Tuesday 15 May 2012


Urgency is the primary ingredient to motivate your prospective clients to make a decision, there has to be a reason why they will move forward with a deal sooner rather than later, and that means there and then. People for the most part do not like making decisions, even though the very act of doing so is very empowering, it is fear of failure or being wrong that denies them the full pleasure of making fast and accurate decisions, which in turn rewards success, hence why so many people under achieve in life.

Words like concept, theory, idea are used to convey a lack of believe in the product or service you are presenting, finally rounded off with the "I would like to think about it" or "sleep on it" line. All these signals are easy to read and easy to accommodate by adopting the confident approach of the conceptual sale. The main reason business is done is simply because they FEEL confident in the decision and that confidence comes from you.

We are all attracted to confident people, the energy is empowering and we hope just maybe some will rub off on us, so adopt the persona of confidence and your sales closing ratio will feel the benefit. Adopting the persona of success and affluence will also provide your sales with a boost, people like success and dealing with successful people is again a very attractive attribute, although you don't want to lord it over your prospect, always be charming and understated, less is after all more.

The reasons people do business with you are not purely logic, the feeling has to be there and that really has a 80% emotional contribution to the process, that said, if your presentation doesn't have some decent logic to it, the feeling coming in your direction will certainly be negative.

So what are the basic factors that lead to the spot to decision, fear of loss, sense of gain,the balance is in play and it's your job to tip the scales in your favour. A successful sale is the interplay of a combination of factors including confidence, feelings, closing techniques, all making the balance swinging very favourably in your direction. It is after all a balance, and the line between sale and think about it is a very subjective one, but your intuition won't let you down if you let it guide your senses. Practice, analyse, review and learn, the skills of professional influencing  is the key to a wealth of fortune.   

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