Saturday 17 November 2012


Over the last ten months I've learnt a considerable amount about myself; my limitations, my beliefs, my hopes and even hidden desires. Life is about forgetting; the brain naturally files information away into needed stuff and background noise. But as time passes we forget the simple important rules to happiness ...the sun on your face and the crisp taste of morning air to start with. The hope of youth is the single most invigorating thought for me, and every day I now manifest that expectation into my life for as I've become older just like my body needing supplements to maintain a healthy lifestyle and  replacing bits that are no longer being churned out by my body, my mind requires a little more reminding than it used to.   The mental plane reflects the physical so more and more you need to get back to the purity of thought, the excitement that was once a natural occurrence. Looking for a new challenge is what keeps us alive, motivated and sane, completing a challenge keeps us on a path of meaning and purpose that without cause life would ultimately be a robotic existence.  Talking with a very successful entrepreneur the other day it was invigorating to be brought back to the kind of conversation I lack in daily life currently. The majority of people cannot join the dots, but for those few who can see angles it's a world of opportunity that knows no bounds. I'm firmly of the belief we manifest into our lives what we desire and create in our own environments, but you will also realise I have no doubt what we do and how we think evolves for a distinct purpose.. A higher purpose. For some of us we are born to focus on the dimension of creation in the here and now,  for others the higher purpose ..destiny guides our hands and events more than we will ever know in this life.  The subject of luck came to mind in the conversation, people just being lucky for it's own merit..but the mental approach of the individual determines how lucky a person is. Remember a few months ago when I placed high quality synthetic diamonds on the floor to watch how many people saw them, remember the fifty pound note that I saw on the pavement outside Tesco's that people were stepping over..but I didn't. But also needing to focus on your needs at the time..the money being returned to me after fifteen years last month.  Now my need is for an investor, a partner who will bring value not so much in the form of cash or wealth but value to the project. Someone who has ethics, and would like to maybe help their fellow man and woman towards a brighter future. That's what I'm looking for ....but the trick is to let that person come to me, not to force the issue but let the universe provide. It may take a day or a month but the stepping stone is essential... so that is where my focus is as well as the one million. Days are ticking by on the year since I started  this project, but in truth time is subjective to who is counting and why it's important to anyone, there's still a way to go but you never really know what life has in store round the next corner. What I do understand more than ever is a continuity of thinking is required, to adopt a focused pattern of thought..listen to the messages that come from friends acquaintances  and even the TV, these will give you the guidance to find your goal, it's just opening your ears and seeing with the right eyes that matters most.

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