Thursday 11 April 2013

Zurich Experiment

Whilst it's been a while since my last post, I'm still very much alive and working. Having moved to Switzerland to live for a while, I've managed to get back into snowboarding during the winter and polish FatMan in the way the novel needed. I've submitted the concept to many agents over the last two months, and just like the overwhelming majority of authors it's been rejection all the letter saying sorry, or I will pass and it's not for me, after another. Sometimes it's difficult to keep the old chin up, especially when you read the biography of authors who say they only sent to two and everybody wanted to give them millions. But the world of publishing has changed over the last ten years, and everybody is looking for a dead cert. Not only that, but Fatman is an acquired taste, and would be attractive to mostly male's with an old fashioned English sense of humour. Too many people these days don't like the idea of someone taking the piss, or actually don't understand the art of doing so, so just like Fatman maybe I'm a bit of a dinosaur. That said, every time I'm a little down and wonder what the point of existence is, one read of a couple of pages of the book will have me in tears and laughing uncontrollably wondering what kind of absolute nutter wrote this sick I'm sure it wasn't me. I do have an agent nibble though, so we will see. As far as the one million project, I've had to do some really deep an analysis and investigation into what I'm up against, before we go again. Refining every aspect of the project from a point of what the inspirations are, knowing that all the troubles of last year were actually lessons to guide the future. Geography and circumstance of those who I approach is relevant, which is why Zurich is our next testing bed with the expats out here. It's a city with a small town feel, developed for banking with a very small entrepreneurial fraternity. Entrepreneurs aren't actually the Market for this alone, and probably not the mentality I'm especially going to connect with, as they are somewhat wrapped up in being an 'entrepreneur' , almost as if it's become a fashionable disease of the last ten years. But like all fashions, the movement of social focus is never ending and this is where I've spent my thinking. You see, it's quite easy at some points to feel the world is against you, that there may be some dark force at work battling away to keep power...and to be honest, you'd be exactly right, there is one...just not in such good and evil terms. More scientific, whatever that means. As I have touched on before, the group mentality studied in football crowds and demonstrations allows people to subconsciously connect and work and one entity, a bit like swifts in flight. Social behaviour fits into three distinct matrices, akin to the social structures of apes. The only difference being, that we as humans have the facility to create and move the pieces on the board, if we want to. But the matrices of behaviour are extremely powerful and move without thought of time or consequence, just power. So the beast is within us all, connecting our behaviour to it's own ends, this is my foe, but also my answer. For if we can tame the beast and use it for our bidding to create an evolved society, then we move forward. The Experiment is the structure we created, to see if we can tame this beast so to speak. Using all the knowledge of the hard fought battles of 2012, whilst I still bear the scars and suffer the effects of my headlong drive to take the first project forward and win to the detriment of my health, l've learnt a considerable amount about my own conditioning, fought my own battles mostly with myself, and now am ready to go again. Just this time, I have experience behind me, and this is the key to success, you have to travel a path, and be prepared to loose a few battles to win the war, for just as with FatMan, you have to meet winning and loosing, and treat both impostors just the same.

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