Friday 4 May 2012



Creating one million purely from creative thought, does at first seem rather limiting. But as you may start to appreciate, it really is the simplest way.

Using my conscious mind would be nothing more than hard work, and frankly hard work is not the way to making money...working constantly on a project 24 hours a day does however, and if you make it your passion there is no hard work involved at all.

Hard work is going to an office, sitting down in front of a computer and spending the next 8-10 hours on the factory assembly line, things haven't changed since the forties,  fifties,  sixties & seventies for most people, they've just traded in sitting by a physical conveyor belt in a manufacturing plant, into sitting in an office on a psyber conveyor belt. Hours spent toiling for someone else's benefit.

I was at a seminar last week, where the speaker was conveying the benefits of going your own way in business, to be met by a guy who loved his job working in customer care, and wouldn't trade it for the world. Now that's what I call real conditioning...whatever way you look at it you sell your mind, your body and your soul into the slavery of working for someone else's gain, at a fixed fee for's just the amount your prepared to accept in payment for the majority of your life that says how much your life is worth to you, and if your prepared to send that message out to your employer and the universe, this is the value that will be returned to you.

So what is your life worth as a slave ...20k, 30k ,40k ,50k ,60k....why I use the word slave is because we are all slaves to a system that is very cunning in the way it packages slavery. In Roman times slaves weren't paid fully, sometimes a little...they were fed, clothed, housed, taken care of, had medical care and sold to the highest bidder. Slavery hasn't changed, it's just we now get paid an allowance to do all those things for ourselves.. eat, house, medical..and some treats to keep the brain happy holidays and weekends, but the real profit of our labour goes back to our owners ..the state ..anywhere between 50-90% in a lifetime depending on your circumstances.

Slavery just became more sophisticated.. But times are changing as people are moving from dependance on the state to independence, and then hopefully interdependence when they realise competition between humanity isn't necessarily that beneficial in it's current form. Everyone scrabbling for a piece of the's not a pretty sight.

Slavery cuts off the creative subconscious, it denies you the power to access your true potential, because you are just too tired to think. You get stuck in a rat trap in a rat race.

One of the fundamentals behind this project is to provide people with an alternative, a different way of approaching life that is a whole lot healthier and much more fun. This is what we have been working towards in this project for the last four months, but in the world for a very long time.

The dilemma is this, do we keep constructing a methods for the few to become wealthy and develop the lifestyle they want or the many.

 For the few let's take Apples published net profits for the last quarter ...  11.6billion, great for those involved and what a wonderful amount of money there is in phones and iPads..and I love my I pad.

Now the many are the consumers, something like 35  million phones sold, and 12 million pads, that's a lot of consumers who can afford these items...but you have to admit there is a considerable amount of money in the world being generated by consumer lead competition  and the creative development inspired by this technological demand.

So if we take a revolution of the mind as our technology, and create a competition between all people involved, not between each other, but within themselves to develop their subconscious creative thoughts,  by working with others to create financial rewards to a  potential goal of let say... one hundred million, we effectively have a game to play with life changing  rewards purely based on the level of self belief and personal development of those who choose to play, all of which will benefit from the project financially and personally.

This is the ultimate reality it is real life and not just for a few watched by an audience,  but a game that turns the audience into the gamers themselves in their own is a game, it's just how you play it that counts.

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