Saturday 25 February 2012




One of the goals of this project is to provide a vehicle for 'Green Housing', this is the facility for individuals regardless of their background or education, to be creative. Many people are overlooked because they are shy or just don't think what they have to say is valuable, louder people get heard, loud doesn't necessarily mean any better. Ideas and imagination are not only the province of the outgoing and confident, ideas come from everybody. It's just having the opportunity to know, even what at first seems absolutely silly, can be the germ of another idea, that leads to a great idea, that would never have been thought of with out giving the space to 'Green House' ideas in the first place. Many creative ideas come from just talking with someone you've never met before in a conversation that is completely arbitrary, this is where 'Green Housing' starts in it's simplest form, and when you have a group of people, wow, you won't believe the creative ideas that can come from one left field thought.

As with all successful enterprises,  their origins lie in an original idea that will most likely will require reworking time and again to factor in new information and refine aspects with a view to the prevailing market conditions and field assessments. The following are the original goals and rules for this project. 
Specifications of a Vehicle Worth a Million Defined:

The vehicle itself has to be:
A process that provides the mechanism to achieving  the one hundred one million one year goal.
Capable of giving all those taking part the facility to derive a continued benefit personally and professionally.
A financial return for participation regardless of the success of achieving the ultimate goal.
Supportive of Green housing to promote creative thinking.
A facility to put ideas into practice with the support of other like minded individuals.
A foundation for a career opportunity to promote success based positive thinking
A great deal of fun.


Within this project there are number of self imposed rules to keep within the original concept of an unemployed person with no resources (other than possibly  a grant cheque) taking one hundred to one million. 

As a result I can only use the original 100 to fund this and rely on my own initiative to gain funds within a mechanism anyone can follow regardless of their background, circumstances or experience. Therefor, how close to the ultimate goal those  involved come, will in essence be very much in their own hands, the only limiting factor will be their self belief and determination.

The first part of this, like any project, is the most difficult. Getting the ball rolling always needs a considerable amount of effort, and in this projects regard,  finding a core team of individuals who possess those rare qualities of honour, integrity and loyalty, combined with enthusiasm and a passion for success, is the first goal. If you are interested in this project  please send us  email telling us why.

"To be a success you have to be motivated, and to be motivated you have to have motivation, without motivation you will just have to find something else to be successful at."

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