Wednesday 2 May 2012



The way to make a million in a year, is ultimately through thinking expansively and using the creative subconsciousness, which can ultimately take you in directions that you would never of thought of before.

As a writer involved in not only one novel, but a series of three,  having an infinite supply of ideas streaming out of my mind allows me to write very quickly.

Yesterday I was chatting to our camera man on the project about blog writing  on a regular basis. He mentioned the difficulty in thinking up information to blog daily, relevant content that would inspire and be of interest for people to tune in to read the copy. This is a common problem and one I suffered from when I first started to write. 

The problem lies with using your conscious mind to create. It's had work. You sit down, and wonder, what shall I write about, maybe you had an idea, but when pen goes to paper or digit goes to plastic, the words dry up and you make yourself a cup of tea, turn the TV on for inspiration and fall asleep. 

Thats the old conscious mind for you, never one to come up with a decent idea when you want it and always getting tired of trying. Some years ago I worked in the world of dyslexia, helping people increase their capabilities in comprehension, reading, spelling etc etc. As a proud dyslexic myself I related to the clientele in a very big way, and spent a considerable amount of time analysing the benefits of a condition one in four of us suffer. I use the word benefits, for the simple reason statistically  many entrepreneurs are dyslexic, it helps them think in alternative ways, many people in prison are also dyslexic ....but they think in other ambitiously creative ways.

This experience highlighted to me the immense divide between subconscious automated thought and thinking consciously. Some dyslexics will not be able to commit an action such as tying a shoelace to the subconscious mind after the initial learning experience. Therefore every time they have to learn the sequence again, which takes a considerable amount of conscious  thought and concentration. We all remember how hard it was to learn this when we were kids, now take that learning and apply it to everything you do every day. This is how people have to live in some of the more severe cases. It's very tiring, very frustrating and slow, as well as being misunderstood.

Now back to writing, or anything else you would like to become good at. The first hurdle is confidence, can I write and will anyone read my work?That aspect really doesn't matter, for if you write from the heart sooner or later people will want to read your work. If confidence is an issue, get in touch and I will certainly use a little hypnosis and NLP and make you feel like JK Rowling...I don't guarantee a book publishing deal, but I can show you how to have you work published professionally for £5.

If you relax and stop trying to tire yourself out by thinking consciously and just let the creativity flow out of you, then the words will may take a little practice, but only about five minutes of day dreaming  if you want it to. You see that's the beauty of the creative mind, it's completely up to you how hard you want to make thinking become, as well as how easy it can be.. you are after all the master of your mind...aren't you..

Just start with a few words about absolutely nothing and you will find the subconscious fills in the blanks. Rapidly you will be writing as quickly as you can speak, albeit only if your hands can keep up, which then becomes the frustrating part.. typing skills, but even they speed up when you stop trying to be fast ....and just think you are.


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