Friday 19 April 2013

Evolution or Revolution or Both

Evolution is a precursor to revolution, ultimately what begins with an almost indiscernible change, ends after a tipping point has been reached and revolution steps in. Revolution is not exactly depicted in a favourable light by the form of war and death to change an established order, old fighting new, however in the world we live in, the rules of engagement are somewhat different due to connectivity. No longer can the masses be influenced by propaganda and manipulation in the old ways, now it adopts a very different covert and subtle approach. Revolution is what I aspire to, not out a love of anarchy, but simply a burning desire to see positive change within the world we live, not same story different day. The evolution of the project has been long and in some regards tortuous, but each step is a step forward, that whilst my natural impatience has in the early days caused problems, I am now aware of the need for considered steps. I started off with entrepreneurs to the exclusion of those who had no feeling for the subject, I looked to develop a game to engage the rapidly bored minds society has created, then I moved into the social experiment to gauge interest in a nobel purpose. Three things that together encompass attractions for responsibility, entrepreneurialism, and self development/ awareness. Some might say each is mutually exclusive, but I would say the trick is to take the commonality between each and fuse them as one. This is why I spend so much time talking to people and gauging their responses to everything. OHM is very much an experiment ...not to find the utopian answer to a better world for all, that is actually relatively easy. The experiment is research into developing a method of delivery acceptable to one and all regardless of religion, race, creed or colour. My background is in developing ways everybody buys a product, not just target marketing a select few. In the arena of social change, whilst people abstain from doing anything through apathy and conditioning, they will still turn round and bite you in the bum if you exclude them from having the choice to participate right up to the tipping point, when like lemmings they all follow and pull each other into the future. Choice is something humanity likes to feel it has, but in reality for the most part absolves to someone else. I once had a conversation with a lady about freedom of choice, in which she stated her right to have it, and I explained why in her life it was a complete illusion starting with tooth paste and the placing/ packaging on the shelves. The trick of democracy, is to let people have the feeling they always have choice, but surreptitiously never really give it to them, as in truth, they would really never want the responsibility and ultimately would make what they would consider afterwards the wrong one. Failure, and the fear if it is bred into people from an early age as a conformity program, just like compliance is bred into people in places like Switzerland and Germany. If you take free creative thought and replace it with compliance you have an internalized police state..the policeman is in everyone. This, whilst an ordered system, always has a sub structure of repressed creativity resulting in a short fuse when the structured order is challenged. Creative expansive thinking is dangerous because it allows people to question the established order and what they are being told. So here you have two systems that play out towards the same ends and order...but for who's gain. Ultimately choice is a wonderful thing, but the propensity to constantly make the wrong one when it comes to personal wellbeing, and society seems at first sight an inherent trait in humanity. The first world war was good for somebody, but not those who died in the mud on either side. Smoking was good for making money, just like any addictive habit, but not necessarily good for those who died from it. Wealth can make your life considerably easier, but not if you see money as the route to all evil, and rich people as doing something wrong to get it. Some people see being poor as noble, and defend their right to not be materialistic... Proud to not aspire to have more. To be honest, I'd rather be working with people who like nice things and aspire to be wealthy, than people who don't, simply because a rich persons jokes are always funny and you can always get more done in this world with money. So this project must not exclude anyone and I'm pretty close to getting there with the pitch. My ideal would be to copy a virus, in that people don't have the choice about getting it, but naturally pass it on..hence why viruses are so successful. The other way is to make success and personal fulfilment law, which I don't suppose is going to happen anytime soon, as I don't suppose the S&PF party would actually get any supporters

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