Friday 29 June 2012


Success is a wonderful jewel and also a drug. Endorphins are released into the brain like happy pills of pleasure, unique to the individual but craved by us all. The power of success is such, there can be no other way of life to contemplate after your first real taste.

For me the success jar has to come with a certain label stating honour and integrity stamped on the side. Values etched on my psyche from an early age by my parents as both my strength and my failing. Failing purely because without them I would have wreaked havoc on the business world through underhanded doggy dealing of a kind rarely seen, but extremely profitable. I would have run a boiler room and used my skills of influence to sell fictitious shares from the Philippines and made quite literally tens of millions in a couple of years. But alas my conditioning is strong, much as the dark side might tempt me I am unable to succumb. It is this reason and no other I have lost so much money in my life, but also my greatest strength as it allows me to move in a fairly unique world rarely glimpsed by the majority in business and have meaningful success of not just a financial nature.

The underlying threads of change running beneath this project are fundamentally quite alien to the personal and business world more akin to enlightenment than pocket filling. There in lies the beauty, to fuse together a food for the mind, fill the  material stomach and quench the thirst of the spirit is a great enterprise for all people. 

The trick to successful marketing is to find a niche and exploit it, the niche we have found lies in everyone whatever their age, circumstance or background, a niche that lies in the back of all men's and women's minds, the desire to want more and be better than they are, as well as find  true meaning in a world that seems a little corrupt and not, how shall we say, all that at first sight somebody would like you to think it was.

The Success Game started in us all when we were born, and where you are right now, what you see in the mirror is a reflection of how you have managed to play so far. If you would like to do a little better or have more ambition to satisfy, then the Game will turbo your future through skills, knowledge, and creative thought.

The Game is there for everyone, all are equals with exactly the same opportunity and that includes me.  I have constructed every aspect of the games mechanics to be highly optimised and automated by the players themselves. There is no management or hierarchy, just a simple administration. As we are all players we are all equal,  in world of division and fractional peoples ready to lie, cheat, steal, and hurt others for their own and their groups ends, the Game provides a singularly unique and pure structure to unite all in a common knowledge,  understanding and goal.  The £100 is a token payment not to the game but to yourself to commit to success. For this sum you will receive a 24 week course , an agency vehicle of 70% share as well as a formula to take you to the million pounds if you can make the right choices we guide you in over the 21 weeks and three sections of the game. 

 In the first stage, the stage of influence you will learn the skills of conversation... how to win friends and influence people by having a structured natural conversation, imbibing others with your enthusiasm not for your own accomplishments but theirs, finding their goals and creating the opportunity to help them succeed. This you will accomplish with seven strangers attracted to you not out of controlling influence but something a little more powerful. These are your seven contestations of success, no one else's, they are yours and yours alone to idealise, visualise and manifest into reality. They are purely symbols of your success in mastering the skills of influence, motivation and leadership, nothing more. These conversations are not about money, they are about giving. If you give a piece of yourself in helping others your investment will be returned ten thousand fold and in like kind.

Remember every choice you make right now takes you either closer or further away from your own personal million in 21 weeks, so think carefully every time you choose a short term need over your longer term goal as there is  a huge value attached to your choices. The result of your choices will be determined by just how much of the million is there at the end of the 21 weeks, how much you have wasted and frittered on whatever it was that you did during the time you played the game. 

You start now with a million in one hand, and in the other you will place meetings, distractions, work, commitments, friends, illness, laziness, and apathy, each one will have a direct effect on your million, a direct cost to you. You may not think it matters at the beginning because 21 weeks is a long time away, but time passes and just like real life the sum of your success today is the sum of all your choices to date. The success game is a training ground for you in making the right choices with all the financial pain in your pot of one million when you get to the end of making the wrong ones.

Let me put it another way, you will have to decide what your priorities are...let's say missing a meeting at the end of the game will cost you 10k, would you miss the meeting? At the beginning it will mean up to  100k maybe even the full million, that's the choice you will need to make and live's you life choose wisely.

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