Saturday 16 June 2012


The powers of the universe are a funny old thing, and at the moment rather strange. Sometimes it would be hard not to feel there was a malevolent force at work placing difficulties in the way of the project. 

Over the initial months we suffered a consistent fight with individuals and  organisations who made it difficult to expand. Then, just as the momentum was taking hold I suffer a very uncomfortable virus that has left it's mark. Over the last couple of weeks we  have had a hacker on the server playing  havoc with the emails which haven't gone out and caused the sites to suffer loading problems.

If you are going to start an enterprise you have to commit body and soul to bring the spawn of your creative mind into the world and nurture it through those initial hard won times to let it grow into your vision. This is a lonely road of self belief and hard questioning. On this project, the troubles are compounded by the initial rules I set out of only using £100 to create the enterprise. Many businesses fail due to under funding, this one doesn't have any, which is a bit unusual but nonetheless exiting as everything we do is a first.

I met a young gentlemen yesterday who immediately impressed me with his drive and enthusiasm. This is the primary driver behind success, for without it you will go no where. Look in the mirror and decide how motivated you are, and then ask how focused. I you're working 40 hours a week to gain a wage and you have the opportunity to make considerably more sums for far less work, maybe you owe it to yourself to re evaluate your focus.

A hard and fast fact here is that YOU are meeting seven people away from making a million. That's it. Meeting seven new people over the next couple of months. The young fellow yesterday was capable if doing it in a day and if he applies that skill in the right direction he will make a million too. I find this an extraordinary prospect, and one that puts a smile on my face every day. Just think you are right now seven people away from your dream lifestyle, thats all. How many people have you met in your life and what is the total value of all that interaction financially. Not a million I'll bet.

At the moment I love to invite people to kick holes in this ABC and no one has come up with a reason why they won't make a million, but true success is getting of your arse and doing, taking action and as I always say it's not who you know, it's what you do with them that counts.

So come on you doubters you skeptics,  put your money where your mouth is in front of an audience  and tell those people why they won't make a million. If you can convince them I'll pay your registration, and if you can't you can buy everyone a drink in the room.

So the next time someone says I'm skeptical, make sure you've got your wallet with you and not just verbal diarrhoea.

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