Tuesday 28 February 2012


Project release The full details of the first stage of the project can now be revealed as we have the initial group of adventurous individuals to start. As I have mentioned before, there are a number of self imposed rules that govern the stages of this enterprise, that I will only implement in full detail once an individual section has been completed.  One aspect that surprises people, is the adherence to the rules I have set out on funding purely from the venture itself; based on the original principle of anyone being able to do this with only one hundred pounds, a computer and the right motivation, as access to all the personal and business skills are at anyones disposal through this program. This means I cannot set up a web site or do extensive advertising to Market the venture, until the project can support those initiatives internally, hence why viral marketing and recommendation will be the first route. Recently, I had a pleasant email from a wonderfully inspirational person. "I have read your blog and notice that there are many congruent areas with my own values....Do let me know how I can assist you in this wonderful idea to make it a reality" The email was from Ritu Sethi, a lawyer and inspirational speaker. In November 2000, she won the Asian Business Owner of the Year Award.Ritu enjoyed more success that year by winning the BUSINESS Services AWARD 2008 for the First Women Award sponsored by Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets, the CBI and Real Business Magazine. In November 2008 Ritu won the Prestigious Asian Business Woman of the Year Award by the Asian Woman Magazine. I had the pleasure of meeting Ritu today who kindly took time out from running her own law practice to discuss the project. Ruti was good enough to make some valuable suggestions, and is without doubt a very inspiring person. It's always a pleasure to meet someone with such dedication and belief in the principles of the law of attraction. I for one welcome her support, and look forward to her presence at one of our first seminars in the not too distant future. Ritu will be holding the stage  with top motivational speakers including Sir Richard Branson, Lord Sugar and many others,  at the forthcoming Business 2012 Conference on 18th March at the O2 and I would thoroughly recommend seeing her, please see the link below:  www.business2012.com/keynotes/ritu-sethi      With regard to the project overview, the summary of my conversation with the first team is as follows..... The purpose of the program is to provide participants with: 1.A 24 week course to let you engage the full diversity of personal and entrepreneurial  development, to enable you to be aware of, and employ, the full resources available to you of  the skills to achieve success in the area of your choice. Areas covered: The power of influence, understanding, self belief and the Law of Attraction. 2. A Green Housing environment to develop ideas and sound them out with others, by linking with like minded individuals. 3.A program to provide you with an immediate income you can develop to the level you want as your learn new skills, through a variety of business initiatives, including sales & marketing, management, and event organisation. Objectives:  To take 100 people and provide them with the facility to follow the footsteps of Nick to One Million using him as the 'crash test dummy' for the project. To create an environment and a mechanism to success, should the participants wish to engage the skills and mental development the course and seminars provide. To develop a mentoring structure with individuals who would like to lead and teach people the information they have learned. To provide all participants the freedom and flexibility to be involved within their own time constraints, desires, and goals. To assist them in achieving their own success in whatever field they choose. To foster alternative creative thinking. To create a reality/ documentary into success covering the development of the project. We are currently looking for more individuals to make up the initial 100, who will all receive a 'share' of this project. Once we have the team in place, 85% of the subsequent income will be paid to all those involved.  Ideas are the backbone of this project, and already we have a great concept submitted by one of the first group to hopefully take forward and implement through this program.

Sunday 26 February 2012



How I hate labels, but most people seem to love them. Whenever I attend a seminar, I'm one of those annoying people who doesn't wear the 'this is my name and this is what I do' name tag you're always given, and it really infuriates people.
" Where's your name tag" they say, as if the label is me and without it they can't talk to me. This was a conversation I had at a  seminar a few years ago:

"Where's your name tag?" For the umpteenth time by a public member of the name tag police.
"Why not just ask my name rather than where's my name tag." I replied
"But I can't tell what you do." He replied.
"Why not ask?" 
"What do you do?" He said
"I'm a person, I work at being a human being." I replied.
"No, but what do you do?"
"Computer programming." I said
"Oh, that's what you do." He said  knowingly 
"It's all I could fit on the name tag, if I had one."
"But at least I'd know your name and that you're a computer programmer without having to ask."
"I agree" I said  "but I like introductions without name tags as it's more exiting, just like a present you need to open to find what's inside, there are many types of  people called nick and lots of types of computer programers."
"Yes, but they all do a similar thing."He said.
"Not really, you only think they do, but a label would make it easy for you to pigeon hole me."
"So what kind of computers do you work with, PC programs or games maybe?"
"Brains, I program people's brains for success." I replied
"But that's not a computer programmer."
"Isn't it..... I think that's just semantics, and now because you actually didn't have a label to go on to make an assumption, we are in a conversation, as  I couldn't really put brain programmer on a label could I, everyone would avoid me."
"Actually I just remembered...I need to move my car." He said.

At seminars I do have the habit of upsetting people, but I'm afraid my obscure sense of humour is to blame, and my dislike of labels in this instance. Labels are limits to your ability to be successful, people are always looking to label you into what they perceive you are. The brain loves to group information because it makes it simpler to process. So when I say I'm a coach to you, you will have a mental picture and a feeling of what a coach is and what that means to you. It's a presumption based on a label, and if you don't like the idea of coaches, your presumption will turn you off directly. I'm not just a coach, I'm a writer, and artist, a mentor, a business person, a salesperson, or if I get a job in the local store next week, I'm still all of the above...which there is simply no space on a typical seminar label to fit. 

The truth is, I can be who I want to be when ever I want to be it, I'm not the label and the label is not me. However, in the society we live in, we pick up a label, and we go with it, sometimes for 40-50 years, but when the label is taken away.... we can loose our identity, our worth, our meaning. If you want to get the law of attraction to work you need to loose the label mentality, who you think you are and what identifies you, your box of security, because security is a double edged sword of a prison. 

 Yes, you can have a profession, but your purpose in life is not to be a lawyer, or an executive for example,  it may be the way you gain an income and that's ok, but it's not actually 'you'. If the point of existence was to be a professional in a discipline, I don't think there would be much point to existence, would there? You might love what you do, but one day you will have to face the reality that 'you', the real 'you' is not your label. 

What is your label? Think what identifies you... nurse, fireman, policeman, family man, mother, black, white, male, female, what label do you wear for others to know who you are and what you stand for. In business you will make money if your label makes you an expert in your chosen field. People will seek your council and pay you handsomely for it. Unfortunately we are not all experts and nor do many want to be. Success has many forms, but true success is getting up in the morning, taking a deep breath and feeling like you don't own the world, it's just great to be a part of it. From that moment you need to live with that thought, and don't ever compromise it, not for a sweaty trip on the tube, a job you like but your not appreciated, or the feeling life is just passing you bye. You always have a choice, however much you convince yourself you don't.

How much do you identify with that label of yours? The cloths you wear, the people you associate with, the books that you read. Do you like your label, or would you like another one. Do these things identify you with success or are they just comfortable shoes. Do you dream of a special label, like "I'm a film star"  or the "I'm lying on a beach earning 20%" freedom label.

I like the last label because it probably wouldn't fit under my name on a tag at seminars.

One of basic foundations of this project is to loose all the different labels, and accept one for all involved, the "we are all part of the human race" label, no differences just the plain old ideal that through division we are conquered, and in unity we are strong enough to achieve anything. 

One aspect, that inspired everyone who has looked at the project, is the prospect of working with and meeting like minded people. But one thing I have to  remind you is, we are all like minded when you take the labels out, we would all like success, but the only way to be truly successful is to be doing something you love with people you appreciate, and appreciate you, without them having to read your label and stick you in a hole....that's called a cemetery.

"Success was really easy for me,
 I set my hopes and aspirations way down low."

Saturday 25 February 2012




One of the goals of this project is to provide a vehicle for 'Green Housing', this is the facility for individuals regardless of their background or education, to be creative. Many people are overlooked because they are shy or just don't think what they have to say is valuable, louder people get heard, loud doesn't necessarily mean any better. Ideas and imagination are not only the province of the outgoing and confident, ideas come from everybody. It's just having the opportunity to know, even what at first seems absolutely silly, can be the germ of another idea, that leads to a great idea, that would never have been thought of with out giving the space to 'Green House' ideas in the first place. Many creative ideas come from just talking with someone you've never met before in a conversation that is completely arbitrary, this is where 'Green Housing' starts in it's simplest form, and when you have a group of people, wow, you won't believe the creative ideas that can come from one left field thought.

As with all successful enterprises,  their origins lie in an original idea that will most likely will require reworking time and again to factor in new information and refine aspects with a view to the prevailing market conditions and field assessments. The following are the original goals and rules for this project. 
Specifications of a Vehicle Worth a Million Defined:

The vehicle itself has to be:
A process that provides the mechanism to achieving  the one hundred one million one year goal.
Capable of giving all those taking part the facility to derive a continued benefit personally and professionally.
A financial return for participation regardless of the success of achieving the ultimate goal.
Supportive of Green housing to promote creative thinking.
A facility to put ideas into practice with the support of other like minded individuals.
A foundation for a career opportunity to promote success based positive thinking
A great deal of fun.


Within this project there are number of self imposed rules to keep within the original concept of an unemployed person with no resources (other than possibly  a grant cheque) taking one hundred to one million. 

As a result I can only use the original 100 to fund this and rely on my own initiative to gain funds within a mechanism anyone can follow regardless of their background, circumstances or experience. Therefor, how close to the ultimate goal those  involved come, will in essence be very much in their own hands, the only limiting factor will be their self belief and determination.

The first part of this, like any project, is the most difficult. Getting the ball rolling always needs a considerable amount of effort, and in this projects regard,  finding a core team of individuals who possess those rare qualities of honour, integrity and loyalty, combined with enthusiasm and a passion for success, is the first goal. If you are interested in this project  please send us  email telling us why.

"To be a success you have to be motivated, and to be motivated you have to have motivation, without motivation you will just have to find something else to be successful at."

Friday 24 February 2012


Going from one hundred to one million in one year, is not the average goal one might set oneself, it's not like loosing a couple of pounds off your stomach, although with consideration I'm not sure which is harder.

As you may appreciate, this blog is a window into the project and a little voyeurs glimpse into my mind for the unlucky few. Reality brain show. The difference between this project and writing a book is, I was going to say vastly different, but as I write I'm not so sure it is. I know the overall plot here, beginning, middle, end, however the intricacies of how the story will twist and turn only come into view when I am actually living this. There are obviously hurdles to overcome to stay within the self imposed rules of replication ie anyone could do this whatever their background, education  or otherwise, and that is the bit thats been the hardest aspect to come up with. 

You see my original thinking was to treat this like the evolution of a book which I rely 100% for inspiration to guide my and give me the next twist or turn. However, in fiction you do have control, but I have to concede my writing ideas come from exactly the same place as this project, my imagination. The project has to come from the very principles that I teach, that is you idealise your goal, you visualise the goal and you materialise the goal.

 Now one of the points of my last post was to chat about creative thought and how by asking a question of the unconscious, it will provide the answer, alternatively the cosmos will also answer in messages given to you. It all sounds a bit weird and wonderful to me as much as you, but I have to concede it works, and I came to a point some years ago I couldn't deny through my conditioning that it didn't. More of those events later. But having spent so long on the power of influence to control my life, events conspired to make sure I didn't just stick with that part of the puzzle, and sought the full picture that frankly I didn't know even existed or cared. The majority of what I now have come to understand did not come from a book I read, I hadn't read a book in twenty five years,( which probably shows in my writing as I know that's meant to be one of the things you do to become a successful writer, but I was never very good at things you are meant to do).

It all comes from personal pain and experience. Well, sorry that's me being a bit melodramatic. One of the self imposed rules of this is that I must rely on the law of attraction to supply me with the creative inspiration to succeed. That does not mean I'm not going to think for myself and lie in bed like my friend, it means I'm going to use the three powers of influence, understanding and self belief to allow me to focus on the law of attraction. 

This is a project no one has done before I thought, but actually I'm wrong, and happy to admit it. Now the next stage of this has come to mind and materialised, so next week should see me move forward rapidly, you see, everything moves in a circle, and moves is a key word, for as Sir Bob says, 'It's OK thinking big but that's just thinking'.....so after a period of creativity, the next step is action.



"The biggest MLM scam and we are all part of it, two people introduced two people and they introduced more and now there is over six billion
 in the affiliate program."

Just imagine if the bible had been multi levelled out for the last two thousand years, just think how many religious millionaires there would be, the meek would certainly inherit the earth, till it all when pear shape because of some bad publicity and there was nobody left to introduce anymore. Religions are a little like pyramid schemes, those at the top get rich in purity, while those at the bottom buy into the scheme with heart and mind, or is that too syndical of me.

Alternative thinking is where true creativity originates. To make money, to find a unique new way of creating success, the answer is often right in front of you. You just have to look in the right place and ask yourself 'what if'. Try to reduce things to the simplest form, or take a successful process and apply it to a completely different industry. You don't have to be a genius to invent a world beating product, you just have to think a little differently. Sitting in a chair waiting for devine inspiration is unlikely to do anything but send you to sleep, but when you start to dream then your creative subconscious will go to work. You see your conscious mind is limited by your conscious thought, but your dreams and unconscious mind have no such limitation. 

But to harness their power you have to work at it. Try it. Just before you go to sleep ask yourself to resolve an issue, as you wake up you will often find new fresh ideas come into your mind, practice and focus on the problem but let your creative mind solve them for you, don't stress over them.

My creativity as a writer has developed from these areas. Writing FatMan, the new ideas come to me early in the morning, but you have to be careful incase you forget them as the creative process takes it's own direction very quickly, and you're mind switches into other thoughts. I write to improve my skill, for the more I write the easier the thoughts come so my hands have to keep up with the creative flow almost as quickly as I read. It's a great feeling when the words come out in a coherent way, but deeply frustrating when you just stop. You don't know where to go with the story. But I have learnt over time for the universe to solve this problem, as always within a short space of time a conversation or a TV program will provide the necessary new direction to take a story. It's amazing if you just start to look just how much the universe will help you if that is the path you are on is congruent to the purpose of your life. If it's not, it's just hard work. Focus is the most important skill to develop, and I'm not saying that I have mastered the skill, it takes a considerable amount of desire to beat all the negative thoughts and distractions away.

People give inspiration, interactions give inspiration, give in to your creative mind and start to realise your full potential, you are not alone in wanting to develop it.

"I always wanted to make money like others at MLM scams, I wanted to be in the biggest one around but I couldn't get into government."


Why the Law of Attraction Doesn't Work

Why doesn't the Law of Attraction Work.

One of the purposes of this blog is to give those involved a few coaching pointers on business development, personal development, entrepreneurialism (sounds like a disease) and the meaning of life as whole. Basically some common sense that the author has come across through living and focusing in areas that are of interest and support.

Now, you may have heard the phrase 'opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one', and as you move though life you could be forgiven for  wondering what's the value of an opinion, other than somewhere to hang your ego or security hat. Why do people fight for what they think is right, well the more people that come over to your way of thinking, the more right you become funnily enough, and there's nothing like the desire to be right, because if you're wrong, then thats failure, which, from the  conditioning we all suffer,  is a deeply scary word that renders most of humanity inactive.

So what is the value of my opinion to you? Absolutely Nothing, unless of course it makes you money or gives you power. The difference between a entrepreneur, sales person, politician, coach, or public figure and anybody else, is the cost financially of expressing an opinion. People who make money out of what they say, have to be careful what they say or you guessed it, there's a cost to the opinion.

Let's take the MP that decided this week to bash his fellows in the back bench and spend a night in the cells. I could say well done, there's a whole lot more up there that need their heads banged together, so you've got my vote mate. Or I could say, what a shame he had to do it in the bar as opposed to on TV in the commons so we could all see it. Or I could say how deplorable that another MP turns out to be a human after all, rather than being holier than thou,  like the rest of them because they might loose votes.

Any of those statements are just opinions and are of no value to you other than a potential chuckle,  which is to me worth a great deal in current times, alternatively, you could see them as insensitive and politically incorrect. The point being, they are opinions and of no commercial value to you. Therefore, as a coach and a salesperson, the information you may gain from these posts are formed from not just having an opinion, but one that has a commercial edge to it, in my case people will invest in me to hear the advice I give. I'm not any wiser than anyone else, I've just spent my career engaged in finding out what works and why it doesn't, rather than any other job. I'm not a fireman, and the extent of my knowledge on fire fighting is.. get a fire extinguisher, I'm not a policeman and the extent of my knowledge of policing is how to avoid it, especially when I'm driving. I'm not a doctor so I don't have a very good opinion on doctors, or did I mean to say about doctoring. I'm not a professional in these areas. How my career started was in finding the power  of influence, I wanted to know how I could control every person I ever met, and after years of practice, I of course failed...... with the minority, but did very well with the majority. I then spent time explaining to others the principles I had plagiarised and developed myself. 

But I found the power of influence was only one piece of the puzzle of success, you have to become aware of a few more to start to really find the success you will be most at home with. For whilst you might have great ideas when you start out of being this, or that, because my father wanted me to be or my parents didn't, once you get to where you wanted to be or loose the original motivation,  you will often find it's an empty cup, and actually wonder what you've been doing all those years.

A friend of mine rang me a couple of years ago and said she was reading the is wonderful book called The Secret and how it was going o change her life (so many people want to 'change their life',sometimes I not exactly sure of the statement as it sounds like you can take it back to an of the peg shop and say, 'this one doesn't fit,can I have two sizes bigger please?' only you have the power to construct it the way you want it).
 It did, it made her smile for a few weeks with a new enthusiasm, and then, as the results didnt show themselves, she lost interest. 

This is one of the reasons why the law of attraction doesn't work, amongst others. If you read the Secret, or change your life books they can have a profound effect on your mind and your approach to life. However, and it is a big however, if you are 40yrs old you've had 40 years of conditioning in one way, (not using the law of atttraction conciously to your benefit) it's not surprising that it doesn't all change overnight. The second problem is, however much you are keen and enthusiastic the world around you doesn't quite get why you look like you've taken a few happy pills, and chooses to avoid the silly person thats starting to believe in strange forces at work. 

Another friend of mine said one day, she was going to concentrate on the law of attraction purely, till it gave her what she wanted. So she laid in bed for three days visualising a man with money. Indeed, through Internet dating sites on her bedside lap top, she found a man who promised her ten thousand pounds to come away for the weekend. This was attraction working, but I'm not sure if it was within the law.

To become a success, you are first going to have to realise you will not only be fighting the negative conditioning inside you, but also all that negative conditioning you meet in everyday life, which, if you let it, will overwhelm you and cause you to loose faith. Therefore, the principles I advise people to take is to engage the full diversity  the power of their mind:  influence, understanding , and self belief... Once you have these you will be in a considerably better position to engage the law of attraction from a foundation of strength and focus,  rather than just hoping for the best, with a sporadic approach.

 Remember, if the cosmos was Father Christmas, and you kept changing your mind on what you wanted for Xmas every day, it's unlikely he is going to be emptying his sack of goodies on your proverbial lap, with any real care of what comes out.

"It's fashionable to believe in nothing, but fashion is just one of those things that leads public opinion, and opinions are as we know a bit like arse holes, everyone’s got one. If you believe in nothing, you’re likely to disappear up your own, and never be heard of again."

Thursday 23 February 2012


Hi Lisa,

I thought I'd drop you a quick note personally and thank you for your help, and apologise for any problems caused. The full details of project are posted on a blog so at least you can be aware of the project I have undertaken and the reaction to it by all the people who came along to the Master Gunner last time.

As you will see this is a proposed documentary/ book on what, in the society we live in, stops people from actually taking the plunge to be successful and what hurdles they will face if they do, i.e. criticism, ignorance and negativity, from whom and from what quarter, reflected in the ups and downs of the project. Part of the project is not to reveal it's aims at certain stages ,otherwise reaction is compromised. With regard to the individuals who attended they were all aware it was a documentary project before hand and told they would be given hard  choices before and after, to either continue or not. At no time have we taken funds from any individual to date.

The blog is onehundredoneyearonemillion.blogspot.com

Unfortunately, we live in a very fear based society, where it is considerably easier to destroy than build, to cast doubt than understand, and not take the time to find truth. Please pass this email on to Young's so they can have a better idea of what we are trying to achieve in fostering a get up and go spirit ( if you forgive the pun) in otherwise hard times for people.

Once again thanks for your help, and best of luck.

Kind regards



This word comes up again and again. It's like a badge, but understandably people look at this project with an air of trepidation, for not exactly understanding what it's all about, does it fit in with their values, is it going somewhere, will I really make a million from one hundred pounds, whats in it for me, and lastly am I some kind of nut?

This is one of the biggest problems I am facing to begin with,  while I search for the team that will be the core individuals that will help me move forward, as well as conduct research into the attitude of people into success and money as a whole in society. This blog forms the basis for the production of the film documentary to annalyse how people develop within the project, and respond to not just the project, but their own beliefs and values. Any project has risks, especially when you are dealing with people, and here, I am bound to court controversy, especially when feelings and expectations are involved.

This is a very difficult stage for any venture, as you are seriously only as good as the people you surround yourself with. One rule I have been at pains to adhere to is not to move forward without the full understanding of those I am dealing with, before they participate. This means up until this point, whilst every person who has decided to participate knows if they want to come on  in the project there is a total fee of £ 100 for a 24 week course involving 24 hours of audio, as well as practical exercises in business and personal development and the motivational group discussion meetings across the 6months  (As well as conducting a video diary of their thoughts or alternative options listed in a previous post), this also means that up until this point I have not taken a single penny from any person involved, nor have I commenced a single course for anyone, until I gain the continued commitment of those parties to see it through. 

Projects need funding, but by the rules of this project it is 100 to 1 million, and any funding comes from the participants to a maximum of 100, but in compensation receive the course, the oportunity and receive a return on their involvement in the venture to the degree they choose, as they will be running the projects themselves and suggesting directions.

This is the proposed vehicle, it has a structure and a method, based on the research I have done into the wants, likes and desires of people so far, rejecting alternatives as I go. One of the beauties of this project is that people can propose ideas and sound out thoughts in a creative environment of discussion, without being seen as silly, this is called 'Green Housing' ideas, and you would be amazed at the wonderful level of creative genius there is in what some people would label average people. The most successful companies foster this exact system to explore the potential of their biggest resource, namely staff, rather than many small business's who remain small simply because the actually foster an environment of mushroom farming.

From my background I am not new to what I will call here the ignorance and stupidity of the human race in some quarters, the fact is we all are ignorant and stupid, it starts like that when you are a child and continues into adult life when emotions get heated, it can raise it's ugly head with the best of us and the worst. We all say things we don't want to, we all do things we regret, we make mistakes, that out of, well you can decide what reasons you have, and  will cost you and others, it's called cutting your nose off to spite your face sometimes.

I will agree, my methods to achieve the results I want are unconventional, I try things out and see what results I get, it's called experimentation, especially when you are trying to find that bit that holds people back, that thing that can be illusive.

In this project, I have to, up until I give it the green light based on people's reaction to it, constantly evaluate it's viability.

One rule, in this is for better or worse, wherever possible I try to post whatever positive or negative that befalls the project. That means I have to make an editorial choice. So I will. As I have mentioned one of the ways to hold events within my 100 budget is to negotiate meeting rooms on the basis of bringing in beer buying customers who may spend money in the establishments we use....new customers are good for business. However, the Master Gunner (Young's) has received a complaint, relating to the project and has decided to decline our patron. I would like to know what the nature of the complaint was, but it is unlikely the transparency of others will extend so far.

This project will undoubtedly come under fire for reasons of.. you can make your own mind up, and so far we have had two torpedoes fired against us( I love nautical analogies). 

Once again I will thank Lisa the Master Gunner Manager for her kind hospitality and decency only to say that any inconvenience to her is 100% regrettable, as she and her staff are to be commended. As I said go there if you want some good food and service with a smile, and say I sent you.

For those who love to fire torpedoes, which are after all usually sent from beneath the waves where no one can see you, (0r on the internet from behind Pseudonyms) well done you, another home run for the free world.

So with this in mind the model will have to be slightly adjusted from free motivational seminars & green housing, to facilitate venues and secure them with good old cash with proprietors who understandably favour and support that fully and fairly, within the rules, the seminars will now have to have a charge of £10 for each event to fund that side, so this doesn't happen again from those who might have an alternative view point to me.

One point of the project is the challenge, a bit like climbing Everest without the snow, the cold and the trip to Tibet, but metaphorically speaking I have a similar fate if I fall. But as I reiterate, the point of this is not the arriving, its the getting there, the journey is where the real value is. The major point behind this is,  if it inspires one person to realise their dreams, irrelevant of the Million in the project, it has been a success. You see this is about inspiration, motivation, and maybe taking an alternative view of life that will resolve a few archetypal problems we all face from time to time.

Let me ask you a question? If you had a million pounds in one hand or a persons life in the other, which would you choose? Ok put a face on the person, your mother, now change the face to a person you really don't like?
Now change their life to just making the difference in their life, that could be life changing. You see the point of this exercise is choice, and what value is placed on that choice. What's the loss and what's the gain. In my last post I mentioned freedom, this time let's talk about motives, and what motivates me to do this.

Firstly, if you take the time to read this blog you'll realise I have a background in private coaching, which fundamentally means I help people realise their goals. My focus has always been on the bonds or behavioural patterns that hold us back, as well as the powers that can propel us forward. If you imagine a  power boat with a 300hp outboard motor on the back screaming at full throttle, it will go nowhere if it's tied to a  dock with a number of strong ropes. All that will happen is, it will cavitate on the same spot and burn itself out. All dressed up, lots of potential and nowhere to go. So to those metaphorical ropes; fear, doubt, indecision,  confidence, self belief, bad experiences, bad influences, no plan, no purpose, no goal, no fuel,  anyone of a thousand causes only you know.

Why does someone employ a coach and what makes a good one? A good coach will provide choices, show you alternatives, suggest pitfalls and advantages, help you as a sounding board to make good decisions with impartial understanding, a good mentor will know the path ahead as well because he or she has travelled it, so can guide you to success.

This project is designed to provide a power boat of opportunity  for anyone who wants one. Ready made, drive away in the direction you want to go, but with the wisdom to find your restraints and untie them first, and then, rather than you driving off and potentially crashing, give you a pilot to help you navigate until you're in open water, share with others while your getting to grips with your new freedom and power. Then you can go as fast as you like, in what ever direction you like, you can even let your arrogance get the better of you if you like, be a Titanic and run into one of the many icebergs out there, only too ready to sink your dreams. Alternatively, you might choose to become a pilot yourself and help a few others to the freedom of open waters, maybe that could be the price of your success.

That's the purpose of this, it's not just about me making a million, that's not the point,  if you're doing what you enjoy the money will come anyway. There are three choices in life... Take action... do nothing...complain, be sceptical and moan life never afforded you the right opportunity.

My advice for success , first find a mentor, a good one. Second surround yourself with positive, creative like minded people. Third ... Take action.

"People know not what they do, do what they don't know, and don't know what not to do, which all adds up to not a lot of people know or do much about anything."

Wednesday 22 February 2012



Over the last couple of days I've taken time out to reflect on this project, and chat to a few individuals, not so much about 1H1Y1M, but more about their hopes and aspirations, mainly people in restaurants and situations I've found myself in. 

Messages are very important in life, especially if you want to engage the potential of the law of attraction and the cosmos, so just talking to people gives you all sorts of pointers. Not structured what do you think, but random conversations contain messages and advice. But for those who don't believe in these things, maybe you've been fortunate enough not to have faced oblivion with nothing between you and the abyss, only at that point do you reach out and ask for a little divine intervention, or prey to whatever God you believe in.  Messages come in the form of coincidences, or ideas, dreams, phrases from strangers, that send you in a direction that you might never have thought, this is the power of the universal kaleidoscope, working and moving us all in turn. If you want to engage more than just your own thoughts, you need to open your eyes to what life is telling you, not keep rejecting the signs just because you haven't got time to look, see, do, or don't believe in anything outside of yourself.

There is a undoubtably a force at work behind the scenes, frankly I've seen it close up and personal on occasion, so I'm a little hard pressed to deny it's existence and power. But if you actually appreciate there is more to life than you can see, you just have to learn some basic principles that can help you achieve your goals, but remember, however much you want something, the ultimate journey of your life has to lead somewhere, which means the choices that you make need to be congruent with that purpose, just don't ask me what it is for you.

When I was about six, people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said retired. They laughed. I was serious.They connected the word retirement with old age, I thought freedom. My grandparents at the time looked at retirement as freedom from the limits of working life, my father looked at it as as the threshold of the end. Each realised into their lives exactly what they wished for, holidays for the grandparents, and a trip to the cemetery for my father. But for me at the time, I decided I would retire early at 21, as freedom seemed the most important and valuable commodity, so why bother with the work thing.

I've never changed my opinion, the concept of freedom has guided my life ever since. You see the core beliefs and values you retain, work for and against you; in my case, as a few of my multiple millionaire acquaintances have put it, making me the worlds biggest under achiever in their view point, and when I base my success against their wealth I have to agree with them. But in retaining hair, a flat stomach, and undaunted belief, rather than cynicism and scepticism, I'm much more successful. I have my share of talents, but have made choices throughout my life that were in line with my desire to be free, and within certain limitations that my father impressed on me about behaviour to my fellow man. One phrase I remember him saying after a childhood prank I engaged in, was 'think, before you take an action, if it is going to hurt you or someone else, don't do it', actually it's really hard to live up to, simply because you naturally end up disappointing somebody because of their potentially unreasonable expectations from you.

So when it comes to making millions, those two values can make it harder than it would be for me, than for say someone who liked security and inflicting pain, no I don't mean a prison officer, more Sadam Hussain.

The question at hand is what is the acquisition of a million in one year worth. Time and effort are one thing, risk of lively hood another, but the one single aspect that will determine it's possibility, is whether it can be achieved still retaining my core values and beliefs. Namely freedom. This is exactly the same for you with whatever you choose to do and will very likely be the underlying factor in realising your chances of success in some areas. The option is to rearrange your internal priority list, compromise, or work within their limitations.

Is 1 million worth my definition of freedom? The answer is no. No amount is. My plan for achieving it must remain within certain rules that I have set out, otherwise I will not stand a chance. One rule is using the talents I have in inspiration and motivation to move people to action, and hopefully transfer the skills I have learnt in influence, understanding and self belief to them, this remains the basic transaction... personal and business skills, as well as a path to financial freedom. If that's the model people like, then I have my million and my freedom value is upheld. So I have to check it is attractive to people, as my values can be vastly different to others.

When you set up a business, you might have a wonderful idea to you, but will it sell, is there a market. If it's a niche product or service then you will have to charge a price that is high enough to sustain the business and your lifestyle. Remember, if you could earn just as much stacking shelves in Sainsbury's, as running your business with all the stress it involves, the cost in years of your life total might not be worth the effort.

To make money there is a certain check list of factors that need a tick before you waste your time. The biggest two by far are: is there a ready and willing Market and how much will it cost to access that Market. Needs based markets are good like coffins, everybody is going to need that suit sooner or later, it's just how much demand, and competition there is in any one area. If you know the death rate will go up, then there's a good business, alternatively influencing the volume could lead you into trouble. But people come to you just like they need plumbers, although it is a different problem in most cases. But if you have a new idea, you have to have a method to Market that attracts or persuades customers, that what you offer can solve a problem, increase their lifestyle or make money. The internet is obviously a great help here, more so with social media when it comes to my budget for this exercise. So I need people to talk about this and try to elevate awareness but offer a great opportunity that benefits those involved. In fact, I'd like it to be life changing, as that's the business I've always been involved in.

Talking with a young Romanian graduate in Chemical engineering yesterday, the concept of compromise arose. She was working as a security guard in London, because of the compromise of money and a job here, versus the job she wanted and £200 a month there, sharing a bedroom with her brother as house prices are the same as here.

I asked if she would like the freedom to work in her chosen career. She said of course but she had to work to survive. "If there was a way you could have the freedom to do what you  wanted but the one condition would be you had to help other people to the same result....would you do that?" "Of course" she said, "who wouldn't."

I wonder, would you? It's certainly the reason and methodology behind my life.

The One Hundred One Year One Million Seminars are just about to start, if you would like to arrange one, or find out when and where the next one is please get in touch.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


A couple of years ago I received a call from Sir Bob. We'd met some years before at a Function at Planet Holywood, but I didn't think he had my mobile number. It was a bad line but he said ' hi its Bob Geldof, I just thought I'd give you a call and tell you something I thought was important' the phone broke up a little, so I said 'ok Bob fire away',  ' well' he said 'thinking big is great, but that's just thinking' and the line went dead. Well that's inspirational from the big man himself I thought, but he might of run out of phone credits so I called him back on the mobile number that had come up to save him a few bob, if you can forgive the pun. 

Well, it was a Chris Cardel marketing call, an out going recording with Sir Bob avertising a seminar. None the less Bobs words are very important here. You see, just thinking about writing a book, or starting a business or whatever it is you want is all very well, but as the man said 'that's just thinking', you need to take action, which to many sounds like taking risks, the risk of rejection, and that old favorite we are all conditioned with ...the fear of failure. I sometimes wonder if that is closely aligned with one of the two phobias we come into this world with I'm told, the fear of falling.

Then we come to thinking big. In the subject we have here I'm focused on a million because it seems  a nice round figure that people can get their head around. But in todays world it's not a that big a figure (if you haven't got it though, any figure is big) with houses the price they are, but here we are talking about materialising a cash figure not a large mortgage debt.

Having a big idea is all very well but you have to have the courage of your convictions and follow through. I had the idea I'd like to write a book, it took me a long time for the first to pop out my head completed, it wasn't easy to get the old grey matter thoughts going, but now as you can read I'm a bit prolific. What makes it all the harder is being dyslexic, the ideas are ok, but you just can't see the errors in your writing,  their invisible as you see what's written in your head not what's on the page, but that's just a small hurdle in writing. 

It's the same in business, the errors will occur but you can't see them if your in the business, that's why people require business consultant, it's easy to see the holes in a leaky bucket from the outside, but not when you're floating about on the surface of the water inside. You just panic, which will definitely cloud your judgement.

Now what are the holes in my bucket here. You can see because you're out there maybe. But this enterprise is based on simplicity, the desire of both you and me to be successful. What do I bring to the party, the knowledge of the power of belief, the power of understanding, and the power of influence, an understanding of the law of attraction and  how to make it work, in this exercise and in your life. 

What do you bring, enthusiasm is a good start, the desire to succeed, the ability to learn and inspire other people with your knowledge and skills, and get paid for it.

Lets take NLP for a start. I became a Master Practitioner 7 years ago and I still use some of the techniques today to overcome certain behavioural limitations with clients. Confidence and fear is an issue with many people. A young gentleman I knew was literally afraid of the phone. He had to make out going calls to clients, but spent hours looking at the phone rather than picking it up, the fear was that people would reject him. By reframing the subject so he could see that he would actually be benefitting people's lives by his calls in a way he hadn't thought of, and transferring the confidence he could resource from cleaning his teeth of all things, he directly became quite happy with calling all day. First hurdle gone, now it's down to the quality of communication, the power of influence, and if you've never been taught it I will guarantee you're working with one hand behind your back all the time.

Unfortunately at school communication skills aren't really taught when it comes down to influencing people in relationships, jobs etc, we are all left to sink or swim with the most fundamental of gifts we are all given, language, spoken by a mouth that is on some occasions  not  connected to a brain. And that's just one key to success, developing that connection so your language starts to create, motivate and inspire not just you, but everyone. You start to drive your life not be a passenger. Now that's a skill worth having and I believe of true value.

So how am I getting on. Rita wrote back after looking at the blog:

Hi Brett, that really is a blow by blow account of the project,but at least we all are under no illusions and that the project can only be a success if we make it one,thats good enough for me so i would like to go ahead with it.pls send me info about next meeting.Thank you.Rose

I'm really looking forward to meeting Rose again.

We have written to some of the applicants for the project and had positive replies, but no negative ones so far. One of my rules about this is to try to keep everything transparent as possible,  within reason, so you should find everything that happens pretty well pans out here, good and bad.

I won't post every email but ones that raise issues that would be useful to talk about. Heres one:

I have read your blog. It sounds really interesting. I am indeed adventurous, I have always been the youngest in my group of friends, I went to school a year early and went on to work with people older than me, so am happy to work with people twice my age. I am interested in option 4. I do have my doubts about the how legitimate this scheme is, i was taught to always thoroughly examine where you put your money (and I do intend to spend some time doing some checks) but my instinct is that if I spent £100 and just met some like minded people that would be an investment and I always follow my instinct. I have spent a lot of time working alone in the past and realise that sometimes to achieve goals it helps to have like minded people around you with opposing skills and some extra manpower. I would like to gain the freedom won with wealth so that I could then go on the achieve other goals I have that require more cash than I currently have. I would also like to give my friends and family a more comfortable life. The show woman in be would also love to be involved in providing filmed feedback also. I am currently an unemployed actor, so have plenty of spare time.


Thank you Beth.
Legitimacy is the word I'd like to focus on for a moment. Not strictly the response here but in general. The project is about success, and success is very difficult without a goal. Firstly, you have to idealise your goal, then visualise it in detail, and finally materialise it. This is a skill, another one that had there been a class at school on the subject we would all have done a lot better. This is why the 1M figure is there, a goal to try to achieve, is it a bit of an eye catcher as well? yes completely, otherwise there would be no point. I look at that figure the same as you but it's up to me to breath life into it, but I need just a little more breath than my lungs can hold, I know that, that's why I need you.

Is it legitimate for me to teach you skills, to propose a goal, to suggest we try, and in that very journey we might learn just a little about ourselves, as I do right now by having to focus my thoughts, crystallise them for this blog. Hopefully the people involved will find they are not alone in wanting success and looking for a path that means something and has real value, and I'm not talking about the million or any amount of money, I'm talking about like minded souls coming together and achieving .

My first attempt at a book was called The Pill, it was a story about a placebo, a flour pill (although in my book it was coloured sweets which tasted nicer) that gave you whatever you wanted, a relationship, money, health.. whatever. I won't bore you with the twisting tale, other than through a series of inexplicable events humanity as a whole took the pill all at the very same second, and that unity of thought saved the world from good old destruction. 

Maybe I still have the same idea locked away in my subconscious determining my behaviour, it doesn't matter, the point is the legitimacy of the is project will only be born out in your mind, what you get out of it.

Am I here to take your 100 and buy a first class ticket on the bus to Basildon, not really, but sometimes I feel that might be a better option. This Blog reveals everything about the journey, so if you think I'm doing all this for an easy life, think again. So far cash in is zero. 930 pledged. Two months work setting up. Yes I could have flown to Dubai and made a nice living selling investments easily in that time, or laid on the beach. Fact. So could you. But we didn't, because we have greater fish to fry. I had FatMan 2 to write and this, you did whatever you did. Making money isn't so difficult, it's making the right money that is. Money you feel good about, and for me that means putting a smile on a face and helping someone achieve their goals. Funnily enough, you might be surprised just how many times that upsets people.

This blog is an advertorial for this project, theres no getting away from that, and I hope if you're reading this you point a few of your Facebook friends in my direction to see what they think. 

When it comes to legitimacy, this project is ultimately about one man trying to do the best he can, knowing full well that people will either love or hate this. (Undoubtedly, some people will look for bad in this and me, but that's down to who's looking, who's writing and for me who should be looking at their own motivations). Where that difference comes from, will be nothing to do with me, it will be a reflection of what is in their own heart.

I suppose that some will say I'm corrupting young minds towards the vice of materialism and the love of money (why only young minds). Money gets such a bad press, when are people going to catch on it's what you do with it that counts, blame bankers for hoarding it, Government for doing God knows what with it, not Money itself for being hoarded and misused..  Money is freedom, the rich know that, if the poor twigged that secret they would go after it with too much passion, and then where would the rich be, the same as everyone else, so they wouldn't be rich.

Success is what this is all about, and working together to achieve it, which, in fact, would be a success in itself without the money. Now before some of you go off suggesting wouldn't that be nice, I'm afraid in the society we currently live in, to have a voice with any power, money is something of a helping hand.

Monday 20 February 2012


Well I probably can't call it that as I might get sued, but you can call it the secret and that's OK. The course to get to a million has to have the right team of people behind it, if you ever want to run a successful business you need to spend time picking good people who definitely want to go in the same direction, or you'll diappear down the toilet of failed ventures like 95% of businesses do in the first 5 years. Why is the death rate so high, simply there are many mistakes to make that can all lead to your demise, but the simpler you keep it, the more likely you will be a success, so you could say the secret here is simplicity. 

Right now I have to find a few more like minded souls who want the same things, and just like the enthusiastic people I've seen so far would like to go on an adventure of the mind and see where it takes you. You see, whilst I have a method to get me to the million as well as everybody involved, I need to give people the choice of either trying or not. I'm looking for people who are prepared to take up the challenge and see if they can develop a mindset that not only replaces negative thought patterns with positive creative ones, but also attracts success as well. There's two sides to this story, and in the end it's going to be positive versus negative. Positive action verses negative inaction.

So what will they experience and learn that will give them the basis for success in this enterprise here's a look at some subject matter.

The law of attraction and how to get it to work
The power of influence, understanding, and self belief.
How to adopt a creative mindset by conditioning the mind to think in successful patterns 
How to recognise and loose inhibiting behavioural thought patterns
The four corners of business success and management 
Motivation, public speaking, negotiation, management, influence
Communication skills.
Discovering the path to one million.

The secret of my success will be you, just as much as I am yours, we are inexorably linked, and without eachother we will only tred water. You see I have to build belief and confidence in the people I will be working with, and they will need to become congruent with their hopes, dreams and desires, that means walking the walk and talking the talk. Not thinking where's the next few quid coming from, because, guess what, you'll only attract a few quid. But thinking bigger, smiling wider and attracting more than you expected than you ever could into your life. 

Now, I've had some interested parties from the StarNow listing so I have to direct them to the full story, to take the choice if they want to come on board or not, the time has come to point them to this blog and see.


Ok there you have it the release of the blog to bring you up to speed on the last two months. The next job is to send the link to all of the enthusiastic people I met at the last seminar and see what their posts and responses are, and more importantly, if they wish to continue. You see, I like the people I deal with to know what's involved.

But that said, my wonderfully patient other half, explained to me yesterday that in the ballet world where she came from, the whip was employed to get things done and not explanation. She recounted how her ex ballet mistress had often when she was running a school explained the why's and the where's to her team of teachers only to be met with questions and alternatives, which she finally had to go against her character and pull the metaphorical whip out and use. It's my way or the highway.

This is all very well when you have slaves building pyramids, or people working on a salary, you have a whip of a sort real or not. But in this endeavour I need to put my ability to inspire motivate and lead up for scrutiny, people need to make their own choice to come in this on the same terms as me. They need to get value and an experience that will be potentially life changing, and I hope for me not wife changing if I make a mess of things.

You see we all have doubt, I'm not immune to that. I can hear all the voices that have ever said no to me in the past, you can't do this or that, all the school teachers who gave me bad grades and reviews, and the people who have across my career been more than a little naughty, and unsupportive. But God loves a trier, although sometimes I do get the feeling that some people don't because you are trying to break the mould, go against the flow, which makes them uncomfortable, uneasy and maybe just a little bit resentful. For many years my relations always told me when I was going through hard times 'why don't you go get a proper job'... Like the rest of us. Good question I've asked myself on many occasions when things got particularly bad, but to compromise your dreams is to deny yourself so I could never do that whatever the cost. I think you have to be true to you, it's difficult in this society to do especially when so many different people want different things for you and from you. You mother loves you and wants to protect you and that sometimes means from yourself, so you can understand that, but many people may want things from you that are not for your best interest, because if you take another route, not the norm, what does that say about them, are they wrong or do you think your better.

How many people would rejoice in your success? Not as many as you might think, because if you make it then that means that if they had tried, just maybe they could have too, which is not a good feeling. So by not trying we never fail. But in truth, there is no such thing as failure, just levels of success, and success is after all just the sum of all your failures.


Ok, so I knew there was potentially an unhappy person with me. What's new with that. But my hunting caused a few problems that may just of stayed lying where the sleeping dog should be left.

We had run the exercise a second time to build the team as close to twenty as possible so I could work with a core of like minded people who could work together creating ideas that would take us forward. But between emails with Jorge someone contacted StarNow with a poison pen letter. Brett's add was retracted and he was banned from the site. Brett emailed but with no response so it must have been a hatchet job. The words 'GOOD LUCK!' came to mind, as 'no you won't have any' echoed in my mind.

Now, my relationship with StarNow goes back a ways, so I placed a couple of adds for more crew as we would be starting to film soon. I placed another add with a direct approach as the recent events forced me to change the terms of my own disclosure rules:

Individuals interested in success and entreprenialism required 

The project

In times of economic gloom, unemployment, and recession, our goal is to see if one person with no more than £100 can make £1,000,000 in one year  under strict rules i.e. nothing illegal, using no previous business contacts, only using their own ability to influence, motivate and inspire. The project is a reality documentary to provide:
1. An example of endeavour in a society that does sometimes does give the appearance of limited opportunity and  penchant towards scepticism and fear, 
2.To motivate anyone whatever their background or education, with a true desire for success to achieve anything they want, whatever the odds, and hurdles.

Yes, we know this is an incredibly tall order, however we have already begun the project by selecting one individual, with a background in business and personal development to start the ball rolling, who has completed the first stage successfully, all be it already facing surprising amounts of both positive and negative attitude towards the project especially within the rules of disclosure we initially set. 

We are now looking for individuals with a genuine interest in what the project goals are, people who are ambitious and would like to find success, but also would help other people achieve too by working in a team if required. People who are not focused primarily on 'what's in it for me', but can either support those involved taking the challenge at live events or potentially follow in the footsteps of those who are.

We are currently looking for camera operators around the UK to work on a  reality documentary based around entrepreneurialism and success.

This is a fly on the wall project requiring ad hoc filming of individuals and events. You will need your own digital camera equipment of good quality resolution. The project would suit individuals anywhere in the UK who are interested in the goals of the project and would like to participate on a profit share basis.

Presenters/Interviewers  Required

We are looking for presentable articulate individuals to work on a reality documentary project on entrepreneurialism and success.  You will be interviewing individuals and working at live events. A genuine interest in the subject would be an advantage as well as a motivational and engaging manner. Your primary goal would be to elicit from individuals more probing information than the average 'hello, how are you?' so a strong enquiring personality with a nose for getting to the crux of the matter is essential.

Whilst your level of experience is not important, you will require excellent written and verbal skills with journalistic qualities, as you may be required to blog you experiences, and host events.

Directors Required

We are looking for talented directors looking to make engaging TV for a reality documentary at live events. Great organisational and leadership skills are essential as a well as a nose for what and who will make engaging  footage. The project  is on success and entrepreneurialism mainly covering interviews with participants and live events, working with presenters. Your level of experience is not relevant, more a personality with strength who can take a key independent role working off their own back pushing the project forward as well as orchestrating events.

The Crew adds were posted but the Million add was rejected. Obviously something was wrong. However, with a couple of emails they recounted and decided to run the advert so a big thank you to them.

You see the underlying principle of this whole project is that it is ground breaking for some and ball breaking sometimes for me. But as I said, I knew this wasn't going to be easy and people will or won't like my thinking. But think on this. My thoughts are there with one purpose and that is to achieve the goal I set out using only £100 and what's in my head to get there. Now I'm not being big headed, I'm just having a go in hard times, as well as help out a few like minded souls with some guidance and insight into business and personal development.

Worst case scenario, I help someone to overcome their limiting belief patterns and reach their
goals. Best case the whole thing works out, the million gets made, the documentary gets made, the blog gets published (which will be a first for me) and a lot of people have a lot of fun, learn what's got inside my head over the last 30 years (for whatever that's worth, but a few people have paid for it on occasion in my coaching, so its got to be worth something I suppose) and put it to good use to make their financial, personal, and career lives a resounding success.

If you haven't got much on right now I could do with your help.


We all hate criticism, and for the most part avoid it at all costs. I just batter it till it rolls over dead. If you want to achieve something, it is essential to go your own way, but if a 1000 people are telling you not to do something it's probably best not to do it, but for me I just can't help it I have to do what I'm being told not to, even by the little voice in my head that I sometimes listen to, but love to rebel over.

Out of the 17, there were 9 who failed to respond. We wrote to them to ask their comments and what influenced them to do nothing at all, and again got nothing at all. Not a word. Maybe there was something going on behind the scenes, as long experience usually tells me that when things don't add up there is a reason. Maybe they were upset with my methods, to find what I wanted, but that after all was the purpose of the exercise and I had hoped they had enjoyed the motivational chat, and they would have participated to give me the valuable material for the documentary even if it just meant some feedback or the Mozart option as a barometer to the others.

Two people had written within hours of the meeting thanking me for my time and saying how motivational it was and they felt it had been really uplifting, but those people had also responded later and wanted to do option 4.

So on one side I'd managed to inspire almost 50% of the group to want great things and on the other side I'd inspired them to do a resounding absolute nothing.

Negative thought is just as powerful as positive, airing always on scepticism and infecting others with it's inactivity. Many times in business the under performing sales teams I have been brought in to evaluate, usually require me to find the negative person who is influence the behaviour of the group in a non productive way. Sometimes it's the manager, but not when you get two diametrically opposite factions.

In my Power of Influence Training I'm always alerting my students to not what's being said, but what's not being said, the sub text of a conversation or a communication. 93% of communication is non verbal, even in an email.

So coming back to our positive young gentleman from the seminar, who took the time to thank me, I asked Brett to remind him that we would like a little more insight into his decision making process. Here are the emails:

Yes, I am still very much interested and the one thing which makes it very compelling for me, is the fact that I would be working together with other people. However, I would like to have a bit more clarity on two things, if thats ok?

1) The 100 pounds we are giving is that going towards a sort of "fee" for the course or material provided etc or is it for investment in the business itself?

2) Secondly, I remember reading something about 75% of the profit goes to us and the rest for yourselves.....can you elaborate on that ?


Ok as I said, some people are straight, but it's always what they are not saying that's important to look for. The aspects of this that come to mind are the way he begins with enthusiasm, but the 'that's oK' smacks of distrust.

With regard to the other questions, he knows that the next stage is to sit with me to discuss the project on a one to one, so he could ask them then as the others would undoubtedly do, but he is asking from afar which means he has other motives, and potentially no interest in meeting me head on. I wonder if there is more behind this, in fact I know there is and I need to draw out the information, because negative publicity I can handle, not everybody will like what i do or how i choose to do it, but people with a grudge or agenda are destructive especially with the internet where you can say what you want about people with little knowledge of your subject but a damaging result. In fact it's more and more common to find competitors posting anonymous critique on sites and google local business, suddenly you're doing well and then your name is mud for no reason other than somebody doesn't like you, understand you, or wants what you have.

I get Brett to send an email to put get the birds out of the brush so to speak:

Hi Jorge,

Thanks for your questions.

The title of the project is One Hundred, One Million, One Year, hence why the specific amount. It's not an investment into a business, I'm not actually sure what kind of business you can get into for the price of a tank of petrol or a trip to the theatre, but it's not a bad idea. No the 100 is an investment into you,  and for us, shows individuals are prepared to take on a challenge with some degree of commitment to the project, you see saying something is one thing, but actually doing is a completely different thing, hence why most people will bow out for a whole load of reasons before this point. The 100 does have the tendency to separate the final group dramatically, so what we are left with are people who a 100% committed to success. Even then Nick will attempt to dissuade them from participating. It might sound strange, but remember we are not interested in distilling the essence of success, that is well known,  it's the essence of the negative behaviour of scepticism that we are looking to take out of the equation, what holds people back not what takes them forward. That is definitely a hard job with no guarantee of results, an adventure if you like, and like all adventures you don't know exactly where your going till you get there, it's all about faith. 

With regard to up to 75% of the profit, this means in some aspects of what you do during this program, there will be a financial reward that indeed will provide you with a varying return for your effort and the application of the skills you will learn. Remember, the design of this is to provide you with a method to go from one hundred to one million, but you may reject that method, it's up to YOU. The most important aspect of that statement is YOU, you will have responsibility for your choices as you do now, one way is out and one way is to continue. No choice we will give you will ever be easy, and the ramifications will be potentially immense for you, although you can't really miss what you didn't have in the first place.

Let me know if you want to continue, as this will require some self questioning on your part and a deep resolve to go for it, whatever.

Kind regards


And the bird from the brush:

Hi Brett,

Thanks for your long email.

To be honest, it is not the lack of resolve or being ramdomly skeptical that is holding me back. Mind you i am already a very successful music exec. And over the last two weeks that i have been trying to become an Actor already got a part in a feature film and 3 calls for appearances on channel 4 and BB3......

So i have the motivation and resolve.....but life has also taught me to look out for people who could be wasting my time or have motives not aligned with mine.

This is to say that i am a natural winner in this life but for some reason, there is something that makes me not trust this project of yours. If i did...trust me i would be 100% in. I spoke to a few others from the meetings and this was also their feeling!

The long narratives, the emphasis on greed, and the very little specific information about the project, is making people bored and afraid this could be yet another clever scheme or con!

I really dont mean to offend you, and i am the first to apologise in advance. But given that you were so quick to draw conclusions about why people did not continue...i thought it was important to pass on the actual reasons i heard from 4 different people.

I love the idea, i love the challenge, i love the potential but my gut feeling is telling me that there is sth off.....


I wish you all the best!


Now if we are going to analyse this and you want to find the subtext of every line take a course with me and I will explain. You see the first email he sent was a tip of the iceberg, there's something damaging beneath the surface email. Some thing's you want to keep under the surface and don't go exploring, but both my success and undermining behavioural patterns are the tendency to over analyse(one reason people contracted me to solve problems) but not so good in some instances as sleeping dogs and all that.

So here was my problem 5 people had managed to neg each other out and usually that stems from a source, bering apologies, fairness and good tidings.

Our response:

Hi Jorge,

No need to apologise, this is exactly the kind of feedback we want to hear, the main problem is so many people are afraid to say what they really think, for fear of offending. Most of what you expressed is about feelings, especially fear, and how others regarded the subject. It's amazing how exactly the same series of experiences can evoke diametrically opposed reactions. 50% completely positive and 50% completely negative of the final group. You were the only one who was potentially in that no mans land of a middle ground, although I'm not so sure you were in the middle, it would be interesting to ask if you had communicated with any of the positive ones, or had any influence with the negative ones.

This is a research annylsis for us to asertain the information we require, therefor please appreciate the process we undertake is orchestrated by us, and those who wish to respond are fully aware from the outset as you were that this is for us an explorative journey of our making and direction, (not the applicants), however boring that may be, as with all such projects. 

I wish you luck and success with your future as it does indeed seem exiting, and for your own benefit look deeper, annalyse further, you will reap more rewards I assure you.

All the best and thanks for participating.


Now please take note, the ultimate goal of this exercise is to achieve a million. Time is ticking and I need to keep moving. Many people will air on the side of caution and be rightly careful, but I would suggest for those of you who have the temptation to side with the gentleman and sympathise with his thinking, ask yourself what cost is a price worth paying. A number of people were influence though someone trying to find something bad. I've had this many times, so I'm no stranger to this, but the fall out for a negative approach is always expensive in time and money. Before you act always ask yourself is this going to hurt me or someone else, then live with the responsibility for your actions without blaming someone else. You see to take charge of YOUR world and influence YOUR world you have to accept responsibility for what happens in it. You can't have it both ways and that's way the law of attraction can be difficult to master.

Sunday 19 February 2012


To be honest, I wasn't really sure what I'd get back. Statistically if you have read my other post predictions you will have seem that 95% of people fail to see opportunity, of the five percent that do, 95% fail to act, which from my stats would result in two and a bit people out of the seventeen left out of the thousand original views to our add.

We asked each of the parties to let us know what feelings they had and what logic influenced their decisions. So here are the results:

Nick was an extremely inspiring person who when he told me his stories I saw he used to have similarities to me which held me back such as my shyness, he would make a great mentor/coach to me.

Due to me being at university down in ormskirk I cannot commit myself as much as I would like to do. Therefore I would like to go for option 3 and study success methods more closely. For this I feel I will still try and incorporate listening to classical music if that is okay with you and nick.

I would still like to meet up with nick for his coaching and guidance however travelling to london every week is an expense that just isn't affordable at the moment but once every 3-4 weeks may be more practical!

I hope you can understand my situation and know that if my situation were different I would be 100% committed to the 100-1 million challenge but I do guarantee my focus to the task chosen as I am doing this for myself more than anybody.


thanks for all the info,i would like to choose option four,the reasons being that it involves using techniques and exercises  in option 3 which are very crucial i think because it covers  certain areas that i need to  work on,secondly i like the idea of working as part of a group,working with like minded individuals walking the same path,sharing and acquiring the knowledge and techniques that will enable us to reach our  goals,accomodating each others ideas and input and suggestions. This is very important, running a successful enterprise needs the efforts of a dedicated  team work, ranging from the managerial post right down to the most trivial tasks,every effort counts.It will be interesting working with different personalities and how each will comeup with their own interpretation,understanding and implementation of strategies and exercises at hand.Thirdly i am genuinely looking forward to working with Nick,i believe there is so much i can learn from this programme,and that is priceless because even after the end of the programme the knowledge that i have acquired will be indespensable and will guide my steps and the decisionmaking for the rest of my life, that you cant put a price on.Being on tv will be an added bonus as it creates exposure for whatever business venture i embark on but the way i look at it,it isnt the be it end all for me because once i embark on my business venture armed with the knowledge i have  acquired,i will be able to purchase tv deals,slots and endorsements.This money can buy the rest it can.These are my reasons.i look forward to hearing from you.


Thank you for all the details, I am most certainly going to be part of that 5% and take action!

The option I am choosing is Option 4; 'One hundred, one million, one year'. There are a few aspects that influenced my choice, consciously and most likely subconsciously as well. The title including the word 'one million' is of course going to be an attraction and influence, this whole project is about making money, this title states this. The reasoning however is I have a burning desire to be wealthy, and I'm not ashamed to say so, as much as society loathes this. I however say this in a humble way, as it is the freedom I desire, a freedom I can share with others, not ultimately selfish. I recently read Paul McKenna’s 'How to change your life in 7 days', and this gave me incite into how conditioning can bring you what you desire, especially wealth. The changes I saw on a personal level were unbelievable, and one which I believe led me to responding to this advert. I am now currently reading The Secret, and both of these books relate to this project, and are why I believe in this conditioning and learning process. The reason behind my choice of 4 over 3 was that I know I have the drive, the ability to commit and the desire to make money; I however lack the direction and support. With Nick's direction, structure, and a support network of like minded individuals, I know I can and will be a success in this project. I believe I am to be wealthy, a success (of course in how I perceive this), but I have struggled to find my route to this ultimate goal, with 'One hundred, one million, one year' I could finally have my route. Although £100 is a considerable amount to my finical situation, it is a small risk for me to take, in return for what I will receive from this experience.

I am very excited, and will be 100% committed to this project, I for one will ensure I do not become a 'crash' dummy!

Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

Kind regards,


Choosing option 4. I have a lot of free time, love of learning is my primary strength and I've always believed that you can do whatever and get anywhere you want but couldn't quite grasp how. Seems to me you have an idea, a direction and I would be happy to invest £100 in my future wealth. I want to be successful and this is me taking action.



I have decided to do nothing.
Thanks for the email.
Kind Regards

I attended a meeting with Nick on Monday and received an email about the documentary and the choices of options to take.
I am choosing option 4. I am in this only to make money and be successful and be surrounded by like minded people which is why I am choosing this option. I feel that this option is more constructive and worthy of my time.

i would be interested in option 4.



My name is Simba and I am Luke's friend and in the same year with him at college. He attended the meeting with Nick regarding this wealth and the power of the mind project and he really enjoyed it and told me about it etc. From his enthusiasm, I then wanted to know more about it so he then forwarded his email to me to have a look but I did not know about this project until he showed me the email and I just looked at the advert on Star Now and the applications are now closed. 

However, after reading the email from Luke regarding this project, I would just like to ask you if I can be involved and be part of this as I am really, really interested in this project and also believe that success is money and that all achievements and all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea which comes from your mind. 

I would like to pick option 4 and I emphasise that I definitely want to be part of this.

Thank you for your consideration.

Hope to hear from you soon.


So we had eight responses and another interest from someone unexpected who had not attended, which was way better than my two and a bit prediction, which made £830 pledged which was more than my first target. But when your building an empire you have to be sure of your troops, so just like Napoleon Bonaparte, my job now was to wander out onto the bridge within bullet range before he took Paris, and let them shoot me if they wanted with a one to one meeting to explain the intricacies of the project.

"Here I am, kill your emperor if you wish."

For Napoleon, they all cried "Vive L'Emperor" for me I wonder.

I do wish to add for the record, I'm not French, I'm not that short or have only one cannon ball, and nor do I have aspirations for invading the world with garlic and driving on the wrong side of the road. But if people are going to follow and through their support we get to the One Million goal, I'd rather know now and not get half way because my troops were a bit iffy.

That said one of the responses twigged my spider sense, a yes from Jorge but no explanation, this needed more investigation as I suspected fifth column negative waves.


The next Day Brett sent out a letter, providing them all with a summary of the meeting with four choices to see who were the true candidates for the project, as we had no way of knowing the motives of the individuals. I learnt long ago, that when you want to find out what a persons true motivation is, give them a job to do, or a choice to make, usually one that involves a cost from them, time or money. If they carry out the task or select the option with value then you know they place value on the subject, anything else is lip service. Remember, in all humanity the single biggest driving question is 'what's in it for me?' Fear of loss, sense of gain, with a hell of a lot of social conditioning and subconscious behavioural influence. So this exercise does the trick, and I need to know who is for real.

Thank you for attending the meeting with Nick yesterday.

Before we supply you with the full details of the four options Nick touched upon, I would like to take this opportunity to first provide you with a little more background on the project, so you can make the right choice for you.

As you may have gathered, this in not just a simple documentary, the filming and results of the exercise are designed to have a demonstrable effect on those who are involved personally as well as financially, and as such remain the primary goal. The project is not about money for it's own sake, it is best summed up as Nick always says, 'he'd rather be rich and depressed, than poor and depressed', that is if you are going to be depressed in the first place. Money simply gives you the freedom to do more things you would like to do, so you don't dwell on what you haven't got,(the less you dwell on lack, the more you will concentrate on what you have, appreciate it and so get more. Why would anything be attracted to someone who doesn't appreciate what they have, given the choice?)  and money also gives you the power to choose to help others to gain that freedom as well,  if you want to.

As you may appreciate, Nick is not the usual fellow you might come across. In fact some may feel he is 'mad a hatter', but like any good hatter there is method to his madness. For example my first introduction was to one of his books, My Epitaph, which I thought was not exactly the best title, and a book about death doesn't at first sight seem a good idea. 600 epitaphs of humour, faith, doubt and really politically incorrect material, written by 600 authors of diverse and even weird origins. But only at the the end do you realise all were written by Nick to form a financial strategy for wealth creation, by inspiring further contributions from anyone who wanted their thoughts to be included in revised copies. I won't go into the details, but Nick refuses to go through publishers, so his readers can make money from recommending his books. Up to 75% of the profit of each book he publishes goes to his readers if they like what he writes. This is basically the strategy he employs in everything, as he believes if you take an action you should get rewarded and reward yourself for that action.

Nick comes under a lot of criticism for his approach to some aspects of society, he does not blame society for it's limiting structure to allow the individual to achieve, because as he demonstrates time and time again, what holds people back is their own conditioning not to take the right action to get what they want. Going back to the beginning and working out who exactly benefits from your current approach to life? why you have it?who would like you to retain it? and does it really benefit you? are the first steps to getting what you want. For some this can be uncomfortable as you do indeed realise that you are responsible for your world, but this is not a self inflicted blame exercise or thrashing yourself with a birch branch;  if you're not taught what's really influencing you or how to influence your future, you can hardy be expected to do anything else but what you've been doing from day one like the rest of us, and to be honest, a definition of insanity is doing the same old thing every day and expecting a different result. 

The next is learning what you need to know to take control of your destiny rather than be a passenger. This is very difficult to do on your own, but choosing the right people to surround yourself with in a common belief and congruence is not easy; Nick will tell you stories of some of his business and personal experiences, that will definitely put you on the right track. He has lost more money than most of us will see, not because of lack of intelligence, although he is quite dyslexic,(how hard is that as an author) but, as he puts it 'the negative conditioning that subverted his behaviour', and would continue to do so if he hadn't taken steps to change and become congruent with his true self. This is what he sees in people, what hold us back from within, our own limiting subconscious  behavioural patterns, we are for the most part unaware of.This is'the power of understanding', understanding the internal influences that guide and undermine you, and the external influences that can beguile and deceive you.

The next is the power of influence, the ability to influence your own internal states,and those around you to create more effective interactions. Thirdly the power of self belief, to have the confidence and the ability to do anything you want with no fear.

Once you have mastered all three aspects of your life, you will then start to influence the universe in a focused way, to provide you with the opportunities that abound in your life right now, that  you may not see because you do not posses the skill to see them, or the ability to cultivate them. (Now that would have been a better lesson at school than some I can think of.)

One thing people like about Nick, is he is the real deal so to speak, he knows if one person created something, so can anybody else, it's not life that stops us, it's whats between your ears,  not academic intelligence, but personal motivation.

The project you will be undertaking is not about 'self help', although its level of success is based around three distinct areas for you, your health, your wealth and your personal life. How you choose to measure your success is up to you, but the truth is always written in the mirror every morning. Will will only give you the choice as to what face looks back at you.

Primarily we will be focusing on the financial success of those involved. 

Ok first option, do nothing.
Second option, listen to classical music. The reason we have chosen classical music for this exercise, is simply  because of the 'Mozart effect'. We will not limit you to these pieces, only to say that classical music may relax you and help you focus. That may be a placebo or reality, it is for you to choose.

You will be required to listen to music on a regular basis, possibly 30 minutes to 1 hour per day which is a similar length to the exercises of option three.  Preferably uplifting pieces that invigorate  you, rather than a sad selection. 

The length of the exercise will depend on you; at the point you are no longer regularly listening, bored or see no results that inspire you to continue. Until this point if it happens, we would ask you to record your comments, experiences and feelings once a week retaining an objective and truthful analysis.

Option three. We have formulated a course of study over 24 weeks that involves learning a range of techniques on influence, understanding and self belief. It also involves conditioning your mind to really adopt a mind set of successful creative thought  patterns, building through a series of changing weekly exercises that are designed to  increase your power of focus. The format of the course is from Nicks own private coaching that he has used with  professionals in business and sport to increase their personal expectations and power to achieve, combined with other works. This has been specifically adapted for this exercise, utilising success strategies  which can make a considerable difference to your levels of confidence, drive and self belief.

The program has the option of working in conjunction with those who are engaged the next level of One hundred pounds, One million, One year,  by attending meetings they will be organising. Again you will be required to keep a video diary of your progress from 1 to 3 minutes per week,  with a further 2 minutes for special events you feel might be of interest.

This option will obviously take a considerable amount more effort than option two, or one for that matter, therefore to influence those who might be unlikely to take this level of commitment into option two, there is a thirty pounds charge for course materials which covers two hard copy volumes and other material.

Option Four.
The last option is to really take on a challenge, and back your own ability to achieve using the techniques of option three, which will make the crux of the documentary.  As we have said, to really make money you cannot do this on your own, you need to have like minded people around you, and you need a path to follow which is why we have developed a format for utilising  the techniques and mental approach of the course  called 'One hundred, One million ,One year'. 

Now the first question you will be asking is ...'is that really possible?' and the answer is a resounding YES ,without doubt, if that is you are prepared to concentrate and focus on the goal, work with others to achieve that goal, but last and by no means least you will have to put aside doubt and believe in yourself. It is not the racket or the ball that makes a top tennis player, it is the mentality of the individual. Our aim is to show that anyone adopting the right mindset can achieve this goal,  if they want to.  We have constructed a method that with guidance targets the participants to this goal. A formula if you like that will involve you working closely with other individuals on the same project once a week in a creative and structured way, as it can only work with co-operation between individuals. You will be using the information you are learning combined with cultivating the mind set of success to help yourself and others achieve.
Obviously the success of this venture is 100% financial and we are looking for people who can really commit to this program. This will be where the majority of filming will be dedicated and up to 70% of the profits will be paid to the participants.

A personal diary will again be required.

Again, to make sure we have the right level of commitment, and in keeping with the title 'One Hundred, One Million,  One Year' an amount of £100 is required to enter this program. You will also need to be  interviewed personally by Nick before we will accept you on board. All course work materials are included.

So the choice is yours. Please let me know the option your are interested in by picking one. Once you have selected your option, your choice is made, so think carefully first.

Remember the purpose of this program is to put choices in front of you and see the reason why you select one course over another, therefore we would ask you to provide a brief note on what you 'felt' influenced your choice and the logical reasoning behind it. 

Just a little statistical information for you. Nick in his book Money Power Sex states in the introduction that 95% of people cannot see opportunity when its is right in front of them, and 95% of the 5% who can see it fail to pick it up. It is interesting to note that of 1000 people who viewed the advert only 50 (5%) booked to come on Monday, and seventeen arrived, but the equation still has time to balance to Nicks final prediction. 

All the best

We wait to see the response...