Monday 4 June 2012


Now one of the most difficult aspects of this project is signing myself over to the universe to give me the opportunities necessary to achieve the goal. Having sent the majority of my life adopting a hither to controlling stance, it has been very difficult to relax back into this, the conditioning  of a life time is always ready to jump into any breach of faith, or creak up from behind when I'm not looking. 

The last month has been fraught with the ups and downs of an illness that has  for the greater part rendered my controlling side inept, which maybe is for the best and one might say opportune in it's timing. The frustration at having to cancel three weeks of events is frustrating but that's the way of life, with best laid plans being set a side. What you do have to remember or in most cases be reminded of is whilst we can influence and control our destiny's, there is also a greater purpose in life that is always working behind the scenes. It actually is the purpose of your life you have to pay respect to from time to time even those our days seem to take us well away, but whatever your believe or don't believe in, the lesson your going to learn is inescapable.

As I said faith is an important part of believing in what as yet is unwritten. It's like writing a novel without any guarantee of ever being published. Hours of work and concentration that may never be sold. It's only blind faith that keeps you focused on the task at hand. But this is the same as all endeavour, you never really know what's in store, but you kind of have try otherwise you end up spending life on the side lines. 

We all make mistakes, but only through making them, and lots of them, do we actually aspire achieve success, so  success is funnily enough the sum of all your failures.

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