Sunday 18 March 2012


As a coaching blog designed to support those on the 24 week course in the power of influence,understanding &  self belief, combined with the law of attraction, the posts here are written to create a vehicle for daily advice on business, personal and success development.

As you will appreciate, this blog is both a coaching vehicle for individuals on the course as well as a blog on the development of the project. In this regard it tells the inside track of the development of a business, therefor providing the reader with a considerable amount of real life advice on building success, (in the same way my Hard Core entrepreneurial blog gives a unique insight for serious entrepreneurs).

One of the fundamentals of the progress of this project is to use the law of attraction as part of the building strategy, and to the moment, this influence has been very strong in all the decisions I have made. This means looking at people as either messengers who can point the project in the right direction, or as assets to the operation itself. 

Conditioning works against you in this regard, for my natural inclination is to try to progress through force of control with the enterprise, rather than rely on the processes of idealisation, visualisation and materialisation. The way the law works is to move the world like a kaleidoscope to provide you with the opportunity necessary to manifest the object of your desire, (within a format that is congruent with your underlying purpose). It's a neat trick, but by no means easy... Unless you think it is of course.

The skill is recognising signs, picking up opportunity, and maximising their potential. But a relaxed attitude is also important, for the more tension in your mind,  body and spirit,  the less you will be able to connect with the law, it's called 'trying too hard' and we all know what happens then. Sometimes we see setbacks as bad luck, but they are also shifts that will direct us in a new  more promising route. I'd love it if everyone immediately came on board with this program, but I'm aware the wrong choices here will serve to drain the project of valuable creative energy.

Through my business consultancy work I'm familiar with a considerable amount of information, on how to help an entrepreneur build a successful enterprise. But however much you know, when your in the driving seat of the car, your focus stops you seeing the journey with the vision of  a passenger or an external observer. This is where you need to be open to the messages that come form all quarters,  even those without any knowledge of your project at all.

The development of an enterprise runs through archetypal stages of all businesses, such as crystallising the business to become a brand. For the initial stages you conduct your market research, analyse your market,  refine your product & approach, but during this time you must always be willing to change and adapt, as very rarely will the first concept be your final version or vision. You can call it stream lining or optimisation, but at some point you will know your finished article is ready for full launch, and at that point you can adopt a brand.

A conversation with someone I had never met before,  reminded me of this; a messenger that comes along at the right time to remind you of what you possibly know, but need to apply.

Branding ideally is a simplification of your product or business to an instantly recognisable word, phrase or image, and from that position everything is made clear. 

The format of this project is an enterprise for those who want to learn the secrets of success and cut the bonds that hold them back. It is fundamentally  a private membership (that includes a 24 week course on success based thinking) for £100. In an earlier post we discussed the benefits of adopting a mentality of thinking big, to inspire big things to happen. With this in mind, the ultimate goal of this project has to be as big as possible, but achievable. 

So whilst the purpose is to;
Take one hundred pounds in one year and make one  million 
To take one hundred people to be part of that achievement
To give anyone involved the process to make their own million

There is also an ultimate goal to provide as many people as possible with;
 A range of personal skills and strategies that facilitate success,
 The benefits of working with other ambitious people,
 Receiving an immediate tangible financial reward for success.

This is a movement to manifest change in society by creating a culture of success. The goal is to make one... One Hundred Million.. shoot for the starts and you might just hit the sun, which is funnily enough a star after all.

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