Thursday 31 May 2012


Unfortunately I can't seem to kick this virus so I'm having to cancel yet another meeting. This has to be one of the most inconveniently timed illnesses ever.My sight is not exactly clear so you will have to forgive all the errors, and as for my brain, well enough said.

However, it doesn't stop me thinking all the time, so following on with the Pirate Entrepreneur theme the web site has changed slightly to move in this direction. The Game stays,  but because of some  idiots who thought we were running a sex enterprise ( now that does sound good) I've moved towards the Pirate Entrepreneur Game instead to avoid any further confusion.

 I must say I'm a little saddened at just how sensitive society is to so many things, and the approach of drawing conclusions and judgements from a point of preferred ignorance is overwhelming.  It's almost as if people would like to get an idea in their heads and then because it was the first one that popped into their minds, that's the one that gets hung onto for fear of being wrong.

 It makes me wonder how people are taught at school these days, maybe it's all dropped into such a liberal  base of never making a mistake attitude, that when the students get asked a question, they all blurt out the first answer that comes into their heads however ridiculous, and end up being all right with an A grade, because no one disagrees with them anymore. 

Maybe I'm a little over the top, but two years ago I personally interviewed 300  college and university leavers and the level of literacy as well as the ability to  communicate on a coherent level was for 95 % appalling. So in this regard I do speak from the horses mouth, not the bottom.

I placed an add for promotional staff all over London  this week with the Job Centre at £12 an hour, in two days I had zero responses. Now that's a first. Talking with associates around the world the attitude is completely different. Maybe the UK is all on it's own in the level of ambition that it has to offer, maybe times have pushed people so low that there's no coming back. 

Well that's a little defeatist, but one has to be a realist. Ploughing a baron field when there are far more fertile grounds to dig is a basic problem of many businesses, and you have to go where the money is. However, this is a development project and that means breaking people out of the apathy as well as the negative conditioning, and to use an old naval term we may have to press gang the buggers.

With the Queen's weekend ahead, marketing will be difficult so it's time to develop partners abroad. For me the pirate side of things does put a smile on my face as every wealthy person I have ever worked with has pulled a few strokes to get ahead in their day, they are all pirates of the business world. These are the true entrepreneurs with the risk based spirit that's essential to get ahead. This is the secret mind map of the Pirate Entrepreneur, and one I'm only too willing to share, as I have indeed followed it to a good deal of treasure over the years.

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