Friday 8 June 2012


My first attempt at public speaking yesterday, and not so bad. A room of would be entrepreneurs with lots of  ideas but not much focus on the money ball, or even a hope of recognising the money train. That said I met a handful of individuals who impressed me, and that's really anyone who hasn't got their nose firmly up the backside of the Internet for their total inspiration. What would these people be doing without the good old web, but on the other hand if it gets people thinking in more 'can do ways' that's all to the good, but one does feel you have to remind them that it's all not about followers to make you feel like your liked, it's actually seeing business as the transmission of a service or commodity, an exchange that creates money or value. It's creating an idea and putting it into practice, taking action and then having the business savvy to make money and keep it. 

Seeing where the money is, is a key skill of an entrepreneur otherwise you end up wasting your time, and time is precious. Still the naivety of youth was the order of the evening, however there were a few who posed the insight to ask more questions. Asking questions, the right questions is one of the keys to success in business, you have to acquaint yourself with the old journalists friends of who , what, why, where, when and how. Without asking you won't find out the essential information to make vital decisions on, and a few bad decisions is all it takes to put your ideas down the toilet.

I always have to ask myself would I back these people with money, would I risk my cash on their enthusiasm. It's not just the idea that's important it's the people involved. I feel a bit like Mr Sugar on his search for an apprentice, although I'm not short, Jewish, have multi millions, and I'm looking for 100 partners, not passengers.

My old friend scepticism reared his head as usual, why people hang onto that most useless of concepts I'll never know, can't say I've ever suffered from it and none of the successful people I have ever worked with ever used that word. It's just not in the vocabulary of those driven to success. Scepticism seems founded in doubt, lack of understanding, fear, an inability to analyse and ask the right questions, any of these are a killer when it comes to making money. But for those who focus on the old question 'what's in it for me?', and capable of seeing  others have a different agenda to themselves, then they are taking the first steps to understanding potential, as well as developing their own.

Recognising value is another key to being successful. I've always sought the council of those who had been further down the road than me, it's the only way to find out what's  round the bend. This knowledge is priceless, simply because it cuts down the amount of time you waste walking in the wrong  direction, or the rather large juggernaut just about to run you down.
The project comes under many headings... get rich quick( the one I so love) social change, personal and business development, training, a game, coaching, team building call it what you want, but more importantly what you like. If you would like this to give you the opportunity to create the lifestyle you want that's there, but as I always say, the ABC is in place, it's just the person in the mirror that will stop you getting what you want. 

After listening and talking to people last night, I know I'm looking for individuals who have the capacity to actually do, not just say. I think being ill for the last month has taught me a lesson and that is I have to concentrate even more on getting the 'right' initial 100 partners. This project has become very important for a variety of reasons, not just simply making money although that is indeed always a benefit, but there is more to it. I've always been at pains to make sure this is about working together to a mutual end and goal, for working together is the only way we can really achieve great things in very short spaces of time. 21 weeks in this case. It is not about I, it is about us.

A great benefit of having such a free creative enterprise to work within is the ability to rebrand and optimise the business by testing the market and opening new ones. The aim is to find a balance where everybody finds their own particular interest in becoming involved. It's a hard ask to please all of the people all of the time, and some would say that's silly, but I come from a background where  a closing rate of a 100% was the target. It took me a while to learn how to get there, but it is achievable, you just have to practice and learn.

Dividing the project into three areas is the next essential stage. As you will appreciate, we've been looking for players at one entry level and seeing what works. One of the most important aspects is the facility to work with other people and learn. Learning in this game isn't like school, it's real life where everything that you experience is either a door or  a message to success, and as such you have to recognise the nature of what is presented to you and act upon it.

As I have mentioned the game is divided into three distinct seven week sections of influence, motivation and leadership. Why this is, is simply anyone who ever got anywhere in the success stakes was always a master of these skills. Now I'm looking for three distinct skills sets for the partners. Remember this is a flat structure, that means their is no real hierarchy as we are all teachers and students in the game of life, but in any ship their has to be a management team, that's why if you already have the skills to inspire motivate and lead, you might want to come at this form another angle.

So for those who would like to learn the art of success and earn with the potential of making the million, you will need to learn some basic skills of life and business. Fo success is not just financial it is a in your relationship, your career and personal well being. These are our first level of players...Apprentice Partners. As with any business the first lesson is learning sales, how to present and promote, skills like NLP, hypnosis, social dynamics and earning from success.

Second is Business partners.
Individuals capable of managing events, arranging events such as book camps and seminars. Capable of public speaking, training and motivation, they may have a specific skill or discipline   they can bring to the table or teach.

Third is a Regional Partner. People capable of taking a structure and implementing in from start to finish. This means the capability to lead right from the off, recruit, train, motivate and drive forward. A regional partner will want their own ship, be capable of manning it, as well as steering it to success. True entrepreneurial thinking drive and maturity are essential.

 Each level is a training exercise in it's own right, requiring a different  level of comment. These are all partners, and as such require a differing level of Financial commitment based on the level of involvement. Getting into business for £100 with a group of seasoned entrepreneurs is a fantastic opportunity for anyone with the ability to recognise it. But as I have always said the difference between a successful person and one who is not, is the ability to see opportunity, act on it, focus, and have a sense for where the money train is. It's always there waiting for you, you just have to buy a ticket.

From one evening a week for the apprentice to full time for the regional partner. The rewards are substantial and the experience is invaluable.

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