Saturday 23 June 2012


Most of us see what we want to see in life most of the time and not necessarily what's there.

Our minds are divided from reality by a filter of distortion, deletion and. generalisation. As we get older we also channel experiences into rivers of familiar thought, finding similarity and not necessarily truth in the connections we make. 

Then on top of this you have the conditioning we all suffer at heart playing it's on tune or melody in the background for so long you don't actually hear it anymore or even know the original composer of your personal symphony of the mind.

With all this is it any wonder we make a considerable number of strange self defeating errors from time to time, repeating behavioural patterns of the past that can become increasingly entrenched in our daily lives.

Keeping positive between the ears against all the odds is a trick in itself, but fortunately one you can learn very quickly given the right support and path to follow. Remember the mind is extremely addictive and becoming addicted to positive behaviour is like becoming a junky of life. The drug of happiness is there for any of us to inject into a throbbing vein if we choose to, but it's taking the right choice that matters. 

In a summer with the weather so wonderful it's not surprising people get depressed, but it's still a choice, you have the choice to concentrate on the drugs of your mind of happiness rather than the negative ones. If England win tomorrow we can extend the pleasure and the pain of the quest for an elusive cup. Staying in the game is something we all strive to do even when the odds seem stacked against us...but 'seem' is the word we need to focus on.

In truth the reality of any situation is as we make it, as well as how it should be. We all have a higher purpose in life not just for our own gain or service, we all play a part in the greater picture and as I've said before we are all small cogs is a great big machine, but none the less very important ones ..each and every one of us ...and that includes you.

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