Wednesday 24 April 2013

End of The Experimental Stage

For as long as I can remember I have sought social change. Why, is simply because very early on as a child, I realised what I was being told didn't make sense. It made sense for the someone, or the group of people telling me what they thought I needed to know, because it supported their cause and way of thinking, but it wasn't necessarily for my benefit. This approach combined with being dyslexic and having something of an attention disorder, didn't make the program of school life a particularly easy ride for me. However, my attitude and learning difficulties gave me the advantage of seeing life from a different perspective. If the term 'thinking out of the box' had been well known or even coined at the time, it wouldn't have applied to me, as you had to be in the box first, to think your way out of it. My thinking was on a different planet, hence why I've always been keen to change this one. It's not the desire to be a megalomaniac, it's really just calling a spade a spade. The world as I saw it back then, was a strange hypocritical place of many inconsistencies and unanswered questions. Nothing has changed my opinion to this day, other than finding the answers to the questions no one could supply... in myself. One question that always puzzled me, was why scientists said we only use 90 % of our brains, which to me as a child made the human race seem something of a bunch of retards. I had no desire to join the herd who didn't seem to care, but rather go on my own search for the large bit of my brain that was missing. I saw education streamed for those who fitted into the established norm, and society divided between the privileged few, and the suppressed expectations of the many. When at the age of ten, I was asked what I would like to be when I grew up, I said retired. Simply because my grandparents after nearly fifty years of work, kept saying how they were looking forward to retirement and the choice of what they were going to do with their time. Naturally I concluded, retirement was the desired option over work, through freedom and choice, so I would approach life with that in mind first, then choose how to enjoy myself. To give you an example of why this thinking is not a product of environment, my close brother conformed, started a job, and spent 33 years in it in exactly the same institution, much in the same way as the rest of the family did. Many true entrepreneurs are dyslexic, and one of the positive things about the condition is, whilst 'normal' people approach learning without difficulty, dyslexics have to create imaginative alternatives to overcome simple problems. Some channel their creative energies successfully into an art form, others become visionaries, but many become criminals or salespeople. It is difficult to conform, so the answers come from the subconscious to over come the difficulties. Only through working with many dyslexics did I identify these traits, and understand my own behaviour, something that affects one in four of us. My search for answers to my own questions about myself and the dysfunctional world the majority accept, took me all over the world looking to develop new ways of learning and maximising potential. I did this from a wealth creation stand point, as I saw only one person trying to rock convention, as ultimately more effective the more money he had in his pocket. One thing the overwhelming majority of people I encountered and tried to help had in common, were a set of limiting behavioural patterns, fears and expectations, with desires suppressed by social conditioning from early on ... conformity to their detriment. This applied to their relationships, careers, as well as their social interactions. Coming from a different planet so to was easy to see how they were being controlled by society through inbuilt conditioning. And just as governments and TV advertising does, push the buttons to get them to buy the products I was involved in, and make a considerable amount of money in a short space of time. Subsequently, I turned away from business, simply because like many people, without fulfilling your core values and purpose, life is a very empty cup. Diversions such as falling in love, addictions, the acquisition of wealth and power, suppress any higher purpose we all have inbuilt into our psyches, and primarily the reason you find so many people these days, disillusioned with what they perceive is on their plate, however rich the dish. However, it is the perception of the dish, and the expectations of the past and the future, that are the problem. Ultimately, we all have to come to the question of purpose at some time or another. And the higher one is funnily enough the same for all of us. My journeys into self, social, commercial and financial discovery, are the foundations of this program. It is practical and effective, with core values, goals and a refined methodology. The program is not based on any other form or mechanism in the world today. Its parts are drawn together, to create a holistic development path in a practical and commercial world, that actually achieves health, wealth and mental prosperity for those who are serious about what is to fulfil their own potential; as well as play their part with the rest of us, as one united human race. The program is whilst both structured and organic, your own individual journey forward. It is about your understanding, learning, and development specifically for you, at whatever time of life you find yourself in, circumstances that surround you, or answers you are looking for. Remember, I have taken education, life, business, wealth and purpose, and created an alternative structure based around unity and equality, in a progressive and expansive program. This is designed for you to benefit, personally, financially and socially, in order to give you the choice how you live your life, and potentially guide someone else to that gift to. Life is a constant evolution, that sometimes needs a bit of revolution to give it the kick up the bottom necessary to enlighten it. In this the only kicking will be by you to you, and as hard or soft as you like. Kern

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