Tuesday 16 October 2012


Visionary. It's been a week since my last post and for a very good reason. For those who have been following this blog you will be under no illusions that this is a very personal journey. I have mentioned that some people go and climb Everest or sail the world to make a stament to themselves about life. For me I'm aware there is an Everest, or a journey of discovery inside all of us, it's just having the courage to lay it on the line and go for it.  All very motivational, but that's not what I'm looking for. Personally I'm testing the beliefs I hold and what I'm told. What is conditioning and what is truth? Not so much how does the universe work.. but can I get it to work for me as it's always been anyway, but a little more with me at least directing my steps in reality not in my ego. I'm not a scientist looking to take things apart to discover how things work. I know a table exists out of atoms and molecules, we exist out of atoms and molecules...although I've never actually seen either..and the knowledge doesn't actually help me on a dally basis. Still I am interested in the unseen workings of the universe we live in and ultimately it's purpose, but not for the benefit of theological discussion or just knowing a bit more than the other fellow, I want a practical understanding and the ability to see with open unencumbered eyes that are almost at times impossible to see through as the glasses of 20/20 vision have been so scratched and scraped by society and conditioning, it's barely possible to make out what's right in front of you all of the time. Over the last month the financial ramifications of pursuing this goal began to build. My ability to attract wealth as part of this project is ultimately geared to my mental state..anxiety, stress, panic or relaxed. All I will say is I'm testing my beliefs to the core and will most certainly reveal over the next few days the results. Whilst it's difficult to stay on this path as the cost is considerable, I believe the pay off will ultimately be worth the effort. As you know this is not just about money, in fact in many ways it could be seen as the very reverse. I could spend my time like the rest of humanity with my nose firmly embedded into the work grindstone of subsistence survival sanitised with a few materialistic trappings from time to time to make the whole affair palatable... I've been trying this out for a couple of weeks to see just how much people suffer, and I have to say I cannot for the life of me understand how people not only live this way but also identify and defend their choice to do so. I guess it all started way back when as youngsters people had dreams long since forgotten or beaten out of them, only to be replaced by the routine of 'normal' daily life. I like the idea if a better way, not the way it's aways been. Yes life evolves or seems to with every new gadget or I Phone that is released, but are we truly any better off. Listening to recent events of the Lance and Jimmy kind I can't help wondering what individuals in society can people actually have faith in. What is true, and what are the conspiracies that hide beneath the surface of our sanitised world. When I mention conspiracy, that's not a theory by the way,  it would be a very naive individual who considered these people as lone operatives in society. To survive and prosper the support of people of influence is essential. So what of this project how can people believe in its purity. That's been the question I've been trying to find the answer to and one that has perplexed me for most of the year. The key has always been to create a facility anyone could adopt to make the same goal, to work with others to achieve individual and group goals as one, and to date it's been rejected on many fronts. But as the days pass new ideas form and new events conspire to develop alternative insights into how I can resolve these issues. Ultimately its about packaging and sales because although the product works..it's getting people to buy into it that matters the most.

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