Tuesday 11 December 2012


I havent posted for a while simply because I've been looking for a key. Not just any key but ultimately the one that will unlock this project and send it racing towards it's goal. When I talk to people about making a million in 21 weeks they always ask the same old predictable question ...'how much have I made and has anyone done it so far?' It's a good question but completely pointless as it's not how much I've made that is important it is the mechanism to make it that's crucial.  The key I'm looking for is the one that unlocks the latent power in those I talk to, so they can be the basis for the projects success; it's circumventing the negative conditioning that is the objective, and this as a key is ultimately the most significant challenge as no one has ever done it before. Well that's not exactly true..Jesus did it, Hitler did it, and quite a few others inspired the masses to go beyond their daily jails to achieve greater things by believing in greater things. Now I know I'm no great leader, but what I am a little more gifted at is a bit of creative thought and dogged determination.  One essential point that people with their selective thinking tend to look over is the basic premise that there can be no ownership of this project..it is for those who participate on an equal footing  .. The project is structured to own itself and in this way possess the inherent strength that change needs... There is no one at the top or the bottom .. Just people helping each other to develop skills and knowledge but also getting paid for their insight and help. An alternative way if making a living you might say. Now I've looked at every system of government and change over the years, revolution, evolution, communism, socialism, capitalism and any other ism you can think of, and as you know they all have one big ism... They are designed to fail. Why? It's simple.. they just don't  work in a perfect way because this is not a perfect world as humanity doesn't really hit perfection on the lets help each other front does it. Naturally it's a race of help themselves and that's why people are keen to get one up on the neighbour, the workmates, the friend , the lover.. the list is  endless. That said some people are looking for a a way forward to enlightenment through religion all the way to aliens from far away places like the Isle of Wight.  But here's the problem ...looking out-side for an answer that's written in stone, a certainty of right, a path to the promised land is a waste of time; as to be a  true believer in something more you need something called faith.. and faith by its very nature is a belief in something that is not proven ..you can't see it, touch  it or smell it...but you can feel it in your heart. It's a feeling,  an emotion, a desire, it's where your heart tells you something that overrides the conditioning of your mind..intuition if your like ..that's  faith.  So when someone asks me how much I've made, the question is somewhat irrelevant..they are looking for proof before they participate, but that's where the failure of humanity lies.. the catch twenty two..how can you have faith and only look for something that's proven before your very eyes? And then you're  penalised because everyone wants the certainty and will pay through the nose and cheat each other for a given. People want to own givens, they want to sell them and make money for their own sake.  So there's the problem..you can only evolve though faith..not blind stupid faith in anything but faith in your right to be something more and take your seat in a humanity that is something more. But people like to see others go first so they can save themselves from loosing face or losing money, but they loose the ultimate prize because they wait too long. I've mentioned before the Arab phrase ..me against my brother, my brother and I against my family, my family against  my neighbour, my family and my neighbour against my countryman, my countrymen against the world. It's true of each of us ...we see our ties entrenched in our family ...our children rather than in our fellow man, until the kids grow up their have their own veiws and desires to break free of the maternal ties and find their own way... Whatever happens the closeness of humans ecpxistance with your fellow man is in relationships a fragment of time and meaning.  I'm not saying your shouldn't love your family over everyone else, blood and marriage are strong ties until a divorce, but this is just proximity based caring, and also caring based on need and fellowship within the family. But one family you will always be part of is humanity, and if you are wondering where God fits into this equation I believe we are all God..or the fragmented DNA of a single source, this makes us as a combined entity the one being  who seems to have bugged off and left us all to fend for ourselves like squabbling  children of a parent. If, and it is a big if, we a can put the differences aside ..the feminist that fights for her place in a mans world, the choveneist that takes power from the subjugation of women, the racist black who feels oppressed, the racist white who feels threatened, the conflict of religion and politics for their own sake, the stupidity and ignorance of the self over the greater being we are all equal parts of, if we can do this and unite for one lone solitary moment in time, them I believe we will evolve, and until that moment we will reamin in this spiral of stupidity that pushes us down to being no more than the fractionalised race  we remain to this day.  Arn't you kind of bored with that prognosis ? Don't you want to do something about it, don't you owe it to yourself to take that seat of power you have so long since rejected out of fear, resentment and pain for the past..what has happened to you in the past..rather than concentrating on what will happen to us if you make it happen. In a conversation the other day with a very pleasant fellow, he told me a story of a time he connected with others during a seminar on alpha waves. It was a glimpse into what could be. How much time had he invested into that revaelation since was the question.. He believed in the law of attraction, he believed coincidence was something more, but the application of this knowledge was purely to help his child to not suffer the ills he did and make his life his own. The power of the infinite is there within us all but even when it is revealed to us we only make fractional use for our own wants and needs..to make our own lives better.. How about a shot at everyone at the same time, how about opening pandoras box and helping everyone to the promised land ...whatever that is.  I have a feeling we will all get to know if we all start to concentrate on what is important rather than the thousand and one distractions of the day. My thoughts are towards an alternative way of life, a different system of government.. Why do we need government in the first place if we were all on the same path to enlightenment why need the rules and the regulations, why need the structure of need and greed, just to protect the established order to deny the birth right of the human race through stupidity and ignorance. Each conversation I have I look for the key, the key to open people's minds to their true potential, but so far my quest has been met till recently with simply more questions than answers. I've tried to wrapp the pill of success in many ways to see if there was the key hidden within a key that would apply and unlock the door for all people and not just the one. I tried the idea of a film, I tried the idea of a game, an entrepreneurial club as well as a coaching group and a money making program but the one thing they all had in common was their ability to appeal to only the few, never the many I've been looking for.  So over the last few months rather than write a daily account of my quest I decided to wait for the answer to present itself to me rather than keep forcing the issues, a controlling trait I've always been guilty of. But on my travels out of nothing in the middle east I was brought back to the beginning of this year, the first seminar that I held to see if people  would follow an idea...and ultimately they did. I've learnt a lot over the months of this year, it's been a journey into myself just as much as into the unknown which in truth is every day of my life. Over this year I've almost managed to focus on one goal, but true to my nature that has been like combing my hair the wrong way, having FatMan on one hand and this project on the other as well as a few things in between. We are what we are, conditioned from birth and forged in the  oven of fallen dreams. Non the less the quest goes on just as it always has in our lives however much we hide from it. A few weeks ago I saw a film called the experiment, based on The Stanton experiment. A group of men confined into guards and prisoners for the purpose of an experiment. The results were that our thoughts and actions are primarily directed for the majority  by environment and leadership. It's somehow sad to know that's  how people followed Hitler or any leader for good or  bad objectives. The herd mentality is ultimately the direction we all follow in a structuerd life of beginning, marriage , kids and career, the same as it's been for thousands of years like a never ending circle. But the truth is the are no rules to this life, we all have the choice to make it the way we want, to start over if it all goes wrong, to make and remake our lives as our own. This is the freedom of unity, not the unity of regimes and political movements we can all fall foul of.  How we as humans can be controlled by circumstance, rules and leadership are well documented and of course tested. People wonder at how a man like Hitler was able to turn so many people towards a regime of evil, yet you only have to look at experiments like the Milligram experiment and the Third Wave to gain a startling reminder of what we are capable of. I'd like to think we can use that exact same solidarity for good rather than evil purposes, not  for power over the masses but for the power of the masses. For this to be effective it would require the conscious realisation by the participants that the sole purpose of the exercise would be to help others, to dispel ignorance, doubt mistrust and fear, to be replaced by faith in the individual as an integral and equal part of the greater good. To know that within us all is the key to evolution of the human spirit, and its about time that happened...a its been a long time coming. So taking the experiment aspect of what I originally proposed before I was a little taken aback with the venom towards my ideas early in the year...people rejected my ideas out of their own mental projections  of what my motives were. The way society continues is to maintain this fear and distrust through the media as well as subliminal erosion of what is acceptable through TV programs. It all comes back to maintaining the me against everybody saying. United we stand, divided we fall...and right now we are divided, conquered and subjugated as a race. I'm now looking or participants in an experiment whereby should they be successful in their endeavours they will ultimately be rewarded not only with a financial gain but also a very rewarding personal experience towards the evelouion of the spirit which ultimately was the core purpose of the project from the beginning.