Wednesday 17 April 2013

Money ..The Perfect Relationship

Your relationship with money .. It's like dating but not quite. Why I use the word relationship is simply because you have one with everything around you, including yourself . Animals, trees, buildings, people and of course money. Ask yourself what you think and feel about the subject, how much do you value it in your life, how much does the subject control you? Are you an addict, are you a junkie, or are you into prohibition and the thought of money as the route to all evil. Do you find this paragraph offends your delicate sensibilities because it's a rude subject to talk about or focus on...just like kept behind closed doors ... You have a relationship with money and it's your attitude to that relationship that either attracts it to you or drives it away. Just reverse the roles, put yourself the position of money, if you were a bit of cash would you like the idea of residing in your pocket or sweat hands. Have you got lots of friends for money to play with, because it's very social and loves it's own kind. Do you say nice things about money and complement it each time you have the opportunity to do so...or do you resent it? Do you harbour a deep seated resentment over your own need for the stuff of dreams and the route to all desires. Can money fall in love with you, or are you more interested in acceptance and face book friends. It sounds all very silly, but it's not. Everything has an energy and will pass it to you if you are not only a welcome receiver, but a great channeller. This means where and how you channel a resource will determine it's attraction to you. Your expectations of a relationship are also important. If you don't expect or look for much, you are unlikely to receive. There are of course exceptions to this like lottery winners, but as that's not exactly a common event for the overwhelming majority of us, let's stick with what's likely. You see, your life is based around your expectations. Limit these and you limit what life can actually provide you with. Many many people actually resent money, and you have to ask why this, is and to who's benefit? Well, those who really have a lot would surely like you to have less rather than more, so there's a program that runs in our minds that helps this little equation's called conditioning. Do you think an investment banker hates or resents money, do you think their expectations push money away, no no no, it's in the breeding, the conditioning of our minds that determines how much wealth our expectations attract. When I discuss money with so many people these days, they actively get turned off by the subject, it's become a society of people who are looking for something more..a spiritual fulfilment maybe..but few believe in certainly not religion. So to reject the old ways of wealth creation for many is a sign of the allegiance to this new society of acceptance. Money is just an energy, and with it you can do far more in life than without it. Money can be used as a reason to exploit natural resources, cause wars and global warming if you like, or it can be used to provide/ build an alternative structure. Without it, I'm afraid you really are working with both hands tied behind your back. So think about your relationship with not just money, but everything you come in contact with, think about the relationship and how you would like to see things working out...think about your expectations and are they attractive to the energies that can make a difference to the world you live in. Ultimately, it is the reasons we think the things we do and the subsequent actions we take that make our life plan. The question to ask yourself, is this your plan or someone else's...and in this I'm not necessarily meaning your nearest and dearest. Why do you think in a pattern that determines your behaviour, and does that blue print on your mind lead you to life's riches or away from them. In this I don't necessarily mean money, for there are all sorts of wealth, but the key to happiness is freedom..and that means being financially free to choose how you lead your life. To determine if you have to ask yourself about responsibility, ie bills, dependants and desires. Then ask yourself how high on the list is your social responsibility to help your fellow man...and what do you do each day to either forget this or appease it? I'm interested in people who are interested in change, not just within themselves but within us all. Within ourselves, can involve the rejection of the trappings of the past, for a new suit of cloths...but are they the same jail out fit, that's the question? To be free you need the finances to cope with the responsibilities that surround your life, to change the bigger picture, a wealthier individual in both pocket and mind is a powerful ally. This is what the experiment seeks to create, a fusion between what on the surface seem opposing sides..fulfilment and money...but that's just a view that somebody somewhere would like us all to have, as it benefits the establishment.

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