Saturday 31 March 2012



Ignorance is the single biggest foe to humanities rise to claim it's true power. Ignorance in all it's forms breeds fear and aggression, pushing people away from their potential, closing down minds from connecting with the power of the subconscious, to create and manifest all the wealth and riches life has to offer.

To manipulate the masses you need to promote ignorance and fear by seeking to divide and conquer.... actively creating a society of mistrust. The fact is we are all the same, just at different stages of the same journey, we all have the same needs, wants and desires, just differing levels of want and desire dependant our life experience, conditioning and expectations.

By developing easily learned  universal skills with it's members, this program is designed to rapidly accelerate those who participate in areas of mental acuity  available to all of us right now.  The knowledge of how to easily develop communication skills, business sense and personal confidence are new to 99% of the population; the majority  live without a plan or guide to life,  combining a  limited understanding, with a  lack of  patience and love for their fellow man.

As a society we overwhelmingly accept darkeness and ignorance into our lives rather than seeking to enlighten our existence with understanding. Darkness breads fear, hence why so many people hide from reality more than ever before.

  The speed of development of society is led by those who want more from life, those who are no longer prepared to accept the lies an misinformation that plagues the human race, from the top to the bottom.

Banks run the world, not governments.  Banks  at the highest levels lend  money purely to influence world politics in order to make more money. With bankers and their paymasters  as the ruling classes, it's only natural the world will follow the inevitable path of decisions for profit where ever that may lead, despite whatever green and ecological cloths they wear for the moment.

Goverments , well what can you say, the most ineffectual management system for the people, but perfect for keeping things exactly the same.
Politicians seem to have no choice but to seek their own ends within a system that styefuls change at every turn.

People... People who live so far beneath their true power as individuals and  as a race, for the most part wanting more. Many feeling like they don't belong to the 'normal' group, but cornered into conformity by a world  more than ever a widening  division of the haves and have nots...those left behind wondering why. The why will always be there until people claim the power that each and every one of us has as a God given right to manifest, to create our lives with infinite joy and purpose.

This project is a combination of the pragmatic skills of entreprenuerialsm and influence combined with the power of the subconscious mind. The One Hundred Million Mission is positioned to provide its members with every known technique available to enhance both the personal  quality of life and financial expectations of those involved. All the information is provided at a value that both makes it available to anyone with £100, as well as an immediate income for promoting the project. It is the first course that actually pays you more financially the more you put into mastering the information.

We seek to create a unique mentoring organisation that literally does what it says on the tin, gives anyone who has the ambition and dedication to make a million the method to do so, and as such up to 95 % of the £100 initial cousre fee is available back to all those inolved.

In each city the first 100 members will receive a .50p share of each sale for supporting the venture from scratch. The marketing will receive £35 of each sale for making change a reality. The individual who takes on responsibility to lead the One Hundred Million Mission in each location will receive £10 of each sale. That means 95% of the returns will be given to those people who have the vision to lead their own lives away from the conditioning that holds them back, to open their minds to the power of their subconscious, to have the courage to develop their skills and knowledge, as well as help others to the same goal. 

This is the first project of it's kind to give to the people who want more from life every personal and financial opportunity to make a difference today to the world we live in.

It's amazing just how many people like things to stay just the way they are, it's like evolution never existed for some, but for others the evolution of the mind, the body and the spirit into one healthy congruent being is the most important goal in life, and a course worth signing up for.

Friday 30 March 2012


The infinite and minute  power of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is the canvass you write your life across, in every detail of the words you use and the thoughts you think. The pictures you draw imprint themselves onto your mind to develop into reality.

What you think... you are. What you focus on... you will attract. What you fear...will come to pass. The power of your subconscious  is there to give you exactly what you concentrate on, so if you concentrate on lack, you will attract exactly that, if you concentrate on abundance... you will receive abundance.

Conditioning your mind for success means thinking in positive creative ways, building pictures of your desire in your mind, visualising in ever more detail the object or event. Taking time out to put yourself into a mediative state on a daily basis, relaxing your mind into a dream like state, where you can build your mental picture to manifest into reality, is the way to condition your mind. This means you are consistent with your desire, for the more you are distracted, the more you will dilute the power to attract your will.

You have the choice to decide what you think. If you concentrate on how others behave, if you concentrate and criticise their behaviour, simply by this act you will have imprinted on your subconscious mind their behaviour, and so through what you think will become.

Any thought, however small, either positive or negative,  will be manifested by your subconscious mind. How you relate to others, will be how you relate to yourself. You have the choice. If you resent others success, their wealth, their creativity, you will alienate those very things from your life, for you cannot have what you criticise and push away from you. To attract money you must never critise money, you must never resent those who have money, you must never think money is the route of all evil. Money is a commodity for your purpose, to make and do with it what you will. It is those who use it for selfish ends that choose that route not the money itself; by focusing on these people you become what you focus on. If you focus on criticising the greed in others, you will imprint on your subconscious mind the very thing you think about..... Always be aware what you think and focus on you will be absorbing into your reality.

When you surround yourself with people who think in a certain way, you will absorb their behaviour. If you dwell and critize others you will be focusing on that behaviour.

There are maladjusted, resentful people, consumed by fear, jaded by the world. These people can affect you when they turn their bad emotions and thoughts towards you. You armour is your understanding, your empathy, do not absorb their energy by concentrating and critiquing them, you will become that which think about most, and attract misfortune and uncertainty into your own life just as they do. Do not seek to adjust the balance of pain if they deceive or do wrong to you, do not dwell on these things, for your pride or your egos sake, to seek retribution on others is not your purpose.

 How they are to you, they are to all people and so without your help the cosmos will reward them in just the same way you will be rewarded by focusing on your goodness, love, empathy and understanding.... move on. You will feel all the better for not accepting their reality by thinking about their misdeeds, for there are many misdeeds  from all sides for you to see, if you choose to look in that direction, so look for the good and your life will be filled with good.

Wednesday 28 March 2012


Following the crowd.

It's easy to look to the crowd for guidance, but the crowd has no eyes to see, no brain to guide, no sense of reason, right or wrong, it just moves as a mass.

Together we can achieve so much as a mental force of wisdom, not as a force of physical strength. If you recognise the latent power within your subconscious mind and seek to develop it, you will be stepping away from the crowd, following your own path, creating your own road to whatever you want. The crowd has no such freedom, it is a slave to it's base instincts of consumption and survival, it is easily led blindly into war and destruction, manipulated by the few to their own ends.

To live within the croud is to seek security in annynimity, to hide in what others are doing, because if the majority think it's right, then it must be. It is far easier to go with the crowd than stand against it for fear ridicule and being consumed by it. 

Society fosters the suppression of individual thought and expression through conformity to the lowest common denominator, but to evolve the power of your mind you will need to seek free thought....creative expression... Imagination.... These are the true powers of the mind and they are there for everybody. Your subconscious has all the answers you will ever need, so if you want to access it's power then think about developing your connectivity to your mind, how you can ask for answers and how your subconscious will answer you, because it is there to give you life, and that means everything life has to offer.

Start by asking a question when you are about to fall asleep. Condense your question into the smallest number of words possible, and then ask yourself that question as you fall asleep again and again. The answers are there waiting for you , in the form of dreams or creative thoughts just as you wake.

 When I write and I am perplexed by the next step in a plot, I relax and ask my subconscious mind to tell me the answers give me direction just before I fall asleep.  It's the skill of communication with the part of you that has been waiting for you to start using it's power since day one; for the overwhelming majority we hold on fast to trying to think our way out of problems, but you only think about what you know, creativity comes from what you don't know and is manafested through imagination, which is as infinite as you want it to be.

So if you wonder why some people are far more creative than others, they are simply intouch with their creative subconscious mind, releasing and channeling it's power. The crowd has no such power, it switches off free thought, and works for it's own gains, willing to sacrifice individuality for obedience to the whole. Under these conditions, the mass conditioning of the human race comes to the fore, and the power of your mind is lost....only till you choose to wake it.

Tuesday 27 March 2012



Now theres a word to be avoided, because if you accept responsibility for your actions, then you may have to face what society perceives as failure. 

Doing nothing does have the inherent 'safety' factor of waiting to be hit by life, but at least then you are a victim, and you didn't bring bad fortune on yourself. Or do you? Life has a lesson we all have to learn, and it's a very different lesson for each of us.

I was having an interesting conversation with a German hair dresser from Frankfurt the other day. Now one thing you should never do is take a workman or work-womans mind of the job, especially hairdressers, as a one sided conversation will end up with a similar hair cut.

The conversation was as you might expect phylispopical, however my interest is how people tend to stop asking questions that naturally ensue from a resolute opinion. For example the young lady was very spiritual, and felt life had a lesson to be learned. 
"What was that?" I enquired
"To learn to be better people." 
"Why?"I enquired?"
"So we can live life with more knowledge and experience!" she answered.
" What for?" I enquired. 
"So we can be better people!"
"To what end?" I enquired.
" So we can be better people in life!" she replied
"When I asked?" 
"When we have learned how to be better people?"
"What for?" I enquired risking the loss of an ear.
"I dont know what you mean."she said.
"I mean, if life is a lesson..."
"Yes" she said.
"And if you learn how to be better with living."
"Yes" she said.
"What's the point if once you've  learnt how to live which takes a life time.. you just die. It seems a bit of a pointless lesson, more favoured to those who played truant."
My other ear seemed to be in question as a target.
"You mean rebirth ?"she questioned 
"I don't know" I replied , "what do you think?"
"I'm not sure about that" she said.
"Are you a catholic?" I asked.
"Yes" she said.
"Well then rebirth isn't on the menu, but the heaven and hell thingy is, so that's probably the point."
"I don't believe in heaven or hell, my parents were Catholics ... I'm more spiritual." She said.
"But then what's the point of the lesson of life, if you get to learning what you need to know about life.. Who set the lesson, why, and what happens if you study well,  get full marks as a good human being,  only to graduate to oblivion."

My haircut isn't so good at the moment, but that was my full responsibility for diverting a hairdressers attention.

Monday 26 March 2012


Helping People

One of the principles behind this project is the idea that if I or any of the professionals on the program, teach you some great empowering techniques, you might think about passing those same techniques on to someone else. And if you do it well you might think about getting paid too.

Many people are not quite sure of the purpose or benefits of a mentor, but in simple terms it's a bit like a father, although whilst a parent is protective and loving in their caring, a mentor is a professional with a vested interest in your success. Having the knowledge of someone who has walked the road before you, saves a considerable amount of time and energy in needlessly reinventing of the wheel.

Taking the time out to invest in other people has a considerable amount of payback not least in watching others succeed, but also in crystallising your own strategies and plans for success.

Helping people, for many is a donation to charity when the conscience is twigged into feeling the need to help others. For my own part, whilst I appreciate charities get help to those who need it, I prefer the direct approach.. Helping people in front of me, and rather than giving cash, I have the annoying habit of giving tangible help or products.

For example last week in London I went into a shop to get some M&Ms I'm partial to, so I bought another packet for the fellow who was sitting outside seeking some spare change. Somehow a unexpected gift from a stranger always surprises people ...."thanks brother" he said enthusiastically opening the packet.

I have a considerable empathy for those who life has shone a harder side on than others; many years ago I was literally Down and Out in Beverly Hills unable to afford a topping on an eighth slice of take away pizza, just the tomato puree.  I remember walking along the board walk with a drink in a polystyrene cup,  when a guy asked me for some change for a cup of tea, I said I didn't have any money, but gave him the tea in the cup instead. He was very surprised and amused for the reality of his quest to be given, not least because the leaves he had in mind were probably not tea.

On the affluent Kings Road in Chelsea you will often see individuals (just as within many other districts of London) sitting on the pavement relying on peoples charity. Sometimes life can be difficult and getting back up is extremely hard when you feel if you do try you will just get pushed down again, so what the point.

When I first learnt NLP I tried the techniques out on everybody i could find in business and personally, including a guy in his thirties who I had seen sitting on the same bench each day for two years. The time line is as I've mentioned, great for crystallising goals and driving lives forward, so we spent the afternoon constructing a future for him, that at first sight ended with that day, but finished with a plan to be actioned for a real business for my sometimes bemused subject.

Passers bye were a bit dumbfounded with the antics, as to the casual observer with no knowledge of visualisation, it probably seemed we were drunk and looking at fairies. I'm not sure what happened to the fellow, as I only caught a glimpse of him once more and never saw him on the street again. It would be nice to think our afternoon together moved his future in the right direction.

I always think if you are going to help someone, the person next to you is as good a start as anyone, and if we all did that, charities would actually be defunct. But the twang of conscience that drives many to give to others at a certain moment is a little like the twang of conscience this project has in the minds of the participants, in that just maybe they should invest a little into themselves, so they can invest the same into others. It's a great deal more effective and longer lasting.... rather than giving a hand some spare change.....give your life a mind change ....and hand it on to someone else too.

Sunday 25 March 2012



Where you live and who you live with is going to pretty much determine your beliefs, your prejudices and consequently your ability to be successful. Living in Europe and the US we are undoubtedly privileged in the lives we lead. Here in the UK people generally  live well within their comfort zone so its not surprising relatively few people really step out of the norm and reach their true potential. Success is indeed relative, for some just taking another breath is success enough, but as we gain a normal life, the levels of our focus become diluted so our actual achievement levels become relatively low with a very high number of excuses for not doing except what society dictates to us.

Social Conscience is a powerful tool to make you behave a certain  way and 'give' on a certain day when it comes to charity. Personally I find giving to charities difficult as I would rather know when I help someone the money or gift I give is 100% received, although charities are undoubtedly a necessary mechanism to get help to those who need it, possibly if we all  helped the person right next to us, it might be a more effective method.

  Whilst we all approach giving in our own certain way or not at all, reminding people of their concience to give to help others is funnily enough very similar to this project. Reminding people they should give to themselves, is waking them up to feel essentially slightly bad that they are not giving themselves all they have got to give, for without taking action you are passive in life and them you are just part of the passenger fraternity. And what's wrong with that? We all take a ride from time to time in life , and we all get taken for a ride as well, but it doesn't  mean life has to occilate between these two poles of ineffectual activity.

Taking action, as I will continually repeat in this blog, is an essential key to success, and it is habit forming. Once you develop the mind set of someone who takes decisive and immediate action, you will find that you take advantage of opportunity as soon as it presents itself, the results will be astounding. Suddenly the world opens up and people open up to you, your work rate will increase and the results will improve exponentially.

You see, just being reminded, having your conscience twigged to actually help yourself to reach your full potential isn't going to do it. To effect the massive change success can bring your life, you will have to take what at first seems massive action, but as with all things, as time passes what was massive action yesterday, becomes just an every day average occurrence tomorrow, as you will simply expect success as naturally as breathing, not hoping for a possibility and luck to deal you a break. Lady luck isn't so obliging to the hopefuls, for God helps those who help themselves.

Friday 23 March 2012



This project is primarily about success and empowerment, as well as financial  freedom. 

One hundred years ago a 24 week course was launched by Charles F Haanel on the Law of attraction called the Master Key, the course has influenced books likeThink and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and the Secret amongst others for countless thousands to be inspired to achieve success.

At the turn of the last century thoughts ran to a time of new human awareness not dissimilar to the new age movement we have today. There was a great feeling of expectation and hope for the new century, but who could have predicted there would be two world wars, a cold war, death and destruction on a scale that had never been seen before, combined with a revolution in technology and connectivity.

Yet, many of the issues faced back then are the same today, underlining the fact... the more things change the more they stay the same.

This project brings together the Master Key with a considerable amount of modern thinking on success, influence and entrepreneurial skill, to provide a formula for achievement in any area of life as we progress into a period in history that will undoubtedly see major changes in society that will surpass all expectations.

Over the next three months we will be continuing to search for  ambitious entrepreneurial individuals to complete the first one hundred  who will be starting the 24 month course over the next few months with a view to moving the project to it's goal of 1 million pounds in one year from £100, each will have an equal share of the profit.

To recap, this on line blog is a daily coaching tool for those on the course, supported with meetings and seminars that will be taking place. The project is the subject of a documentary which we will be starting to film later in the year, but for the moment our focus is on developing the project with partners in the UK and abroad.

Thursday 22 March 2012


Throw FatMan from the bridge.

As ever my intrepid hero FatMan, contiuely faces the issues that surround humanity, and as a writer I am faced with dilemmas on how to move the plot on through complex issues whilst retaining humour. Recently the issue at hand was how to make Hitlers argument for killing convincing, so FatMan would find it difficult not to agree with the meglomaniacs logic. We all face the same archetypal problems in life, so the answer to my question was simply to escalate a psychological dilemma that actually involves another Fat man, but not of my creation.

It goes like this.

Firstly, there is a basic psychological principle that affects how we behave in relation to decisions,  but let's take financial investments and relationships for example. In the investment world, if a client invest £1 with you, he will often invest £100 and more to justify the first descision to spent the pound however onerous it was. Placing faith in people, causes and religions lends well to this behaviour, just as much as with relationships. Many people continue with a relationship based on the original promise and the time invested, even though it is not exactly right for them.

Ok with this in mind, lets pretend you are driving a train. Up ahead you can see a car with the parents and two young children inside broken down on the tracks. You know you cannot stop the train in time to save them from the train crushing them. There is however a siding that you can steer the train into that will save the family, but a workman on the tracks will be killed.
What do you do. 
1. Take no action and let the family die
2. Take action and through that action save the many at the cost of the one.

Ok with your answer in mind, you are on a bridge over a railway line, you can see round a bend where there are some workmen trying to fix a break in the line, a train is approaching very fast full of passengers and cannot see the workmen. Unless the train brakes before the bridge the workmen will be killed and the train will de-rail killing all the passengers .
You cannot signal the train effectively to stop it, but there is a fat man on the bridge too, and if you throw him on the track the train will stop saving all the lives, but the fat man will die.

What do you do?

This is the difference between taking action and no action, revolution and evolution. The question is a simple one, one life for the many, but you have to live the the consequences of your actions. If you kill the FatMan you will be guilty of the murder of one man, if you let hundreds die you will not be guilty of murder by failing to save people, but you will know you could have saved them if you had the courage to throw the FatMan from the bridge.

In Hitlers fictional case he argued to FatMan, that by not acting rather than taking the revolution route to a new world order, thousand of millions would die needlessly over time, as opposed to tens of millions in the short term.  Taking action therefore takes courage and determination where as doing nothing is useful to nobody.

We play out these dilemmas in our lives, albeit on not such a grand global scale, however with none the less considerable ramifications in our own lives and those around us. 

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." 
Edmund Burke ( possible quote.)

So does evil win when bad men try to do bad things to do good things, or when good men do bad things for good ends, or or when good and bad men do nothing at all.

Personally I think if we all do the best we can together, the ultimate conclusion is, we will be doing good for both ourselves and for others.

Wednesday 21 March 2012


At any time in your life you can suddenly find yourself lost, without purpose or direction. It can be an unsettling time, but a necessary evolution. If you believe life to be the evolution of the species (with a load of pointless random events leading to your ultimate demise, but retaining the potential benefit of the survival of your blood line), what happens to you and the actions you take will have relatively little meaning other than being in line with the personal and social values put upon you.

Now theres a concept to get your head around. 

If however, you see a greater purpose to your existence and aspire to live in a manner congruent with the often transient and hidden purpose you have, you will realise that each event in your life is a doorway, a path and a choice for you to take or make, that will ultimately serve that purpose. 

The failing of humanity will always be encapsulated in the word 'choice', purely for the reason that so many of us have the propensity to continue to make the wrong ones. Relationships... personal, businesses whatever the choice,  you will confronted with the prospect of doing the same thing, albeit with different cloths on, or changing your ways. Groundhog day, deja vu, whatever the name you call it, if you analyse your life, the more decisions you make the more times you will be faced with similar scenarios. Some people make relatively few decision in their life, so their capacity to analyse the similarities are less focused. But we all suffer the same archetypal experiences, or should I say cycle of birth, growth, maturity, decay and death, in everything we do. This  means ideas, relationships, projects, and phases of our  lives within the overall journey of life. The main plot, with sub plots, adding up to the overall journey of your life.

Depending on your influences, ie  parents, education and social conditioning etc, you will be looking forward to 72 virgins, heaven or hell, rebirth as a small rodent, nothing, another life or whatever else those who are in a position to influence your thinking will tell you. Free thought, is a bit if an illusion once you hang your hat on a belief, and you are going to spend an awful lot of time and energy either not believing in anything, believing in something, or convincing yourself everyone else is wrong, as you have a handle on the right idea just because of geography. Thats right, geography, not the most loved subject at school, but none the less one of the most influential in your personal make up. 

The last time I was in Dubai, as usual I spent some time questing people's faith. It's an annoying habit, but one of my favourites. On this occasion a Muslim. The question in hand on belief on this occasion, was simply the locality this gentlemen was born in, culturally adopting the faith of his family, friends and community. Now choice in this instance, was taken out of the equation by birth location and honouring those he loved. But, if he had been born in Belfast say, he might not have adopted that faith.

Well the argument back would be the guided  hand of God on the geography of his birth. And this indeed would be true, for if you believe in a religion, religion will provide your answers, if you believe in science, science will provide your answers, because the law of attraction and the power of the universe gives you exactly what you ask for, so the great creator of everything is responsible for geography too.

So coming back to feeling lost at 20, 30, 40,50,60,70,80,90 or 100, my apologies to anyone over 100 who is feeling a bit lost with this post and I didn't mention them, there are a whole host of influences that may be responsible for this ' lost' feeling at any one time. It's a natural feeling when life doesn't quite add up and you've got to ask what's the point? Because all that you are being told doesn't  quite add up either. 

It's time to take a step back, go with the flow a little and rely on the ultimate purpose of your life to guide you. Intuition, second sight, premonitions, dreams, they can all be deceiving as they can be influenced by your conditioning, but if you ask me what I use as a barometer for direction, it's usually a consensus of all my available senses, I ask the question I need to know the answer to and I feel the answer. It's not that easy to relax and go with the flow especially when things appear to work out strangely, but put yourself in the position of the universe, you ask for a bike for Christmas, you want a bike, you need a bike, so the universe starts to put the wheels in motion to open the doors and give you the opportunity to get a bike. Maybe it's not going to be in time for Christmas, as time is not as important to the cosmos as to you, so don't be impatient, just keep focussing on what you want.

There are however practical exercises that can help your focus, such as setting a Timeline, which is a great NLP technique infinitely more powerful than goal setting. It really has the power of defining plans, crystallising strategies and giving motivation and direction, and if used properly, can be a life changing experience as well as an excellent life or business building tool.

Direction and purpose are essential to develop as a person, but placing your faith in money and fame to for fill this need, is going to be a very empty cup, albeit a fun ride if you  get there. In a world of connectivity dominated by voyeurism and the desire to be seen, sometimes the real point of your 'being', can be lost on a Facebook page of friends who you don't know, or in tweeted followers you will never meet.

Other than the fact there might be a few people worth knowing at the end of your Internet connection, you could be forgiven for mistaking the number one personal relationship in your life, just like me right now, is with a machine. However this blog is here to help people on a course find success and build a unique organisation, so there is an ultimate purpose worth investing time in. Out side of that,  it's not surprising people feel a little  lost sometimes.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


The Rule Of Three

As this blog is designed to support success in all aspects of life, from your career to your business to your personal life and ambitions, the posts form a cross section of coaching advice that can only be described as essential life skills. All the information comes from my business, training and coaching expertise developed over the last 30years, and forms the basis for this project.

With regard to people considering their own business I tend to work with clients on a mind, body and spirit basis which means;

Mind -the skills and mental strength of the leader
Body -the skills and mindset of the staff
Spirit -the the values and direction of the business.

You could summarise this into strengths and weaknesses.

With regard to the structure of the business from a financial point of view, it is always a good start when you asses an enterprises value or potential for survival with the rule of three. 

As I have mentioned, the individual who invests their time, which is after all money into an idea can do so as a hobby or a serious enterprise. The latter is generally the area I tend to work in as success has a tangible quality of return to it. Individuals need to up skill themselves with some business savvy, however the reason 95% of business fail in the first five years is mostly simple errors and a lack of foresight, it's called mismanagement. On Dragons Den one of the key aspects of investment is not just the product or service, it's the person behind the project. Primarily they look for; 
Boffins to help
Scalable products
Financial sense
Genuinely entrepreneurial minds 
Track record

Once you have decided on your product or service, you then need to determine a route to Market, and the cost of that route, it's called the cost of client acquisition closely followed by the cost of client maintenance.

When I apply the rule of three to assess a businesses viability the basic break down is:
30% sales and marketing 
30% product and fixed costs
30% profit 
10% for the pot.

There are of course variations to this model based on when in the lifespan of a business the equation is used, but this is as good a formula to start with to see how healthy the business is. Try it on yours.

Successful entrepreneurs know the pivotal value of sales and marketing, and potentially at least 60 % of their time should be used in this area. Sadly most spend virtually nothing and wonder why there are no customers.

In this venture, 35% of the membership is sales and marketing given to the individuals doing the course. 

Now the project is crystallised in it's core team, aims, goals, product and financial returns, it is time to focus on bringing in clients who will benefit.

At this point we need to focus on the salient points of the membership (product, our unique selling points USP's).

Long before this point we have looked at the competition in order to price accordingly, either undercutting or providing more value. In the case of this project, it is unique in what it offers for the level of cost, as well as the returns...vary rarely do products offer returns, but this is a holistic strategy for success so there are three aspects..

Empowerment- confidence, business savvy & personal skills
Financial rewards- returns for effort
Success strategies- proven methods of achieving goals

So anyone considering NLP for example, will learn all the skills for well under the price of any of the competition through the membership. Business skills are the same as well hypnosis and personal development. The structure of the product allows development in many areas, but this can also mean a general attitude to the market, making it non specific, which can be a danger. 

The potential Market for our membership and course is everyone, the product itself is success based skills, all of them. 

Monday 19 March 2012



Many people describe themselves as an entrepreneur rather than a business person, these days it is a label bandied about the commercial world with many people laying claim to the title as an identification of who they are, or rather who they would like to be perceived as. As you know, I really don't like labels, but people do identify you by what you are, although I have never laid claim to this one. Whatever the true definition of the word, which was probably coined in the 19century in France, laid out below are some definitions on what types and characteristics are synonymous with the subject.

An entrepreneur is an owner or manager of a business enterprise who makes money through risk and initiative.  

Characteristics include;

1. Possess strong negotiating skills and consensus-forming abilities
2. Opportunity-driven rather than necessity-driven
3. Management skill and strong team building abilities,

Social Entrepreneurs
Key traits and characteristics of highly effective social entrepreneurs include ambition and a lack of acceptance of the status quo or accepting the world "as it is".

A Serial Entrepreneur 
Is one who continuously comes up with new ideas and starts new businesses, possessing a higher propensity for risk, innovation and achievement.

A Lifestyle Entrepreneur
Places passion before profit when launching a business in order to combine personal interests and talent with the ability to earn a living.

To be successful in business or in your career, you will need to adopt the characteristics of an entrepreneur, especially in the opportunity recognition and development department. To maintain your success you will either have to enlist the aid of professionals in areas you lack expertise in, or become an expert in your own right. 

It is wise to have a good knowledge of as many subjects as possible before you delegate them. Subjects such as the four pillars of business success, for without them, however good you are at the entrepreneurial side, your ability to recruit key players to assist you to your goal without being hoodwinked, will be severely compromised.

Pillars such as:
Financial Management
Man Management
Strategic Management 
Sales and Marketing.

If you're running a business or contemplating running a business, you might want to give yourself marks out of ten on expertise in these areas, for the reason why 95% of enterprises fail in the first 5 years is the deficiency on the part of the captain of the business in one area or another.

So if you are going to risk your money, invest your time, and compromise your life to start a business, you owe it to yourself to become acquainted with these pillars, otherwise you will only end up owing the bank.

Running a  businesses is  a skill, so the best idea is to look and practice before you leap. The course twined with this project is designed to give the participants all the inside knowledge on real business and practice those skills  in a real life situation, so they can be two steps ahead of the game instead of one behind the bailiff.


The Master Key original course is in the public domain, however the course is a little heavy going and possibly dated in language. The MPS course includes the exercises for the Master Key at the end of each weekly section on the power of influence and understanding. The best way to gain real value from the exercises in the Master Key itself, it is not to read it  like a book, but take each week as it comes, otherwise one has the tendency to not focus but skip, and in so doing undermine the benefits of the exercises. 

Individuals on the course  will be receiving each chapter of the original for background reference each week, so by combining the law of attraction with defined skills of influence and self belief, it has the holistic approach of providing individuals with real confidence to idealise, visualise and manifest successfully. It is a practiced art, and the more you focus the more you will certainly be returned. Unfortunately because  our conditioning 100 years on from the Master Keys release is so powerful, and instantly reinforced through the interruption of modern communication that was not available back then, the course is much more effective with a level of coaching and live events to combat the negative thought patterns we continually suffer, that undermine it's potential power in today's world.

Sunday 18 March 2012


As a coaching blog designed to support those on the 24 week course in the power of influence,understanding &  self belief, combined with the law of attraction, the posts here are written to create a vehicle for daily advice on business, personal and success development.

As you will appreciate, this blog is both a coaching vehicle for individuals on the course as well as a blog on the development of the project. In this regard it tells the inside track of the development of a business, therefor providing the reader with a considerable amount of real life advice on building success, (in the same way my Hard Core entrepreneurial blog gives a unique insight for serious entrepreneurs).

One of the fundamentals of the progress of this project is to use the law of attraction as part of the building strategy, and to the moment, this influence has been very strong in all the decisions I have made. This means looking at people as either messengers who can point the project in the right direction, or as assets to the operation itself. 

Conditioning works against you in this regard, for my natural inclination is to try to progress through force of control with the enterprise, rather than rely on the processes of idealisation, visualisation and materialisation. The way the law works is to move the world like a kaleidoscope to provide you with the opportunity necessary to manifest the object of your desire, (within a format that is congruent with your underlying purpose). It's a neat trick, but by no means easy... Unless you think it is of course.

The skill is recognising signs, picking up opportunity, and maximising their potential. But a relaxed attitude is also important, for the more tension in your mind,  body and spirit,  the less you will be able to connect with the law, it's called 'trying too hard' and we all know what happens then. Sometimes we see setbacks as bad luck, but they are also shifts that will direct us in a new  more promising route. I'd love it if everyone immediately came on board with this program, but I'm aware the wrong choices here will serve to drain the project of valuable creative energy.

Through my business consultancy work I'm familiar with a considerable amount of information, on how to help an entrepreneur build a successful enterprise. But however much you know, when your in the driving seat of the car, your focus stops you seeing the journey with the vision of  a passenger or an external observer. This is where you need to be open to the messages that come form all quarters,  even those without any knowledge of your project at all.

The development of an enterprise runs through archetypal stages of all businesses, such as crystallising the business to become a brand. For the initial stages you conduct your market research, analyse your market,  refine your product & approach, but during this time you must always be willing to change and adapt, as very rarely will the first concept be your final version or vision. You can call it stream lining or optimisation, but at some point you will know your finished article is ready for full launch, and at that point you can adopt a brand.

A conversation with someone I had never met before,  reminded me of this; a messenger that comes along at the right time to remind you of what you possibly know, but need to apply.

Branding ideally is a simplification of your product or business to an instantly recognisable word, phrase or image, and from that position everything is made clear. 

The format of this project is an enterprise for those who want to learn the secrets of success and cut the bonds that hold them back. It is fundamentally  a private membership (that includes a 24 week course on success based thinking) for £100. In an earlier post we discussed the benefits of adopting a mentality of thinking big, to inspire big things to happen. With this in mind, the ultimate goal of this project has to be as big as possible, but achievable. 

So whilst the purpose is to;
Take one hundred pounds in one year and make one  million 
To take one hundred people to be part of that achievement
To give anyone involved the process to make their own million

There is also an ultimate goal to provide as many people as possible with;
 A range of personal skills and strategies that facilitate success,
 The benefits of working with other ambitious people,
 Receiving an immediate tangible financial reward for success.

This is a movement to manifest change in society by creating a culture of success. The goal is to make one... One Hundred Million.. shoot for the starts and you might just hit the sun, which is funnily enough a star after all.


We all have a considerable resource at our disposal that will genuinely and realistically give you everything you want in life if you employ it's power. It's called your brain. Unfortunately at school and university we are taught reasoned thought and analysis, but, and it is a big but, unless you've done a degree in success based thinking, which I'm not actually aware there is will hard pressed to;
Cut the limiting bonds of negative conditioning,
Be aware of the powerful thought strategies available to you,
Or use them to any effect if you are.

Practical success based thinking, would be the most beneficial course I could think of at any level of education, and certainly not one I would have fallen asleep in. Unfortunately, the academic world lags along way behind the real world when it comes to living life and maximising the potential of your mind. Education generally shuts down the ability of the majority to achieve, either through a prejudiced method of selection or an antiquated method of teaching.

I'll justify that. Just suppose how well you did at a project at school, ended up with more money in your pocket? Forget the part time jobs waiting, working in shops etc, make every thing you did at school actually have a commercial value. How quickly would we go from a nation of underachievers to the most successful society on earth? So then you have to ask yourself 'why is there too little (no) emphasis on success based thinking?' In fact I don't ever remember meeting someone who had done a course in it. The mainstream is exactly that, a streaming system that follows the same old river of thought that's been around forever.

You might have gathered I'm not a big fan or the educational system for the majority,(personal experience) as it fails on a massive level to prepare anyone for success except those who are 'considered' the higher achievers within a set frame work of timing and assessment that ignores the real potential in individuals. 

An example of this is an experiment conducted on 'teacher mentality to pupil success'. One class of higher achieving students were swapped with  school where the teachers were told they all were lower achievers, and on the reverse side lower achievers were introduced to teachers as higher achievers. The results showed a considerable fall off on academic accomplishment on the higher achievers because of mind set of the teachers ...a low expectation.
Conversely the low achievers started to really shine as the expectations of the teachers were high. 

Here we have three  fundamentals that will directly influence your mindset to success; 
An exterior belief in your potential, reflecting an interior high value and personal belief,
A structure/strategy you can learn, replicate and be confident in.
A positively reinforced attitude to money and achievement.

So, if from day one, in an educational system focused towards the 'perceived cream', you are to all intents and purposes forgotten by society, is it any wonder so many people are disaffected, underachieve and drift.

One of the core values of this project is to address this shortfall in the system, by providing the practical skills necessary to achieve the full potential of any person involved, and give them the opportunity to make a million for themselves.

Saturday 17 March 2012


As you may be aware, I've worked primarily as a personal and business consultant over the last ten years. This is not so much coaching or mentoring but problem solving with entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals. This means drawing in the expertise to resolve issues on a private and business footing.

I now run, what you might call a 'hard core' entrepreneurial blog which is of value to certain entrepreneurs who would like to learn from a very real fly on the wall position about the ventures I get involved in. The material they get to see is not for public consumption, purely because the real life subjects covered are exactly that, real life, showing both the lighter and darker side of the business world, which frankly you have to live to believe, and a secret look into otherwise behind closed door dealings is worth it's weight in gold to people who are serious players in business.

This project however is open for public viewing, and is designed for individuals whatever their background, to experience and expand their skills, with the facility to be part of the business and go on to make a million in their own right, if they want to.

The question that keeps pooping up is can you make a million all that easily? The majority of people think it's hard simply because they have no comprehension of how, and for some inexplicable reason, not only fail to see opportunity, but consistently reject it. ( one of the c's of success that can be happily employed to reverse the process.....consistency) Their conditioning is so strong that they constantly undermine their own chances of actually getting anywhere in life.

Over the years, it's been actually quite difficult not to keep running into people who were using all sorts of methods to make millions quite happily. Changes in the law, in regulations, in technology, property, eduction, minerals, crime, finance (or is that the same thing) shipping, hotels,Government funding, entertainment  leisure, books, as well as the old favourite.. The Internet. Social trends and fads are important here, and where considerable sums can be made.

There are also many people making money out of telling other people how to make money out of on line trading like forex, gambling, MLM, alternative investments galore.

There are lots of motivational seminars by 'successful' people telling other people who would like to be a success, how to be a success.

Just talking to people about almost anything seems to make money.

So what's different here. Very simply this is your project as much as it is mine. Everything you will be shown will help you, me and the project. And you can take it as far as you want. The more knowledge you have, the more powerful you become and so does the project as a whole. Hence why this is open to everyone who would like just a little more, whatever their age or background. You see,  to effect real change in a world where values, from top to bottom, are to say the least questionable in religions, governments, societies and of course, the business and banking world, you need a little more than a cross on a piece of paper and a post on a forum to make a tangible difference.(However, I will say a little post on a forum is a powerful tool as many business are finding as the scruples of competition and jealousy on the Internet allow for some pretty underhanded tactics.)   

 The world is not all as some would have you see it, and the cracks continue to appear, so I will give you some cherished advice. Whenever faced with any situation or opportunity in life ask you self these questions, and find some answers...
What's in it for them?
What's in it for me?
What's the end game?
Everybody wants something from you, your money, your time, your support, or your blood. Some people just want your help. I spend a considerable amount of time with clients finding out the answers to these questions.

Knowing the real reasons people need or want you puts you in the driving seat in both business and relationships, but it can often be a hard lesson, or even something you would rather not know. The power of understanding gives you that insight, and once you have it, you will be able to take control of your life in a way you never thought possible.

So think, once you have the power of influence, and then you have the power of understanding, you're  going to be one seriously clued up person... But with maybe, no where to go. 

So when you ask the question of me....what's in it for me ? to help you to be a clued up, truth wielding, no shit taking, world beating M.........F.....ER, the fact is you will be a great deal more  use to this project, than you are now, and as a trade, you will a great deal more use to yourself. I'm sure we have something in common when I say 'I would like you to be confident and blessed with all the life skills and mental processes that will lead to your success'. I'm 100% on your side, the only question for me is ...are you on your side too?

Friday 16 March 2012



Who motivates you? 

It's a common question, the people who motivate me are the individuals who I am fortunate enough to meet on this project. Twice this week, I have met women who have motivation, energy and a genuine  desire to succeed. Everybody says they would like success, but those who actually attempt to scale those heady heights with real commitment are sadly few and far between. 

Let's take Shelly, a twenty seven year old with an ambitious plan to help those who are less fortunate to a better future. You can find the full details of her project

Shelly has a unusual ability to be able to talk to anyone, however powerful, in order to move her project forward. Her passion for her task is relentless taking her cause to the very heights of society, approaching entrepreneurs and heads of state  to seek their support. She recognises the need to be able to influence those who stand to help her, however daunting, and in this arena I hope to help her reach her goal.

The second lady, who certainly rates as my personal role model is Helene, a woman of extraordinary energy, drive and entrepreneurial acumen. It is rare for me to meet a professional with such a diverse and considered level of ability in both personal and business development, who can work with people at all levels. Her  networking  skills are exemplary, developing opportunity at ever moment, Helene understands more than most the value of contacts, one of the three C's to success. Her confidence, charm and charisma makes her a role model that I am sure many participants will look to for inspiration. For my own part, I hope once again I can indeed assist her on the road to more success.

As my search continues to complete the 100 ambitious partners to work with on this program, it is not altogether unexpected that 80% of the individuals currently engaged in the project are female entrepreneurs of all ages. This is very much a time of female empowerment, as men generally allow themselves to fall into the back seat in business and mental development,  possibly just expecting success to happen, without actively courting or acquiring more skills to develop it. Certainly the new movers and shakers I meet who really deserve to be a success, are undoubtedly women.


I received an email asking if theres a 'formula or strategy to how I write a book?'.. from one of participants on the project, which was a good question as I had never actually analysed this before. It's good to look at what thought processes you adopt, so you can understand what steps you take and improve your strategy, as well as model it for other people to take the same steps. This is the process I use when I model successful people, finding out the moves they take mentally and physically to achieve their goals. It's great with business, sport and relationships, and the ideal method to enhance the levels of success you can teach and achieve yourself.

There's a best seller in all of us, it's just dragging the dam thing out that's the problem. How do you write a book? Well, the truth is it's not so difficult when you get the hang of it, especially when it comes to writing a novel. But practice makes perfect, and perfection is in the writing just as much as the re & re writing.

There are only two things that will stop you, one...your attitude, and two.. lack of structure. These two will be the basis of success in all things you do in life, not just writing. If you take the decision to achieve your goal, the only difficulty that really comes between you and success will be your commitment to that success and consistency to find ways to overcome the difficulties that may stand in your way.

But a good strategy is also essential, otherwise you will drift with the currents of life and never get things done. How many half finished literary works of art remain in draws gathering dust? 

There are a few basic steps that I can tell you that will help you construct a book. First of all just start writing,  get in the habit.

Firstly, linear thinking and lateral thinking can be expanded and contracted.
A story has a beginning, middle and end.... linear, and each section can be expanded laterally, with description, events and problems.
Posing problems and answering them with common sense helps the story line.
Having layers to the plot, a journey for example, a chance meeting,  a romance, a problem, but all within a day, with a choice to be made. 
The plot should set the scene, pose the problem, find the resolution. (potentially having sub plots of the same format included in the main as the book becomes more complex).

For example: I went to work and came home... The end.
Now apply questions that you may or may not choose to answer to expand the idea.
Who am I
Why did I go
When did I go
How did I go
What did I go for

I met someone.
Who, what, why, when, where, how

Problem. I lost their number.

Dificulty I tripped over and broke my leg.

Solution they were the nurse in the hospital I went to, 

Message fate sometimes takes a hand in love

To develop the story using lateral thought to develop any scene with description or a sub plot will make the story more interesting, colourful and diverse. Humour, irony, or any emotion will add flavour.

Remember pace, build slowly, develop the problem and give the resolution as a conclusion without dragging on.

If you don't have an idea for a story just start writing to practice, you'll find the story comes to you once you have a character in mind, just keep giving them problems, that's life after all. Don't try to write a best seller, just write something you would enjoy to read, hopefully they will end up the same, but it's all about confidence. 

Hopefully that helps as a quick strategy to start writing, you just need to focus and develop a pattern of thought that leads to success for you.


Thursday 15 March 2012


Documentary & Business

The project is nearing the end of it's first quarter, which means we will be moving towards running more  live events. A substantial part of this project is based around documenting progress in both written and video formats to provide the necessary material to base the documentary on, as well as the business and coaching foundations. 

The original  goal was to develop a structure that both encouraged and rewarded endeavour, in both the entrepreneurial and personal senses of the word. Therefor, the title of the project and the project itself reflect all aspects of that goal, it is congruent to it's mission, which means it not only talks the talk , but walks it too.

One of the keys to success is the ability to promote your project, your business or yourself. More than ever, as individuals we are now micro businesses in our own right, trading time for either opportunity, friends, followers or money. People seeking success or recognition at whatever level can display their wares on a host of Internet sites, gaining followers and developing a network. The trouble is the internet becomes over cooked so to speak, when everyone has an idea or something to say, it becomes a sea of infinity rather than a river of thought.

So to focus on success you have to return to the basic foundations that provide you with the skills to achieve your goals, and not rely on a hope for the best attitude, or the world owes me a favour. There are 6 billion people in the world hoping for the best in this life or the next, so what will make you stand out is the ability to take action and make maximum use of the natural abilities God gave you.

In the world of business there are four corners of success

Strategic management
Personnel management 
Financial management
Sales & Marketing 

The last is the the one that any entrepreneur should spend 60% of his or her time on. A full understanding the skills in this area make the difference between a business that is treading water and really moving forward. However, this can only really be effective if the first three are well considered.

Even as individuals developing our careers the basic principles of business apply. It's all every well thinking you are, or you have the  best thing since sliced bread to provide to others, but you have to be able to sell both YOU and YOUR IDEAS to other people to move forward.

When I'm coaching individuals in their careers, one of the first mental shifts I ask them to take is a long hard look in the mirror. As a product would they buy themselves? What do they have to offer, and can that be packaged in a way whereby they gain better value for their time and effort. Many more  people undervalue themselves, than over value, and often it just takes a repackaging of whats on offer, and a reframing of the mindset to literally double or quadruple your income. 

A young lady executive I was working with a few years ago, identified herself more with what she couldn't do rather than what she could. By taking confidence and ability in tasks she thought of as obscure and routine, together we developed her career over 18 months from being out of work and applying for jobs at 30k, to well over 100k. So what's the secret?

 Its developing the skill of strategising your success, communicating your worth and developing opportunity. 

If you see life as a game in which there are no winners or losers, just levels of success determined by YOU, the fear of failure and pleasing others will no longer exist as a concept in your mind, which will free a considerable amount of creative thought to propel you forward to take the immediate massive action that is required to succeed.

Wednesday 14 March 2012



I have been reading your blog recently  with interest and was wondering if you could clarify something for me. Currently I run my own business and was interested in what you say about influence. I have been meaning to book a 2 day course on how to gain more sales but wondered if yours covers this area. I'm not so much interested in being part of the project but learning how to make my business more profitable. I'm not sure if I can gain the level of training I am looking at for the relatively small amount you charge when the course I'm looking at is over £600. Is the course primarily for young people with no real experience of business? as I have been running mine for four years, but feel I lack in the sales and marketing department.

If you can advise I would appreciate your help.

Thank you 


Hi Andy,

Thank you for your email, and your questions. Let me answer in this way. The information on influence the course provides is not targeted at the young, as the overwhelming majority of people, in and out of business, whatever their age, will not be consciously using the power of influence effectively, and for those aspects they are aware of, they will very rarely be using any techniques or language patterns in a structured way.

Over the years I have conducted a considerable amount of training in this area to those new to the world of influence as well as those who see themselves as professionals in their own industry. Indeed, the figures  I charge for this form of training are comparable to the fees you have looked at. I'm not sure of the level of training that you will be supplied, but if I take it as an introductory/intermediate course, the power of influence training that you will engage upon within this project includes advanced level. In this case the fee of £100 should not be confused with the level of information or target audience, as the purpose of the training is to benefit the project by bringing on board home grown so to speak, commercially aware, highly confident and skilled communicators of any age, with a full understanding of what works in the entrepreneurial world.

Therefore, the level of information gained over the 24 four weeks would not be equitable with a 2 day sales/business development training intermediate level course, as the amount/power of knowledge given over such a short period would not be comparable.

For your information and to clarify the level of understanding and expertise an individual undertaking the course will gain, I have included a summary list of the areas  any professional who is engaged in influence through sales, business, politics or life should use as a check list of understanding. For without the knowledge of how and when to use the skills and techniques listed (this is purely the power of influence aspect of the course, which also covers the power of understanding, self belief (entrepreneurial) and the law of attraction), facing life is like fighting with one hand tied behind your back, so I congratulate you on taking the positive step to improve your skill level which ever route you take.

I hope this goes some way to helping your thoughts.

Kind regards

Presentation Structure
A I D A attention : interest: desire : action.
Warm up
Statement of intent
Who what where why how
Closing doors
Creating the need
Price conditioning
Four aspects of a sale: The client  The product  The pitch  You

Fundamental Tools:
Conceptual selling
KISS overcomplicating the issue :Keep it simple stupid, 
FAB Feature Advantage  Benefits
Open Questions    & closed questions
Third party stories
Balance is the key
Belief                   Trust in you, your product and your company
Understanding     What the product can do and what it will do for your client
Money                  Eliciting do they have the money?
Making judgments on people we meet for the first time
Psychological blackmail by implied consent
Hot spots
Create the dream
Taking possession
Pressure release
Conceptual closing 
Trial closing- If I could would you
Closes:     Alternative          assumptive          silent          lost sale 
Objections:    Agree  -- overcome --- close
Open questions closed questions
Repetition reframing and repackaging
Building value and price conditioning
Third party stories
Objections:handling Agree overcome close
Objections: ignore, shelve, overcome
The take away
Third party influence
Never talk past the sale or after the sale
People buy at different rates based on what kind of people they are 
End game is the conclusion of the process. 
Complicity by implied acceptance
Patience and the window of opportunity
The personal baggage
The face with distortions- the five perceptions of life
Commonality Finding areas of common ground with your prospect is an essential tool to gain rapport. 
Beliefs Values Rules
How to win
Past performance,  present performance,  future performance

NLP techniques 
Changing tenses
Subconscious suggestions
Eye accessing Q’s  
Surface text sub text
Inducing states
Sub modalities
Double bind

Approach Rules:
PMA Positive Mental Attitude
Maintain Enthusiasm and have fun
Retain and maintain Control
Concentrate on the concept
Kiss Keep it simple stupid
Assume they will buy
Be a leaders not a follower
Law of equal response
Have Empathy not sympathy
Talk as equals but not quite
Who’s selling who
Two ears one mouth, use them in that ratio
Always keep closing
Be all things to all people
Continually elevate the closing process
Stand your ground and defend your product
Give only enough information to get the sale
Don’t become truly emotionally involved
Don’t walk away first
Don’t think they need to know what you think you would need to know to make decision
Don’t talk past the sale
Don’t talk money too early
Don’t over talk people
Don’t be too eager or over enthusiastic
Don’t sound like a salesperson, 
Don’t be too keen to please
Don’t express an opinion other than on your product
Never thank them for their business or appear too humble
The questioner has control
The seven urges to avoid

Client objectives:
Finding commonality
Creating confidence and trust
People buy people
Getting clients honest

Understanding clients:
The not interested reflex
Breaking the pact
Smoke screen objections
Fight or flight  
Fear off loss sense of gain
How people feel is the key to impulse buying
People always like a bargain
Generalisation deletion and distortion
Third party influence 
Buyers are liars
Psychological profiles
Matcher or mismatcher
Pain or pleasure
What's in it for me question.

Physical approach:
Eye contact
Body language
Two ears one mouth
Eye accessing cues

Personal objectives:
Goal setting
Memory techniques
Time line

Tuesday 13 March 2012


One of the most important aspects of this program, is to guide the individuals involved to their ultimate goal, their personal definition of success. Whilst each person has a unique and personal understanding of this subject, and potentially a chosen vehicle to achieve their goal, we all have archetypal influences that link us inexorably together.

Two people reading this blog may take very different views of the information provided. The entrepreneur will seek the aspects that 'fit' the entrepreneurial mind, the spiritual minded will have a different take and those more devoted to the physical world will again look for information that relates to their  discipline. It is a natural condition to look for what we like or are like at any one point in life, where and who we find a natural synergy with. One of the unique aspects of this project is the desire not to be pigeonholed, to resist the desire of people to say 'this is like this' or 'that'.

As you may be aware I loath labels and divisions between people, as a fractional world we can never move forward as a human race. Too many people want different things, have different motivations and aspirations you might think for unity to ever happen, but in my 50 years on this planet, I have never seen anything that makes me believe this is the case.

Why this project is difficult to label is because its goal is to represent and support the hopes, desires and aspirations of all those involved. It is entrepreneurial; there is indeed a highly developed business orientated aspect to give anyone considering their own enterprise the opportunity to learn skills that are firmly placed in the influence, persuasion and commercial department, expanding the mind with a whole host of techniques. At first sight this might seem far removed from a spiritual aspect, however to achieve success, whatever your endeavour, it has to be congruent with your inner values, beliefs and higher self. As far as the body, the connection between the mind body and spirit cannot be understated. Health and fitness are directly connected to your levels of stress and happiness in life. Your levels of energy, physically, mentally and spiritually, all add up to how successfully you attract the opportunities you deserve and are best placed to gain maximum benefit from.

I have the pleasure of talking on a daily basis with individuals whose feet are firmly placed in one area of life, but often lack the balance all three can give to their endeavours. By introducing individuals to just how much they can take charge of their own lives, we hope to inspire them to help others in the same direction. The fact is, there is nothing in my experience or levels of personal expertise that cannot be replicated by anyone else, a belief I have always subscribed to. Modelling the success of others and developing similar behavioural patterns is powerful tool in the success box. But pure creative inspiration of a genius like Mozart is surely impossible to recreate. But first one has to pose the question, was his genius and the genius of those like him the result of an enhanced brain, or a connection to a greater consciousness, and if so can that creative flow be tapped into? It's an interesting question, where does creativity come from?

Working with many dyslexics it is easy to see how the deficiency in the development in the cerebellum, ( the tangerine sized object at the base of the brain responsible for fine and gross motor controls, comprehension and spatial awareness amongst others) can create a mentality that will develop alternatives and advantages to 'normal' thinking... whatever that is, but the creative sense of writing music, art or novels is a different realm. Through hypnosis it is possible to sidestep the personal conditioning of 'I cannot do this' or 'that' and have a subject create artwork, music and poetry even when they believe themselves to have zero creative ability. This means the only barrier to our achievements is what we think we can do. However, it is accessing what I can only describe as a group consciousness or cosmos if you like that opens the gate to considerable creative energy. To develop this skill requires both focus and a relaxed freedom of thought; belief there is a creative source we can all tap into. This is ultimately where anyone whatever their educational background or circumstances can aspire to develop their mental acuity; to reap the benefits of not only a balanced mind, body and spirit, but also a freedom of thought and a  connection to the source of all creative inspiration, and so master the law of attraction.


Following on from yesterday, one of the young entrepreneurs I'm working with on the One to One Mentoring for Success program I run, recounted a recent event that typifies the mind set of many people, looking at opportunities as problems and difficulties they don't enjoy, and  shy away from.

Talking to strangers  is the biggest no- no, for many people, filled with dread and fear. Unfortunately opportunity lies within other people, and to be a success you have to go looking rather than wait for a knock at the door, which is more likely to be a bailiff than good news if you sit still in the entrepreneurial world. Inactivity just means you're going backwards in life.

Whatever you do, you have to become active in opening and taking opportunity. With this young lady she was asked to help with party and provide some Russian translation as a favour for a couple of hours. Every person you meet is either a door or has a message that may guide you in the right direction. But in this instance the idea of developing a conversation to your advantage, with absolute strangers who have their mind fixed firmly on what they are doing, does at first sight seem a daunting task.

But what you have on your side is the ability to be courteous, show interest, ask leading but not prying questions and let nature take it's course. Never prejudge or assume, you will simply close the door with your own conditioning. People like people and they like to be liked, so to develop contacts requires the ability to use you ears and mouth in the ratio God put them on your head 2:1.

In this instance, whilst her conditioning was telling her it was a waste of time (bearing in mind she knew nothing about their backgrounds, just nationality) she decided she might just as well find out a little more about one who seemed to be more reserved, than just in the party spirit. Telling people what you do for a living is pointless till they start to show exploratory interest. That means you have developed rapport and a converstaional ease to elicit background information; opportunity or information will present itself every time. In this instance the young lady gained a valuable contact with influence and the prospect of three contracts.

Now, they are prospective contracts, but this is the key to success, the more prospective opportunities you uncover the more likely you will advance in life, if that is you have the ability to develop those contacts. But 'how' is the question, the answer lies in the Power of Influence, how to develop relationships with other people. It's a skill that requires an understanding of how language can and should be used to create, not just babble. This is the first area of focus for the course, it's a learned science and not one they teach at school.. How to win friends and influence people is a basic foundation of success.

You know the language, but do you know what you're saying, what messages you send out that undermine your position, the subtext of conversations. If you don't you are stumbling in the dark when it comes to success. All you have to r go on is intuition, which is tainted with your own personal conditioning you will be unaware of.

One of the most rewarding aspects of mentoring is how you actively develop other people's success levels. This is done in the practical sense of being a sounding board, but also the individuals I work with often use my skin, my personality to step into at times of confusion to think how I would handle the situation (in a metaphorical sense).

One of the most powerful resources you will find is your imagination, it can give you literally the confidence of anyone you choose by stepping into another persons personality to develop your own. It's a great technique, and one I develop with my clients as a resource to actively work with to achieve their goals. Try it, imagine someone you admire, develop the characteristics in your mind that you would like to have, step into that person, see with their eyes, and feel what they would feel, just like coming out of the cinema when you were a kid and being superman or batman, blessed with all their powers. The great thing about your imagination is it knows no limits, just the strangle hold your conditioning has on it's power, through you imagination you can manifest anything you want into your life, and it's the key to the law of attraction.

Monday 12 March 2012


Diamonds are a girls best friend.

A friend of mine had the arduous task of separating gold from high quality synthetic diamonds, when a jewellery manufacturer went out of business with a few million pounds worth of stock. The gold needed to be melted down, so the spangles needed to be removed first. The result was more than an eye full of ice that looked very, very real.

Looking at the sparkling hoard I had an idea to recreate some parallels to a famous speach by Russsell H Conwell, 'Acres of Diamonds' in which he recounted a series of stories about individuals who had literally touched or stepped over millions of dollars in wealth every day, never to see the wealth under their very noses, because they were too wrapped up in the struggle of life to see the answers to all their problems lying in front of them. It's an inspirational, and motivational speech, and the pile of fake diamonds gave me an idea.

So today, as I was waiting for a train I strategically placed the largest of the faux diamonds on the floor in the sunlight, at the exact point where travellers would look down to take the step. To me the diamonds stood out like you would not believe glinting in the sunlight, sometimes individually  or in a group, I tried to see how many people noticed the potential wealth at their feet. Now I've seen some sparkly  ice on rings in my time, and had the pleasure of giving a 40k engagement ring once, (the relationship didn't mature into a marriage  and the ring painfully disappeared along with it) so I'm familiar with the look and feel of large diamonds, and diamonds do fall out of rings from time to time, so these could be the real thing, no problem. Even as synthetics they are  worth a few quid in their own right as some eye candy, so definitely  worth a stoop to recover.

So I was eager to see whether my intrepid travellers would have their eyes open or fixed on catching a train. People walked right up to the stones their feet maybe one inch from them, their eyes I'm sure looking right at the gems, but again and again they failed to see the prize on the floor right in front of them. The fact is people cannot see opportunity, even when it is bright as day and sitting there sparking at their feet.

 Its a kind of blindness we all suffer, only seeing what we expect or want. The brain deletes so much information so we can attend to every day tasks, that often the exact things we would love to find are excluded from our vision, simply because we program our minds to only see what is relevant to our lives, we actually make our everyday our everyday.

The opportunity I offer individuals with this program is exactly the same. The cost of the Partnership and course is £100. The first hundred to work with me get a 50pence share of all courses sold. That means, if together we reach our goal they stand to make 10k from the £100. Not a bad return I'd say, but let's look at worst case, they get a course for 24 weeks with everything I put into my intensive exec mentoring program that I charge 2k for. On top of that they get all the NLP techniques and hypnosis thrown in, plus the law of attraction, business and entrepreneurial secrets as well. The influence and persuasion training is usually charged out at £500 for two days,  Plus 85 % of every £100 is given to those involved.

That's the deal for £100, and its only there because I need to work with some like minded, highly motivated, entrepreneurial individuals, so I'm in the business of growing my own as I have no chance of recruiting them. Try putting an add in the paper for someone who is a self confident, motivated individual, with extensive entrepreneurial acumen, a complete understanding of business management, a master influencer who can train others, an excellent public speaker and  negotiator, with a good knowledge of NLP and hypnosis, who can strategise as well as coach and mentor with a firm understanding and ability to use the law of attraction, and see how many responses you get. So the only way to get the people I want is to give them all the knowledge I have on an intensive course to bring them up to speed, so this venture can move forward at lighting speed. 

When I interview people, one to one or at seminars, I'm interested in what they have to bring to the table. What is it from the long list above, they offer this enterprise, what is their value. You see the one single question that drives humanity is 'what's in it for me?' Now there's plenty in this for any one who can see the diamonds on the floor, and when people ask me how I select people to work with its plain and simple to see, I'm looking for those who do see, without me having to point everything out. Not experience or expertise in all these areas, just people who can see by retaining the experience and the expertise I'm looking for, they would be of value to me, and to notice, having the expertise would actually be of value to them.

It's being able to see opportunity and pick it up, that is one of the main threads which underpins this whole exercise, and one that is probably the most difficult for people to grasp. Can you see opportunity? Can you pick it up?

Friday 9 March 2012


ONE HUNDRED ONE YEAR ONE MILLION -PROJECT GOALS To create a unique mentoring organisation providing essential  personal and business  development skills, combined with an inherent path to success and the facility to 'Green House' creative ideas. To develop mentors and provide entrepreneurial opportunity.  To create a reality/documentary to support and publicise the initiative. To inspire people to success. To create mutually beneficial strategic alliances with individuals and organisations to advance the goals of the project. 

1. A 24 week course in personal and business development including influence and persuasion skills, NLP, Hypnosis and the law of attraction. Purpose: to increase communication skills, confidence and consistency of focus to achieve success.

2. Seminar/workshops/ networking events £10 per head 2/3 hr event. Purpose:  to support the course, increase relevant contacts, social event for like minded people, gain further skills, motivation and inspiration.  Frequency:  increasing with demand to weekly venues

Month 1-2 Create a strategy and refine structure within project goals
Month 2-6 Select 100 Core Partners & begin seminar/workshops.
Month 6-12 Engage full sales and marketing drive.

PROJECT PARTICIPANTS (CORE PARTNERS)  100 individuals who are prepared to develop their skills of communication, confidence, consistency and contacts, following the project as an active participant with an equal share of the income. Initially attending introductory meetings and taking the course to bring them up to speed, (relating to the personal success based skills available to them), as well as creatively developing the project (and sub projects) working with other like minded individuals.  Potentially moving onto mentoring and creating their own enterprise to reach a personal  one million in one year goal through the structured expansion of the project.

INCOME:   £0.5 share of each OHOYOM Partner course sold (Once 100 Core Partners are achieved & conditional on continued participation & active support for 2012) £0.5 bonus share of January 2013 renewal Partnerships collected from the regionally participant project.
A further 35% of each Partner Course is set aside for marketing commissions to all partners, once the initial 100 core participants are achieved.
Note: 85% of each Partnership/course sold is retained by the participants as a whole and  l5% for administration, once the 100 Core Partners are engaged. A further 10% will be made available to individuals who wish to administer their own duplicate regional project, conditional on full support of the pilot project to reach the month 6-12 objective.

COACHES  Role: to help develop individuals achieve their full potential, using skills in personal development and coaching at live events either on a one to one basis or as a motivational speaker. All areas of self and business development. Must be engaging with a firm commitment to developing success in individuals. INCOME: profit share of live event & private personal income through further coaching work received from participants.


DIRECTORS  Charged with creating excellent high quality footage for the reality documentary to be  to be marketed to a Channel Four production company. This requires excellent autonomous directorial ability with the skill to find and create exemplary footage, embodying the ethos of the project and creating good saleable TV. INCOME: Profit share from documentary sale, as well as live event revenues.

PRESENTERS. Individuals capable of working closely with both  directors and live event organisers to achieve two goals.
1.  Live stage work introducing speakers and keeping the audience engaged.
2. Interviewing participants to gain valuable feedback for the documentary, as well as providing recorded comment on events for Internet broadcast.  Should possess a keen interest and understanding of personal and business development. 

INCOME: Profit share from live event revenues.

EVENT ORGANISERS Motivated individuals responsible for all aspects of securing, negotiating and arranging live events. A strong understanding of marketing and event management is required to ensure participants gain the maximum benefit from attendance.

INCOME: Profit Share of live event revenues. (All roles are open on a singular or multiple participation basis, for example:  Participant or presenter, alternatively  participant as well as presenter and event organiser, or other combination).

Thursday 8 March 2012


One of the greatest things for me about this project is the fantastic people I meet, who, I would otherwise never come into contact with. Starting a project that has the potential to be so big can feel like a huge responsibility, not only to the people I meet who deserve to be given the best possible chance to succeed, but also those wonderful individuals that are prepared to give so much back to help others. The ultimate goal is to create a mentoring organisation for people of all ages, providing all the essential life skills that I would say, had I known when I was seventeen, I would have been more intolerable than I was anyway. Tonight we held a small meeting for presenters, coaches and participants to have a look at the project and see if they liked the idea. Whilst every event I run is always met with a certain degree of understandable trepidation by the new individuals who attend, I always hope that they take from the meeting some good feelings and benefit, and just possibly some of the subjects I talk about resonate with them enough to want to find out more or get involved with the project. This period of growth is not about numbers, yes I would love to find my 100 partners in this enterprise as quickly as possible, but it's about finding people with their hearts in the right place who genuinely want to make a difference in their own lives as well as others. That doesn't mean the project is exclusive, on the contrary, whilst  some people would like success, some people would like  money, and  some people would like to make a difference,  the process that I use to select the right people for the project, is to rely on the law of attraction to find people who have similar values and ambitions. The process works, as again and again I meet the people I need to make this project a success. One of the most important lessons to learn in the world of success, is you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with.  To build a successful operation, the foundations have to be well selected, and in all businesses the most important foundations are the people at it's heart, it's a lesson I learned along time ago, and one I cannot afford to compromise on. Therefore, I actively try to subtly dissuade people to determine their potential commitment, this after all is not just my cause, but an important one  for every participant I will be working with, who will be relying on my judgement in not only the strategy I employ to reach our goal, but also to protect the fledgling venture in these early stages.  Even so, I am always disappointed that the project is sometimes rejected out of hand. Whilst I know you cannot please all the people all the time, the instinct that provided the basis of my own success was always the relentless  belief... I could.


Four corners 'C's to success To be successful there are unfortunately  no guarantees in life, but if you develop certain skills and follow patterns modelled from other people who have achieved, you will be far more likely to get what you want, rather than waiting on Lady Luck to come knocking on your door. The first four qualities you might like to spend a little time developing are the four 'C's CONSISTENCY.    CONFIDENCE COMMUNICATION  CONTACTS People love confidence, it sells. If you are consistent, then people will trust you. If you can communicate your thoughts and ideas well you will be able to influence people. And if you build your contact base of people who can help you then you are on your way to success. All that's left, is you just need to have a passion, something you love doing, find that apply the four C's and success will find you

Wednesday 7 March 2012


The Fear of Failure Responsible for all inactivity since the beginning of time. There is no failure just levels of success. Most people will find every reason not to try, not to reach for their dreams, even finding comfort in what they perceive as the failure of others to succeed, which in some strange perverse way validates their inactivity. Some will even go out of their way to undermine another's attempts for success, which are seen as a threat to the belief in inactivity. These are strong statements, but none the less true. One of the core values of this project is to give individuals the opportunity to try, to  provide the support that gives them the best chance of success. It's about facing your fears and winning, after all, they exist only in your head, and believe me most successful people will have tried and tried again to achieve their goals before success really knocked on their door. And often success comes from an all together different door to the one you first wanted to walk through, so never give up, you just never know what fate has in store. The project is a blow by blow account, a live documentary of making a million, but the underlying message is anybody can have success, you just have to want it more than you fear failing. If there's one thing this will show you, is there is no failure, give it your best shot, and if your prepared to help me on this journey, I'll help you too.

Tuesday 6 March 2012


MONEY POWER SEX 24 week course in how to attain success  People always ask me 'what's in the course I run?' and I always reply, 'whatever you want there to be', which to most people is not the kind of definitive, black and White answer they are happy with. It's as if  Life has to be boxed off with a 'LIKE' to be understood, the older you get the more you try to channel experiences into familiar rivers of thought, this is like this, this is like that, and so on. It's one of the pains of the natural grouping processes of the brain, at it's worst when you grandad looks at your I pod and says 'we had something like this in the war'... Oh yes of course you did. The Money Power Sex course is just audio tapes, and 24 weeks of information and exercises in plain simple terms. But what they add up to is very different for each person who takes the course. It's not designed for a diploma, it's not recognised by any official body, and the day that ever happened there would be no more course. I'm not interested in theory, I just don't have time for it and I'm sure neither do you, I'm interested in results, what works, something that will either make me money or make me happier, that's it.  So when you ask me 'what's in the course?' I will tell you exactly the same, 'the method to get you what you want, the information both you and I would have liked to have known when we left college, information we should have been told', that would have made the difference.  Then I'm going to ask you what you want, and if you don't know the answer to that question now, once you have done the course... you will, so that is what's in the course.