Saturday 20 April 2013

Getting Down To It

The transfer of knowledge and skills to people who would not be able to access these resources as a matter of finance or circumstance is one of the bedrocks of what we will be doing. Whilst the Internet provides a huge resource for people to pick over subjects, unfortunately this medium becomes clogged with too much information and subjective comment. An example of this is the difference between knowing theory or reading about a subject and actually taking the appropriate action in life. You can read a book on ice skating, but until you bang your head on the ice a few times, you won't really be making any headway and making the mind body connection that comes with mastering a new skill. Early in my sales consultancy career, I was working with a group of directors of a property company, advising on their sales strategy that in truth was non existent. The male ego of never accepting a lack of knowledge in an area, is something I often come up against, and in this circumstance one of the directors said 'I know all about sales because I've read loads of books on it'. Well read a book on F1 driving and then take a car out into the race...a trip to the hospital is likely. When I consult on sales, I'm often challenged by hardened sales people to try and sell their product before they will accept my advice. It's always a conversation killer when you step right in and just get on with it as if its second nature, but as I've consulted on most products over time, it is really quiet an easy trick to do. Selling a product to everybody, which is possible, takes an analysis of how your projective market thinks and what it wants, you then develop a selection of methods of deliveries, or pitches to choose from to suit the appropriate time and the person. You need to be adaptable and a chameleon of human nature so you can not just mirror the person you are talking to, but become them. This is to adopt their personality traits, both weak and strong, in this way rapport is built very quickly and deeply. This can have an effect on your own personality for a while..a bit of an energy drain, but to understand and relate to someone you really have to step not only into another persons shoes, but also their body too. I do it instinctively as I've been doing it for years, especially when I'm of a mind to sell something. Products are easy to do, because you can be completely dispassionate about them. It's a game and you are acting a part..a little like the method acting i used to teach. But in this project it's a little different, as the product is me, with an openness that is ultimately the purity that it requires. This leaves me a little open to the one thing that is my chink in the armour.. Rejection. One of the key motivators to why I was always so good at sales was not only a desire for the wealth and the freedom that profession provides, but also the pain of a 'no'. As I have mentioned before, the basic motivators in human behaviour come down to 'what's in it for me' as well as moving away from pain and moving towards pleasure, two very different motivators. Mine in sales was not so much the pleasure of the money, but moving away from the pain of rejection. As this is a very personal quest, the rejection by people for whatever reason, actually hurts when I open myself to their thoughts, conditioning and behavioural traits. This is a juggling act, for on one hand the inability of many people in our current society to focus for more then a few moments is growing considerably as well as the over kill on information that is waffle from behind a computer. I spent a considerable amount of time with individuals who suffer from dyslexia and ADHD, helping them to correct their limitations. Indeed I was dyslexic with atrocious spelling and difficulties reading, until I took the right steps to resolve these issues, the residuals of mistakes you will find in this blog in the form of word blindness, I see what is in my head not what is on the I pad. However, the difficulty with communicating to salespeople in a training environment, is the majority find reading and keeping their attention focused very difficult, hence why a lot of intelligent people are suppressed at school and in their career..selecting sales as the non qualified option in communication. So you have to actively engage their minds. The first stage of this project is to develop a small group of individuals and teach them some of the basic techniques of influence as well as the project in depth, so they can help me expand the movement through discussing it with others and inviting them to a meeting. This for many people at first sight is a very scary thing to do as talking to strangers is sometimes difficult. This is why the first part of the program is influence; having the skills and confidence to Influence your internal state, as well as the world around you. To get a job, a relationship, build a business, or any other goal that requires a form of social interaction, the better you are at winning friends and influencing people, it corresponds you will enjoy more success in life. This is a combined creative effort to achieve a certain number of basic goals; the transfer of knowledge and enlightenment, the building of skills to use that knowledge, and the reward system for its application. Many times people say is it like this, or like that, simply because the mind is a sorting machine that tries to find similar subjects to identify and understand new ones. This process is more restrictive not simply for those with more years under the belt, (age is how your mind behaves, not the face in the mirror), but also the limiting behavioural conditioning of the individual. This project is at heart very simple, it's to do a little good in a world that for the most part does it with an expectation, a law or an agenda. Yes, there is an agenda here, and that's social change, as well as promoting and facilitating expansive creative thought, through seminars, resources and coaching. All for a fee all people can afford, and even if they can't I will pay it for them. You see the point of this is walking the walk and talking the talk, and this means taking action in your life to achieve what you want, and if you don't know what you want, you need to go on a journey of discovery that doesn't involve alcohol or any other substance that dims the senses. All of this is a journey of discovery, an experiment into all our minds. Maybe some people don't actually want to know what goes on in theirs as well as how we can engage the creative subconscious to really take a leap forward in life. Personally, the idea of only using a small part of my brain because I can't be bothered with a whole one is rather strange, but you'd be surprised how many people opt for the ignorance is bliss principle. What separates us from all other species is our facility to use our intelligence... I have to wonder in ore, why the majority of humanity tries not to use their god given right to a better life through the application of their most under-utilised muscle that can move mountains; but would rather forget life through apathy, soaps, drink and an I player to drown out the world. There are natural chemicals in your mind that give you a high, there's a soap going on all around if you care to look , and as for music I love it, but not to the detriment of any other aspect of my life. Most people are not living, they are just going through the motions, it's a shame life is wasted as each and every day is wasted when the opportunity for more is all around us

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