Tuesday 21 February 2012


A couple of years ago I received a call from Sir Bob. We'd met some years before at a Function at Planet Holywood, but I didn't think he had my mobile number. It was a bad line but he said ' hi its Bob Geldof, I just thought I'd give you a call and tell you something I thought was important' the phone broke up a little, so I said 'ok Bob fire away',  ' well' he said 'thinking big is great, but that's just thinking' and the line went dead. Well that's inspirational from the big man himself I thought, but he might of run out of phone credits so I called him back on the mobile number that had come up to save him a few bob, if you can forgive the pun. 

Well, it was a Chris Cardel marketing call, an out going recording with Sir Bob avertising a seminar. None the less Bobs words are very important here. You see, just thinking about writing a book, or starting a business or whatever it is you want is all very well, but as the man said 'that's just thinking', you need to take action, which to many sounds like taking risks, the risk of rejection, and that old favorite we are all conditioned with ...the fear of failure. I sometimes wonder if that is closely aligned with one of the two phobias we come into this world with I'm told, the fear of falling.

Then we come to thinking big. In the subject we have here I'm focused on a million because it seems  a nice round figure that people can get their head around. But in todays world it's not a that big a figure (if you haven't got it though, any figure is big) with houses the price they are, but here we are talking about materialising a cash figure not a large mortgage debt.

Having a big idea is all very well but you have to have the courage of your convictions and follow through. I had the idea I'd like to write a book, it took me a long time for the first to pop out my head completed, it wasn't easy to get the old grey matter thoughts going, but now as you can read I'm a bit prolific. What makes it all the harder is being dyslexic, the ideas are ok, but you just can't see the errors in your writing,  their invisible as you see what's written in your head not what's on the page, but that's just a small hurdle in writing. 

It's the same in business, the errors will occur but you can't see them if your in the business, that's why people require business consultant, it's easy to see the holes in a leaky bucket from the outside, but not when you're floating about on the surface of the water inside. You just panic, which will definitely cloud your judgement.

Now what are the holes in my bucket here. You can see because you're out there maybe. But this enterprise is based on simplicity, the desire of both you and me to be successful. What do I bring to the party, the knowledge of the power of belief, the power of understanding, and the power of influence, an understanding of the law of attraction and  how to make it work, in this exercise and in your life. 

What do you bring, enthusiasm is a good start, the desire to succeed, the ability to learn and inspire other people with your knowledge and skills, and get paid for it.

Lets take NLP for a start. I became a Master Practitioner 7 years ago and I still use some of the techniques today to overcome certain behavioural limitations with clients. Confidence and fear is an issue with many people. A young gentleman I knew was literally afraid of the phone. He had to make out going calls to clients, but spent hours looking at the phone rather than picking it up, the fear was that people would reject him. By reframing the subject so he could see that he would actually be benefitting people's lives by his calls in a way he hadn't thought of, and transferring the confidence he could resource from cleaning his teeth of all things, he directly became quite happy with calling all day. First hurdle gone, now it's down to the quality of communication, the power of influence, and if you've never been taught it I will guarantee you're working with one hand behind your back all the time.

Unfortunately at school communication skills aren't really taught when it comes down to influencing people in relationships, jobs etc, we are all left to sink or swim with the most fundamental of gifts we are all given, language, spoken by a mouth that is on some occasions  not  connected to a brain. And that's just one key to success, developing that connection so your language starts to create, motivate and inspire not just you, but everyone. You start to drive your life not be a passenger. Now that's a skill worth having and I believe of true value.

So how am I getting on. Rita wrote back after looking at the blog:

Hi Brett, that really is a blow by blow account of the project,but at least we all are under no illusions and that the project can only be a success if we make it one,thats good enough for me so i would like to go ahead with it.pls send me info about next meeting.Thank you.Rose

I'm really looking forward to meeting Rose again.

We have written to some of the applicants for the project and had positive replies, but no negative ones so far. One of my rules about this is to try to keep everything transparent as possible,  within reason, so you should find everything that happens pretty well pans out here, good and bad.

I won't post every email but ones that raise issues that would be useful to talk about. Heres one:

I have read your blog. It sounds really interesting. I am indeed adventurous, I have always been the youngest in my group of friends, I went to school a year early and went on to work with people older than me, so am happy to work with people twice my age. I am interested in option 4. I do have my doubts about the how legitimate this scheme is, i was taught to always thoroughly examine where you put your money (and I do intend to spend some time doing some checks) but my instinct is that if I spent £100 and just met some like minded people that would be an investment and I always follow my instinct. I have spent a lot of time working alone in the past and realise that sometimes to achieve goals it helps to have like minded people around you with opposing skills and some extra manpower. I would like to gain the freedom won with wealth so that I could then go on the achieve other goals I have that require more cash than I currently have. I would also like to give my friends and family a more comfortable life. The show woman in be would also love to be involved in providing filmed feedback also. I am currently an unemployed actor, so have plenty of spare time.


Thank you Beth.
Legitimacy is the word I'd like to focus on for a moment. Not strictly the response here but in general. The project is about success, and success is very difficult without a goal. Firstly, you have to idealise your goal, then visualise it in detail, and finally materialise it. This is a skill, another one that had there been a class at school on the subject we would all have done a lot better. This is why the 1M figure is there, a goal to try to achieve, is it a bit of an eye catcher as well? yes completely, otherwise there would be no point. I look at that figure the same as you but it's up to me to breath life into it, but I need just a little more breath than my lungs can hold, I know that, that's why I need you.

Is it legitimate for me to teach you skills, to propose a goal, to suggest we try, and in that very journey we might learn just a little about ourselves, as I do right now by having to focus my thoughts, crystallise them for this blog. Hopefully the people involved will find they are not alone in wanting success and looking for a path that means something and has real value, and I'm not talking about the million or any amount of money, I'm talking about like minded souls coming together and achieving .

My first attempt at a book was called The Pill, it was a story about a placebo, a flour pill (although in my book it was coloured sweets which tasted nicer) that gave you whatever you wanted, a relationship, money, health.. whatever. I won't bore you with the twisting tale, other than through a series of inexplicable events humanity as a whole took the pill all at the very same second, and that unity of thought saved the world from good old destruction. 

Maybe I still have the same idea locked away in my subconscious determining my behaviour, it doesn't matter, the point is the legitimacy of the is project will only be born out in your mind, what you get out of it.

Am I here to take your 100 and buy a first class ticket on the bus to Basildon, not really, but sometimes I feel that might be a better option. This Blog reveals everything about the journey, so if you think I'm doing all this for an easy life, think again. So far cash in is zero. 930 pledged. Two months work setting up. Yes I could have flown to Dubai and made a nice living selling investments easily in that time, or laid on the beach. Fact. So could you. But we didn't, because we have greater fish to fry. I had FatMan 2 to write and this, you did whatever you did. Making money isn't so difficult, it's making the right money that is. Money you feel good about, and for me that means putting a smile on a face and helping someone achieve their goals. Funnily enough, you might be surprised just how many times that upsets people.

This blog is an advertorial for this project, theres no getting away from that, and I hope if you're reading this you point a few of your Facebook friends in my direction to see what they think. 

When it comes to legitimacy, this project is ultimately about one man trying to do the best he can, knowing full well that people will either love or hate this. (Undoubtedly, some people will look for bad in this and me, but that's down to who's looking, who's writing and for me who should be looking at their own motivations). Where that difference comes from, will be nothing to do with me, it will be a reflection of what is in their own heart.

I suppose that some will say I'm corrupting young minds towards the vice of materialism and the love of money (why only young minds). Money gets such a bad press, when are people going to catch on it's what you do with it that counts, blame bankers for hoarding it, Government for doing God knows what with it, not Money itself for being hoarded and misused..  Money is freedom, the rich know that, if the poor twigged that secret they would go after it with too much passion, and then where would the rich be, the same as everyone else, so they wouldn't be rich.

Success is what this is all about, and working together to achieve it, which, in fact, would be a success in itself without the money. Now before some of you go off suggesting wouldn't that be nice, I'm afraid in the society we currently live in, to have a voice with any power, money is something of a helping hand.

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