Tuesday 12 June 2012


So whats the difference between being rich and poor, what's the secret. Firstly recognising that you are poor is a good start. In our society 'the poor' are anyone who has to work for their money and want more. The rich are those who don't have to work and still want more money from the money that is working for them. From this we can deduce that true wealth comes from the ultimate  delegation  of the wealth creation exercise.

So if you can delegate making money to someone who is prepared to spend their time making you money, which is 95% of the population, you are firmly on the path to riches.

Secondly you will  need to adopt the behavioural mindset of an achiever. Fundamentally you always see the reasons to do, rather than procrastinate out of what you kid yourself is considered  analysis not to take action. 

Thirdly, adoption of the skills of influence, motivation, and leadership will go along way towards getting you over, under, around and through the hurdles you will face, with plenty of energy to spare to help your support troops to follow you to your goal.

Fourthly, a good healthy understanding of the four pillars of business , otherwise known as commercial skill, will make the task of building your money making castle one based on strong foundations and longevity, rather than sand.

This is a short breakdown of the secrets of success. We've designed the game so you can test your knowledge, your approach and your skills first hand , with a support network to give you every opportunity to master each one with a high theoretical reward of a million.

Why is it theoretical, well this is a unique training platform for success, and whilst the skills are taken from all the successful people we've modelled over the years and have certainly been the secrets they employed, this is the first time they have been put to the test under the learn/earn formula all be it a simple ABC. Learning is a given, as is earning, the question is how much? This can only be answered by you.

That said, it's Helenes birthday, so happy birthday Helene and many happy returns.

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