Saturday 17 November 2012


Over the last ten months I've learnt a considerable amount about myself; my limitations, my beliefs, my hopes and even hidden desires. Life is about forgetting; the brain naturally files information away into needed stuff and background noise. But as time passes we forget the simple important rules to happiness ...the sun on your face and the crisp taste of morning air to start with. The hope of youth is the single most invigorating thought for me, and every day I now manifest that expectation into my life for as I've become older just like my body needing supplements to maintain a healthy lifestyle and  replacing bits that are no longer being churned out by my body, my mind requires a little more reminding than it used to.   The mental plane reflects the physical so more and more you need to get back to the purity of thought, the excitement that was once a natural occurrence. Looking for a new challenge is what keeps us alive, motivated and sane, completing a challenge keeps us on a path of meaning and purpose that without cause life would ultimately be a robotic existence.  Talking with a very successful entrepreneur the other day it was invigorating to be brought back to the kind of conversation I lack in daily life currently. The majority of people cannot join the dots, but for those few who can see angles it's a world of opportunity that knows no bounds. I'm firmly of the belief we manifest into our lives what we desire and create in our own environments, but you will also realise I have no doubt what we do and how we think evolves for a distinct purpose.. A higher purpose. For some of us we are born to focus on the dimension of creation in the here and now,  for others the higher purpose ..destiny guides our hands and events more than we will ever know in this life.  The subject of luck came to mind in the conversation, people just being lucky for it's own merit..but the mental approach of the individual determines how lucky a person is. Remember a few months ago when I placed high quality synthetic diamonds on the floor to watch how many people saw them, remember the fifty pound note that I saw on the pavement outside Tesco's that people were stepping over..but I didn't. But also needing to focus on your needs at the time..the money being returned to me after fifteen years last month.  Now my need is for an investor, a partner who will bring value not so much in the form of cash or wealth but value to the project. Someone who has ethics, and would like to maybe help their fellow man and woman towards a brighter future. That's what I'm looking for ....but the trick is to let that person come to me, not to force the issue but let the universe provide. It may take a day or a month but the stepping stone is essential... so that is where my focus is as well as the one million. Days are ticking by on the year since I started  this project, but in truth time is subjective to who is counting and why it's important to anyone, there's still a way to go but you never really know what life has in store round the next corner. What I do understand more than ever is a continuity of thinking is required, to adopt a focused pattern of thought..listen to the messages that come from friends acquaintances  and even the TV, these will give you the guidance to find your goal, it's just opening your ears and seeing with the right eyes that matters most.


I've been thinking a considerable amount about the way people approach life and the reasoning behind their decision making processes. Obviously this is not a new subject for me as my career has been spent analysing the mentality of prospective markets in order to influence them. When I say influencing I mean selling an idea or a product. Sales was never a numbers game for me, it was purely a skill game that once considered and refined would ultimately end up with a 100% closing rate. On one hand this is the pursuit of perfection for it's own sake and on the other a way to make a considerable amount of money in a short space of time, both have equally engaged my mind since my formative years.  With regard to the pursuit of perfection in sales presentations it is possible to sell at a rate of nearly 100% believe it or not, you just have to be on the ball and talking to prospects who have a need that can be created and for fulfilled  whilst you are in conversation with them. I've never been into repeated conversations or the build up of long term relationships, my sales focus has always been on getting people to make the decision to buy at the first meeting. To do this it takes research and a familiarisation period to understand any particular product and it's salient points, then a confidence building ladder to the ultimate closing goal. Self belief is essential combined with the firm conviction that every person will buy so long as you press the right buttons at the right time. My motivation in this proccess I worked out long ago was my fear of failure not my desire for success, or so I thought, but as the years have passes the success side has taken over.  Over the last year I've been at pains to analyse the barriers people put up in the sales process of selling one million, so I could over come anything negative for the money making formula to be accepted en mass.  First off as you will know if your read the book or the early part of this blog I took the task head on and tried to battle the full negativity of the human race. Rather stupid really as the exchange of energy put me in hospital with a debilitating disease that had me under the weather for a considerable number of months putting my schedule about as far back as it could go. The problem was conditioning, which basically meant I had a fight on my hands in good old blighty with people who defended the system and their right to be poor whilst also wanting to be rich, but as usual doing absolutely nothing about achieving their goal; more to the point taking every step to reject wealth and take subconscious steps to u undermine other peoples desires or a better life too. Very very few people actually were enthusiastic about getting anywhere in life, rejecting ...not the specifics of the program but the premise of the idea in principle. This means the conditioning the poor old Brits suffer; the brainwashing since birth is probably the most powerful on the planet. The acquisition  of wealth is for many looked upon as an underhanded enterprise, and those who seek more or achieve more must be doing something wrong to get their ill gotten gains.     They moan about how things are but never want to actually take a hand in making things better.  But for me it was a powerful testing ground to understand just how self defeating humanity can be. It's a shame really, as most people deserve better would like more but ultimately settle for third rate existences as well as jobs. The conditioning forces them to not only reject anything that could potentially threaten the established norm but also see change a a threat to their decision making processes to date. This is where change for the better falters as it makes a travesty of what's been before, so to justify the stupidity of the past as the right way to live, rejection of even the most obvious and simple change for the better is vehemently thrust to the fore. Is it any wonder that society fails to evolve from the primitive soup of it's origins a few thousand years ago. Thinking we live in a modern and evolved world is really rather stupid, for once you scratch away at the surface it's pitiful how ignorant people are for the greater majority. If we were truly living in an evolved society there would be no prejudice, hate, envy or violence. People wouldn't be having the simplistic difficulties they endure on a daily basis with themselves as well as their fellow beings. In this regard nothing has changed since the beginning, and unfortunately nothing will unless there is a sudden shift and awakening in people towards the realisation that it doesn't have to be this way ...if that is you take the path less trodden, and in this case it's the entrepreneurial path to freedom.  The basic premise of this program is to make large numbers of people wealthy , to redistribute wealth to the masses on a rapid basis in order to give a group the power to make real changes to society altering  the way things have been going down the toilet for far too long. High hopes indeed, but at least one of us is trying to make a difference to the world and that doesn't mean planting a silly tree to foster a green approach. No, here it means taking a more revolutionary approach towards enlightenment. It's all too easy to sit back and see our world through the discovery channel or TV fiction, it give us a complacency that whilst resembling a comfortable existence is ultimately bereft of any substance or meaning. Connectivity has increased but the quality of connections has undoubtedly diminished, the more we connect the more diluted the essence of our relationships with each other. Over the next couple of weeks I'm focusing on the subject humanity gets stuck on for the majority of the time..the accumulation of wealth. It comes at a price as undoubtedly the acquisition  of money is a full time pursuit taking the attention away from the meaning of existence. There are two ways to approach this subject. First is to go looking and try to force the issue, and the second is to allow opportunity to be attracted to you and have the gumption to take it by the hand when it appears and walk alongside to your desired goal. The latter is a leap of faith and most importantly the lesson that is hardest to learn but easiest to do. Faith in the unknown forces that surround us, guide us and help us if we choose to give in to who we truly are and the potential we tend to reject in favour of a wide screen tv and a smart phone. All the connectivity and rewards we need can best served by developing our relationships with ourselves and our fellow human kind, but we focus on evolving technology rather than look a little deeper into our own potential. It always seems to be the case, and of the two choices we can make for the majority life is a unsatisfactory stab at controlling existence  with a high propensity for failed expectations. Over the year this has become a resounding theme..the management of expectations. It's a very tiring way of living as people tend to look outside of themselves to blame others for failing to live up to their expectations however unrealistic. Management often means packaging peoples perceptions, massaging reality to fit the moment so no one gets up set. The truth is many people don't do what they should for fear of failing, their expectations are set way down low, just as much as they don't trust for fear of being let down or making a mistake. People for the most part do long for guidance  and certainty in life, a belief in something that will ultimately not be a let down as most thongs are. Politics, government, religion, relationships, it all promises so much but yields so very little in the long term..expectations never quite fulfilled. So what's the answer? Well I know what it isn't for a start, and that's the way we currently go at life. Insanity is definitely doing the same thing and expecting a different result, so I'm looking to do the same things but just in a different way..I'm giving in or is it all up to the guidance of the universe to take me in the right direction as well as keeping my eyes open for the every door and sign that is given to me. This is a ladder and it has to be climbed, but where as with my own steps before I often trod on a snake that took me back to the start just maybe doing things in a more intuitive way will yield the results I would like but cannot demand from life. One things for sure... I only have two choices.

Thursday 1 November 2012


Over the last month I've stepped out of the program to focus on my personal financial obligations this year. A long time ago I rejected the conventional way of working every day to have a few weeks holiday every year, instead I thought it would be a much better life if you could simply work a few weeks and take the rest of the year off. That's why last year I spent most of my time travelling in France, Italy, Hong Kong, and Dubai rather than all my days working. The benefit of looking at life in an alternative way is you step out of the norm, you engineer life the way you would like it to be rather than accept  the  rat trap of employment. Even those people who set their own businesses up are really swapping one form of employment for another ...mostly for more hours, less income and increased stress.  If you want to get rich you can't work for another person. If you want to get rich you have to have an exit strategy which means build a money making cash cow and sell it to the highest bidder. Remember everything has a beginning middle and an end so get in and get out ahead. Keep moving and keep being creative.