it's not because I was crap at writing at school and up to 24 months ago I found it extremely tiring to write more than a page. That was my conscious  mind working, and it's like walking in mud. 

You see your subconscious mind acts on automatic,  giving you time to live, and  if  you ask it nicely,  it it will set about giving you anything you desire. My first foray into this was in Art...when after twenty years since leaving school I started to draw fine art and it was easy to knock of pictures at the drop of a hat. This was my subconscious, not any particular ability on my part over anyone else, although at the time my ego told me it was. Coming to understand the real value of all our gifts is developing and giving them to others, is one of the most fundamental lessons of life...for it is the key to the lifestyle both you and I deserve, as is the evolution of the combined human spirit you are engaging in. Evolution is not just the province of 'nature' the physical world, it's our combined minds as a human race, where our most powerful evolution lies...our infinite creativity ..which for most is a little suppressed through being  conditioned away from this power into convention..and following convention is not just shuts your mind down.

If you evolve your mind trade the skills and experience you will find the wealth you require, and play your vital role in the future of us all.


One of the keys to our successes either as individuals or as a group is valuing our experiences, it's a gift that should never be understated. Every moment, every up and down, every event is stored in the subconscious mind like a huge Hollywood movie library. You might say we are simply representations of the distilled essence of this seemingly infinite recording device, but this would not do justice either to us as individuals capable of designing and engineering our futures, or the massive resource we all carry which can be developed as a creative source to manifest wealth , health and happiness.

For the majority, we take for granted just how powerful the creative mind becomes as each day goes by, by never truly using it.  Unfortunately the weight  of memory is only manifested in the form of a couple of suitcase bags under the eyes , rather than a vehicle to create the lifestyle we deserve.

Just think, by the time you reach 35 yrs old, there are 12,775 days of experience for you to draw on in growing up, a career , relationships, events too diverse to mention. This is the resource that interest me from a business point of view, for while I continue to develop my own creativity through writing, art and consultancy, it is this access to the source that I would like to help others to find success through.

Making a million in one year does take some considered thought especially as the project is based on empowerment, and not just developing a new tin of beans to sell. None the less as with all entrepreneurial endeavour, whilst the initial focus is on product development, success is determined by the method of disposal of your product to the market place.

In the personal and business development world there are many styles and groups pumping out the message of change, from Paul McKenna  doing it in 7 days, to Tony Robbins doing it in big ways. There are schools for coaches and meetings for meditation as wells as a host of books on the subject, so it's a very crowded Market place.

But when you are going to go into business or a new career select something you enjoy as a subject, and find your own angle, at least if the Market place is crowded there are buyers around.

As this particular enterprise is a step by step account of how to get to a million by fundamentally accessing the creative subconscious mind to provide the answers of how to do it, the map of how was the first stage. The second was to build the appropriate vehicle to use that map, filling in the details.

As i mentioned to one very entrepreneurial individual on the course,  if you keep thinking the right things sooner or later you will attract the opportunity to move forward, always look at every meeting as a door or a message that will guide you to your ultimate goal, but dig in conversation  to find out what it is.

The messages are usually: 
Direction...pointing you the right way
Reassurance ...telling you you are  going the right way
Guidance... Helping you in the right direction 

To give you an example of this, on Friday afternoon  I was like many people getting rather wet in the rain, as the damage was done so I was walking along  quite happily and saw a gentleman standing in a doorway sketching a harbour. I passed him by, but intuition told me to have a chat with him. He was trying to get back into art and had completed  an outline which was good in perspective. I won't go into details in the conversation but through our discussion  a picture evolved  in my mind that has guided me to re assess and redefine the project so far, so the goals, product and method of delivery are congruent with both my values as well as being of the moment and saleable.

Whilst I could give this gentleman advice on how to rapidly become a fine artist, there were other aspects of his life I could certainly help him to achieve more , however one of the aspects of coaching that I really get a buz from is when I pass on guidance  that not only gets put into practice, but also gets passed on. There's more of a circle of energy what you give out you get returned..givers gain if you like. 

Ultimately, success for each of us is represented differently, the most appropriate word being lifestyle. It sums up what we all want ..the style of life particular to our desires, living a lifestyle to dream of, and living the dream.

In coaching you can be solving issues ...but the true creativity comes from designing and engineering a lifestyle... for yourself as well as a client.

From my own perspective, the million is just a goal set out to give me a self imposed target to reach for (none the less quite achievable ), it drags you to it and that's one aspect of goal setting. Without a cause to get to, there can be no applause to find. Writing this blog forces me to concentrate my create energy to work towards that goal, and the area I feel most potent in the personal development world is creating lifestyle, which brings together a considerable amount more creative  opportunity and fun for the practitioner.

Every aspect of our lives, how we look, how we dress, our house, our car, our conversation.. identifies who we are to ourselves as well as those we meet. By altering  the image we project inwardly and outwardly we move either towards the lifestyle we want or away from it. You'll know this from buying the wrong pair of shoes, you may wear them once or twice to get value , but they were never really you, and you can't bend to them...perfecting what is you, will ultimately lead you to the lifestyle of your dreams..and that is the direction we will be taking.

Saturday 21 April 2012


One of the most important aspects of any enterprise is the input of those involved in the venture. Caring what your team says is a very important aspect of success in business, as ultimately it is their support and inspiration that will drive you forward through the difficulties and potential set backs. Success for the many comes not from dependance, or independence, but from interdependence where we learn from and share ideas with each other creating wealth as we go.

The individuals behind the project are some highly creative people  with a host of expertise in the fields of business and success, and as such have a considerable bearing.

 My job for the first part is to solely develop the product and strategy that will ultimately move the program towards it's goal, as a platform for success. Basically to develop a structure, test the Market and seek out  a route that will ultimately take the project towards it's ultimate goal. This takes a considerable amount of energy and thought as whilst there are a myriad of ways that on paper would actually make a million in a month let alone a year, the truth is the human aspect  always tends to render the methods useless, not out of any problem with the methods themselves,  simply the mindset of people.

 None the less over the last four months I have  received a considerable amount of input and additional direction from the senior project partners who all have something to say on where it goes and to what end. 

This is one of the unique aspects of this venture, it's joint basis with everyone involved so there is actually a cooperative feel that is unusual for me. Usually as a business or personal consultant I'm providing all the answers and not compromising   in the way I have to here, but sometimes trying new hats on makes you expand your mind and your ways even for those of us with longer teeth than the rest.

You see we all have different ideas on how things should go,  but when we all pull in the same direction then it's amazing how easy making money and finding success really is. 

With one of the partners I was discussing the differences in styles of management between Jesus, Hitler , and Napoleon, all three feature in FatMan Two so it's a topic that's close to my heart. The two meglomaniacs were certainly good orators, powerful men with vision and a ruthless dedication to the task at hand prepared to sacrifice the massses to the cause,  on the other end of the scale you have Jesus who was not so ruthless with others but just as ruthless with himself. All succeeded out of sacrifice, just in different ways, they appealed to their followers for different reasons but none the less inspired loyalty and devotion in thousands and thousands  of people.

So it begs the question, would you rather be Jesus nailed to the cross and having your greatest success after your demise, or the other two who both lived a good deal longer for all their violent efforts and had their success as they went.

The question is important, as all three have their own drawbacks , and the dilemma of who to inspire and what approach to take is just as important today as ever. Oil and water don't mix and that is to a degree what we are doing here. Those with an alegence to success with materialistic and exposure  based desires towards the project lie diametrically away from those who are looking for an answer to life's questions and spiritual values. Can the two be reconciled and if not are we in danger of falling right between the two face down in the mud. 

There are indeed those of us who do wallow about in the mud here with a foot in both camps, but for the most part the lines of division are drawn.

When looking at a Market for a product you have to annalyse who they are and what they want. Unfortunately you can't please all of the people all of the time,and  whilst it would be highly desirable to try to do so, it is essentially a better financial decision to identify and focus on a core Market where the demand and the money is.

Alternatively you can split your approach by separating and redefining what you have to offer. Let's take sandwiches for a moment, you can do a range of granary bread with organic everything, in some great packaging and put a high price on them.That's one Market, and you can take a more let's feed the hungry masses and make as many as we can cheaply  approach. Another angle is to teach people how to make their own delicious sandwiches, for themselves or other people, or indeed teach them how to set their own sandwich business up teaching other people how to make your lovely creations. Or do them all.

To achieve a million in one year, believe it or not we are not making sandwiches, which doesn't mean they are not a way to wealth. Mr Sandwhich who first started the two bits of bread with a bit in the middle malarkey made a rapid killing in Victorian times before everyone was at it...and over the years the trusty wedge has had many involved in printing notes by making snacks, mainly because it doesn't take a genius to make one ...but a good one does have a certain art to it.

None the less the principles of business are the same, only the preferred picnics we are after creating, are the lives of people who remain one or two short of a sandwich to make a good one. And that is the majority of us. Why because the fillings that have been stuffed into our loaves isn't of the highest quality, and bereft of a few spices that could turn the whole culinary experience around into a bit of a cordon bleau dish.

Forgive the food metaphors, but we are what we eat, so the food for thought many people cook up for their minds turns out as not pounds around the waste line, but a lack of them in the bank.

So in this program of success we are actually selling a diet. Not to get slim, but put the pounds on in the right way to get a healthy rounded cuddly lifestyle, and that is the word that now comes to mind.. lifestyle. More to the point a lifestyle choice for you, me and everyone involved. With the right diet of thought you feel healthy, look better,and can do so much more, and you attract a far more filling longer life. So whatever thoughts you consume in your mind  will actually consume you, and when it's comes to putting all the right ingredients into a mind the end result is very important ... that's a life adding up to a culinary delight and a great life style choice.

So to make the million we will be selling a lifestyle choice, this is called packaging and green housing  ideas to find the right flavour for your business idea... And here the way the is project will take shape. 

In this regard linking food, which we all like, to a positive thought of feeding you mind is not a difficult step, and as many people have been on a diet before the process of just eating great thoughts is one we can all do straight away. So when you have breakfast think of your porridge, you cornflakes your juice as a positive thought, give it a meaning so when you eat and drink you not only have some great food for the stomach,  your  eating you way to success. At lunch and dinner you can do the same. Finding time to fill your mind with good healthy thoughts becomes easy when you link one routine to another.

So with this in mind, if you'll forgive the pun, the identity of this project takes after all.. the most important thing in business is to give the people what they want ...not what you think they need, and where ever possible link to lifestyle, as ultimately success is your style of's not money's  quality.

Friday 20 April 2012


Weekly summary 

Well it's been an interesting week, meeting interesting people with a considerable amount of energy, sometimes not quite focused and managed in the right direction to be as successful as possible, but none the less going in the right direction. Life is not a race, although society sometimes feels a bit rat orientated sometimes.

So it's good to step back and take a look at the whole picture, see the positives, the doors, the opportunities, the messages  and move forward.

The nature of this project, in that it is a real challenge to make the million from 100 as well as having a positive impact on individuals and society, sometimes confuses people and they just can't label it.  As a documentary every aspect is covered through this blog as well as a diary of events so it only takes a read of the information to get a good idea. On this subject we are still looking for a suitable director and crew for the internal filming to make their name with some cutting edge material, so over the next week that will have to be the focus as things hot up with weekly events, so this really has to be a priority now as much as marketing.

As I'm always saying, you  only as good as the people around you, and their resolve to make things a success as much as yours, so building a team that's there for the good times and the hard times is essential to any enterprise.

This week we have received some heavy criticism  from organisations that feel the project is not in the community interest, doesn't support the values they publicise and a whole host of other critique. For some people nothing is ever going to be right, especially if it doesn't fit in the neat box they see the world being in. Even when challenged with the hypocrisy of their statements, they still hold onto the need to be right, which unfortunately is a trait we all suffer from time to time.

Taking this project on, does open one to a considerable amount of the negative energy and opinion society fosters, and this is the very foe we attempt to fight.

There is a cause and a purpose to this project, and those goals are paramount. For those who sit back and simply criticise the way we move forward either overtly or covertly from the sidelines, with a whole range of sceptical negative thought patterns, I can only say step up to the plate and take huge affirmative action, otherwise you will always be on the sidelines, a spectator in life not a player


Are you bereft of Humour.

Recently I've been taking sometime out to look at organisations involved in the law of attraction, community spirit and feeling good, meditation, spirituality the list goes on... And I can't find a single one that inspires me or remembers to have a sense of humour.

Whilst they are nobly plying their wares of good intentions, and the world is definitely full of those, and nobly opening people's minds a little more to life than the work- weekend life of repetitious unfulfilling days, I have to say and some people are going to hate me for not being fluffy here ... But they have absolutely no teeth whatsoever.

What's the point. If I was the old creator himself I'd really have to hang my head in shame at it all.

Yes life is a journey, but it's the point of the journey that's the point. But life is also a place of achievement. So you have those being told they should be happy with their lot because they are personally worth something, and those walking over everybody to increase their net worth. Neither of which are of a mind to do absolutely anything about doing things to actually make change for everyone, and just as guilty as each other for keeping things the same as they always have been.

Why should you be happy just being who you are, I'm certainly not, I love increasing my knowledge, refining my personality, seeing what fate.... if you believe in yet another layer of influence in your life.... has to offer.

Giving it all up just to find piece in yourself is about as selfish as a banker, and thats saying something. The fact is we can all be better at what we do, how we behave, and at getting more out of life. What stops us is conditioning by society into good old subservience, and as you might of gathered I'm a bit more radical than most in the empowerment world and increasingly so as I see all the dribble being dished out to people from every direction possible. So that makes me an out cast from the fluffy people who would hug a tree rather than a tramp ( even a sweet smelling one if that's possible), as well as despised by the system.

Going from dependance on the state to independence in finding your true self is all very well but it just two ends of the same pole. The future is interdependence and that means embracing every aspect of life without the ties of negative conditioning and with the skills of success that are fundamentally essential to help yourself and others at the same sitting.

Reading a piece on OM Yoga magazine on the secret and the LOA, the fellow mentioned that riches weren't the key to happiness and we all know people who are rich and unhappy. Sorry mate, what's that got to do with the price of potatoes, I know a considerable number of people just getting bye who are thoroughly pissed off and disillusioned, because they don't see any way out or opportunity, so saying to them be happy with your lot is one way of sticking a plaster on a gaping vain, but giving someone a chance and the skills to find some materialistic worth in a practical world would be far better. But I guess these people can only offer assistance to the level of their own personal limitations.

Anyway, I've worked with many rich people and I know one thing, they are all much happier being rich than the poor people being poor, even on their worst most depressive days. There are miserable people everywhere, rich or poor , and why.. It's because they are made to feel bad about feeling good or bad by some groups, but also made to feel guiltily contented or resentful with their lot by others, even when they are not. No wonder people are a little confused and unhappy, but confused unhappy people, make considerable amounts of money and are easily controllable masses for someone... Maybe that's where the mindset needs to change.

This project is about having teeth, having a backbone, and fighting for change. The only thing I concentrate on the law of attrition giving me is people who have the desire to take some action and realise there is infinitely more power in a group people singing from the same song sheet than all whistling their own tune. The song we need to sing relating to success as far as changing society is concerned, comes from having the power to achieve, and that power is found in mental focus, consistency, skill, and resolve, combined with a little ( better a lot of ) cash in the pocket.

As for the good intentions, the law of attraction will guarantee to give you more of the same, which will mean nothing changes.

Thursday 19 April 2012


Release and let go

No I'm not a proctologist. The mind and body can be constipated in exactly the same way, so letting go of pent up aggression, resentment, frustration and negative destructive thoughts is as good an enema  as I know.

At first you have to take the time out to consciously think about releasing toxic waste from your mind that will ultimately build within your body and affect your immune system. Then your subconscious will take over and do it naturally.  Toxic thoughts are all around us in what we hear what we see, and what we experience, whatever your state of mind you are going to be affected by others until the day you say to yourself 'no' and give yourself a holiday for the rest of your life.

Thoughts are infectious, especially negative ones, if you run a company and your sales go down, you don't have to look very far to find the cause ... usually one persons mentality.

Moaning is a national pastime in the UK, about everything, but if you look for the benefit in everything, however much at first sight  unsavoury, you will always be moving forward creating your own positive energy.

Everything has a positive or a negative side to be uncovered and realised, it doesn't matter what, what does matter is our limited understanding of the reasons behind the workings of the world. The more you wake up and start to look, the more you will start to see what has always been there, it's not new it's just we are continually conditioned not to see what is right in front  of our eyes, and funnily enough even when you do start to see it you don't believe it, but with a little bit of practice and a small amount of guidance the conditioning will drop away and you will see life with the 20/20 vision you were designed to.

It's called freedom.... of mind, body and spirit.


Have you ever thought why some people are rich and successful, whilst others labour at making a living?

If its not to do with intelligence or hard work then what exactly is the secret of it actually a secret at all, maybe we all have the power to create exactly what we want. The truth is we do, the way we think consciously programs our subconscious mind, which manifests into our behaviour and consequently how we create the lives we lead.

OHM was created with the  understanding of how with the right guidance and skills anyone can learn to attract, recognise and act on opportunity to make their fortune. 

Everyone involved is  dedicated to providing people  with the facility to develop the power to achieve whatever they want, through modelling success based thought patterns in every area of personal and business development, into transferable skills.

As a a group we provide expertise drawn from dealing in millions, we walk the walk and talk the talk because experience tells us we can, the knowledge of how to make money is exactly what we teach and the goal of One Hundred Million. 

This is about as simple as it gets when it comes to empowerment. What's the point of talking about change, about making money, if your not on a path to do it, you might just as well stick your head in a bucket and talk to yourself.

On one side we have a membership fee which works out to £2 per week. It includes a 24 week course on what you might call Hard Core influence technique, business development, personal development, NLP, Hypnosis and the Law of attraction, supported by workshops. A home study course with twenty four modules including  exercises in developing creative expansive thinking, business insight you will only get from people who have had multi million pound business success, the kind of influencing knowledge and techniques it would take a single individual years to gain.

It's guaranteed to change your life because you will never be able look at life in the same way again, unless you stick your head back in the bucket of course. You will simply want more out of life as well as  having the personal and entrepreneurial skills to get it.

The course contains all the information that formed part of a one to one entrepreneurs mentoring program that has been marketed over the last five years for  £1850.  We have taken all the essential aspects of this success based training,  and condensed it down to give it to our members for free. Over 80,000 words of hard core business and personal understanding and power development.

It's really for people who not only want to get on in life, but are prepared to do something about it for themselves and for others.

On the other side we have the seminars as a platform for individuals with success based skills beneficial to our members. It's  a formula for providing revenue and exposure for  people in complementary fields of 'change' endeavour, through JV marketing and profit share.

As a project, as you might expect we come under a fair amount of unfavourable attention from those who dislike the idea of people actually being successful and making money, especially those who provide the information we do for many thousands of pounds. It's an amazing fact just how many organisations and people are based around such limiting behavioural conditioning, whilst still actually professing to represent and want change.

One of the individuals who is currently doing the course, mentioned to me how what she was learning was starting to open her eyes to how oddly she'd been approaching life. When i asked her how she said she worked for a company putting her life and soul into the business, enthusiastically cheering when they got new contacts as part of the team, but strangely  she had never thought all the profit, all the benefit, wasn't going towards her at all, whilst her salary stayed the same,  the people she worked for got new cars and houses, and she got a new project to work on.

Now you might say without the business she wouldn't have a job, and you'd be right. But you might also say congratulations on recognising that you could have more of the cake, something she will definitely aspire to as her mind opens  to opportunity, developing her confidence and claiming her own potential to have the cars and the houses when a project comes in, rather than just working on it.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


The power of intention and affirmation.

If you have an intention in life state it... Say it out load, repeat it, keep repeating it. Idealise your desire & give it personal value,  visualise your intention in every  conceivable detail, keep the picture in your mind and remind yourself at every opportunity this is what you want to happen, if you do this you will give power and purpose to your thoughts as every aspect of you is turned by your subconscious mind to materialise your future.

Only when you practice programming your subconscious mind with positive affirmations will you connect with the law of attraction, the balance and shift has to move from the I cannot, to the I can without doubt.

There is no failure in anything, just levels of success, goals achieved or put aside.. 

With the launch of the first web site which is due a few videos and pictures at 

and the meet up site at

its a great time to list out, and affirm the small medium and larger goals of the project. Just by trying to crystallise what it is you want, to idealise the future you take the step to bring it into reality.

Keeping your hopes dreams and desires inside, means that's exactly where they will stay, because you never have to take action on your words, you never have to live up to them. Don't be afraid to voice them, the fear of them never coming true and being disappointed is pointless, it's self defeating... Go for it, sing about it... Make it happen.. So here are the aims.












Back to the project in hand.

OK we are now moving forward again from a period of development. The first meeting/ workshop is this Wednesday at 7pm for London at the following address. During the period we are looking for 100 focused participants these meetings will be free of charge to develop the team.

The Bridge House 1st floor
Address: 218 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 2UP

Developing the right team as I said is essential to reach the ultimate goal of this project. I am of the belief that the nature of the enterprise will ultimately attract those people who are of a mind to make a difference in life not just to their own but to others. This is a rare commodity but none the less worth looking and waiting for to come along.

A key aspects of OHM is it's unique nature as a business run by the participants, not just a meeting event. This means every aspect of what we do has a tangible value, shared by each person involved. It is not for the faint hearted, but will build confidence in those who have heart. 

One of the reasons so many people don't aspire to really achieve success is a lack of commitment to the cause of change, you have to start to care for yourself before you can care for anything else. To truly  love someone, you have to learn to truly love yourself. This can be very difficult due to the conditioning many religions and parents drum into children from an early age,  making them feel unworthy, unwanted, dirty, the list goes on.

But this is just what people do to each other to gain power over another person to make themselves feel better, you might have experienced it in a relationship, you might have done it to someone else..even without meaning to.

Life can be very easy when everybody is walking in the same direction, I was never that much into togetherness, but theres no denying the alternative is what we have in the world right now. Put the social media aside fora second which makes people a little closer, but at the same time have we as a race ever been further away from each other spiritually. Counting how many friend you don't know following you on face book or twitter is to me a really strange way of developing fame, but I guess it serves a need. I sometimes wonder if success is now a web site, sales and sitting in front of a computer.

Blogging has a purpose... if that is there is a purpose to the blog, and in this regard the purpose of these posts is to provide everyone involved with a central focal point as well as daily coaching reinforcement to the course itself. 

Monday 16 April 2012


The Business of Honour

Now there's a word you don't exactly hear that much about these days...honour &  integrity, sometimes in a world that can seem a little bereft of such high and nobel values, it is easy to forget that which we should always look to aspire.

In business, you will unfortunately sometimes find little of these notions to suppurate the soul, rather look to a hollywood movie to bring a tear to the eye for the more inspiring thoughts life can maybe bring. But hold on a moment, life is as you make it... not as you find it, it is up to you to imbibe others with the values you would like to not only aspire to, but also inspire others to identify with.

Business is business and this means if your not prepared to accept the rules of the game, or the the lack of them, then maybe you shouldn't be playing. The pleasure of working for someone else removes you from experiencing the harder side of the business world, but conversely you have to endure the politics of office which without doubt can be an arduous task and in some cases quite debilitating.

Success financially and personally can be a lonely road, mainly because you are in competition with every other person trying to scrabble over you in the the same direction. It's a hard world, but then again only if you want it to be, and of course if you allow yourself to believe in the ultimate goodness of others who may not exactly have your best interests at heart. They do have a goodness as we all do,  but sometimes it is so suppressed by  negative conditioning a barrier is formed that will  only take some form of considered revelation to penetrate.

But on the other hand, you have the choice to decide how you wish to focus your time and thought, where you spend your time to achieve the most benefit for you. But in your deliberations, just think for a minute, not so much about what you have to gain, but also what you have to give... Your experience, your  knowledge and your support, you see by the very act of giving you have to live up to the values you profess to subscribe to. It's a kind of conditioning of your mind by what you do, and it's probably the most powerful subconscious conditioning you will be able to subject yourself to. One of the keys to success is walking the walk and talking the talk, so when you voice your thoughts to the world, you have to take possession of them, and live by them, just as your actions will follow.

It's an amazing world, with infinite possibilities that will inspire you to take the right step to enrich your life. We all have success in common, so becoming a member of OHM is just one step to crystallising in your belief in your own ability and determining your future.

As a mentoring organisation, once you have undertaken the 24 week course in the power of influence and the law of attraction, you will be presented with the opportunity of furthering your commitment to your own success by helping other people to  develop exactly the same skills you have perfected. You will also have the opportunity to take on your own venture with us and gain a considerable income. Learning is one thing, but applying the techniques is another, this is a principle we are well aware of, hence why we encourage every person involved in reaching the one million for all, to look to achieve the one million for themselves.

Whatever course you take, remember in your business dealings the integrity of honour, it may be on occasion undermined by those who have none except their own needs, but if you hold true you will find the rewards in personal power infinite.


 In the society we live in sometimes getting ahead can seem a little arduous. Entrepreneurs are known for their resilience and ability to keep going when the going gets tough, this is a key ingredient to success but takes a considerable amount of personal energy and self belief. We all have the resource  of the mind to tap into, it's just opening the flood gates in the brain to receive all the inspiration that you need thats the trick. 

There are opportunities for energy all around us, just as the are those who would potentially suck you dry if they have then chance. Developing oasis's of energy in your life is a key to maintaining the drive and determination that will see you rewarded with the success you deserve. 

Depending on your environment, an entrepreneurial meet up situation might be the ticket, however you might find everyone peddling their own wares networking away, which can seem like people just being busy being busy, so there's not much to gain there unless you're lucky. But as we know, we make our own luck, so getting yourself in front of other people and elevating a conversation to achieve a result is going to give you all the energy you need. This does not mean just exchanging emails, or business cards, it's elevating people to take action which results in either a positive energy or financial reward. 

One important aspect of this project we are keen to keep developing, is the facility for those involved to gain both forms of energy, so our meetings, workshops and seminars become a positive resource for entrepreneurs and success minded people alike.  Personally I can't have a conversation that just chews the fat, its nice to chat and catch up,  but to also take some steps forward would be good to. 

Urgency is another important driver to success. So many people are very busy, but how much effort goes into the right time management. This means putting your life together in a way that moves forward without the feeling the week has sped by, the world has turned and you might just as well have fallen off.

Urgency to take action, not any old action,  but positive affirmative action that will yield the right results. If it's financial gains you're after, then you will have to start  selling  yourself, your ideas or a product. When  it comes to yourself, you will need to take a step back and make yourself the most attractive person for the role you choose to go for both internally and externally, how you project yourself visually and mentally.

People love confidence, ( also a little humility,) but confidence is a very saleable product  most people would love to align themselves with. Manifesting confidence is what this project is all about. The workshops that we will be conducting are there to provide those on the MPS course with an oasis in their environment for energy, as well as a place to develop their skills. As the workshops are free to anyone, it is also a place where individuals can engage in the art of opening and elevating conversations in a social environment. 

Our ultimate goal over the next two months is to find 100 committed participants so we can start  filming in ernest. This is a group project so the quicker we reach that figure the quicker we will reach the success we all deserve


As usual, the project is up for criticism... Which is actually a positive as it gives me an opportunity to elaborate on the program again. Why people have such a focus on pyramids I'm not sure, most people have a mummy somewhere at home who hatched them, but very few seem to retain the sense they were born with.

Personally I've been in business for 30 years and never run across one yet (a pyramid not a mummy), although I do know quite a few people who have made fortunes out of MLM, neither of which have anything to do with this project. In the 24 week course we will be covering all the different ways entrepreneurs can make money with some insights from my experiences with the high and mighty that will undoubtedly surprise you. But what follows is my response to Star Now as they have decided the project is 'like' a pyramid scheme, actually one day I think I might start one just for fun....

Dear Jen,

We have absolutely nothing to do with pyramid schemes whatsoever. This is a genuine project in which we are attempting to develop people's perception towards success, supported by filming a documentary that will record the ups and downs of the whole endeavour, and why in today's society so many people and organisations reject success.... because it is popular to do so in societies so firmly based on fear & ignorance. We are completely transparent with all aspects of what we are trying to achieve, but still we face criticism that bears no relevance to reality.... which is the very basis for the project, why do people condemn others out of mis placed fear rather than fact and hold them back from success?

To say we are like ' a pyramid scheme'  and remove my membership from the site that has been with you for well over a year, without contacting me first or at least conducting some due diligence is symptomatic of the world we live in...I might as well say STAR NOW are like the Nazi party, or a scam to play on the hopes of thousands of individuals who sign up with little or no hope of actually landing a part, it's not what I think, but even if it was I wouldn't write to you telling you a subjective unsubstantiated thought, as that would be all it is and pointless.  We give the individuals we see the facility to actually be part of a documentary, earn from it and develop their skills so they may not live in a 'hope for the best' mind set and actually achieve their goals, hopes and aspirations. 

What we are trying to do is show how one person, any person, can take one hundred pounds and make a million in one year.. A feat that is perfectly feasible and of great inspiration in hard times. The only hurdle we face in achieving the goal is the approach that ...'because we don't understand a thing it must be... 'this'. How closed minded is that. Forgive my passion on this subject but this really is symptomatic of the problems the world currently faces.

You might as well say we are like a charity because we help people, or a entrepreneurial academy because we train people, or a motivational organisation because we motivate people, or a mentoring organisation because we mentor people....a documentary and a book on success. A project that lifts the lid on what holds people back in their conditioning to give them new hope and a chance of getting where they want.... But like a pyramid type scheme. Why say that? Why choose that? I'm not sure what in the advert would lend you to that conclusion. Do you understand what a pyramid scheme is.. Let me enlighten you..

A pyramid scheme is where one person pays money and introduces another and they introduce another and another, down a number of levels and all get paid on each others introductions for the sole purpose of making money.. It's illegal.. without a product, and as selling pyramids has been out of fashion for four thousand years and no one wants them anymore, so not a great bet. MLM on the other hand isn't illegal but again it's a similar principle with a product in toe.

So when you write to me saying what we are doing is 'like' illegal by the completely inaccurate use of the word, (you may reserve the right to exclude any member from you site) at least get the facts right, otherwise we are back to burning people  because we think  they might be a witch first and asking questions later.

I'm not so sure you will appreciate the comments made here simply because backtracking in human nature is called 'giving up the need to be right'. So many people go through life with the attitude there's no smoke with out fire, and people listen and are influenced by the media and the Internet to thinking and behaving in a way that certainly isn't to their advantage without asking questions... This is promoting fear for the very purpose of control. 

We seek empowerment for every person that would like to be empowered, as you promote success I would imagine you would encourage that goal.

All 100 participants are part of a profit share program that ultimately provides  95% of the revenues into their pockets for taking part without any pyramid building,  using their minds to develop ways to reach the combined goal and overcome the limiting factors society has conditioned them to expect, and reenforced by others in exactly the approach you have made to this project. We have also recruited presenters, coaches, camera crew and directors to conduct our filming when we have the 100 participants the title suggests.

We have a number of individuals who have responded to our adverts from Star Now who I will more than happily supply you with their details for your understanding and feel free to ask them if they are in a pyramid, triangle, square, round or arched window scheme.

I do feel if you see a dog it's a dog, it's like a pig because it's something,  but is a dog because it's got fur, woofs, you throw a stick and it looks at you like you are stupid, at least mine does. A pig on the other hand does piggy things, and whilst I have nothing against pigs per say, I don't call it a dog or vice versa.

Personally, as you will appreciate I'm not so sure I like to be put in the pyramid bag even erroneously, because whilst I have no particular views on the subject, like anyone I do resent being mis labeled or labeled in any way. I spend as much time as I can helping people to achieve and giving them every opportunity and skill to step up to their full potential with  guidance and expertise. One thing I don't do is fill people with false hope so they dream their life away, or build pyramids  ( I mean castles ) in the sand.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sunday 15 April 2012


The momentum of success.

In any enterprise whatever it's nature, momentum is a key ingredient to success. The alternative is stagnation, which basically means the world is moving forward without you, which is as good as going backwards.

Momentum is just as relevant in business  as it is in our personal lives, a relationship that stalls is one that fails to elevate for whatever reason. One party or the other (unless it is a menage et trois) will be dragging their feet whether that is living together, marriage, kids.. the elevation  is well known. 

Everybody wants to know life has some meaning and is going somewhere and where better than locking yourself down to a 9-5, mortgage and 18 years of bringing up children. For an eighteen year old, possibly not top of the list of things to do, but as you get a little older priorities have the habit of changing and situations develop taking you in directions that may or may not be the ones which were your first thoughts on how to spend your days.

Your career is just the same. Maybe you wanted to be this or that when you first started out, and maybe you focused and became exactly what you wanted to be, but for many without a defined career path up the corporate or success ladder, it can ebbe and flow, carrying you off in all sorts of directions, and at some point wash you up on a desert island right in the middle of life, waiting for some sort of rescue. This is where momentum stops, and you have to do whatever you can to re-engage the boosters on your future, as unfortunately no one else is going to do it for you.

Business again has the same cycle of energy, you might start off with all the best intentions in the world, but chances are things are going to get heavy for you sooner or later. For business start ups who have no commercial experience it really is a mine field of being taken for a ride and emptying your pockets to float your little baby down the river of success. You invest your hard earned cash and time, with the dream of success. Some enterprises are founded on hope, let me rephrase that... All enterprises are founded on hope, just far too many are based all on hope, which in the business world is not a bankable commodity.

None the less, the enthusiasm of youth of a new freshly sprouting germ of an idea of a business can to many people require the love, protection and defence of a new born child, almost as if the parent would give up their own life for their little fledgling horror. This is an emotional business, and one the financial institutions of this world will be more than happy to finance on the basis of your hard crafted and sweat draped business  plan, underwritten by your house of course.

Taking emotion out of the business decision making process can be difficult, especially when the original idea becomes a bit wooly and diluted, this is where you have to take things back to the basics of why you started the whole enterprise in the first place, and refocus from there. Just the same as a career, just the same as a relationship. First off you will have to ask yourself if what you are doing is making you happy?... If not why & time for a little rethink. 

We all have internal values and belief structures that guide or decisions from our subconscious minds, and when you compromise these you will definitely find yourself out of sorts with the universe, floundering away in the sea of life with no idea of which way to go and no momentum to get there. Values and beliefs are not always structured for your best benefit, simply because they can be old behavioural patterns from way back when, placed in your mind by who knows who in your formative years and beyond. Our internal programming runs on automatic until we decide to switch it to manual, take responsibility for the decisions we make and start to build from there. There's nothing like a spring clean of the mind to get rid of what sometimes seems like a never ending record between the ears having a  self inflicted go. 

The ideal is to be congruent with all aspects of your, relationship, love, business, so you never loose momentum because it's naturally there, you don't have to force it, because you're in the river of success with it. This is called thinking in success based ways rather than undermining your own facility to get the full measure of your three score years and ten. 


Friday 13 April 2012


Do I believe in God

I get emails asking me questions so I like to pick one out one relevant one every so often.

In answer to this one. Do I believe in God    ....MOST DEFINITELY NOT ...although I have a funny feeling the omnipresent, omnipotent, omnivore believes in me. So that should answer that one.

When asked philosophical questions which do indeed have a bearing on the Law of Attraction and how the universe works, I am inclined to think of the film 'Forest Gump' ...and the famous line ..'life is like a box of chocolates never know what you're going to get'.

Well I don't know where you're buying your chocolates Forest, getting your strawberry creams all mixed up with your coffee centres, but I always find a good indication of the innards of the little brown fat adding tempters are displayed on a chocoholics map underneath the lid,  or maybe the US is a little retarded when it comes to chocolate box design.

None the less, as with many heart rendering films the hidden message is always there for you to find or have it spelled out incorrectly.... Life is exactly like Forest says.. A surprise ..unless that is you take the time to find out how it works and why. For the majority, unfortunately the purpose and power of life just eludes them (as they simply don't look all that far) so they end up running metaphorically through life, just like Forest right across America and back for with no reason other than.. because that's what you do...isn't  it?

Coming back to ' background' in the greater scheme of success, the chocolates have caused me to suffer a metaphorical hunger again. Schools are like a box of chocolates, you have your Milk Tray, your Black Magic and your belgium expensive lot. Now if you went to a Milk Tray school,  you will identify yourself with the expectations of your peers and teachers who provided you with formative ballast at the time,  and as sure as eggs are eggs most people who were brought up on Milk Tray find it hard to identify with those on the Belgium goodies, although they might aspire to a bit of the old Black Magic from time to time.

If you haven't already guessed it, I'm talking about the class system that is just as prevalent today as it has always been. Look who's running the country, some Eton boys. Now I can't exactly say I think a lot of the level of intelligence that ends up running good old Blighty into the ground, although I'm sure they've had the kind of education only money and daddy can buy, but the whole system is there to support itself in the never ending cycle of a self sustaining company, oh, did I mean to say country,  run by a group of ineffectual middle management.

The trouble with politics is you try to please everyone, but end up pleasing no one as you never really get your hands on the resources to make a difference. Jesus on the other hand, managed to bag a few fishes and some bread, so the world never forgot his generosity and kind words, a true mover and shaker (and picnic maker) of his day, when it comes to the Power of Influence.

True power comes from belief, that is where the true power of the Law of Attraction begins and ends, belief in, as the big man said.. 'all the power of the universe is in a grain of sand.'

Therefore your mind and body are pretty powerful bits of kit in ways we are only just starting to learn, but has been known and used for thousands of years. This knowledge is where success comes from .. And once you have that knowledge you will begin to unleash the power you have always had in your subconscious mind.

However, the power was never explained to me when I was at my college of the Milk Tray, so I focused on control, how to control people through influencing their minds to want, need and desire the products I was asked to develop methods to sell. The advertising industry is great at capturing images and influencing millions to buy products through catchy lines and images, however there are a considerable number of more covert techniques that will get you doing things that you didn't even think about before. The power of suggestion to the subconscious mind is extremely effective because the subconscious acts on instructions without prejudice to their good or bad nature. Therefore to engage the full power of your mind, start to program your own subconscious to your advantage, rather than letting others use you to theirs.


Rejecting the trappings of wealth.

This is such a common problem, and it exists from the top to the bottom of society. To attract wealth does not mean you worship money, you don't have a big picture on the wall of a fifty pound note and light a few candles to honour the God of the Bank of England, whilst you bow down and bang your head five times on the floor as you point your rug to Fort Knox.

No, the only fundamentalists in the money world live up in the city and this blog is not exactly going to appeal to them, as they have squirrelled more than enough of the crinkly stuff off in an offshore account whilst they drink a few bottles of Crystal down at the races.

For the record, I have nothing against equestrian pursuits, a flat in Mayfair and an estate in the country, surely not, but on the other hand personally I've not selected a life amongst the chinless wonders of this world. Money indeed is hoarded by those who help themselves, and not so much by those who help others, but helping others is a whole lot easier with money in your pocket, and that is exactly the premise of this project.

The rejection of the trappings of wealth is just another symptom for why so many people don't exactly attract wealth in their direction. The number of people I meet who say 'what would be the point of a Bentley be at 11 mpg, or a Rolex ...its a watch that just tells the time isn't it? Why would someone spend £400 on a Mont Blanc, or  £300 on an umbrella.. £2000 on a hand bag or £800 on some Jimmy Choo's?' It all smacks of materialistic corruption of the mind, and certainly not the kind of exposure we want our disaffected youth to be exposed to.

This is where choice comes in, the choice to be liberated from the excess of money just as much as the hoarding clutches of avarice. Criticising other peoples use of money is a sure way to alienate the very substance from you that can change not only your life, but many other peoples if you have a mind to channel the power of wealth through you. If you choke the flow of money, that doesn't exactly mean you get build up of your blockage, you just stop it flowing towards you, it is an energy like any other. When you want to engage the power of the law of attraction, if you choke the flow through feeling nervous, up tight, worried, or fearful, you will deny yourself the solutions it can afford.

In just the same way, money is not the source of all evil, it's just a flow of a commodity which will facilitate your growth as a person and your wealth. Just look in the Bible to see the three fellows who had to do something with their money; the one who buried it in the garden for safe keeping, turned out to be a bit of a sap by all accounts. To resent people for their success as well as their displays of success, is to push away the opportunity for you to attract wealth yourself. Why would wealth be attracted to someone who resents it, why would anything be attracted to someone who puts no value or desire in it's possession?

Rejecting the trappings of wealth ... People talk about 'the rich' as another species, but they are the same as you or I. If I ask you to conjure up an image of a rich person in your mind... I'm sure you won't have brought to mind you, you will probably thinking of a well known entrepreneur. This is the first problem, put yourself in the picture in your mind, dress yourself as you would dress if your were a rich person, feel what you would feel and look at the world with the eyes of wealth. Your subconscious mind will already be putting into place ways to bring that image into your life right now, all you have to do is hold that view in your mind, give it some value, learn to recognise the opportunities it will bring and have the skill to take the necessary action.... That's it.. and success will be yours.

The truth is people are going to take you a lot more seriously if you have something to offer, and that means the mentality of attracting success or the desire to learn do so.


Thursday 12 April 2012


Success was so easy for me

My father was stinking rich.

Actually quite the reverse, when I was growing up we couldn't afford biscuits with chocolate on them and the custard creams came unfortunately bereft of custard.

Success is not relevant to your past although it does help. If you are inspired by a mentor or great education you are going to find your feet a whole lot quicker than the multitude who scrabble around trying to find what they want in life. We all need a guiding hand.

School was a bit of a pig for me, as the teachers thought I was somewhat lazy or retarded, I've known a few girls who would swear to the latter. Mostly I got marked down for a lack of attention and poor spelling. Ok I'll admit the poor spelling and gramma, but you try being dyslexic and trying to write, it's jolly hard work. I was always accused of being good at complex stuff but not so brilliant at the simple things. The lack of attention I'll put down to poor teaching ability, and a lack of respect for authority on my part. Anyway I was always at the bottom of the class trying to be bothered to improve, which I really couldn't see the point as the whole system was biased to the few instead of helping retards like me.... Is it surprising you end up dysfunctional and go your own way.

Even at that point I thought there has got to be a better way than this, but unfortunately I didn't have anyone to guide me in the commercial world, so I started making as many mistakes as I could, and I have to say I was pretty dam good at making mistakes.....Hopefully not so many now.

I started off wanting to be a singer and trained for three years, my vision must have been impaired as I never noticed the pain my listeners suffered at the time, but my singing teacher filled me with enthusiasm whilst I filled his pockets. A good trade, my ego flattered and his account inflated. My singing career succumbed to being beaten by a rubber chicken being pulled out of a hat on Opportunity Knocks,  an ignominious end to an otherwise promising career in the silent movies. 

But after a number ( I mean a big number ) of failed auditions I had to concede my singing career was potentially not going anywhere, so I flew off to Hollywood to become a movie star... And the rest as they say is history.. I can name the block busters I starred in on one hand.. No hands.

So the entrepreneurial world beckoned, and all the cold hard determination of facing rejection stood me in more than good stead as I started to learn the psychology of how to influence people to part with their hard earned cash. Back then we were pulling 20k out of people cold in 90 minutes face to face and 40k over the phone in 30mins, you had to know your stuff and know how to develop a person through a considerable number of techniques and bags of confidence. 

Confidence is what sells.. all day long, it's a commodity you can develop within yourself that will shine in the face of sceptical disbelievers and find you racing towards success. But to maintain confidence you have to practice it, and also work with confident people, not energy thieves that pull you down to make themselves feel better.

People who take the MPS  24 week course will be asked and guided to develop their confidence levels, for without it you are simply not going to get anywhere. You will know a host of practical information, but the point is turning skill into cash, and the more you practice that little trick the more you will develop the power of influence. You see success breeds success, and in the value stakes of success, money is one of the prime immediate rewards. Health and love are also success but I can't put those immediately in front of you right now... The law of attraction will do that one for you and me.

So the product you can sell is the 24 week course .. And for a period I'm going to give you a reward for your success, that means for everyone who you inspire to take the course your reward will be £50 each, and for the mathematicians amongst you that means 50%.  Now all you have to do is get someone to come to a free seminar and meet horrible old me, I can explain the ins and the outs and if they are of a mind for success, then there you go £50 in your sweaty little palm. I know it's not big grapes, but you have to start somewhere and if you do well you might just find you can buy yourself bottle of  Chateau  Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1986 - app £400 a bottle (but very nice)  each week, who knows. 
To be a success, you are going to have to think in nice rich expensive ways, which is where all the fun comes in...handbags and shoes, as well as prancing horses!!


The Age Of Success

There's a double meaning, is this the age of success?  i.e lots of people can be...or how old do you have to be to be successful?

Let's go with the meaning of the word success first. This is definitely the age of mediocrity for the majority who defend anything they do as a success. Schools make it so easy for people to achieve so no one 'fails' (compared to education 25 years ago).  It's one way to make everyone think they are a success.. but it's just pulling the wool over people's eyes, is giving them an easy ride with a hard bump when real life hits home. 

As an employer you see the psychology of people leaving school,college and university.  When it comes to the entrepreneurial success mentality, it's as rare as rocking horse..... Education seems to prepare people with the idea  getting a job is just a surrogate parent, an entity to take care of their every want and need with a hand out mindset. Very few people connect the dots and see that in business money goes  in a circle, and by generating profit/income people get paid. To many, a business is one off the social, a place to go, stay for a few hours and get paid for turning up. In the horse racing terms of success, this isn't an also ran, it's pony nuts.

So let's leave the poor metaphors aside for a while and answer the question, yes, this like any age is the age of success, if you get off your arse and go looking for it rather than kidding yourself it will knock on your door. And if you go looking, tool yourself up with the right gear to take advantage... it's just the same as climbing Everest, if your mental kit let's you down, it's a long way to fall, so be prepared (couldn't resist another metaphor).

So then we come to real age and mental age. Is there a preferred age to success..?

Any age is good physically, but mentally you have to think in expansive ways, and the trouble with getting old  is you've seen so many trees it's hard to see the woods, so you just confuse yourself. 

The trouble with youth is confidence and experience, or the lack of it. If you're going to climb the success ladder you will face people around you that won't exactly feel good about you wanting more and will even hold you back. The question here is 'why do you think you are any better than them?' Try to re phrase ..why should they think they are any worse or hold you back to make themselves feel better? It's just making the choice of what you want from life. 

How you age mentally is the key to success... If you see life as a never ending series of opportunities that will expand your mind, you will always be young. If however, you see age as a slow gradual decay of your physical attributes and your mental will certainly get what you wish for.

Closed minds exist at all ages simply because of the conditioning we all received  right from the start, a system that  closes off our minds to being anything other than limited by those who we are surrounded by.

If you can train your mind to expect success, or ideally have the thought pattern of success imprinted on your brain from an early age, you will succeed because you will be seeing and thinking in success based ways, the next  part is influencing others to help you succeed.