Thursday 1 March 2012


One of the most important aspects of success is doing something you love, and it's never too late or early to do them. Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to once again meet another inspiring individual. Aseri Katanga. He spent twenty years in B&Q rising in the ranks to become their top employee, at which point he was given the opportunity to return to Africa to explore his roots. Inspired by the children's desire to learn,  Aseri, set up his own company to provide computers to African children by taking old ones from the UK. He now has 9 warehouses all over the UK supplying Africa and is a major success story in his own right. Today, I met two young lads from Croydon, who had the inspirational spirit of youth and determination, who I am sure will go far. Luke and Simbu, will be joining the program at 17 and 18 years old, and represent the kind of raw entrepreneurial enthusiasm this program is designed to foster. Already, not only trying out ways to find success, but also analysing reasons of what works and what doesn't, adopting the mind set of success from an early age. To become rich, if that is indeed how you determine success,( my preference is rich in all that life can give you, the freedom to do what you want) the fundamentals that are more likely to afford opportunity to you are based around not only your personal circumstances, but you attitude towards them. For example, opportunity never comes in the cloths you expect, usually it's a door presented to you that you alone have the choice to step through. If you have no obligations or financial commitments, it is far more likely you will try each door, but the older you get, disssolusionment, jaded thoughts, and the influence of others not so inclined to see your vision, can all take their toll on your potential to realise your dreams. Indeed, at a young age you may not of known what your dreams were, just a vague idea without focus that sends you randomly in one way and then another, until you get to a point where you really are a little lost in life. The feeling of being lost and not knowing which direction to take, or what to believe in can strike or creep up on you at any age, especially when we have built a level of security around a job, career or person, and for whatever reason doesn't quiet live up to our expectations.  At this point you may question the meaning of existence, your purpose, whats it all about anyway? If you haven't got a handle on the purpose of the journey, you can hardly be expected to be very enthusiastic about getting to a destination, can you? For some this is a philosophical question far too big to even bother to think about; far easier to just float and wander through life hoping you'll bump into success, or just settling for what comes your way. To get what you want you have to idealise, visualise, and materialise your goals. There are however, three things that will determine how successful you are to get this process to work. One, are you negative? Two, are you neutral? Three, are you positive? And just for fun, let's throw a forth one in there, do you oscillate between all three? It's all to easy to adopt negative traits, and the desire to attract others over to your way of thinking, rather trying to take action and do something about it, becomes a habit. I see it in groups all the time.  So many reasons not to do.... time, commitments, apathy, indecision, not right for me, not sure, don't want to fail, if I take part I might fail..... the list is endless. Once again, I return to the goal of this take the reluctance to do anything that resembles success based thought from 98% of people plus, and turn the tables, so only 2% are apathetic. Forget 2% let's make it 100% success minded people, can you imagine the power of humanity. Simba, has a dream of a wonderful house, a target to aspire to, he reminds himself of his target all the time, and carries a picture of his dream. He shows it to others, but some think he is silly to have such a dream, maybe even resent him a little because he believes he can aspire to want such a house. What makes him so special to want more than us? Well the first thing, he has a dream he blows life into every day.  If you want yours to come true, you have to live, breath and do whatever else your can do, to manifest that creation into reality. Simba has a goal, one he believes in which other people would possibly rather he put down, maybe it makes them feel bad about themselves as they have lost, or never aspired to have such a dream. Personally I think it's fantastic, it puts Simba in the world of achievers, and his mind set is an example to people of every age. It's good to see two young people with so much in common, because as I have said before, if you surround yourself by like minded people, you've taken the first step to success. But don't try to ride off their energy, develop your own, condition your mind to give not take all the time. Energy is all around us, and to feel it you have to start to open your mind to it, but by opening yourself, you have to be aware that others can steal that energy from you... oh so easily.  Energy is enthusiasm, it's motivation, it's ambition, it's dedication, it's power to be whatever you want to be. It's thinking in positive creative ways that make you laugh and smile, maybe make others laugh and smile. What is it... 43 face muscles to frown, 17 to smile? Actually that's not correct, but what is, if you smile you feel happier and in a happier frame of mind you'll be more positive, and if your more positive you'll be healthier, people will find you more attractive, and you'll find life opens up. Alternatively if you surround yourself with negative people they will resent your happiness and steal your energy. The 24 week course is specifically created to give you more power to create your reality the way you want, as well as recondition your mind for success based thinking, rather than the negative patterns you may have built up without even knowing. The first part of the course is an analysis for you to see just where your focus is. Funnily enough most people actually lie to themselves in the test, which from an outsiders point of view gives a strong indication of your mind set. It's always good to remember the five perceptions of life...and try to unify them. How I perceive myself How I would like others to perceive me How I think others perceive me How others do perceive me How I actually am  

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