Sunday 6 May 2012


This is a response to a recent enquiry on the project status.


What you see in the blog is only half of what's gone on so far, that I'm keeping in the background for a book as you might expect.

Every which way I have turned I have been blocked....

You may ask for what reasons...jealousy, ignorance, stupidity... who knows, but generally its probably the conditioning we all face that lurks between our ears,  telling us anything to stop us connecting with the real power of the subconscious ....if I was a believer, I'd have to say the devil was up a against me...but maybe I'm over dramatising a little. I think the more you challenge peoples conditioning the more it kicks back.

I know from my own part, you have to be wary of the way the conditioning creeps into your thoughts with such a friendly face, with words of scepticism, self doubt and fear. Mine usually tells me to take it easy and not to bother with people who really couldn't care less about their future or the state of the world anyway. Far easier to sit and watch TV and just take an easier route like everyone else making a living, why stick your head on the block....aren't things fine as they are. You look at the TV and it's all too easy to get sucked into a big comfortable feeling, especially after a decent glass of red wine.

Then I wake up to reality again, world war three is waging...between the rich and the poor; the division is getting wider every moment...I'm afraid the poor are as usual loosing. The greatest evil is when good men stand by and watch it all fall I guess it's time to be counted. I know it sounds  a little dramatic again, but being able to see where the world is going isn't rocket science, it's common sense.

Watching young people developing an apathy to success  is terrible...they actually don't want to enter the race because they see no hope of getting anywhere. And I can't blame them with all the rubbish that is being touted about. The response to recruitment on projects compared to a year ago is probably 10% of what it was...I sometimes wonder where they have all gone especially  in a time where there is meant to be high unemployment....

Owning a house is out of the question for many people all over europe because of the ridiculous prices investors have forced upon the Market, which makes the prospects for young people not exactly favourable when it comes to buying a house. Personally, I abstained from the house buying frenzy, for the simple principle it would result in the current gloom, it's not all about what's in your pocket, despite people always saying to me "I'm surprised you didn't make your fortune in the property boom". To me it's kind of selling your soul if you compromise your principles to cash, but that doesn't mean you should reject money, just find a route that has a circle of energy for you give out, and you will get back if you apply yourself ...not just take, take, take.

As I mentioned, we are in a period of independence from each other, which I'm afraid has it's dark side. One of the primary goals of this project is to offset this trend and get people to work together, trading their individual skills in interdependence. On Friday I met three young people each with a very different skill set... coaching, writing and entrepreneurial ambition, these are all tradable skills that can, if given the right opportunity, be very profitable to all three...

This is primarily a social enterprise, for the people to 'take up arms and by opposing' end the slow decay of society through a moral structure, government and expectation, that I for one have never really been able to rationalise.

The only way to really evoke change is by having the money to produce a voice to be heard;  many voices with the wealth to be heard is immensely powerful, especially if they are are all going in the same direction, with some decent values....beliefs, convictions.. Not just empty words.

But I guess that's always been the point for me, changing awareness and increasing potential.

I had the format on how to make the million in seven weeks ...ages ago...with a complete cycle for all individuals in 21 days....a clear path (one of the foundations of this was to make the process accessible to anyone who wanted to learn or felt they had the power to influence and motivate people to achieve the same result).

The producers who looked at the format thought  the year was difficult to film ..but 21 days is well within their understanding.

The 100 to one million always had a double meaning ... both in cash terms and in people.
The problem was marketing as I've set down some strict rules on how I only use money from the initial one hundred and what has come in to fund everything. This means I have to analyse the target Market in detail to make a good fit with the project for success.

That said, only over the last ten days has the final method of marketing come to mind, a method that will appeal to people from a variety of interests in money, competition, excitement, and personal success's a live reality game with 100 million as the final pot. However, the twist is everybody will win whatever the result;  all will achieve a substantial life changing return because this is a group situation of motivation till the final showdown of 100.

It's X Factor upside down rather than one winner, they all do.

The tv side is not important, that's just exposure, this is a real game for real people to play in real life ...with big money stakes and a buy in of £100 that covers the registration and the 24 week course.

Players, compete against their own mental limitations in an entrepreneurial format focusing on influence, which they are training in for the first 4 weeks of the course anyway. As I said this is not a competition with others, this is working together with an equal share, which is a key point I find turns people on. 95% of this program goes to the people involved, so it really is a program for the people with an ultimate purpose of empowering them on two fronts;
1.. in their ability to connect to and use their creative subconscious to achieve a lifestyle they really want, well as give them the money to do so.

I'm starting to challenge people personally now ...all I would like is to compete against some ambitious individuals in the power of influence for 100 million. I'll even train them in all the knowledge I have collected on NLP, Hypnosis, business , entrepreneurialism, influence and persuasion, self confidence, public speaking, the law of attraction and the power of the creative subconscious, over the last 50 years through the 24 week course, to help them win as part of their £100 buy in.  

The underlying message behind all this is to get people to develop their subconscious creative minds to achieve.The blog averages 750 -1000 words a day, but the fact is, linking into the old creative subconscious means I can pump up to about 5000 a day without too much effort (750 is in 30 mins on average). It's about walking the walk and talking the talk, so I needed to give people an example of the power of the creative subconscious I'm talking about,  the credibility to believe in themselves ..not just talk a good talk but actually achieve it. I know you might remember my art was another illustration of how I used the creative subconscious to achieve... Something we all have access to if we want to. Some of the work is at the beginning of this blog under the post Million Dollar Man. The truth is this whole journey is a testament to the message it conveys.

The first target for individuals is having the confidence to put £100 down and bet on themselves... Second is 5k in seven weeks , third is...100k in seven weeks  , fourth 1million in seven weeks   with a buy in of £100 on each round to stay in the game, all using the power of the task.

Final round is 100 million 21 week turn around with re-runs straight away.

It's awesome to think of the potential here.

The contestants fit into a certain demographic...ambitious, and prepared to change their thought patterns towards the creative subconscious to achieve the success they deserve.

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