Wednesday 21 March 2012


At any time in your life you can suddenly find yourself lost, without purpose or direction. It can be an unsettling time, but a necessary evolution. If you believe life to be the evolution of the species (with a load of pointless random events leading to your ultimate demise, but retaining the potential benefit of the survival of your blood line), what happens to you and the actions you take will have relatively little meaning other than being in line with the personal and social values put upon you.

Now theres a concept to get your head around. 

If however, you see a greater purpose to your existence and aspire to live in a manner congruent with the often transient and hidden purpose you have, you will realise that each event in your life is a doorway, a path and a choice for you to take or make, that will ultimately serve that purpose. 

The failing of humanity will always be encapsulated in the word 'choice', purely for the reason that so many of us have the propensity to continue to make the wrong ones. Relationships... personal, businesses whatever the choice,  you will confronted with the prospect of doing the same thing, albeit with different cloths on, or changing your ways. Groundhog day, deja vu, whatever the name you call it, if you analyse your life, the more decisions you make the more times you will be faced with similar scenarios. Some people make relatively few decision in their life, so their capacity to analyse the similarities are less focused. But we all suffer the same archetypal experiences, or should I say cycle of birth, growth, maturity, decay and death, in everything we do. This  means ideas, relationships, projects, and phases of our  lives within the overall journey of life. The main plot, with sub plots, adding up to the overall journey of your life.

Depending on your influences, ie  parents, education and social conditioning etc, you will be looking forward to 72 virgins, heaven or hell, rebirth as a small rodent, nothing, another life or whatever else those who are in a position to influence your thinking will tell you. Free thought, is a bit if an illusion once you hang your hat on a belief, and you are going to spend an awful lot of time and energy either not believing in anything, believing in something, or convincing yourself everyone else is wrong, as you have a handle on the right idea just because of geography. Thats right, geography, not the most loved subject at school, but none the less one of the most influential in your personal make up. 

The last time I was in Dubai, as usual I spent some time questing people's faith. It's an annoying habit, but one of my favourites. On this occasion a Muslim. The question in hand on belief on this occasion, was simply the locality this gentlemen was born in, culturally adopting the faith of his family, friends and community. Now choice in this instance, was taken out of the equation by birth location and honouring those he loved. But, if he had been born in Belfast say, he might not have adopted that faith.

Well the argument back would be the guided  hand of God on the geography of his birth. And this indeed would be true, for if you believe in a religion, religion will provide your answers, if you believe in science, science will provide your answers, because the law of attraction and the power of the universe gives you exactly what you ask for, so the great creator of everything is responsible for geography too.

So coming back to feeling lost at 20, 30, 40,50,60,70,80,90 or 100, my apologies to anyone over 100 who is feeling a bit lost with this post and I didn't mention them, there are a whole host of influences that may be responsible for this ' lost' feeling at any one time. It's a natural feeling when life doesn't quite add up and you've got to ask what's the point? Because all that you are being told doesn't  quite add up either. 

It's time to take a step back, go with the flow a little and rely on the ultimate purpose of your life to guide you. Intuition, second sight, premonitions, dreams, they can all be deceiving as they can be influenced by your conditioning, but if you ask me what I use as a barometer for direction, it's usually a consensus of all my available senses, I ask the question I need to know the answer to and I feel the answer. It's not that easy to relax and go with the flow especially when things appear to work out strangely, but put yourself in the position of the universe, you ask for a bike for Christmas, you want a bike, you need a bike, so the universe starts to put the wheels in motion to open the doors and give you the opportunity to get a bike. Maybe it's not going to be in time for Christmas, as time is not as important to the cosmos as to you, so don't be impatient, just keep focussing on what you want.

There are however practical exercises that can help your focus, such as setting a Timeline, which is a great NLP technique infinitely more powerful than goal setting. It really has the power of defining plans, crystallising strategies and giving motivation and direction, and if used properly, can be a life changing experience as well as an excellent life or business building tool.

Direction and purpose are essential to develop as a person, but placing your faith in money and fame to for fill this need, is going to be a very empty cup, albeit a fun ride if you  get there. In a world of connectivity dominated by voyeurism and the desire to be seen, sometimes the real point of your 'being', can be lost on a Facebook page of friends who you don't know, or in tweeted followers you will never meet.

Other than the fact there might be a few people worth knowing at the end of your Internet connection, you could be forgiven for mistaking the number one personal relationship in your life, just like me right now, is with a machine. However this blog is here to help people on a course find success and build a unique organisation, so there is an ultimate purpose worth investing time in. Out side of that,  it's not surprising people feel a little  lost sometimes.

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