Sunday 24 June 2012



It's tantalising just how close we all are to success, and tonight England showed just how true this is. 120 minutes of time to all spin on a few minutes when the future is written one way or the other.

The Italy in peoples minds is not a team but the lack of ability to see opportunity and take it. Making the right decision quickly and effectively is one of the bedrocks of success, but unfortunately one of the major areas people fail in again and again, and if there is failure this is it. Consistently 95% of people make the wrong decision and fail to get anywhere, somehow lacking any intuition or logical analysis of where the money is. Last week at the social meeting I met a gentleman who knew his problem was his lack of focus, he explained he needed guidance to resolve this problem. But knowing is one thing but doing is another, and during the week he has continued to follow type even when the path to resolve his self defeating behaviour is well known to him.

This is a common problem on two fronts. One the fear of stepping out of the security of your own limiting behaviour or jail, and the secondary gain of poor behaviour, in that it provides the excuse for never achieving your potential, take it  away and you have to face yourself . I have to say this is a pretty poor way to approach life and one based in fear ...fear of success, fear of failing, fear of everything.

People resist taking the easiest of steps to create their ideal lifestyle, and every opportunity to deny their own complicity in the failure. Society's failings are one thing, but the reason it continues to stumble along is those who drag along on it's shirt tales and drag us all down to a low common denominator with them. I'm all for helping people as a coach, but the age old technique I was taught when I first started to work is really the only solution...a slap round the face and kick up the arse. 

The truth is we are all seven conversations from success, it just takes the balls to have one and the rest will follow.

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