Thursday 18 April 2013

Not the Bus For Me

People sometimes ask me why I'm so committed to this project. It's a question that if you think about it is really easy to answer. Why isn't everybody committed to this project? The betterment of our society ...surely that's a cause that we should all be actively supporting. Some people comment on what I'm trying to accomplish as 'it's not for everyone' , and have to say here and now I can't think of a more ridiculous statement when it comes to social change, but not when it comes to the method of delivery, hence why Im at pains to be all things to all people..a very difficult task.The point of the project is for everyone....whether they like it or the evolution of this world is all our responsibility whether through the experiment or not. This is an organic creative exercise that ultimately has a course and a path all of it's own. Its not owned by anybody, it just is. You cannot own an evolutionary process, just as much as a you cannot own a revolution, but like it or not we are all part of it. There are many reasons people give not to be involved, and even those who skirt around the edges are not exactly committed. Reasons like the world is fine as it is...what does this mean..all the hunger, war, prejudice, crime, and abuses of people are ok...or is it better to say my world is fine as it is, I'm not bothered about the rest of it. I give to charity and that's my bit for humanity done. You could say there's nothing wrong with that, and all the powers in the world who run our societies are very keen for you to think this way, as it benefits them, even to the detriment of your own life. People say what can I do, I'm just a small spec in the wind, true, but if you sand with others you become a sand storm of change. All very poetic, but where's the substance, for in this world we need money to really mean anything, and I mean lots of it. So the best revolutionaries are a group of wealthy revolutionaries, and that is one of the fundamental building blocks of this make those involved wealthy so they can do more than sit on the sidelines of life in a 9-5 job, and actually become someone who values themselves, and what they have achieved. Ask yourself what would you like as a testament to your life, a metaphorical gold watch and some rounds of golf before you're planted under the 19th hole. Here lies, oh what was his name...he propped up the end of the bar very well, she was always quite charming, now what did she do with her life? Some see their potential lives in the way their children now live...all hope and opportunity, sadly forgotten and passed to the offspring. Again nothing wrong with this, but humanity includes each and every one of us including our children, so making a safer, more considerate world has surely got to be a better solution. This project might not be the bus for you, and if you've got a better one please come forward as this is all about creativity, helping each other to go forward, nothing is written in stone. But so far in all my research I haven't exactly seen anyone with an my answer to why do I do this is simply my conscience, and the question you might want to ask yourself... What's the reason you are here? Just to work, procreate and die, or play your part in moving all our lives forward. I'm passionate about this subject, I spend a considerable amount of time on discovering the switch that will ignite the passion in others to want and have more, rather than accept less, personally, financially, and spiritually. The more you give to others the more you will receive for energies of all kinds need to be passed on from one to another, and this includes love, money and knowledge....integral parts of the philosophy of change. I know I'm just one person, and if I keep going sooner or later I will find a small group of people who think outside the herd, people with the courage and the creativity to sit together and say enough of this shit, it's time to do something about it and together we can

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