Thursday 31 May 2012


One of the most difficult aspects if this is cutting the line between business and personal development.

The conditioning we all suffer is undoubtedly very strong and leads us to favour certain ways of thinking. Certain rivers of thought. Over the last few weeks with the absence of any other activity as I've been confined in my activities for a while, I have used the time to research the effect of certain attitudes on people, to gauge the reaction and thus refine the Market approach.

It has been on my mind to determine the likely coexistence of business and self development in this venture, and if necessary try to force the two into a marriage of convenience. Whilst it is an unlikely coupling, it is neccesary, as when peolple become more confident and self assured, especially with new skills, they have the desire to employ them which invariably means starting their own business. 

So the development of someone's mind towards freedom of thought and behaviour away from the conditioned norm, gives the confidence a boost, and it is that confidence I wish to nurture and protect, lest it be dashed against the rocks on it's journey of discovery. A liitle poetic and nautical, but the pirate theme endures.

As I have mentioned before, the drug of confidence is a really great one and in personal development seminars the drug of enthusiasm is pushed to it's greatest extent. However the energy soon disappears  back to need another fix. 

Creating a platform for people to focus confidence and energy on to receive monatary gain is the underlying principle of the model I have sought to create, a virtual platform to make money. The term get right quick I know actually turns people off, although the idea of getting rich quick turns everybody on. It's a strange contradiction.

But for the record the program is not just about money, it's about being rewarded very quickly for very serious development of one's abilities to Influnce, motivate and lead. These are not easy to master, but the potential pot for success is rather large and  very worth while.


Unfortunately I can't seem to kick this virus so I'm having to cancel yet another meeting. This has to be one of the most inconveniently timed illnesses ever.My sight is not exactly clear so you will have to forgive all the errors, and as for my brain, well enough said.

However, it doesn't stop me thinking all the time, so following on with the Pirate Entrepreneur theme the web site has changed slightly to move in this direction. The Game stays,  but because of some  idiots who thought we were running a sex enterprise ( now that does sound good) I've moved towards the Pirate Entrepreneur Game instead to avoid any further confusion.

 I must say I'm a little saddened at just how sensitive society is to so many things, and the approach of drawing conclusions and judgements from a point of preferred ignorance is overwhelming.  It's almost as if people would like to get an idea in their heads and then because it was the first one that popped into their minds, that's the one that gets hung onto for fear of being wrong.

 It makes me wonder how people are taught at school these days, maybe it's all dropped into such a liberal  base of never making a mistake attitude, that when the students get asked a question, they all blurt out the first answer that comes into their heads however ridiculous, and end up being all right with an A grade, because no one disagrees with them anymore. 

Maybe I'm a little over the top, but two years ago I personally interviewed 300  college and university leavers and the level of literacy as well as the ability to  communicate on a coherent level was for 95 % appalling. So in this regard I do speak from the horses mouth, not the bottom.

I placed an add for promotional staff all over London  this week with the Job Centre at £12 an hour, in two days I had zero responses. Now that's a first. Talking with associates around the world the attitude is completely different. Maybe the UK is all on it's own in the level of ambition that it has to offer, maybe times have pushed people so low that there's no coming back. 

Well that's a little defeatist, but one has to be a realist. Ploughing a baron field when there are far more fertile grounds to dig is a basic problem of many businesses, and you have to go where the money is. However, this is a development project and that means breaking people out of the apathy as well as the negative conditioning, and to use an old naval term we may have to press gang the buggers.

With the Queen's weekend ahead, marketing will be difficult so it's time to develop partners abroad. For me the pirate side of things does put a smile on my face as every wealthy person I have ever worked with has pulled a few strokes to get ahead in their day, they are all pirates of the business world. These are the true entrepreneurs with the risk based spirit that's essential to get ahead. This is the secret mind map of the Pirate Entrepreneur, and one I'm only too willing to share, as I have indeed followed it to a good deal of treasure over the years.

Wednesday 30 May 2012


This particular enterprise is as much a journey for me as anyone else, and thankfully getting really sick has finally opened my eyes to whats missing in my life. You know when I first started off in business I wanted to take a short cut to wealth, so I did, I took every short cut to wealth that presented itself to me. This attitude took me from starting with a company as a salesperson  and being sacked in two weeks because of my attitude, to manipulating my way to running the same company within two months. This attitude enabled me to get a senior position at 21 with a company interviewing candidates double my age. The industries I was in were basically boring though and I wanted bigger money.  I went to work in a business that was  full of pirates, and I loved it. The money, the excitement, the freedom that all comes from legalised piracy of get rich quick, and there's nothing wrong with that if you do and you develop the skill to be able to. I trained thousands of people to use the skills not of the sword but of the mind, to influence their way in life, to never settle for second best because once you've tasted freedom and ridden the money train there really is no other alternative.

I was the true pirate entrepreneur, that means I was looking for the good life, living the good life, chasing the money train all over the world, and if you read my next book Good Business, bad Company you will realise just how addicted I was to this. But my primary driver wasn't the money or the existence, it was the opportunity to challenge the way people thought, to open their minds from convention, ignorance and indoctrination to an alternative view point. Showing them maybe all that they were being told wasn't true and just maybe they were being conditioned to think a certain way ultimately for someone else's benefit. This was the true challenge and one I'v subconsciously followed ever since. 

But life has a way of leading you in a different course sometimes,away from your true motivation, packaged in cloths that are the right shape but don't actually fit all that well. Fate, your subconscious, whatever you want to put it down to always has a habit of bringing you back to the source of you, and that's why I started on this journey a few months ago. I didn't know it at the time, but I was about to go through a very painful exercise to get rid of some really unhealthy conditioning that had built up over the years, like a cancer in the mind, which finally had to be rejected by me, a very painful exercise I might tell you, that has finally bought me back to me ... A pirate entrepreneur so far against convention and the negative  conditioning we receive on a daily basis that you wouldn't believe. You have to be yourself, you have to be congruent with your true beliefs, otherwise you are living a self defeating life of hell.

I'm really not interested in the fluffy self help coaching ideas to make people feel better for a moment, I'm really not interested in helping people to join the second biggest jail in life to working for someone else, that's working for the business you create that drags all your energy out of you and puts you in an early grave through stress. What I am interested in is getting rich quick and quick means a 21 week program. What I am interested in is people who want more out of life and say "I can" rather than "you can't". Those people who are the true pirate entrepreneurs, the people who are the go getters who are fed up with conventional thinking and want to simply just go for it without all the SWOT analysis and bullshit that goes into business these days. Forget sweating for days over a business plan, Corp ID, website and the like, just get on board the entrepreneurial pirate ship and make some serious money.

The world has gone very mad and sad over the last ten years with everyone becoming a lazy property millionaire with a big debt (without any ability other than to get a mortgage) and stuffing up society, now most people are lost because they wouldn't know a how to really seize opportunity until there's a bloody great big sign saying GET ON HERE.

Now that paragraph is sure to wake a few people with a finer disposition up. Words like 'get rich quick' are the naughty ones in today's society. But, I like fun, and putting the fun back into business and lives rather than just going along with the crowd. The drain of energy through inactivity and soft values will get you absolutely no where. You have to take action if you want a reaction.

So personally I think it's time to just look for people who have had enough of the slow coach and want to ride the money train. Tickets are £100 and the future orange.


Monday 28 May 2012


One of the keys to business success is giving people what they want not what you think they want, and if yo want to find out what that is go ask the question, people will be only too pleased to tell you.

The game in itself is a platform to give people what they want whatever it is, a business, more money, a relationship it doesn't matter, as it all adds up to one thing in the end, more confidence and some basic skills in psychology. Everybody wants more confidence and funnily enough it's the basic ingredient in success. Once you have  confidence to set up your own business you are one step ahead of 95 % of the population and taking the road less travelled to where the pot of gold is. You won't get rich working for someone, you won't get rich managing for someone, but you will get rich if you are at the top of the tree and do it right.

The game gives you, or anybody with a sense of ambition the opportunity to learn some business skills in a game environment and prepare to get it right in a no loose situation. You get to play for big money simply by learning the three basic skills of any successful person, influence, motivation, and leadership. You can see these in any successful career. If you take Alan Sugar, he spent the first steps of his Woking life leaning to influence and once he'd found his confidence, his self belief, he knew there would be a lot more money if he stepped out on his own. This is where motivation comes from, the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and do it for yourself, the ability to motivate others to do things for you. Motivation is an extremely powerful tool and without it you end up going nowhere. The next is leadership, to make money at the top need you have to be able to drive forward and lead form the front.

The Game is a construct to give you the opportunity to put your skills to the test, before you waste money and time investing into a business that goes nowhere. Try your abilities out for 21 weeks see how you get on, see how much you make. What it will do is show you your weaknesses, where your strengths are, what you need to do to improve your game in a live fire situation. 

Sunday 27 May 2012

First phase of a business create or find a product you are passionate about.
Second phase of a business start selling it.


Rare as rocking horse shit, as in these days of  connectivity strangely  very few actually have the  balls to talk to people directly when it comes to asking for some cash, but that is how the world goes round.

When it comes to being a successful entrepreneur the ability to sell is essential, and one of the reasons the course is heavily focused for the first part about influencing people. To be honest, when it comes to business the most in demand skill to bring to any business party is the ability to sell and market a product, outside of that you have to put up with administrators and accountants.

Once you've got your product ready, and that means it's good value or a defined perceived  value, it's time to push the pedal to the metal and start selling. With any new idea it has to be sold into the Market because an explanation is necessary. We all know what hairspray does, it sprays hair with glue, it's a retail product that people go to buy when they want to stick their hair on.  A six week course is not a retail product, I have to convince someone that doing the course will increase their ability to make money and have success. That's not exactly that difficult as it's free but even so, free or not people will only invest their time if they can see a return.

When you run a business you need people who bring something to the party, and that comes in one of three areas, they bring money in the form of investment,   or they bring money in the form of sales, or they bring extra value. Investment you only need at certain times as theres always a price to pay for cutting up the cake, so the ones that are the most important are the ability to sell, or bring extra value. That means a skill or route  that you don't have, or don't have time to bother with. SEO Internet stuff is one of the things that is of use in the marketing hat, but outside of this sales is the one you need because it brings in the money.

In project about making money and personal achievement, the biggest part of the whole process is getting off your ass to make it happen and that means no just talking to people, it means selling and closing deals.

Now that can be done one at a time but that's a bit of a slow process, so common sense tells you the Market for people who want to make money and could do with and edge to get more are those in business, or selling for a living. When it comes to selling  the industry is pretty poor on the skill front, so the free first six weeks is a real give away.

Sales training I sell out at between 150 -250 per head per day depending on the numbers involved, but as part of this project to get in front of  teams of people who are money motivated and will be interested in the game, there's a whole load to play with as it's a sprat to catch a shoal of mackerel.

Making life easy is what this is all about, which doesn't mean being lazy and waiting for the world to do it all for you, it's using your head to work a little smarter to make one conversation count for many sales. In the business of sales and marketing there are three ways to do this;

The internet which is the biggest numbers.
Two, seminars so long as there good sales people to close.
Three, approaching people who have access to large groups of people who are likely to be not just interested but motivated by the money to take some action.

The more you embrace all three the better. Contacting a sales manager or business owner, or group organiser to see if they'd have a an obvious use for signing up for a free course on influence and persuasion is the quickest way. 

Remember the first level is about influencing seven players to play for their dreams, but it's also walking the walk and talking the talk.  So  if you've been looking at this from the stands it's now time to get your feet soaked and your hands dirty. 

Society bandies  this word of entrepreneur about all over the place which means that any person starting a business is regarded as one. The difference between someone starting a business and an entrepreneur is the ability to spot angles and stay the course, not just have an idea and stick their savings into it to keep it afloat, which is pointless, but why 95 % of businesses don't succeed.

Fortunately I'm not in business for the first time and I know exactly the ingredients I want to succeed. All to often people don't actually put much analysis in to why things go wrong or right, but they do have the habit of talking a lot of rubbish that doesn't make anyone any money because they are lost. I always know where I'm going because anything that takes me towards money is good and anything that seems to move me away is bad, its a pretty simple compass. 

 So often I get bored in board rooms because of all the absolute waste of time conversations going on, power point presentations and a whole host of double digit jargon that people enter into these days. Its like people have swallowed computers and just dish up words, no action just words. 

Well I'm back where I like to be, and that's in the take no prisoners sales driven role, driving forward. To be honest I like the cut and thrust of this end of the game as there's only so much creativity I can engage in before I feel the need to forge ahead.

Saturday 26 May 2012


Re inventing the wheel is a silly idea, mainly because there aren't many more shapes to that are perfectly round, which is apparently a necessity for any potential wheel alternatives.

In business however reinventing, repackaging, reframing concepts and ideas can make the difference in the levels of success you will experience. It's exactly the same with your mind, success is only a heart beat away, as all that it takes to achieve what you want is a couple tweaks here and there in attitude and approach.  But this is the hardest part for the majority, stepping out of a life long rut of one dimensional thinking. The first part of doing this is realising you are in a rut, and the second is taking one small step towards getting out  which will soon lead into a walk and then a full on run.

All of the work that I do here is to provide a way for anyone who really is ambitious to work alongside utilising the tools that we develop to gain experience and make money. That means everything here is on a equal footing, other than you get to benefit form my creative thinking until I get to benefit from yours as you develop. Every person involved with me so far, whether they appreciate it or not have had considerable bearing in influencing my thinking to exactly where I am right now. Some have influenced me by their creative thought like Rose , Helene,  Mike,  and Roxanne, some have influenced me through their absence, and others through watching how they reject the principles I value in favour of inactivity. Some for just plain putting up with me rambling on. In marketing and sales my goal is to influence all these people to achieve as much as they can for themselves as well as others, to find a universal key that unites all. Now that's the hardest part of this task as we are so fractional in our thinking as a race, and there in lies the problem with all of humanity.

For example, those who are into developing their minds are not quite on the same page as those committed to their pockets. It's bit like oil and water,but either way the majority will have one thing in common, a lack of results from their efforts and a unity in giving those who profess to have the key to their problems all their money.

The self development industry is based on people paying small sums for books on advice, to many thousands for seminars on training. Neither of which leads most of the participants anywhere, but it all sounded very good at the time. It's one of the aspects of the NLP movement I don't like, because anyone can do a weeks training and set themselves up as a practitioner healing people of their ills with a few basic techniques that you can learn in a couple of hours. Then comes the big difficulty, how to run a business and get customers who would like to place their hard earned cash in your sweaty palm, so you can mess about between their ears with your tool box of fix all tricks.

My design has always been to give people a platform  they could direct to gain the benefit they wanted, be it personal, business or money making, mainly because it opens my market up to the overwhelming majority rather than the minority, this is not an easy ask, as you will see from this blog I've reframed and repackaged a number of times to get the right mix. The Game allows me to throw back on you the players the responsibility for your success whilst giving you the ABC step ladder to climb to it. It is then up to you to decide how best your time is employed over the coming weeks, either you can continue paddling your own canoe or work with other people for a greater gain. It's the decision we all have to face, including me, however I learned along time ago, you will earn considerably more money working with other people, than on your own. But it has to be the right venture and the people have to be motivated in the right direction.

In this project I have taken that concept to task, and chosen to work with every individual I meet rather than a few. The structure of the game allows me to do this on parity with anyone, as it's OUR  project not just mine as the architect. The guy who invented the wheel I don't suppose was called Mr Wheel, but we all lay claim to it's use. So every aspect of what is created here is for the players including me, to pick up and run with. 

'How to make a million in 21 weeks starting now'  is the title of the book that will be up on kindle, I tunes and everywhere I can get it with the simple purpose of directing people to do the free six week course and then play the game. Its part of a marketing strategy which now is the primary area of development. 

The primary goal is to attract more players into the game, to achieve their own business or personal goals, as well as that of the game itself, this means  each player is in business for themselves as well as their fellow players, it's a real team effort in every sense of the word. So my job for the first half of the year of creating the structure and the tools for anyone to reach a target million is completed, with the publication of the book, the site and the blog. I'm a month ahead of my schedule for the year, even with being a little under the weather, but there's no time to waste here.

It's now down to selling the game to people, and that is after all the first level of the game, the ability to influence people you meet to reach for the stars and if they fall short, they might just hit the sun, which is after all a star anyway.

The target is 21 weeks to make a million, that's for you as much as it is for me.

Friday 25 May 2012


It's amazing to think the project is nearing the end of it's fifth month. The blog has only been going since late in February,  but proof reading the 108 blogs that have been posted, most of the information and events only seem like yesterday.

Time passes so quickly, and as we approach the month with longest day of the year it's somehow comforting that things always move relentlessly ahead as the world spins. Change is one of those things you either accept or you resist, the latter will always break you. But if you take a leaf out of old mother natures book and apply it to your life in the pursuit of whatever goals you have laid out for yourself, you will know the value of persistence. Mother nature never stops whatever the set backs in evolution, whatever the pitfalls, whatever the delays, and just like the meaning of a spiritual life you could be forgiven for wondering what the meaning of natures evolution is, what purpose does it serve, the survival  or the perfection of all species. 

Perfection is a strange concept we humans apply, we each have our own understanding of how we would like to see the world and how we would like to see  people behave, especially toward us. Somewhere in our minds we have this concept of perfection that we picked up somewhere relating to behaviour, our own and others. We spend considerable amounts of time criticising how others act, or fail to act in an appropriate way to our sensibilities. We also spend a considerable amount of time trying to do things in a perfect way.

In the Muslim world the only perfection is God, hence why rugs always have a part of the pattern that is imperfect, because to be perfect would not be respectful.

Perfection and respect. Can you imagine how much emotional energy is waisted following these two words by humanity every day. Wasted energy thinking in ways that are at best highly destructive, is one aspect this program seeks to take out of the minds of those involved. But to feel negative, not valued or depressed is very easy, to feel lost, to feel like things aren't  going your way, not to perfection, is an easy trap to fall into. It's a trap that makes you loose sight and faith in the  task at hand, to change direction and course, these influences are why people don't achieve.

So if you want to become wealthy here are eight secrets to getting rich in business.

1. Analyse your need. Desire is insufficient. Compulsion is mandatory
2. Cut loose from negative influences. Never give in. Stay the course
3. Ignore great ideas, concentrate on great execution.
4. Focus, keep your eye on the ball makes 'here is the money'
5. Higher talent smarter than you. Delegate. Share the annual pie.
6. Ownership is the real secret, hold as many points as you can.
7. Sell before you need to , or when bored. Empty your mind when negotiating 
8. Fear nothing and no one. Get rich and remember to give it all away.

Curtesy Felix Dennis

To be a success you have to be like nature, relentless in your application to the task in hand. Eventually you will succeed, if you really value success.

Thursday 24 May 2012


About five years ago I was working in Qatar, when one weekend a few colleges including yours truly  decided to fly over to Bahrain for a jolly with the staff of another office. We arrived there mid evening and proceeded out to the local haunts and onto a club.

 At about 1pm, the young lady I was with called Becky suggested we all go to a local apartment to have a drink . Now here's the choice, for, like we all do from time to time I needed the loo, but as it was only 5 minutes down the road in a cab I thought I'd wait. Unfortunately,  Becky lost her way and the cab driver didn't  speak very elegant English, so 5 minutes turned into 25, but none the less we arrived with more urgency on my part than we began with. Then she forgot the floor for the apparent, this did rather take my need further past the point than I would normally choose to go.

Eventually, we found the right apartment with my comrades already ensconced in booze, at which point I made bee line for the loo. Unfortunately, the very act of releif was no realif at all, as my midsection began to contract in a level of pain that I would only describe as giving birth. I walked out to the kitchen and calmly suggested to my friends that a trip to the hospital might be the way to go, and threw up in the sink. Noticing I was indeed in pain, I was taken by our local friends to a building nearby they thought was a hospital, which happily they were proved correct, as the front door led into a waiting area for a private hospital.

My body in the meantime was beginning to shake uncontrollably as the pain increased further, so when the doctor asked me how I felt, I threw up again onto a very clean floor, at which point I was ushered to a bed, a canular inserted and pain killers administered. Unfortunately to no effect as I still shivered uncontrollably. A second and then a third shot were given, after which I spent the next  eighteen hours undergoing CT scans, ultra sounds, and examinations I don't care to remember, including one of my credit card for a £1000. 

The doctors could not find the problem,  so I was taken to a private room, now with a canular in each arm. I'd had two CT scans, two ultra sounds and a stomach tube, so whilst I think this was just to increase the bill,  I was in no fit state to complain as every time the pain killer wore off I would return to convulsions. 

The head surgen immediately turned up with a grave face and said they were preparing for exploratory surgery. I said key hole, he described garage door, I considered garage sale of a kidney at least with a big bill for the donation. I asked for a few minutes to think,  I had already thought. No sooner was he out of the door I had telephoned my now very drunken colleges to come and pick me up. I pulled the tubes out of my arms, dressed and made my way toward the front door only to be accosted by the surgical team who felt I was taking a risk with my life and their pay check. Fortunately my friends turned up, albeit more the worse the ware than the patients for alcohol,  and took me to a local doctor who put me on a drip for six hours till the pain subsided. 

The next  morning we flew back to Qatar after my friends had enjoyed the time of their lives, and I'd come away keeping mine. The next day I passed a kidney stone half the size of a grain of rice. The male pregnancy and I can tell you its just a painful as any woman in labour with an eight pounder in the breech.

So what's  the point of this story, well first and formeost go when you need to, not when you have to,  second beware of men in White coats who scare you to death so they can get their hands on your valuables, and remember to think who is benefiting from your uncomfortable  situation, it's usually not you.

The reason I am reminded of this, is my last ten days reminds me of this, not because of doctors wanting to see more of me, internally and externally, in actual fact they were happy to see the back of me because I was catching, but more the level of pain, all be it, refined to between my ears. No pain no gain, I'm just not desperately sure what either of these events did to enhance my life experience other than to value every day  as I'm healthy. Maybe I needed reminding, but a simulated heart attack, followed by the face of Egor of the bells fame, and raining inside my head was more than a slight dig in the ribs.

That said, events however small or painful have the habit of pushing you in a certain direction or seeding your mind with an attitude or knowledge that can be highly significant at a later date. Therefore in our minds, we already have the answers to future problems waiting in the depths to influence  our thoughts for more significant reasons than our  negative conditioning can deny.

Whatever the reason for my recent bout of ill health, as usual I will always look for the advantage that comes from experiences perceived  both good and bad. Stress is undoubtably a factor and one if this was a shot across the bows I will have to address.

However, today I have managed to down load the entire blog onto a book format. I will leave the majority in the raw state rather than review  such a vast quantity of words which would take days and end up a delay. I know I will get criticised for gramma and spelling, but for .98p  I think it represents good value from yours dyslexic truly. 

Wednesday 23 May 2012


You know when you really have a bad headache and every thought you have is painful, well its not so much fun when you've opened up the flood gates to the creative mind, it's like a thought haemorrhage going through electric guitar strings in your mind. That little voice that berated you and told you 'what did you do that for' has now turned into some kind of writing demon and doesn't want to shut up...there's always got to be two sides to a coin.

 Anyway should be off the anti viral's tomorrow but I'm told this headache state that I've come to regard as a bit of an unwanted permanent  lodger could hang around for four weeks. Unfortunately I'm still not well enough to run the seminar on Friday, but next week is another day.

The marketing plan takes it's next global turn over the coming week, the long since planned use of the blog. Commitment to writing every day does have a purpose other than keeping people informed and building credibility for the project amongst others, it is a marketing tool in itself. The plan has always been to release it as an e book and let Amazon and I Tunes see what they can do. The overall content  has exceed 100,000 words now which is bigger than a Harry Potter novel. Although I can't say the content is as entertaining to children just possibly it will have a value to people who would like to make a million in a year for a .98p to be exact, especially with the background comment that will now be included.

Many of the blogs that I write I decide cannot be included fit their outspoken comment or political nature, a little too hard core for the average mind, however it is always difficult to stay on the straight and narrow here.

Writing a book at the end is one thing, but doing it to be released at this point was one marketing strategy I had in mind to try, hence why I've been so diligent to keep it going each day whatever the weather.

I was reading a great success story about a book called Locked Up which was self published as an e book and sold 250,000 copies in a matter of months. This has been the intend route for the blog but those kind of figures are unbelievable, followed by a six book publishing deal... Sounds very good in the fiction section for crime thrillers.

Using the blog as a marketing tool by making it an e book over the next week gives me access to a mighty marketing machine for nothing except the hours I've put into writing it. If you do start a business you might want to give it a go at least you will have a journey to tell people about. Life isn't always about success and for the majority in business it very really is, but it doesn't mean the story isn't of value. To be a voyeur in business is to see all the mistakes, the drowning man without getting wet. But if you do have the courage to take the bit between the old purely whites, write your experiences down. There is another reason for this and that is if you do self publish a book on what you know, it makes you more if an expert than the next man. 

Over the last five months I've been working on a number of writing projects simultaneously, which have added up to a quarter of a million words. The strategy I wish to employ is to use the work to gain readership therefor attention and a potential following as far as players for the game. This is just one strategy and there are no guarantees of success in this sort of thing, between me and my old mum maybe I'll only end up selling two books for a couple of quid, but unless you try you will never know.

Tuesday 22 May 2012


The Fact is People Don't Want to Know.

If you were told the pyramids were built out of concrete and have probably been around for 1000 years would you care.

If you were told Christ lived about 1000 years ago would that matter, 

If you were told that the roman empire existed about 1000 years ago would that make a difference to you

If the history that you have been taught was chronologically wrong with considerable number of altered facts would that bother you.

Well your going to fall into one of two distinct camps.
 1. Your going to say well what does it matter, or
 2. Your going to feel duped.

The fact is it's not the difference in the facts that make a difference or any factual answers to any of the questions,  it's the difference in our attitudes that makes the real difference. Conditioning is so strong in the majority of us to believe and accept in such a powerful way that we just don't care . If you don't care about the truth yesterday, what difference does the truth make today or in the future, it really is that simple. We each have to ask ourselves when does the truth matter, and when are lies acceptable.

 I asked two people about the pyramid revelations. One said there was no money in it, which is exactly right, if information doesn't benefit you personally why should the accuracy bother you, and in today's society we are all very focused on the troubles of our day rather than the inaccuracies from the past or history. The second one was of denial to the degree that if you start up-setting the apple cart, you never know where it will end, Pandoras Box. It's better to believe the comic we have been sold, at least that's certain and people know where they are.

The fact is people don't want to know, and why should they. Existence for many is secure, it has structure, and as such gives us a place and a time to live within. But is this truth, it's like living in a box, a form of cupboard which is the best place for a good crop of mushrooms. There are boxes that we spend our days in and spend out days protecting. The house, office, desk,TV, newspapers, they are all made up of rectangles, all giving defined parameters to our understanding of what life is, who we are, or what we have come to accept as being real, everything is neatly and securely framed.

 Science on the whole lacks a sense of spirituality, faith, or sensitivity, it focuses for the most part on the aspect of our brains that we are currently credited with using, 10,15 or 20% I never can remember, but it's in that other 90% where all the true power lies. And why don't we use it? Well we do but just not in the constructive way that it was designed for. Maybe because it's not a square or a rectangle, and in truth as we don't know the limits to our minds we hang on to the bits we do understand. Parts that are reinforced in their security, by a daily dose of secure conditioning, which ends up with us not really ever wanting to know more. What difference would it make if the people you respected right now were treating you like a mushroom, telling you what they thought you needed to know, because if you knew the truth you'd be upset, and your have every right to be, because no one likes to be duped, made into a puppet to do someone else's bidding do they. Or do they?

The fact is people don't want to know. We are all conditioned to be sceptical and rightly so as we are being lied to all the time, but why are we lied to? Why do we accept established doctrines, defend the boarders of our understanding however fictitious, and  reject the outside real world to it's demise.

Well it's to do with security. National security. As individuals within nations we like to feel secure, and as nations like to keep us secure that is a fine balanced relationship going on there, we may just like to have the feeling that we can close the borders and keep those others out. But who exactly do we want to be secure from?  The borders are coming down all over the world, not because we wanted them to, but because technology is driving us forward with commercial zeal. One key to control, to making  war, is dividing and conquering. 

In the First World War few people in England had met a German, so they were different to us, and you could kill them, the dreaded Hun. Now we are all so much closer, how can we make war on the very people we chat too on the Internet and do business with in a global economy. We share information across borders so quickly that overt dictators and corrupt leaders can no longer survive. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, those exposed to view.  These are dangerous times. The old order, the established order is being confronted on so many fronts of it's conventional control methods, it's existence is challenged, and a cornered beast will fight tooth and nail for its survival. 

Control of the masses has come through propaganda, mis information, lies, nationalism, religion, and government, but for who's good, those in control or this who died for the values of those in control. Talking with an old solider, he said he fought for his mate at his side, not his country, was that the same for the soldier he fought on the other side, because if it was then they were fighting for the same cause, they were on the same side, they were just directed to fight with each other for someone else's gain. Which side is the side of right for you, nationalism, race or humanity?

So ask yourself the question, would you fight for your country, or for your fellow human being? It may very well be that you have to reach for an answer in the not too distant future. So then we will come back to the question, what does the truth matter? What is the reality of history which after all starts with yesterday and works is way back across the years. At what point do you draw a line in the sand and say no more, I want the truth, I want to know so I can do the right thing for myself and my fellow man.

For the overwhelming majority, sadly it won't ever matter because they don't want to know, but for the minority who have the capacity to influence the majority in either the right or wrong way, it will be of the most profound importance.          

Monday 21 May 2012


Some aspects of this unique project, for reasons that will become clear, I have wished to use as building blocks purely because they are literally foundations that will preserve it's longevity. These are based around independence and no centrality, a bit like a virus that has it's own life.

Whilst this does form the nature of a business, in that it retains people , money, a strategy and as well as sales and marketing, ultimately this is a social enterprise without the pyramid structure of any usual company, ie a person at the top with senior management, middle management, and workers. I have sought a flat structure of equality and as such all player as are equal,participating only for the duration of their desire over three distinct seven week terms otherwise termed as levels; influence, motivation and leadership, ultimately moving to a final arena of inspiration.

The projects flat nature retains it's integrity with a purely virtual administrative centre that can be located anywhere on the globe and a global Market.

A recent conversation relating to players in the Philippines and potential access relating to limited  finances at £100 entry, drew me to  one of the beauties of the Internet and social marketing, as it allows anybody to act as an introducer, with a world wide market open to find a player and a commission of £35 for each player, in effect making the game self funding. A larger commission of £50 for the course also gives a reasonable additional prospect for an income to get started for anyone regardless of their financial circumstances. One of the fundamentals was the facility that the game should be open to anyone, anywhere with a financial route to enter should they wish, the only requirement being access to a computer.

As you may appreciate this idea has been in my mind for a while. It's not rocket science but keeping the whole thing portable, global and rewarding in a simple fashion was.  The forerunner of this was a project I called My Epitaph that I produced as a complete project to answer a challenge at a dinner table on how one person could develop a method in theory to change the worlds financial balance. The project was based on the facility to write a meaningful last few words  in the form  of pros or a poem and have them published in an ever increasing hard copy work. An epitaph is the final words you might have on a tombstone... Funny, sad, motivational it doesn't matter, it's the thought that counted. I wrote the first few to get the whole thing started and ended up writing 600 over a couple of days...yes I probably need to get out more but what the hell. 

The project was floored as many people didn't know what an epitaph was and others didn't want tempt death by writing one...I don't know what that stands me in for. Also the method of marketing was controversial especially in the UK but some of the work is available  on line at

As a project it had legs as well as some ideals about change, but I really wanted to develop something new, a simple structure that would be fun for anyone.

To get the ball rolling the first six weeks of the course are now free and will be updated in line with playing the game, so please feel free to introduce people to the course and be sure to get them to mention your name as the introducer should they wish to play or continue with the full course.

Sunday 20 May 2012



So when it comes to web site landing pages you need to be concise, to the point, gain attention, build some interest, followed by an attractive call to action that is hopefully a no brainer for the reader

One of the benefits of learning to build and design your own sites is you are not locked by a web developers fee and waiting list every time you want to make changes, as well as large fees. This gives you a free reign to experiment.

Below is the new front page text which will be introduced tomorrow with a google pay per click account. This is really a first basic step to any marketing campaign, however in this exercise it is just a 'get the wheel turning step' as the main marketing strategy is within 'the game' itself using social media, referral, and agencies, but more of that as we go.

I'm going to have to keep the blogs a little shorter due to being still under the weather with fairly massive headaches and 20-25 pills a day to keep me on the straight and narrow, but onwards and upwards.


Influence    Inspiration    Motivation   Leadership

A unique, inexpensive, practical reality based game program for business & personal development. Designed to provide players with a step by step framework to achieve success through learning and earning within a dedicated real life platform.

Whatever your age, education, financial status or expertise, 'The Game' is open to play for anyone with the will to succeed and engage in a unique experience. A journey that will both expand your expectations, as well as develop your abilities in business and personal skills, rewarding your commitment to yourself with up to One Million for playing 'The Game' well.

The program increases levels of ambition, confidence and commercial awareness, as well as developing expansive creative thinking and problem solving abilities.

Start by receiving a FREE  6 Week Intensive Professional Influencers Course and learn the key  secrets of how to succeed in 'The Game'.


Saturday 19 May 2012


Back in hospital again, waiting in strict isolation, but as the usual wait for a doc is a good length of time lying on an examination bed, what better place than to write today's blog.

One of the biggest mistakes in any small business is to get bogged down in product or the daily grind of administration ending up being busy being busy. The key to success is accessing your Market as quickly and as cost effectively as possible, so the overwhelming majority of your time should be spent on sales and marketing, bringing home the bacon. Success or failure depends on your ability to develop a lean mean marketing machine, so here are 10  areas that make an operation fly.

1. Pay per click .
2. A call to action on the web site rather than a brochure site.
3. A defined product or service people immediately identify with and need.
4. Strategic marketing partners.
5. Direct marketing  - sales force
6. A referral/ affiliate program
7. A great pitch
8. Expert talks
9. Social media
10. Database

So first things first, the most immediate situation to put into place is a freebee on line give away, so we can drive traffic to the site and get new potential clients to register and build the database. Statistics I'm told a sale is made on average after seven contacts with a prospective client on line, so it is essential to set up an automated system called an auto responder to hand the enquiries in a fashion that is automated for you so once it's up and running, you can move on and develop your strategies in other areas. 

So for me the first jobs for The Game is to  provide this freebie on line for people to sign up for. As I have divided the product into two areas of firstly the optional 24 week course for £145 as a pre cursa to playing The Game for one million, it gives me more latitude to move with prospects ie, they may just be interested in doing a course or feel like playing, or of course... both. 

Face to face I've established a great pitch that works very well one on one or at seminars, (essential for players to use) but, and it is a big but, the focus is on the big money so I have been at pains not to do anything but to conduct Market trials, product development and research rather than get bogged down in running a small business which is frankly invariably hard work for minimal returns. If you really are committed to making serious amounts of money, stay focused on developing that route and don't get side tracked.

So the freebee needs to be a sprat to catch a mackerel, i.e a link that allows our potential market to step in and build a relationship , trust which is the biggest single issue with any campaign, so giving stuff away is a good start. In this regard I've decided to take the advice of one of the team and offer a free course which is in effect the first 25% of the 24 week one. This will allow me to develop the relationship over the seven contacts I mentioned before, with the added benefit of my free student training in the primary art of influence which represents the first level of the Game which is divided into three distinct levels,... Influence, followed by motivation, then leadership. To have a chance of moving through the game realistically, the full course is going to be a must as players simply won't have the skills to accomplish the tasks, and once they've completed the first six weeks they will either be committed to success or prefer not to bother.

Remember currently society stands at well over 95% who choose not to bother, so the trick here is increasing that percentage not trying to find the few who do as they will always have their own plans in mind. This we can do by using the short end of the wedge strategy with both business and personal just getting people involved and elevating the process naturally. My goal here is to get as many people on the short free course as possible, and then move them to enrol on the game. 

Most people want change, but are hard pressed to actually do anything about it which is understandable in a society that pretty well dispossesses everybody from the will to make a move from the start. 

So once we have the click button for a free six week  course established, we can then set up the Google ad words to send the people to our landing page. Some people use 'sign up for my free news letter' and font actually give anything away,  but I'd like to go bigger guns here to move forward and convert more here by making the carrot a fairly big one. As you will already be aware this blog serves a number of purposes, not least to give people involved a daily focus on what's gaining on, motivation, coaching and advice, but most importantly credibility. As a sales tool, providing people with what now amounts to close to 80,000 words of on line personal and business development coaching, this is fairly unique anywhere on the Internet, especially when it comes to watching an enterprise grow day by day. Much of what is written here is generic in it's nature giving any start up, ambitious individual, salesperson, or entrepreneur at least some tangible meat on the bone direction for free, and as time goes by will really start to give the project a considerable backdrop and unique nature.

Remember, marketing is only an exact science once you find the right formula to gain  prospects, you can then go tweaking it around to improve conversions, but on the Internet it isn't rocket science, it's just a numbers game.  Face to face on the other hand is skill, it's more fun but I don't have enough time in the day to speak to the volume of people I need to get to my goal.

Friday 18 May 2012


Ok, at last back in the room. I can't say the old brain is functioning on all cylinders again but that was probably never the case anyway. 

Whatever we do, there is one great leveller and that's health. The last week has been very strange, mainly because through a virus my sight and ability to think one thought in front of another was so impaired that all the forms of communication with the outside world (anything outside of my head) was denied to me. Being ill wasn't exactly a creative time, but it does mark a threshold in the creative process as well as my thanks for all the good wishes.

Over the last couple of months I have been working at a fairly quick old pace to reach my goal of a viable business that has the ability to develop rapidly into a large turnover, which meets two of the fundamental table legs of any enterprise, the strategic leg and the financial leg. The other two are man management, and last but not least two I aways club together as they are undoubtedly the driver behind any business sales and marketing.

So with this last leg, if you'll for I've the pun, in mind...the first aspect we need to concentrate on is the unique selling point of the business. From a marketing perspective I've set up a domain name and web site some months ago to get some google rankings even though I had only a vague idea of the finished business concept. If your going into business it is good to get something on line just to establish this presence irrelavent of any trading ...this is marketing and the fortunate thing about the Internet is you can set up a trading business in about 24 hours.

With regard to web site builds I've taught myself how to create whatever site I want over a couple of days in the  last month with access to change it at will. This is not a templated site, but more of your easy pro with no HTMl. It will cost about £50 for the software and a weekend playing, and your off with a domain name and years hosting included.

So now it's driving traffic to the site and that's pay per click. Google will give you an account manager who will walk you through and set your account up in a matter of an hour so you can start to receive enquiries and control your budget on a daily basis which can be as low as a couple of pounds. 

Remember with marketing it's not money out, it's the cost of money in you need to think about...if £10 per day gets you £20 of business  with a good margin then its worth it.If you're a plumber then you're best up on the first page in you local area for a plumber as you are supplying urgent need, so your enquiries will need to be handled quickly, efficiently and make customers feel their problem is in your capable hands of being fixed. This is your USP, why should someone choose you over the other fellow? So you might want to think  trust, no hassle, no mess, quick resolution, price guarantee, immediate 24 hour call out etc etc.  If you start to get too many enquiries you need to shut down your spend till you catch up..otherwise you will be surprised how quickly you get a bad rep in a local area for not dealing with your inbound leads effectively.

As I said, plumbers like many businesses are needs based that means no one is going to ring you out of pleasure. But for The Game we are introducing a new concept into people's lives so this takes a little more thought to establish a flow of paying clients as well as process to deal with them that makes sure a sale comes from an enquiry.

 But for a moment back to the plumbers business, as you will be offering services confined by a geographic nature of how far you will travel you will potentially want to make sure a call is handled by an operator, so a virtual office with a regional number and a nice lady on the line can be set up for around £30 per month, it adds to credibility but make sure you put a mobile as people want an immediate fix.

Analyse how your customer would think from what you would want, but don't fall into the trap of thinking all people think the way you do. If you are not very good on the phone, practice, role play, be coached or delegate ...every call is money so think how much time you would invest into looking for a lost £20 note and invest into your own ability to deal with clients. 

One part of business that is essential to learn is you are learning every step of the way if you haven't done it before (and even if you have), so business can be an expensive education or a success, it's up to your ego to choose which. This is where a business start up coach is useful, and whilst I totally in favour of people training in this area to advise people, the bit I'm not in favour of is people paying to become business coaches and being start ups at the same time. Running a business by the book is all very well but its the difference between real life and school, and I think you'll agree it's rather large, but each to their own.

One thing you will always find is critique, people love to criticise, take it in the chin and move on, remember you are the one doing, it's so much easier from the safety of the spectators box. 

With The Game the market is not regional, its global, and this takes a different kind of mindset. Over the last couple of months I've conducted many conversations on product to get not only the right feel for the market, but also what feels right for me. It's not about money, it's about doing something you get a kick out of, I mean a pleasurable kick , not in the head every day, otherwise you end up just in another prison. If you mean to build a business and sell it on, well you can suffer for so long as the exit strategy is in place from the starting blocks. But if you've just got a passion for running your own show, ask yourself how long that passion will last,preferably  before you enter into a relationship with the business you own, or a business that may very quickly end up owning you with a divorce that will see your life's work and wealth in settlement.

Thursday 17 May 2012


Good business
Bad company

If you really want to develop your business your going to need help. Now, what's the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of help? More importantly what's the feeling that goes along with the word HELP. It's a word that many people don't use because it represents out of your depth, SOS, not quite capable to go it alone. Well the truth is few of us are, capable that is from the outset of going it alone, without making a whole host of mistakes that with a little prior knowledge we wouldn't have wasted our time on, maybe even aborting our business baby in the first place to focus on a more promising fetus. 

The point is everybody in business is on the same journey, but there are a few common factors that separate those just staying in business from those actually  going somewhere. You could put success down to luck, but you do make your own luck, and I'll come back to the true meaning of that statement in a while and how fundamentally far reaching that statement actually is later.

But making the right decisions at the right time in business is the simple key to success but the elusive holy Gail to about 98% of people in business, the would-be entrepreneurs. One lesson of business is delegation, or the ability to buy in the skill that's necessary to achieve your goal. If you're no good at marketing, get someone who is on board, if your no good at sales, get someone who is on board, if you can't add up, get some who is, if you don't know who's good from bad to recruit on board , get someone who is good at that too. The art of delegation, and what an art it is to.

Help comes in all forms and generally there's a lot of forms that profess to give advice. Every man and his dog seems to be setting up as a consultant or coach these days, the world is awash with wannabes and geeky entrepreneurs all ready to enlist the aid of dubious business coaches who have done a course in this or that academy, NLP'rs who have done a weeks course and can now save the world if not your soul. The level of skill of middle management turned business consultant is to say the least low simply because there are very few true entrepreneurs out there that have the experience or skill to be able to advise. Unfortunately, in society anyone can set themselves up as anything, which tends to muddy the waters as to where the real ability lies.

Ideally if you want good advice it's not going to come cheap, but then again the benefits of good advice are priceless. Rather than going through all the types of consultant out there, let's build a picture of the kind of person who will be able to really bring value to your business, not an excel spread sheet and a 5 page report.

Top of the list is a full cycle entrepreneur, that means someone who has made it lost it and made it again. These are the guys that really have got the brains the balls and the experience to add real value to you business. Don't worry about the lost it stage, the very fact that they have been on the up and all the way down the other side to recover and start again means they have the drive, determination and personal experience of all aspects to the business cycle of beginning, middle and end to help you, plus they may have the analytical ability to take what they did wrong the first time and make the changes necessary for success for you.

Unfortunately these guys are usually too busy running a successful life to bother with you unless they take a share, simply because you are a problem they don't need, mentoring takes patience and skill in it's own right so a mixture of success and coaching skills is exceedingly rare.

So second on best on the list are the guys back on the way up after the fall. Now these are people you want to align yourself with, because they have the same skills set and resilience and hunger to make it again combined with the right mentality will take you on under the heading of mentor. But don't be confused with the word mentor, as our society continues to water down the meaning of every word in the dictionary with an ever decreasing level of ability, success now verges on a few words of Twitter, which is a sad enlightenment of society. Andy Warhol's 15 minus of fame extended to 6 weeks on a reality tv show, right back to a retweet in a second, but things  have a way of balancing themselves out. 

A few definitions are called for. Firstly what is an entrepreneur. 15 years ago the the word entrepreneur was awarded like the Victoria cross, only in cases of true accomplishment in the field of endeavour, Richard Branson's level. After years in business i would never wear that badge as i never felt i had reached those glorified realms. Now it's spread around like peanut butter, everyones an entrepreneur. The property boom and the Internet made the word loose it's kudos, and value. There are successful full cycle entrepreneurs , these re people who have businesses turning over millions, there are half cycle  entrepreneurs , these are people who have had businesses that have made millions, there are entrepreneurs , people who are on their way to or running a successful business turning over millions, and then there are the wannabes, these include anyone who thinks about it, and the proportion of the 250,000 people that incorporate a business in the UK alone very year and the 250,000 that go out of business every year having made considerably less money than a proper job would have provided at best.

So from that cross section of the entrepreneurial world, you have to place the relative expertise or skill of your potential  business consultant or mentor. Organisations such as Action Coach, The Coaching Academy to name but a few will take literally many thousands of pounds off of willing individuals to train for a nice shiny certificate in helping businesses do business with absolutely no experience of really having done any business, except being done in business by the aforementioned companies, who make a profit from turning out coaches with shiny certificates. It's a recipe for disaster of your business, but as 95% people are going out of business anyway, it's nice to know there's a coach to hold their hand on the way out...the blind leading the blind.. In football terms, coaches usually have played the game before they become a coach on the loosing side or winning side...but this is a brave new world of business for the ego...not profit and loss.

The main equation is do people want your product, how much will it cost to get them your product, how much will they pay, and how much do you make for running the process. Time & money employed verses potential/ certainty of returns.

Many true entrepreneurs are known  for their risk taking, an all or nothing approach to business, bending the rules and walking the legal or sometimes moral line is the path of balance between a good citizen and a stretch inside. That line gets blurred from time to time and so does the prize.

Of the guys I've worked with in the past some are on the run from something or someone, some have met with an untimely end, some are enjoying a  long spell at Her Majesties pleasure and others have made literally hundreds of millions. What did they all have in common, the ability to reach for something more, to break out of every day society and go their own way. What differentiates them, intelligence and the ability to cheat and not get caught. Not your academic intelligence but the practical focused kind that comes with a hunger for winning and a hunger for money, but also the intelligence to know what to do with it when you get it.

To get rich you have to be lucky, hard work helps but lucky and a sense for success is an absolute must. Not every body is going to hit the big time, be rich and lay about on a beach. However the good news is there is a very attractive middle ground to be considered. 

The purpose of The Game is to give you an reality insight into the darker side of entrepreneurial life, a hazy line between success and failure, the beach or a prison cell. Greed is usually the primary motivator coupled with a good strong dose of power. These two bedfellows are the insatiable drivers of the dark entrepreneur who never stops living thinking or breathing the next venture and how to accomplish the wealth that appears to be a secondary gain, the primary addiction is simply to keep going and going even though the juice has long since been sucked out of the fruit, or the golden goose is about to have a very heavy bout of diarrhoea

Wednesday 16 May 2012


One thing I can't stand is books filled with so much padding and so little meat. So here's a book with the bare bones of all the good stuff I've ever learned about manipulation.

Manipulation is one of my favourite words because, like very few that lie in the average persons 5000 word vocabulary, it has a demonstrable affect on persons face when they hear it, and a fairly negative one at that.

People hate it, the word that is, when you ask them what they think of it, almost like it's one of the devils spawns. It's a lonely word that seems to reflect a planned use of subversive means to achieve a selfish goal. Or a state run plan to dupe the masses into whatever course the state wants. Very rarely do people say "oH it's what you do when you want to guide me to what's best for me." 

Well all of them are true, yes the state does  manipulate the masses so no surprise there , and everything we do is to manipulate someone else to do what we want in some strange fashion, it's just that most people don't want to admit  they are  manipulative and manipulated by everyone else including the state. With the scene set firmly from the day you are born to the day you return to whence you came, you will either be good at manipulating or bad at it, an there in lies the secret of your success.

Manipulation begins internally , that's all the lies you tell yourself, and ends externally with all the lies you tell someone else. No not bad lies just subconscious lies, or half truths if that makes it more palatable for you, lies that determine whether you feel or act in a favourable manner towards  yourself or others. Yes I'm talking about self delusion, self programming . The average human has 70,000 thoughts a day ( who counted them I really don't know , if you were counting your own you'd have to wonder if the counting numbers are counted as thoughts in the count and if so would that double the number and so on and on and on) and for many, the majority are negative berating thoughts of why did you do that? why didn't you say this? your not worthy, your not up to the job, the list goes on, 70,000 on, and that's a lot of negative conditioning. So just think for a moment, what if they were all positive, every single little one of the cute little cherub thoughts you have. How would you feel? What would life be like?  

Well a bit longer to start with. Back in the bible around about Noah's time they were living till they were 800 or so, and I for one can believe it simply because of all the negativity we are exposed to in life has got to go somewhere,  all the stress we live under, the negative conditioning though the tv, the unforfillled wants, needs and desires, the fame thing, the failure thing, the celeb thing, the if your not part of the rich and famous your in the crowd watching others get richer and more famous thing. 

Was all that bad conditioning around with Noha, no of cousre not, all he had to contend with in 800 years was a little rain and looking for a donkeys mate. Is it any wonder he lived so long, is it any wonder you don't. Back then in eight hindered years, all they had to worry about was is it going to rain. In the UK we don't have to do that, as  it pretty well does every day and it's so much more depressing.

Anyway we digress, the point was that most of us think a lot of negative crap that fills our subconscious mind with a can't do attitude, is it's any wonder a  bit of alcohol or stage hypnosis gives people the excuse to let their hair down stick a broom up the left nostril or puke in the gutter.

So there you have it, the more negative stuff you think, the more you will age , forget botox, face lifts and cologen, just change the balance of those 60k thoughts and the worlds is yours, well for a bit longer anyway.

That's the start of manipulation, the ability to manipulate your own thoughts is the first step to success, wealth and happiness. Sounds easy, and it is if you want it to be, but for the majority of the planet it's the hardest trick to pull off , that simple switch from the negi to the possi. Maybe the reason for the difficulty in switching  is the pond we currently find ourselves in. Look around and count how much energy  your brain receives that is positive, life charging, creative, loving, nurturing, and how much isn't?

 The pond is the pond and you are influenced by everything at surrounds you in your pond, all the mucked up ducks, and the dead fish, just think, are there any beautiful white swans coming your way ?. So if you want to change the scenery within you, change the pond without.

But if you look at a pond you can't help wondering don't the ducks get a little bored and end up snapping at each other, arranging themselves into a pecking order, with  someone ending up king duck or queen for that matter. The fact is,  it's exactly the same for human kind, the only difference is we don't quack, do you?

But when you look at scientific evidence of communication the 55, 38, 7 rule still applies, 55% body, 38% tone, volume, and pace, and only 7% is the words or quacks we use , so are we so much different from the ducks? Well yes there is one thing that divides us , they get to fly off to a new pond one or two times a year for a breath of fresh air. We just get 2 weeks in the sun if we are lucky.

So if you want to change the circles you paddle in, your going to have to change the thought proccess that keep you in the same old rut. The pond of your mind is going to be re programmed to positively creative, powerfully pleasurable thoughts that you are going to love to have, a great sexy seductive voice in your head that tells you how wonderful you are, and how successful you are, and how attractive you are, everything you could imagine your perfect lover would ever say to you. The fact is you are going to get to go to bed with yourself every night, and you can do anything you want, play hard to get, whatever you like, but you are going to get to sleep with the prize every night for the rest of your life and wake up in the morning with that loving feeling for every day. Then you going to be able to project that feeling on everyone you a metaphorical sense.

So ask yourself , that empty feeling inside that you're always looking for someone to  fill or blaming someone for not filling, is life always about never being satisfied, or is there potentially another way. Thats the first step in manipulation, to be in control of your feelings and not have your feelings control you. If you're suseptable to fits of depression, or nervousness, moods of anger.. you are going to be the puppet of lifes whims. Therefor you will be wasting time and investing your valuable energy on diversions away from the rosie path to wealth happiness and riches.

There are so many distrations that can influence you away from the shortest direction to your goal and your ability to manipulate your internal state is the key. Meditation can help with relaxing your mind and allowing the stresses and frustration to fade away. Meditation for 20 minutes a day can put 10 years on your life, so long as you don't get stressed about finding 20 minutes a day. 

Meditation is the first stage of self hypnosis, which allows you to enter a natural relaxed state a little like day dreaming, which is a nice feeling, unless your programmed at school to feel bad about day dreaming by a stern teacher. It's weird, but a considerable amount of how you react as an adult is a reflection of your experience as a child. 

Your brain back then was a pure white piece of putty but when your best friend said you weren't their best friend anymore and went of with another kid, a wapping great big thumb print made a nice big impression in the putty. Now you've had that may thumbs and fingers thrust in the old grey matter you couldn't care less if your best friend said the same thing, it's all a bit childish but the damage was done all those years ago.

 The old term "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me is wrong", it's the words that kill you, little seeds of subconscious pain that last a lifetime influencing everything you do, being at an impressionable age once doesn't mean the impression disappears , it's yours for life, unless that is you learn some techniques to unravel the mind. Objective annalysis of your behaviour, asking your intuition will guide you to the false limits of your mind.



The impenitent persons guide  to good stuff

One thing I can't stand is books filled with so much padding and so little meat. So here's a book with the bare bones of all the good stuff I've ever learned about manipulation.

Manipulation is one of my favourite words because, like very few that lie in the average persons 5000 word vocabulary, it has a demonstrable affect on persons face when they hear it, and a fairly negative one at that.

People hate it, the word that is, when you ask them what they think of it, almost like it's one of the devils spawns. It's a lonely word that seems to reflect a planned use of subversive means to achieve a selfish goal. Or a state run plan to dupe the masses into whatever course the state wants. Very rarely do people say "oH it's what you do when you want to guide me to what's best for me." 

Well all of them are true, yes the state does  manipulate the masses so no surprise there , and everything we do is to manipulate someone else to do what we want in some strange fashion, it's just that most people don't want to admit  they are  manipulative and manipulated by everyone else including the state. With the scene set firmly from the day you are born to the day you return to whence you came, you will either be good at manipulating or bad at it, an there in lies the secret of your success.

Manipulation begins internally , that's all the lies you tell yourself, and ends externally with all the lies you tell someone else. No not bad lies just subconscious lies, or half truths if that makes it more palatable for you, lies that determine whether you feel or act in a favourable manner towards  yourself or others. Yes I'm talking about self delusion, self programming . The average human has 70,000 thoughts a day ( who counted them I really don't know , if you were counting your own you'd have to wonder if the counting numbers are counted as thoughts in the count and if so would that double the number and so on and on and on) and for many, the majority are negative berating thoughts of why did you do that? why didn't you say this? your not worthy, your not up to the job, the list goes on, 70,000 on, and that's a lot of negative conditioning. So just think for a moment, what if they were all positive, every single little one of the cute little cherub thoughts you have. How would you feel? What would life be like?  

Well a bit longer to start with. Back in the bible around about Noah's time they were living till they were 800 or so, and I for one can believe it simply because of all the negativity we are exposed to in life has got to go somewhere,  all the stress we live under, the negative conditioning though the tv, the unforfillled wants, needs and desires, the fame thing, the failure thing, the celeb thing, the if your not part of the rich and famous your in the crowd watching others get richer and more famous thing. 

Was all that bad conditioning around with Noha, no of cousre not, all he had to contend with in 800 years was a little rain and looking for a donkeys mate. Is it any wonder he lived so long, is it any wonder you don't. Back then in eight hindered years, all they had to worry about was is it going to rain. In the UK we don't have to do that, as  it pretty well does every day and it's so much more depressing.

Anyway we digress, the point was that most of us think a lot of negative crap that fills our subconscious mind with a can't do attitude, is it's any wonder a  bit of alcohol or stage hypnosis gives people the excuse to let their hair down stick a broom up the left nostril or puke in the gutter.

So there you have it, the more negative stuff you think, the more you will age , forget botox, face lifts and cologen, just change the balance of those 60k thoughts and the worlds is yours, well for a bit longer anyway.

That's the start of manipulation, the ability to manipulate your own thoughts is the first step to success, wealth and happiness. Sounds easy, and it is if you want it to be, but for the majority of the planet it's the hardest trick to pull off , that simple switch from the negi to the possi. Maybe the reason for the difficulty in switching  is the pond we currently find ourselves in. Look around and count how much energy  your brain receives that is positive, life charging, creative, loving, nurturing, and how much isn't?

 The pond is the pond and you are influenced by everything at surrounds you in your pond, all the mucked up ducks, and the dead fish, just think, are there any beautiful white swans coming your way ?. So if you want to change the scenery within you, change the pond without.

But if you look at a pond you can't help wondering don't the ducks get a little bored and end up snapping at each other, arranging themselves into a pecking order, with  someone ending up king duck or queen for that matter. The fact is,  it's exactly the same for human kind, the only difference is we don't quack, do you?

But when you look at scientific evidence of communication the 55, 38, 7 rule still applies, 55% body, 38% tone, volume, and pace, and only 7% is the words or quacks we use , so are we so much different from the ducks? Well yes there is one thing that divides us , they get to fly off to a new pond one or two times a year for a breath of fresh air. We just get 2 weeks in the sun if we are lucky.

So if you want to change the circles you paddle in, your going to have to change the thought proccess that keep you in the same old rut. The pond of your mind is going to be re programmed to positively creative, powerfully pleasurable thoughts that you are going to love to have, a great sexy seductive voice in your head that tells you how wonderful you are, and how successful you are, and how attractive you are, everything you could imagine your perfect lover would ever say to you. The fact is you are going to get to go to bed with yourself every night, and you can do anything you want, play hard to get, whatever you like, but you are going to get to sleep with the prize every night for the rest of your life and wake up in the morning with that loving feeling for every day. Then you going to be able to project that feeling on everyone you a metaphorical sense.

So ask yourself , that empty feeling inside that you're always looking for someone to  fill or blaming someone for not filling, is life always about never being satisfied, or is there potentially another way. Thats the first step in manipulation, to be in control of your feelings and not have your feelings control you. If you're suseptable to fits of depression, or nervousness, moods of anger.. you are going to be the puppet of lifes whims. Therefor you will be wasting time and investing your valuable energy on diversions away from the rosie path to wealth happiness and riches.

There are so many distrations that can influence you away from the shortest direction to your goal and your ability to manipulate your internal state is the key. Meditation can help with relaxing your mind and allowing the stresses and frustration to fade away. Meditation for 20 minutes a day can put 10 years on your life, so long as you don't get stressed about finding 20 minutes a day. 

Meditation is the first stage of self hypnosis, which allows you to enter a natural relaxed state a little like day dreaming, which is a nice feeling, unless your programmed at school to feel bad about day dreaming by a stern teacher. It's weird, but a considerable amount of how you react as an adult is a reflection of your experience as a child. 

Your brain back then was a pure white piece of putty but when your best friend said you weren't their best friend anymore and went of with another kid, a wapping great big thumb print made a nice big impression in the putty. Now you've had that may thumbs and fingers thrust in the old grey matter you couldn't care less if your best friend said the same thing, it's all a bit childish but the damage was done all those years ago.

 The old term "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me is wrong", it's the words that kill you, little seeds of subconscious pain that last a lifetime influencing everything you do, being at an impressionable age once doesn't mean the impression disappears , it's yours for life, unless that is you learn some techniques to unravel the mind. Objective annalysis of your behaviour, asking your intuition will guide you to the false limits of your mind.


Tuesday 15 May 2012


Urgency is the primary ingredient to motivate your prospective clients to make a decision, there has to be a reason why they will move forward with a deal sooner rather than later, and that means there and then. People for the most part do not like making decisions, even though the very act of doing so is very empowering, it is fear of failure or being wrong that denies them the full pleasure of making fast and accurate decisions, which in turn rewards success, hence why so many people under achieve in life.

Words like concept, theory, idea are used to convey a lack of believe in the product or service you are presenting, finally rounded off with the "I would like to think about it" or "sleep on it" line. All these signals are easy to read and easy to accommodate by adopting the confident approach of the conceptual sale. The main reason business is done is simply because they FEEL confident in the decision and that confidence comes from you.

We are all attracted to confident people, the energy is empowering and we hope just maybe some will rub off on us, so adopt the persona of confidence and your sales closing ratio will feel the benefit. Adopting the persona of success and affluence will also provide your sales with a boost, people like success and dealing with successful people is again a very attractive attribute, although you don't want to lord it over your prospect, always be charming and understated, less is after all more.

The reasons people do business with you are not purely logic, the feeling has to be there and that really has a 80% emotional contribution to the process, that said, if your presentation doesn't have some decent logic to it, the feeling coming in your direction will certainly be negative.

So what are the basic factors that lead to the spot to decision, fear of loss, sense of gain,the balance is in play and it's your job to tip the scales in your favour. A successful sale is the interplay of a combination of factors including confidence, feelings, closing techniques, all making the balance swinging very favourably in your direction. It is after all a balance, and the line between sale and think about it is a very subjective one, but your intuition won't let you down if you let it guide your senses. Practice, analyse, review and learn, the skills of professional influencing  is the key to a wealth of fortune.   

Monday 14 May 2012


As I'm laid up in hospital the next few posts are pre recorded ideas until I can see again....

Doubling your profits is Easy when you know how.

What is your biggest profit generating resource?

It's your people, your loyal trusted team. When they feel good good things happen , profits go up  because their attitude actually attracts opportunity, the more positive people are the more ideas come forward as they naturally become more creative and success focused, looking for ways to do things better.
Fact: people become more creative and resourceful when they are motivated and happy, this means sales go up and process costs come down, just 10% at either end and your business is 20% richer, and with 20% more money to market your business your profits are going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. The bigger they get, the happier everyone becomes and so the wheel of success keeps turning.

  But there's only so much you can do to keep motivating your staff , only so much you can say before the wheel gets stuck in the mud. Fortunately there are fast acting ways to get the wheel of creative thought moving with rapid results, ways to  motivate your staff that bring new ideas new thinking from the people who can really make the difference , your team, a fresh take to inspire motivate and double your profits, The Game is specifically designed to increase potential, skill and motivation.

Enthusiasm is contagious and the more you have in your company the more spills over to your suppliers and your customers,. Your staff will be negotiating better deals as a matter of course with everyone , giving better service, wanting to give better service, winning more business.

Investing in the motivation of your staff is like an injection of steroids in a race horse, everyone becomes a winner, and two hours of high octane thought conditioning from  hypnotic suggestion wielding thought specialist will be all the kick start your business needs to double you profits right now. Success is the word and once they smell the sweet smell of how, you won't be able to hold them back.

The most cost effective way to motivate your team towards more profit...The Game..


Saturday 12 May 2012


As I'm suffering from an eye infection that has decided to create a basket ball look of 50% of my head, I'm going to keep todays blog short as I'm having trouble seeing.

Now you might think that's not so nice, and you'd be right its not exactly a Tom Cruise/ Brad Pitt look I've got going on here, more of your Egor with the  bells kind of attraction, but, and there is always a but, you never know what doors are opening in life or how the doors will open to further your goals or your destiny. All I will say is while I'm writing this, events are taking place all over the world that will ultimately lead like little cogs turning in a great big machine towards each of our destiny. Therefor any event no matter how small has value, a connection, it's just seeing the value and acting on the connection that's important. 

I'm actually thankful for my eye, as it actually pushed me in a direction I would otherwise never have gone....and the results have yet to be acted upon. Never see life as unfortunate, always remember the reason you are here is the primary motivator behind events well as having a play along the journey while we would be nothing if it wasn't a fun always think of it that way, whatever it throws at you, you just never know who you will meet and where that will take you.

Friday 11 May 2012


Radical thinking is whats required if you want to make radical changes in your personal or business life. The reasons people become unhappy discontented, or just plain disillusioned are all self inflicted. They will undoubtedly have grown originally from the influence of other people and situations, but the choice to remain in a  pattern of behaviour that is consistently   self defeating, is a personal one.  

From my own part I am well aware of how my behaviour, my thought patterns, have had both a positive and negative effect on my life. But self analysis  is the first step to understanding that the same  thought patterns actually have both good and bad results depending on your life situation.

My humour and levity allows me to face what could be deemed as worrying events without the stress many people would suffer from. However these  traight can be detrimental in a board room as the individuals involved will potentially be too serious for words. Controlling you emotions in your business or your personal life is essential to succeed. In business you cannot afford a bad day to affect those who work with you, they look to you for energy and guidance, not for you to steal their energy to replenish your own depleted motivation. Just as in a relationship we are either takers or givers of energy, neither of which are particularly healthy, so trying to find an equitable balance would be the solution.

When you let your emotions,  your ego,  or your subconscious negative conditioning get the better of you will loose The Game, you might think you got away with it , but in time all will come back to haunt you.

The Game of Life we have created  is a training ground for personal and business development, with real players, real events, and real money. Without reality it wouldn't be much of a game. It is an ever evolving project, and always will be.

Whatever scrapes I've been in ( and if you know me you'll know there's been some pretty unusual ones) I've always looked at life as a game, and tried to find the positive in any situation however bad it was. Take the positive and use it. You see this again and again with people who for whatever reason have faced  life changing is the event that inspires, and what can seem as loss and pain at first, is always a door or a message in the journey of your life and the higher purpose of your existence.


To think this project is purely about money and the acquisition of material wealth would be a  misguided view.

However, I have come to regard people's attitude to money as a sickness that continues to deepen the divide between rich and poor. A divide that will ultimately lead to a rather uncomfortable position in society. There are also those in between people who have a foot in both camps, the middle class of the wannabe wealthy community, that provide the lubricant between the two.

This middle wealth class are a lost bunch of souls, who, while professing on occasion spiritual values in one hand, collect as much materialistic wealth on the other, all while sitting in the middle fostering a resentment for those with  more wealth and their competition, but also despising those without it. They typify the social independence  we unfortunately suffer, keen on a misguided sense of entrepreneurialism and competition at the expense of others, but desperate to save the planet by planting a tree.   They are neither one thing nor the other, but think they are everything by perpetuating an empty rat race of networking, scepticism and social media.

Now this may sound rather damming, but let me expand on the subject. It would not be new information to suggest that many people are looking for something in life. What that something is, is certainty and faith in something of meaning and purpose. Religion doesn't exactly provide a useful option, other than when you are just about to peg it, so as a foot in the door of eternity, it can seem like a very good option  ... a just incase scenario as the years of potentially believing in nothing but money, finally doesn't  come to much when you've  got to put a price on your life. 

Believing in nothing, but a vague thought of 'not thinking about eternity and how you are going to spend it' for most of your life, does  actually lead many to an epiphany as they find spiritual purpose, which seems to come in range of neatly packaged offerings for your eternal soul. It's strange to think if there actually was a devil who was reasonably  intelligent,  he would use the vehicle of something that looked good, holy and purposeful to organise his naughty world domination ideas. So when you start to annalyse who is playing what part and for what ultimate reasons in the world, it wouldn't be hard to get just a little confused, if not paranoid on the 'who' subject of believing in something or somebody equation.

Most people I meet come into either 'the I believe in this club'  or 'I don't really believe in anything groups... but if I had to I would be spiritual'. Some still fervently believe in property acquisition, the  buy to let Market as their salvation...which I have to say I don't have much sympathy with. The basic human necessities of humanity are power, food, and a roof over your head. Corporations and government play with first two to extract as much meet off the bone from the masses, but it is people themselves who are left time and again with the "I'll build my property portfolio up to become financially independent" but when everybody does it, it ends up the unholy mess we saw before, and still remains so while people can't actually afford to buy a house because of silly prices. 

Making houses a commodity you basically spank the hell out of to extract the last penny, pushing prices beyond the reach of the average person is for me dare I say it worse than selling drugs. But I'm sure there are many people who will not exactly agree because it's not in their interests to do so, and whilst they may profess spiritual values on one hand, the devils dollar sure looks shinny on the other. Property is after all a good investment in the medium to long term whatever the state of the Market, but ultimately the last boom caused  a lot of misery once the party was over..and who got the blame for everyone wanting to  become a property millionaire, the poor old bankers who pulled the plug on the party.

Why I say poor old bankers is because they are as much victims of the choices presented to us all as anyone else. They just do a job making money out of moving money, put the blinkers on and focus on the bonus. But as we live in a blame society, rather than look at our own participation and responsibility in the whole affair, it's not surprising people don't want to look in the mirror.

The worlds  does seem to be divided into those who don't want to be rich, those who are mentally locked into the normal run a business or work for someone else jail, and lastly the property and would be traders/ investors trying to find financial freedom that way.

To be honest, none of them actually sound all that appealing to me, but it never fails to amaze me just how much misery people will dish out on themselves or other people for that matter, simply for a lack of ingenuity and thought for life outside of their immediate surroundings.

Society seems to be those who say God loves those who help themselves, and God loves a trier , and God loves the meek who will inherit what's left of the earth after it's properly property developed.

Then you come to those who just fancy getting lost in a bit of meditation, or drugs...escape artists and I for one don't blame them. But and it is a big but,  the all about me in the other direction to the materialistic mindset,  ultimately is the same result...'what's in it for me' to by dreams, or money made to build dreams. Where is the love in all this. You do however have to learn to love yourself before you can love someone else, but no one really loves a materialistic, self obsessed, ego driven, deluded lost it's not surprising we can end up a little lonely and estranged from our true selves.

Now love is a word you don't actually hear that much of these days unless you bUy M&Ms where I do and the lady always calls me' love'. It's one of those words that people don't use too much any more or maybe I'm just mixing with the wrong people. But I will say I actually do quite love the people I meet for the most part. They have good hearts, but society's structure channels many either into a passive hypnotic state of not thinking or they  just can't seem to see the woods for the trees.  Most are understandably a bit lost, as well as those who get to a stage in life where they've heard it all before and become jaded, even if they haven't.

So what's different about this venture and why isn't it materialistic. Well it's cash fantastic, and that's what makes it interesting. The ultimate belief is if you put some extra skills in a persons mind and give them an ABC to use them, rewarded by financial get a great alternative to the normal structure afforded to you, and the power to actually make a difference in life.

It's about fun, it's about freedom, and its about empowerment whatever that means to you. It's about realising you have a God given gift that's worth something between your ears, that if you trade your skills together with other people your will make a shed load more money than working for someone, running a business, buying property, or trading forex, and in a much shorter space of time. Then you can choose to devote your time to the above, on your terms if you want to.

The point being, whatever your dreams... be it changing the world , pizza slices , your own life , or that of your family, it's there for anyone to do right now by developing your creative subconscious, stepping out of the limiting behavioural patterns of the past, and taking charge of your destiny.

And what's the key, you just have to be able to sell the dream to yourself or someone else, that's it. Great product...the best there is.