Wednesday 13 June 2012


Another meet up event to see who I run into. The law of attraction is here again, and I have to say it's a great force to have on your side, even though I can't resist using the old skills of influence or beat up in my  case. Finesse went out along time ago with me as my impatience with peoples pride in wearing the sceptics badge about everything I find unbelievably stupid.

Well, it's my own fault for believing more in people than they do in themselves. 
95% of people I talk to use the language patterns of failure and you have to be careful otherwise it sucks the energy out of you. English guys are the worst, they really are the ones least likely to benefit themselves or the project. Unfortunately every time I talk to them it's like watching a train crash in slow motion, as the negative conditioning that seems to grip our English society wraps it's tentacles around the minds of the indoctrinated. In simple businesses with no skill, success based behaviour, or knowledge, just a hope for the best attitude. 

Other nationalities have so much more to offer in the way of intuition, ambition and potential. They posses the simple common sense of knowledge is power, well half the equation , a skilful application is necessary.

That said I met a few individuals with potential, but more importantly refined the pitch into a simple challenge.  Obviously it depends on what they are looking for and their motivation, but it is important to talk directly to people and the one question that makes this task easy is ' would you bet on yourself to make a million in 21 weeks.' Its a double bind, as the ego says yes but but the left hand side of the brain says how, and the right is scared as it knows to say yes means it's getting involved without understanding the implications.

The brain, it's a funny old thing.  


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