Saturday 31 March 2012



Ignorance is the single biggest foe to humanities rise to claim it's true power. Ignorance in all it's forms breeds fear and aggression, pushing people away from their potential, closing down minds from connecting with the power of the subconscious, to create and manifest all the wealth and riches life has to offer.

To manipulate the masses you need to promote ignorance and fear by seeking to divide and conquer.... actively creating a society of mistrust. The fact is we are all the same, just at different stages of the same journey, we all have the same needs, wants and desires, just differing levels of want and desire dependant our life experience, conditioning and expectations.

By developing easily learned  universal skills with it's members, this program is designed to rapidly accelerate those who participate in areas of mental acuity  available to all of us right now.  The knowledge of how to easily develop communication skills, business sense and personal confidence are new to 99% of the population; the majority  live without a plan or guide to life,  combining a  limited understanding, with a  lack of  patience and love for their fellow man.

As a society we overwhelmingly accept darkeness and ignorance into our lives rather than seeking to enlighten our existence with understanding. Darkness breads fear, hence why so many people hide from reality more than ever before.

  The speed of development of society is led by those who want more from life, those who are no longer prepared to accept the lies an misinformation that plagues the human race, from the top to the bottom.

Banks run the world, not governments.  Banks  at the highest levels lend  money purely to influence world politics in order to make more money. With bankers and their paymasters  as the ruling classes, it's only natural the world will follow the inevitable path of decisions for profit where ever that may lead, despite whatever green and ecological cloths they wear for the moment.

Goverments , well what can you say, the most ineffectual management system for the people, but perfect for keeping things exactly the same.
Politicians seem to have no choice but to seek their own ends within a system that styefuls change at every turn.

People... People who live so far beneath their true power as individuals and  as a race, for the most part wanting more. Many feeling like they don't belong to the 'normal' group, but cornered into conformity by a world  more than ever a widening  division of the haves and have nots...those left behind wondering why. The why will always be there until people claim the power that each and every one of us has as a God given right to manifest, to create our lives with infinite joy and purpose.

This project is a combination of the pragmatic skills of entreprenuerialsm and influence combined with the power of the subconscious mind. The One Hundred Million Mission is positioned to provide its members with every known technique available to enhance both the personal  quality of life and financial expectations of those involved. All the information is provided at a value that both makes it available to anyone with £100, as well as an immediate income for promoting the project. It is the first course that actually pays you more financially the more you put into mastering the information.

We seek to create a unique mentoring organisation that literally does what it says on the tin, gives anyone who has the ambition and dedication to make a million the method to do so, and as such up to 95 % of the £100 initial cousre fee is available back to all those inolved.

In each city the first 100 members will receive a .50p share of each sale for supporting the venture from scratch. The marketing will receive £35 of each sale for making change a reality. The individual who takes on responsibility to lead the One Hundred Million Mission in each location will receive £10 of each sale. That means 95% of the returns will be given to those people who have the vision to lead their own lives away from the conditioning that holds them back, to open their minds to the power of their subconscious, to have the courage to develop their skills and knowledge, as well as help others to the same goal. 

This is the first project of it's kind to give to the people who want more from life every personal and financial opportunity to make a difference today to the world we live in.

It's amazing just how many people like things to stay just the way they are, it's like evolution never existed for some, but for others the evolution of the mind, the body and the spirit into one healthy congruent being is the most important goal in life, and a course worth signing up for.

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