Friday 24 February 2012


Going from one hundred to one million in one year, is not the average goal one might set oneself, it's not like loosing a couple of pounds off your stomach, although with consideration I'm not sure which is harder.

As you may appreciate, this blog is a window into the project and a little voyeurs glimpse into my mind for the unlucky few. Reality brain show. The difference between this project and writing a book is, I was going to say vastly different, but as I write I'm not so sure it is. I know the overall plot here, beginning, middle, end, however the intricacies of how the story will twist and turn only come into view when I am actually living this. There are obviously hurdles to overcome to stay within the self imposed rules of replication ie anyone could do this whatever their background, education  or otherwise, and that is the bit thats been the hardest aspect to come up with. 

You see my original thinking was to treat this like the evolution of a book which I rely 100% for inspiration to guide my and give me the next twist or turn. However, in fiction you do have control, but I have to concede my writing ideas come from exactly the same place as this project, my imagination. The project has to come from the very principles that I teach, that is you idealise your goal, you visualise the goal and you materialise the goal.

 Now one of the points of my last post was to chat about creative thought and how by asking a question of the unconscious, it will provide the answer, alternatively the cosmos will also answer in messages given to you. It all sounds a bit weird and wonderful to me as much as you, but I have to concede it works, and I came to a point some years ago I couldn't deny through my conditioning that it didn't. More of those events later. But having spent so long on the power of influence to control my life, events conspired to make sure I didn't just stick with that part of the puzzle, and sought the full picture that frankly I didn't know even existed or cared. The majority of what I now have come to understand did not come from a book I read, I hadn't read a book in twenty five years,( which probably shows in my writing as I know that's meant to be one of the things you do to become a successful writer, but I was never very good at things you are meant to do).

It all comes from personal pain and experience. Well, sorry that's me being a bit melodramatic. One of the self imposed rules of this is that I must rely on the law of attraction to supply me with the creative inspiration to succeed. That does not mean I'm not going to think for myself and lie in bed like my friend, it means I'm going to use the three powers of influence, understanding and self belief to allow me to focus on the law of attraction. 

This is a project no one has done before I thought, but actually I'm wrong, and happy to admit it. Now the next stage of this has come to mind and materialised, so next week should see me move forward rapidly, you see, everything moves in a circle, and moves is a key word, for as Sir Bob says, 'It's OK thinking big but that's just thinking' after a period of creativity, the next step is action.

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