Monday 20 February 2012


Well I probably can't call it that as I might get sued, but you can call it the secret and that's OK. The course to get to a million has to have the right team of people behind it, if you ever want to run a successful business you need to spend time picking good people who definitely want to go in the same direction, or you'll diappear down the toilet of failed ventures like 95% of businesses do in the first 5 years. Why is the death rate so high, simply there are many mistakes to make that can all lead to your demise, but the simpler you keep it, the more likely you will be a success, so you could say the secret here is simplicity. 

Right now I have to find a few more like minded souls who want the same things, and just like the enthusiastic people I've seen so far would like to go on an adventure of the mind and see where it takes you. You see, whilst I have a method to get me to the million as well as everybody involved, I need to give people the choice of either trying or not. I'm looking for people who are prepared to take up the challenge and see if they can develop a mindset that not only replaces negative thought patterns with positive creative ones, but also attracts success as well. There's two sides to this story, and in the end it's going to be positive versus negative. Positive action verses negative inaction.

So what will they experience and learn that will give them the basis for success in this enterprise here's a look at some subject matter.

The law of attraction and how to get it to work
The power of influence, understanding, and self belief.
How to adopt a creative mindset by conditioning the mind to think in successful patterns 
How to recognise and loose inhibiting behavioural thought patterns
The four corners of business success and management 
Motivation, public speaking, negotiation, management, influence
Communication skills.
Discovering the path to one million.

The secret of my success will be you, just as much as I am yours, we are inexorably linked, and without eachother we will only tred water. You see I have to build belief and confidence in the people I will be working with, and they will need to become congruent with their hopes, dreams and desires, that means walking the walk and talking the talk. Not thinking where's the next few quid coming from, because, guess what, you'll only attract a few quid. But thinking bigger, smiling wider and attracting more than you expected than you ever could into your life. 

Now, I've had some interested parties from the StarNow listing so I have to direct them to the full story, to take the choice if they want to come on board or not, the time has come to point them to this blog and see.

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