Tuesday 1 May 2012


Thinking expansively

In your career or your business thinking expansively will create the opportunity you otherwise don't see. 

When you would like to have more from your life in terms of wealth, excitement, happiness, career, promotion, or business development, developing a mindset that thinks laterally, vertically as well as the old well used term, ' out of your box' is going to make a massive impact on your life so long as it's coupled with action...don't forget to do ...not just think about doing!!

To create a million in a year, thinking well out of the norm is required, and as you might expect that means going against convention, ruffling feathers and moving very fast now the method is in place. Now just think to yourself, how would you make a million from £100, just sit back in a chair, relax and let your subconscious  creative mind come up with all the answers. Think about your skills, you experience, your desires, think about what you can do, not what you can't do. Let your mind wander where ever it wants to go..yes that's called daydreaming ..a word drummed out of us as children, as a waste of time ..'get on with something worth while' ...but day dreaming if you have a purpose behind your thoughts will lead you to the answers you need to take you forward. 

Give up the need to control your thoughts, that's your conscious mind, and you really don't know how heavily conditioned that is to not see opportunity and fear failure. Your conscious  mind is limited by what you think you can think, not what you can actually access.

If you take Edison and his light bulbs, it took him 1000 experiments to get it right. The other 999 could be seen as failure or just steps in a journey where most will give up after a couple of goes. Self belief, belief in what your conscious mind sees as impossible by relying on your creative subconscious is  the key to success. 

Forget asking other people what they think.. That is just such a waste of time, as they are so conditioned to think in a certain way, by society, experience, and expectations, they will guide you away from the true power that lies within you. Opinions are like arseholes , everyone's got one and most of them are the proverbial when it comes to pointing you in the right direction... especially when you are going your own way, not a well trodden path.

Confidence comes from within, from others you will more than likely find erosion of your ability and your belief to achieve, unless that is you are very, very, lucky. I have had the pleasure across my business career of being faced with many so called experts in their field, and to date I haven't found one who's opinion I would rely on, other than someone who said go for it and I will help you to get there no strings. That doesn't mean go for it and pay me 10k and I will show you the golden goose, if theres a golden goose why haven't you milked it... Beware the KNOWERS AND THE SHOW'ERS who don't go anywhere themselves, but will take all you have to get you nowhere....lawyers come to mind for some reason, business consultants who have never been in business, doctors who haven't suffered, and oh the list goes on...and on and on...

Fortunately in this project, the only voice I listen to is my subconscious creative mind, and thankfully it's not as boring as my conscious one, I have a focus, a target, the method has been provided by creative thought... Now it's just reaching each milestone target to get there.

Believing in you skills increase your value in the law of attraction. If you only think you are worth 30k that's all you will get, but if you re-package, reframe yourself, you will double your salary...fact. Now many people reading this will already thinking ..BUT...NO...THATS IMPOSSIBLE..well it is for you because you say it is, remember you are crafting your own reality, not me.

I'm the one talking about freeing minds, getting more, earning more, enjoying more....you know I really do have to get out more.

Talking of getting out, the next event is Friday and that potentially, without any bombers, will be a great big stepping stone. Whilst I say potentially is not out of any negative thought, no I'm like anyone else, I want things to go the way I plan, now  ...  But thats not quite how the universe works .. You have to let it do it's stuff, so long as you keep doing and going in the same direction, to the same ultimate goal so the wheels will turn to open doors to get you there ( don't be fickle and forget your goal). The only intriguing question, is will this be a door or another message. Last week was a huge message that has directed me to where I would never have dreamed of 7 days ago... So I can only wonder where things will go now as we travel forward.

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