Sunday 27 May 2012

First phase of a business create or find a product you are passionate about.
Second phase of a business start selling it.


Rare as rocking horse shit, as in these days of  connectivity strangely  very few actually have the  balls to talk to people directly when it comes to asking for some cash, but that is how the world goes round.

When it comes to being a successful entrepreneur the ability to sell is essential, and one of the reasons the course is heavily focused for the first part about influencing people. To be honest, when it comes to business the most in demand skill to bring to any business party is the ability to sell and market a product, outside of that you have to put up with administrators and accountants.

Once you've got your product ready, and that means it's good value or a defined perceived  value, it's time to push the pedal to the metal and start selling. With any new idea it has to be sold into the Market because an explanation is necessary. We all know what hairspray does, it sprays hair with glue, it's a retail product that people go to buy when they want to stick their hair on.  A six week course is not a retail product, I have to convince someone that doing the course will increase their ability to make money and have success. That's not exactly that difficult as it's free but even so, free or not people will only invest their time if they can see a return.

When you run a business you need people who bring something to the party, and that comes in one of three areas, they bring money in the form of investment,   or they bring money in the form of sales, or they bring extra value. Investment you only need at certain times as theres always a price to pay for cutting up the cake, so the ones that are the most important are the ability to sell, or bring extra value. That means a skill or route  that you don't have, or don't have time to bother with. SEO Internet stuff is one of the things that is of use in the marketing hat, but outside of this sales is the one you need because it brings in the money.

In project about making money and personal achievement, the biggest part of the whole process is getting off your ass to make it happen and that means no just talking to people, it means selling and closing deals.

Now that can be done one at a time but that's a bit of a slow process, so common sense tells you the Market for people who want to make money and could do with and edge to get more are those in business, or selling for a living. When it comes to selling  the industry is pretty poor on the skill front, so the free first six weeks is a real give away.

Sales training I sell out at between 150 -250 per head per day depending on the numbers involved, but as part of this project to get in front of  teams of people who are money motivated and will be interested in the game, there's a whole load to play with as it's a sprat to catch a shoal of mackerel.

Making life easy is what this is all about, which doesn't mean being lazy and waiting for the world to do it all for you, it's using your head to work a little smarter to make one conversation count for many sales. In the business of sales and marketing there are three ways to do this;

The internet which is the biggest numbers.
Two, seminars so long as there good sales people to close.
Three, approaching people who have access to large groups of people who are likely to be not just interested but motivated by the money to take some action.

The more you embrace all three the better. Contacting a sales manager or business owner, or group organiser to see if they'd have a an obvious use for signing up for a free course on influence and persuasion is the quickest way. 

Remember the first level is about influencing seven players to play for their dreams, but it's also walking the walk and talking the talk.  So  if you've been looking at this from the stands it's now time to get your feet soaked and your hands dirty. 

Society bandies  this word of entrepreneur about all over the place which means that any person starting a business is regarded as one. The difference between someone starting a business and an entrepreneur is the ability to spot angles and stay the course, not just have an idea and stick their savings into it to keep it afloat, which is pointless, but why 95 % of businesses don't succeed.

Fortunately I'm not in business for the first time and I know exactly the ingredients I want to succeed. All to often people don't actually put much analysis in to why things go wrong or right, but they do have the habit of talking a lot of rubbish that doesn't make anyone any money because they are lost. I always know where I'm going because anything that takes me towards money is good and anything that seems to move me away is bad, its a pretty simple compass. 

 So often I get bored in board rooms because of all the absolute waste of time conversations going on, power point presentations and a whole host of double digit jargon that people enter into these days. Its like people have swallowed computers and just dish up words, no action just words. 

Well I'm back where I like to be, and that's in the take no prisoners sales driven role, driving forward. To be honest I like the cut and thrust of this end of the game as there's only so much creativity I can engage in before I feel the need to forge ahead.

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