Wednesday 28 March 2012


Following the crowd.

It's easy to look to the crowd for guidance, but the crowd has no eyes to see, no brain to guide, no sense of reason, right or wrong, it just moves as a mass.

Together we can achieve so much as a mental force of wisdom, not as a force of physical strength. If you recognise the latent power within your subconscious mind and seek to develop it, you will be stepping away from the crowd, following your own path, creating your own road to whatever you want. The crowd has no such freedom, it is a slave to it's base instincts of consumption and survival, it is easily led blindly into war and destruction, manipulated by the few to their own ends.

To live within the croud is to seek security in annynimity, to hide in what others are doing, because if the majority think it's right, then it must be. It is far easier to go with the crowd than stand against it for fear ridicule and being consumed by it. 

Society fosters the suppression of individual thought and expression through conformity to the lowest common denominator, but to evolve the power of your mind you will need to seek free thought....creative expression... Imagination.... These are the true powers of the mind and they are there for everybody. Your subconscious has all the answers you will ever need, so if you want to access it's power then think about developing your connectivity to your mind, how you can ask for answers and how your subconscious will answer you, because it is there to give you life, and that means everything life has to offer.

Start by asking a question when you are about to fall asleep. Condense your question into the smallest number of words possible, and then ask yourself that question as you fall asleep again and again. The answers are there waiting for you , in the form of dreams or creative thoughts just as you wake.

 When I write and I am perplexed by the next step in a plot, I relax and ask my subconscious mind to tell me the answers give me direction just before I fall asleep.  It's the skill of communication with the part of you that has been waiting for you to start using it's power since day one; for the overwhelming majority we hold on fast to trying to think our way out of problems, but you only think about what you know, creativity comes from what you don't know and is manafested through imagination, which is as infinite as you want it to be.

So if you wonder why some people are far more creative than others, they are simply intouch with their creative subconscious mind, releasing and channeling it's power. The crowd has no such power, it switches off free thought, and works for it's own gains, willing to sacrifice individuality for obedience to the whole. Under these conditions, the mass conditioning of the human race comes to the fore, and the power of your mind is lost....only till you choose to wake it.

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