Friday 24 February 2012



"The biggest MLM scam and we are all part of it, two people introduced two people and they introduced more and now there is over six billion
 in the affiliate program."

Just imagine if the bible had been multi levelled out for the last two thousand years, just think how many religious millionaires there would be, the meek would certainly inherit the earth, till it all when pear shape because of some bad publicity and there was nobody left to introduce anymore. Religions are a little like pyramid schemes, those at the top get rich in purity, while those at the bottom buy into the scheme with heart and mind, or is that too syndical of me.

Alternative thinking is where true creativity originates. To make money, to find a unique new way of creating success, the answer is often right in front of you. You just have to look in the right place and ask yourself 'what if'. Try to reduce things to the simplest form, or take a successful process and apply it to a completely different industry. You don't have to be a genius to invent a world beating product, you just have to think a little differently. Sitting in a chair waiting for devine inspiration is unlikely to do anything but send you to sleep, but when you start to dream then your creative subconscious will go to work. You see your conscious mind is limited by your conscious thought, but your dreams and unconscious mind have no such limitation. 

But to harness their power you have to work at it. Try it. Just before you go to sleep ask yourself to resolve an issue, as you wake up you will often find new fresh ideas come into your mind, practice and focus on the problem but let your creative mind solve them for you, don't stress over them.

My creativity as a writer has developed from these areas. Writing FatMan, the new ideas come to me early in the morning, but you have to be careful incase you forget them as the creative process takes it's own direction very quickly, and you're mind switches into other thoughts. I write to improve my skill, for the more I write the easier the thoughts come so my hands have to keep up with the creative flow almost as quickly as I read. It's a great feeling when the words come out in a coherent way, but deeply frustrating when you just stop. You don't know where to go with the story. But I have learnt over time for the universe to solve this problem, as always within a short space of time a conversation or a TV program will provide the necessary new direction to take a story. It's amazing if you just start to look just how much the universe will help you if that is the path you are on is congruent to the purpose of your life. If it's not, it's just hard work. Focus is the most important skill to develop, and I'm not saying that I have mastered the skill, it takes a considerable amount of desire to beat all the negative thoughts and distractions away.

People give inspiration, interactions give inspiration, give in to your creative mind and start to realise your full potential, you are not alone in wanting to develop it.

"I always wanted to make money like others at MLM scams, I wanted to be in the biggest one around but I couldn't get into government."


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