Friday 11 May 2012


To think this project is purely about money and the acquisition of material wealth would be a  misguided view.

However, I have come to regard people's attitude to money as a sickness that continues to deepen the divide between rich and poor. A divide that will ultimately lead to a rather uncomfortable position in society. There are also those in between people who have a foot in both camps, the middle class of the wannabe wealthy community, that provide the lubricant between the two.

This middle wealth class are a lost bunch of souls, who, while professing on occasion spiritual values in one hand, collect as much materialistic wealth on the other, all while sitting in the middle fostering a resentment for those with  more wealth and their competition, but also despising those without it. They typify the social independence  we unfortunately suffer, keen on a misguided sense of entrepreneurialism and competition at the expense of others, but desperate to save the planet by planting a tree.   They are neither one thing nor the other, but think they are everything by perpetuating an empty rat race of networking, scepticism and social media.

Now this may sound rather damming, but let me expand on the subject. It would not be new information to suggest that many people are looking for something in life. What that something is, is certainty and faith in something of meaning and purpose. Religion doesn't exactly provide a useful option, other than when you are just about to peg it, so as a foot in the door of eternity, it can seem like a very good option  ... a just incase scenario as the years of potentially believing in nothing but money, finally doesn't  come to much when you've  got to put a price on your life. 

Believing in nothing, but a vague thought of 'not thinking about eternity and how you are going to spend it' for most of your life, does  actually lead many to an epiphany as they find spiritual purpose, which seems to come in range of neatly packaged offerings for your eternal soul. It's strange to think if there actually was a devil who was reasonably  intelligent,  he would use the vehicle of something that looked good, holy and purposeful to organise his naughty world domination ideas. So when you start to annalyse who is playing what part and for what ultimate reasons in the world, it wouldn't be hard to get just a little confused, if not paranoid on the 'who' subject of believing in something or somebody equation.

Most people I meet come into either 'the I believe in this club'  or 'I don't really believe in anything groups... but if I had to I would be spiritual'. Some still fervently believe in property acquisition, the  buy to let Market as their salvation...which I have to say I don't have much sympathy with. The basic human necessities of humanity are power, food, and a roof over your head. Corporations and government play with first two to extract as much meet off the bone from the masses, but it is people themselves who are left time and again with the "I'll build my property portfolio up to become financially independent" but when everybody does it, it ends up the unholy mess we saw before, and still remains so while people can't actually afford to buy a house because of silly prices. 

Making houses a commodity you basically spank the hell out of to extract the last penny, pushing prices beyond the reach of the average person is for me dare I say it worse than selling drugs. But I'm sure there are many people who will not exactly agree because it's not in their interests to do so, and whilst they may profess spiritual values on one hand, the devils dollar sure looks shinny on the other. Property is after all a good investment in the medium to long term whatever the state of the Market, but ultimately the last boom caused  a lot of misery once the party was over..and who got the blame for everyone wanting to  become a property millionaire, the poor old bankers who pulled the plug on the party.

Why I say poor old bankers is because they are as much victims of the choices presented to us all as anyone else. They just do a job making money out of moving money, put the blinkers on and focus on the bonus. But as we live in a blame society, rather than look at our own participation and responsibility in the whole affair, it's not surprising people don't want to look in the mirror.

The worlds  does seem to be divided into those who don't want to be rich, those who are mentally locked into the normal run a business or work for someone else jail, and lastly the property and would be traders/ investors trying to find financial freedom that way.

To be honest, none of them actually sound all that appealing to me, but it never fails to amaze me just how much misery people will dish out on themselves or other people for that matter, simply for a lack of ingenuity and thought for life outside of their immediate surroundings.

Society seems to be those who say God loves those who help themselves, and God loves a trier , and God loves the meek who will inherit what's left of the earth after it's properly property developed.

Then you come to those who just fancy getting lost in a bit of meditation, or drugs...escape artists and I for one don't blame them. But and it is a big but,  the all about me in the other direction to the materialistic mindset,  ultimately is the same result...'what's in it for me' to by dreams, or money made to build dreams. Where is the love in all this. You do however have to learn to love yourself before you can love someone else, but no one really loves a materialistic, self obsessed, ego driven, deluded lost it's not surprising we can end up a little lonely and estranged from our true selves.

Now love is a word you don't actually hear that much of these days unless you bUy M&Ms where I do and the lady always calls me' love'. It's one of those words that people don't use too much any more or maybe I'm just mixing with the wrong people. But I will say I actually do quite love the people I meet for the most part. They have good hearts, but society's structure channels many either into a passive hypnotic state of not thinking or they  just can't seem to see the woods for the trees.  Most are understandably a bit lost, as well as those who get to a stage in life where they've heard it all before and become jaded, even if they haven't.

So what's different about this venture and why isn't it materialistic. Well it's cash fantastic, and that's what makes it interesting. The ultimate belief is if you put some extra skills in a persons mind and give them an ABC to use them, rewarded by financial get a great alternative to the normal structure afforded to you, and the power to actually make a difference in life.

It's about fun, it's about freedom, and its about empowerment whatever that means to you. It's about realising you have a God given gift that's worth something between your ears, that if you trade your skills together with other people your will make a shed load more money than working for someone, running a business, buying property, or trading forex, and in a much shorter space of time. Then you can choose to devote your time to the above, on your terms if you want to.

The point being, whatever your dreams... be it changing the world , pizza slices , your own life , or that of your family, it's there for anyone to do right now by developing your creative subconscious, stepping out of the limiting behavioural patterns of the past, and taking charge of your destiny.

And what's the key, you just have to be able to sell the dream to yourself or someone else, that's it. Great product...the best there is.

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