Thursday 3 May 2012


Our society 

Well what can you say.... Obviously it could be a lot better, but then again it could be a lot worse. We are living in strange times, where nothing seems to add up, and it's difficult to see the way forward in a world where the rich are making so much money, as the divide opens with those who have less advantaged lives...and  become increasingly disillusioned.

The truth is everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve the lifestyle they want, but the real question is why the majority don't actually do anything to help themselves? 

Society has become incredibly lethargic, it's almost as if people are regressing in a time of advancement into their own computer worlds, plugged into an escape network of the mind, that actually is shutting many minds down.

When I talk about developing the creative subconscious, I'm not referring to hours on Facebook or twitter finding friends you will never meet, or playing games through your broadband. It's wonderful how we can access so much information at the drop of a key, but the down side is a virtual world that takes the brain out of people not develop their power in it.

In every person I meet, I see opportunity for them to grow, the potential is massive for everybody to really take giant steps in their future careers, businesses, and relationships. Working in the recruitment, coaching and training industry,  you get an immediate sense for just how many people could  with a little direction, repackaging, reframing and confidence,  quadruple  their expectations and double their income in 6's virtually everyone. Why I say virtually is simply because some people choose a life where they are contented with their lot, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that....contentment, peace, harmony and love are the basic bedrocks of life...a 5 star holiday in the Maldives will do all of the above in a shot...with the right person at your side.. of course. You see, how much you enjoy life is firmly based on the people you share your days with, that means talk to and meet. It's the quality of those meetings which will ultimately lead to success and the lifestyle you desire. Without people to talk with and create new ideas and will just have you, and it's so very difficult to achieve on your own.

One key to success is knowing your limitations, and also understanding you don't actually have any. It might sound a contradiction, but only by coming to terms with what is actually holding you back, will you start to realise you have the power to change and go for your dreams.

 For example, to be in business, it would be reasonable to expect some understanding of the four pillars of business, but as commercial understanding comes way behind Geography and History at school, and I mean real commercial understanding of profit and loss...not a's not surprising virtually all start ups, end up break downs. It's not so difficult to add up whether an enterprise is viable or not in a couple of minutes if you know how, and the big questions are always how are you going to access your market, how big is your Market, how eager are your Market and how long will there be a Market?

If we take funerals , well you might think bodies are a dead end job, but you'd be surprised. There's always a steady flow of customers who are needing your services once in a lifetime, it's a big constant Market,  not initially very eager to buy it  I'll grant you, but they will always end up walking or being carried through your door, sooner or later. And short of a flu epidemic which is always good for business, there's no great pitfalls to look for, as customers very rarely complain, 2 for 1 offers aren't relevant, and a seasonal sale seems a bit mercenary, even if the winter clock change brings  up the suicide rate, and the cold nights improve the drop off rate in the older generation.

No the old funeral business is limited on getting more customers other than through organic marketing, with the chances of taking advanced orders for a home delivery service virtually zero.

The practicalities of the funeral business always bring to mind the ice cream wars of the late seventies and eighties, which probably still go on now. (I'm not so sure of the correlation between funeral parlours and ice cream cones although I'm sure if I really think hard enough I will find one - they both have a chiller cabinet to keep the product from going off).Outside schools ice cream vans would enter into price wars, dropping the price of a 99 to virtually nothing with all the toppings a hungry sweet toothed kid could possibly dream of. The ice cream man who survived, was the one with the better funding to rode out the price war, or did you think they actually  fought with a couple of cones. The Market was fickle for the best double flaked, sprinkled, nut, choc and strawberry sauce cone with a gobstopper, and I imagine this was where Duncan Bannatyne made his first few quid. 

Competition is a powerful thing, and when people ask me what I think of anyone else developing a similar project to this, I say I wish them luck. If they have the experiences I've had, the successes, the lessons, and are prepared to write a course with a quarter of a million words on business as well as personal development,  come up with a way for anyone to make a million, and then do it all from £100, I would give them a medal and definitely sign up for the project myself. 

Once upon a time a guy running a lucrative business I was contracting to, asked me why I wouldn't think to run my own operation like him? "What was the point" I said, it's so much easier to have a life without the worry of what to do next, the pressures of success, the risk, the problems, the thought of failure, running a business is hard work with your neck always on the chopping block ..and if you don't love what you do, it will age you very, very quickly.

So here we are on the biggest adventure of them all, no guarantees of success, just the potential of making a very real difference to  a considerable number of people's lives. This is the ultimate gift well all have, the ability to influence our own future as well as others in a good way, a creative way, and a way that will ultimately lead to a perfect lifestyle in a society not quite so fractional and disposed to fear.

But first we have to unstick those who are stuck to routine, pull the blinkers off the eyes of those who cannot see their dreams, and generally give a good old kick up the backside of  a human race that could really do very well, if only it applied itself a little more effort to the task in hand...sounds like my school reports, maybe they were right after all.

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