Friday 12 April 2013

The Beast Behind

To define what we are up against here, it would be appropriate to take a moment out and discuss the beast in a little more detail. Whilst we live our lives in what seems a fairly similar fashion, there are three fundamental groups in society, and have been since the time of the beginning whenever that was. They are easily recognisable, and live side by side for the most part, but at times there is open conflict. The first of these would be the hierarchal structure akin to chimpanzee society. This is for the most part patriarchal in nature, with a pyramidal structure just like the military or religious movements. They are power lead and power based, with a defined set of them or us behaviours you would expect from a gang mentality in it's simplest form. Submission to those above you is important, just as much as domination of those below. Power is administered from the top down, and as a social group is the one that always comes into play when survival is highest on the agenda, at which point the weakest are expendable for the good of the greater body. The second structure is typical of the gibbon world. The focus is on monogamy, couples building property and wealth together under the certainty and strictly enforced laws of the group. Any transgression outside of 'normal' behaviour is met with rejection and disgust by others. Where as the child in the hierarchal structure is at the bottom of the social order, in the gibbon society the child is protected, almost to a point of holding them back from the world. Finally we came to the bonobo group. A similarity would be the French aristocracy of the 18th century, with open excesses and a highly open level of acceptance of all behaviour. A matriarchal society, where the focus is on acceptance of a wide range of behaviours and sexual orientations. This particular structure takes hold when survival and wealth accumulation no longer matters, the focus is on acceptance and protection. The system is the reverse of the hierarchy where those higher in society such as celebrities are influenced from below by their followers, and the child is at the top of the pecking order. These three matrices of behaviour are easy to stop and pick out in our world, and it is also not so difficult to notice where other people align themselves. It is also a small window into understanding why those within one group might find the behaviour of another abhorrent and seek to destroy. Take the French revolution for example. In today's world, terrorism towards the west is based in part upon the same friction between matrices. The matrices of behaviour sits behind human groups, constantly gaining power and taking over, changing what it's unacceptable at one time or geographical location, to something that is acceptable. Take homosexuality, not long ago illegal, now a stronger part of society as the male looses it role in playing the man, (strength to defend or work is no longer required) and develops more of an understanding of female, in line with the need for acceptance. These are the social structures we are competing with. Each has it's time and it's place, but fundamentally over the years all that happens is the division of humanity between each belief system. By introducing something seen as more constructive than all three, that doesn't compete with all three, but gains weight by those who recognise going round the same old circles for thousands of years is a little pointless, may just be the answer we seek. Apathy is the most prevalent enemy here, and the reluctance to change. This is why we have to make it an easy simple choice to move forward, not a demand, just an obvious door for anyone to walk through regardless of sex, race, nationality or religion...these are all divisions that take us away from the facility to evolve. The experiment starts with this choice, do you think society could do better? And would you like to try to make a difference? The question to the mind is what can little old me do to make a difference? This is the step we all have to take, for it is in that very choice to either step forward or step nowhere, that we make things happen. You see, when 1000 individuals take one small step each in the same direction, that's one huge momentous leap. This is where each of us, whilst on our own seem without power, really matter. A wall is only as strong as the bricks that make it, the chain is as strong as the links. The format of change is irrelevant, it is the choice to take the step that is the key, for through our collective conscious lies all the answers. The choice is to stop absolving responsibility to elected leaders, blaming others for the problems we face, but realising we each and everyone of us has an equal part to play.

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