Tuesday 16 April 2013

Patent the Wheel of Fortune

When I'm asked who I admire from history, I always say the guy/girl who invented the wheel. Unfortunately he/ she never patented the idea, but she/he did more for humanity than any person that ever existed, and anonymously. The wheel forms a part of everything we do in both a physical and mental sense. Look around, everything was made using the wheel in one form or another, and our lives go round the same daily, weekly, monthly circles of behaviour in work and relationships. A wheel is useful, but it's also repetitive. The inspiration behind this project it's to break the wheel of society that tends to bleed every bit of creative energy from our minds...it's called the suppression of the individual, in favour of the socially accepted norm. Once you get on the conveyor belt of life, through college, work, marriage kids and beyond, it's very easy to watch life disappear before your very eyes without actually doing anything for yourself. Ok, you might love your job, your partner and your kids, but do you think there might be a better way of living. Lying on a beach and earning 20%? of course the beach is metaphorical, because we all have different ideas about what we'd love to be doing... I like sailing and writing, as well as a lot of other things, and 20% doesn't have to be money, it can be gaining 20% more value out of life in rewards of a personal nature. The experiment is the antithesis of all the things I'd like to be involved in and an amalgamation of what everyone else likes to. A project that has to be rewarding, financially and personally, exciting, new, social, creative, constructive, evolutionary as well as revolutionary, progressive, and socially acceptable, adaptable, and fun...don't forget fun..it's the life blood of youth. Open to all, without barriers, hierarchy or ego. If that's a tall order try non competitive with a potential reward I theorised to be 5 million in 21 weeks, playing against your own mind. Not in competition with others, just yourself....you trying to be a more rounded human being. If your totally happy with all aspects of you, I'm looking for individuals who are....maybe kidding themselves .. In denial. For if we are happy with who we are now...life moves on and has the habit of leaving us behind. We are here to evolve each and every day...and the experiment is designed to give you a path to become you. How is simple, by explaining to you, why you think the way you do, and why others behave and think the way they do. And with knowledge you can either sit on it, use it, or use it and pass it on. The last option will take you to the 5 million if you want, but even if you are 99% unsuccessful in the program, you would still aspire to gaining £50 k in 21 weeks. That's the theory, here's the experiment. It starts with a few brave souls, people who think differently, rather than follow the herding instinct.

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